The stalker profile that bullying at school

The stalker profile that bullying at school

In today's article we are going to talk about what is the Bullying stalker profile. That is, what, of a lifetime, has been known as class thug. As you will see, it is a profile very similar to that of the abuser. Therefore, it is important to detect it in time and correct it.


  • What is bullying?
  • What is the stalker's profile?
    • Types of bullying
  • How to cancel the activity of a stalker?

What is bullying?

The bullying It may seem new by the name that is being used lately, but The truth is that it is something as old as the children themselves. This is what was traditionally called bullying (although it does not only occur in school).

Today, however, it seems that the amount of bullying has increased. In addition, we must add the fact that, on many occasions, This type of harass is recorded and climb on the Internet.

And also, It is also common for this harassment not to be limited to school, but can be given continuously through networks. And, of course, this is something problematic, because it assumes that the harassed does not take place where to be safe.

This is one of the main differences regarding what existed 20 years ago. And, at that time, there were also weak thugs and boys who received those abuses. But, when they left class, everything ended.

Today, not only does not end, but can be aggravated, given the anonymity situation on the Internet. Therefore, although bullying is not something new, it is becoming something more common and, in addition, adopting greater gravity.

What is the stalker's profile?

When talking about the stalker's profile, we can do it from two different perspectives. On the one hand, We can talk about the general characteristics of the stalker. However, We can also talk about the different types of stalkers.


As for General characteristics of the school stalker, We can find the following:

  1. Need to dominate and control others.
  2. Explosive and impulsive temperament.
  3. Stimulates violence and enjoy it.
  4. Lack of empathy.
  5. They have little self -criticism and low frustration tolerance.
  6. They are intolerant to differences.
  7. They have a very rigid thought (this is linked to the above).
  8. They tend to challenge the rules.
  9. They are manipulators.

As you can see, These features are very similar to those of the psychological abuser. And, in fact, it is not strange that many of those who were stalkers at school, end up being abusers with their partners when they grow.

Types of bullying

In addition to the above, we can talk about the different types of bullying, Because there is not one. However, we must bear in mind that, although there are different types, they all share, to a greater or lesser extent, the above characteristics:

  1. Physical stalker: This stalker bases his actions on physical aggression, such as kicks, pushing or zancadillas. It is the most "typical" stalker and, although it seems the most serious, it is actually the least harmful, because it limits itself to doing physical, but not mental damage.
  2. Verbal stalker: The verbal stalker does not physically attack the victim, but he does it through the words. It is usual for using insult, but, on many occasions, use cruel words, which can hurt more than the insults themselves.
  3. Relational stalker: This stalker uses personal relationships to damage the victim. On many occasions, he tries to be integrated into the group of friends, but, on other occasions, he can put some people against others.
  4. Cyberbully: Cyberbully uses new technologies to carry out its harassment. It can be said that he is a type 2 and 3 stalker (even 5, sometimes) who uses the Internet to carry out this harassment.
  5. Carnal stalker: Finally, there is the stalker characterized by touching, obscene words, or even rape or blackmail to get sexual contact.
Bullying. Characteristics of stalkers and harassed

How to cancel the activity of a stalker?

Much has been written about How to end bullying, But the truth is that, so far, which has been proven that it works best, is the performance of the other boys. That is, it is useless to try to raise the stalker, but we must raise awareness of the other boys.

The stalker acts because he has the complicity of the other children in the class. If you don't have it, you can't act. That is why you have to educate the boys in mutual respect and in the value of defending the weak.

As you can see, he Bullying stalker has a very clear profile and similar to the abuser. Therefore, it is important to detect and correct it as soon as possible. And, to this, it can help (and much), the attitude of the other class boys.

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