The child's puernus archetype

The child's puernus archetype

The child's archetype is the one that arises, many times with enough intensity, in adult life. For an optimal state of physical and psychological balance, we must know how to integrate it into our consciousness. Dissociation or non -integration of this archetype can lead to syndromes such as Pue aeternus: The Eternal Child or Peter Pan Syndrome.


  • THE PUER AETERNUS: Child's archetype
    • Become aware of our inner child
    • Does the inner child mean something?
    • Consequences of repressing or not integrating our inner child
    • Integrate the inner child
    • Bibliography

THE PUER AETERNUS: Child's archetype

This powerful archetype is constituted by all those experiences, memories, traumas and emotions stored in our unconscious that, not only represent our past experiences, but also accumulated experiences of the species.

On many occasions we can be under the influence of the child's archetype in situations of vital crisis, dissatisfaction, existential emptiness and restlessness. This is characterized by the following:

  • For a strong impulse of ride a past in which everything was better, there was protection (especially the mother) and was happier
  • Fantasies of power modify the past, To seek a better life in the present
  • Strong tendency to distraction, fun and search for sensations
  • Desire to escape adult life. That is, of routine, responsibilities, seriousness, rigidity ..

Become aware of our inner child

Adult life, luckily or unfortunately is complex, rigid, competitive, sacrificed, routine and does not usually allow distraction, idleness, or weakness. It is clear that to be an adult and be able to endure the weight of responsibility we have to take a serious and unequivocal step towards maturity and "kill the child" that we once went. Similarly, a strong psychological and emotional balance is needed to deal with all these demands.

However, we can find an adult person who is in a Impasse, unable to commit to their present and future projects and regretting the bad decisions made in life, with a strong desire to return to a past moment of his life where everything was better. That person could be under the superior influence of the child's archetype. Therefore, he will not improve until he integrates it into his experience.

In the most extreme cases, we can find adults who refuse to mature, to shun the responsibility and prefer a comfortable and selfish life. 14 -year -old people continue to feel in bodies of people of forty -so many or fifty -so many. This would be the Pue aeternus.

Does the inner child mean something?

Nothing in our psyche occurs by chance. If the inner child is present, it will be for some reason. You have to find it:

  • Maybe there is something of our life that we should change?
  • Will there be something we don't like about our partner, work, habits .. ?
  • Or, on the contrary, will there be any past trauma that has to face and overcome?

Working with this archetype helps us identify what happens to us and what should we do to improve our life in a responsible way, without having to neglect our adult responsibilities.

Consequences of repressing or not integrating our inner child

Two or more of the following consequences can occur:

  • Life mainly focused on the past
  • Inability to establish medium and long -term objectives
  • Absence of vital project
  • Generalized dissatisfaction with life
  • Existential vacuum
  • Anomia and lack of commitment
  • Little responsible life
  • Sexual promiscuity
  • Anguish and stress
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Social isolation
  • Premature aging

Integrate the inner child

It is a complicated path, but we give opt for an intermediate solution between "killing the child" and living in a permanent state of "Pue aeternus". We must understand that we are not children and that the past will not return. Besides, We have to find a meaning to our existence again, Find personal, professional and family projects that fill us.

Similarly, we must know properly combine our work and responsibilities with leisure and fun And why not, occasionally get the child we have inside (because he is not bad).

In conclusion, we must understand that our psyche is made up of a delicate balance of forces, most of them inaccessible to our consciousness and understanding without the convenient prior analysis. Archetypes produce enormous dynamic force to know how to channel properly.


  • Von Franz, M. L. (1981). Pue aeternus. Boston: I'm still.