The pony puzzle

The pony puzzle

Puzzle Pony

Many years ago, while returning from Europe in the company of Andrew G. Curtin, the famous Governor of Pennsylvania (who returned from his post in Russia to present himself as a candidate for president of the United States), we talked about the curious monument of the White Horse of Uppington Hill, Berkshire, England.

If you know nothing about that strange relic of the first Saxons, the attached illustration will give you an excellent idea of ​​your appearance. It represents the figure of a colossal horse several hundred feet long, drawn on the slope of a mountain at about a thousand feet above sea level and is visible from about fifteen miles away. He is over a thousand years old, and it is believed that it was made by the soldiers of Etelredo and Alfredo (the white horse was the emblem of the Saxons) after his victory over the Danes. What looks like snow on the mountain slope is actually the product of the elimination of green grass, removed to show the white earth underneath, in the form of a horse.
After talking for a long time about the white horse, the governor exclaimed: "Well. Loyd, in this there would be the germ of a riddle ".

Many good riddles have appeared like this. So, with my scissors and a piece of paper, I quickly improvised the horse figure that you can see here.

It would be very simple to improve the parties and the general form of the old horse, and I modified it in the version that I later published, but in reality I love the old Jamelgo as it was for the first time, with all its defects, and by I present this here as it occurred to me on that occasion.

The world has moved very quickly during the last decade, and fans are much more sagacious than they used to be. In those days, probably only one between a thousand would truly solve the riddle, so that seeing how many can solve it will currently be a true test of the intelligence of the past compared to that of the current generation.

Draw an exact copy of the figure we show. Cort the six parties very carefully, then try to accommodate them so that they form the best possible figure of a horse. That's all. For a year I enjoyed the various grotesque representations that could be built with those six pieces. I sold more than one billion copies of the "Pony riddle". This drives me to say that, although I have devised many riddles, I have patented numerous inventions and I have dedicated a lot , for whose promotion and insertion in the market a five -dollar ticket is not necessary.

In summary:
Print a copy of the figure and cut the six pieces carefully. Try to distribute them all together until you get the best possible representation of a jogging horse.

Puzzle pony stated


The black parts of the paper are nothing more than an illusion and a mockery. These pieces are located in a way that form, in the center, a white horse, as shown by the Enlightenment.

Puzzle Pony Solution