The ISTJ personality profile of the personality test Myers Briggs el Centinela

The ISTJ personality profile of the personality test Myers Briggs el Centinela

ISTJ are known to the nickname of "the sentries" due to their firm and committed approach to duty and responsibility, to its reliable nature, its assessment of traditions and their tendency to work within established structures. ISTJ are characterized by their meticulousness, their attention to detail and their preference for coherence and order, this combination of traits allows them to be pillars of trust and stability in all areas.

The MBTI test analyzes 4 areas of personality and behavior, and each of the 4 acronym of the acronym ISTJ refers to the personality profile in each of these areas, in this case: Introverted (i), observer (s), rational (t) and judicious (J). The combination of these four dichotomies determines the characteristics of the 16 possible personality types generated by the test:

  • ENCE (the activist)
  • INTP (the architect)
  • ESFP (the enthusiast)
  • UNCJ (the commander)
  • ESTP (the entrepreneur)
  • ISFP (the artist)
  • INFP (the healer)
  • ISTP (the virtuoso)
  • ISTJ (El Centinela)
  • INFJ (the counselor)
  • Intj (the genius)
  • ISFJ (the defender)
  • ESFJ (the protector)
  • Estj (the supervisor)
  • ENTP (the visionary)

In psychoactive, we put at your disposal a Free test to discover what your mbti profile is.

The psychological test that reveals your MBTI personality profile


  • The introvert profile (i)
    • Distinctive features of introverts
    • Distinctive features of observers
  • The rational profile (t)
    •  Distinctive features of rational
  • The judicious profile (J)
    • Distinctive features of the judicious
  • The cognitive functions of ISTJ
  • ISTJ Characteristics: Sentinels
    • What is the ideal couple of an ISTJ
    • What are the most compatible profiles with the Istj
    • The greatest enemies of the ISTJ
    • The color that best represents the Istj
    • The animal that reflects the personality of the Istj
  • How is Istj's personality
  • What image the Istj project on the people around
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the ISTJ
  • How are Istj in love
  • How to conquer an Istj
  • Paternity in the Istj
  • Famous characters with the Istj personality type
  • Biography

The introvert profile (i)

The dimension of introversion (i) / extraversion (e), refers to how people interact with the world around them, how they focus their attention and how they get their vital energy.

Distinguishes two types of people, on the one hand, the profile Extraverted which corresponds to those individuals who obtain their vitality and motivation of social interactions, active or stimulating environments, and activities that involve other people, while people with the profile Introvert They recharge the batteries spending time alone, reflecting internally, and prefer quieter and less stimulating environments.

This dimension does not analyze whether someone is socially outgoing or shy, but analyzes the most effective source of energy and motivation of a person.

People with the profile Introvert In the MBTI test they are characterized by their internal approach and their tendency to process thoughts and decisions within their own mental space before interacting with the outside world. Unlike the Extraverted, that seek stimuli and energy in the environment, Introverted recharge their energy through moments of loneliness and reflection. This does not mean that they avoid social contact, but simply prefer more significant and deep interactions instead of extensive and superficial social interactions.

The Introverted They are usually detailed observers, with an ability to focus on subtleties that can go unnoticed by others, tend to be reflective and deliberate in their actions, preferring to have their thoughts and well -trained plans before presenting them to the outside world. This internal process often allows them to develop a deep understanding of their own emotions and motivations, and can also promote problem -solving skills.

Although Introverted They may seem reserved or distant at first glance, their introspection often results in deep and significant relationships with others, their tendency to reflection can make them look less open to social interactions, but also allows them to adapt to situations and connect with people to a deeper level.

The Introverted They must make conscious efforts to understand the views of others, since their internal approach makes them difficult to understand the motivations and perspectives of others, and although they have a preference for their inner world, they are also able to navigate the social world effectively and significantly.

The Introverted They are not necessarily antisocial, but they usually prefer interaction in small groups instead of large crowds and can feel exhausted by too much social interaction, tend to reflect before speaking, internally processing their thoughts before expressing them, and are usually more reserved and less open In social interactions, although they can be very deep and rich in their internal world.

Distinctive features of introverts

  • They can be described as reserved or private.
  • Prefer a slower pace with time to observe and think.
  • They tend to reflect internally.
  • Prefer to observe instead of being the center of attention.

Introversion or extroversion test


The intuitive dimension (n) / observer (s), refers to the way people have to process information and how they prefer to obtain and understand knowledge.

