The classic conditioning process

The classic conditioning process

We have defined classic conditioning with the paradigm E-e. That is, that a learning process that is due to the association of two stimuli (EC and EI). Any association of two stimuli does not constitute a learning process for classical conditioning, but only those that produce some functional relationships Between the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response, EC-RC relations.

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  1. The classic conditioning process
  2. Classic conditioning techniques
  3. Classic conditioning procedures

The classic conditioning process

There are other important characteristics of the process to be taken into account.

  1. The most important is that appearance or non -presentation of the IS is independent of the production by the subject of the conditioned response RC. It is a respondent learning, therefore, the spontaneous activity of the subject has no consequence of the learning process.
  2. The other feature is in relation to this.

What is conditioned are respondents, reflexes, not spontaneous activities. Actually the Classic conditioning process It consists of the functional relationship of a conditioned stimulus and a conditioned response that is established as follows:

  • A stimulus (a sound) that does not cause an answer (salivation) occurs precisely with another stimulus (lemon juice), which constantly causes and constantly an answer (salivation).
  • This Stimulus mating a certain number of times is repeated and an association between the two is established.
  • Finally, only the stimulus (sound) that previously did not cause the answer is presented, without already presenting the stimulus that normally caused it.

Then we find that the presentation of the sound causes salivation, although not in the same amount that caused the lemon juice. In this way we have defined the process of classic two ways conditioning:

  1. First, theoretically, it is the functional relationship EC-Er Under the association E-e, and
  2. second, experimentally, is a process of three phases In a successive development of events.

Two independent stimuli with independent responses; mating of the two stimuli; finally, functional dependence on one to the presentation of the other.

Classic conditioning techniques

With this model (Excitative classic conditioning) and these two subtypes (appetizing and defense) It was thought that any neutral stimulus could condition any unconditioned stimulus. This is not so and the classic conditioning model has its limitations. Of the different experimental situations that have been created in the works on classical conditioning, three techniques have been established that have defined the RC with three types of response: appetitive, defense and psychophysiological. Salivar conditioning was the classic experimental disposition used by Pavlov in his investigations, in this way he has come to define in general the conditioning appetitive classic.

Conditioning of the nicitating membrane is the typical disposition of conditioning experiments with defense response. The so -called conditioning has been used a lot Palpebral. The flashing response in these circumstances seems rather active, operant behavior, and it is not so clear that it is a key and well -defined response of classical conditioning.

For these reasons, GORMEZANO, has replaced this experimental provision with the conditioning of the rabbit nicitator membrane. Conditioning of psychophysiological responses is the experimental disposition that uses as answers, psychophysiological responses, such as the electrical conductance of the skin, heart rate or respiratory rhythm. These responses have become one of the most important provisions in the current studies of classical conditioning.

Classic conditioning procedures

A same conditioning, With the same stimuli and responses you can present various modalities According to the procedure as the intervening stimuli are presented in the experiment. These procedures are four: simultaneous, delayed, of footprint and backward.

  1. In it Simultaneous procedure, The EC is presented to Same time that the IS.
  2. In it Delayed procedure (delay), The EC is presented immediately before of the EI.
  3. In the one fingerprint, there's a time interval Between the appearance of EC and the EI.
  4. In it backward procedure, The EC appears after of the EI.

The important thing about these procedures is that They do not produce the same force In the establishment of the association between both stimuli. The backwards presents difficulties in provoking the association. The footprint and the delay are those that present a most intense association and greater ease in establishing conditioning. And finally the simultaneous in terms of the force of association produced, is between the delay and the backward.

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