It is not a measure of intelligence or cognitive capacity, but that it refers to the favorite methods that people use to interact with information and understand the world around them. In general terms, it evaluates whether a person prefers to focus on tangible and concrete information Observers, Or if you prefer to focus on abstract possibilities and information, Intuitive.

People with the trait Observer In the MBTI test they perceive the world mainly through your own experiences, as opposed to Intuitive, who see it in terms of concepts and ideas. The Observers They tend to consider each experience, situation and person as a unique piece in the great puzzle of life.

This approach to concrete experiences can make the opinions of the Observers They are strongly influenced by the context of their experiences and are less flexible when considering foreign experiences, however, understanding the concepts behind experiences can help them have a broader vision and accept different points of view.

The Observers They usually appreciate the good of their lives and the world, and strive to protect it, but they must be careful not to resist change or defend negative attitudes only for their familiarity.

They are usually practical, realistic and detailed people, prefer specific and tangible data, and focus on the present. Their approach to reality allows them to observe and remember the details precisely, they like to learn through practice, direct experience and facts, have their feet on the ground and work step by step, systematically.

Distinctive features of observers

  • They focus on the reality of how things are.
  • Pay attention to concrete facts and details.
  • Prefer ideas that have practical applications.
  • They like to describe things in a concrete and literal way.
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The rational profile (t)

The rational dimension (t) / emotional (f) refers to the way people have to make decisions and their priorities in life.

PEOPLE WITH PROFILE Rational, They tend to make decisions impersonally, based on logic and objectivity, while people in profile Emotional they make decisions based on their personal values ​​and how they will affect others.

People with the profile Rational In the MBTI test, they tend to focus first on the utility and functionality of things when making decisions, They have an innate ability to understand the necessary steps to achieve an objective and are aware of the possible advantages or disadvantages of any action, idea or attitude.

In general, they base their decisions on an objective and logical evaluation of situations, they seek truth and justice, and are generally emotionally detaches from the decisions they make.

Their main objective is to be impartial and value consistency, logic and precision, in their daily lives, tend to analyze the pros and cons of each situation before making a decision and can also be critical since they do not fear the conflict, who consider that it is an opportunity for an intellectual debate and to approach the truth.

 Distinctive features of rational

  • They make decisions in an impersonal way, using logical reasoning.
  • They value justice and equity.
  • Enjoy finding failures in an argument.
  • They could be described as reasonable, with the feet on the ground.

The judicious profile (J)

The judicious dimension (J) / perceptive (p), Evaluate how people interact with the outside world, And particularly how they face life, work, and how they handle their decisions and actions.

On the one hand, people who prefer wisdom, tend to be organized and follow a plan are classified as Judicious, While people who prefer perception, are more spontaneous and prefer to maintain open options are classified as Perceptual.

People with the profile Judicious In the MBTI test they prefer to draw a path and follow it, obtaining satisfaction to see your will become reality, although this may mean not considering all possible routes to get there.

People with this profile prefer to plan their actions in advance, but they can have difficulty detecting alternative options that people with perceptual trait would see immediately and can be reluctant to try something new if their plans do not function as expected.

People with the trait Judicious They tend to be organized and structured, they feel comfortable establishing plans and following them, prefer predictable and orderly life, and are usually determined and resolutive in their tasks. These types of people often enjoy creating and following routines, and generally prefer to have firm control over their schedules and commitments.

Distinctive features of the judicious

  • Prefer that things are resolved.
  • They think that rules and deadlines must be respected.
  • Prefer to have detailed instructions, step by step.
  • They make plans, they want to know in advance what they are getting.

The cognitive functions of ISTJ

Cognitive functions, describe the specific ways in which people process information and make decisions, There are eight cognitive functions in total that are divided into perception functions: [ne], [ni], [se], [yes] and judgment functions: [te], [ti], [faith], [fi] and Each can be directed towards the internal world (introverted) or towards the external world (extraverted).

Each MBTI profile has a unique combination of these functions, with a dominant one that is the most natural and preferred, followed by an auxiliary, tertiary and, finally, the lower function. This functions structure helps provide a more detailed and nuanced understanding of each personality type compared to simple MBTI dichotomies.

The following cognitive functions of ISTJ in order of the most dominant to the least relevant, define their particular way of perceiving the world and making decisions:

  1. Introverted observer [yes] - (Dominant function): ISTJ are based on their past experiences to inform their present decisions, have a detailed memory and trust data and facts that have collected throughout their lives.
  2. Extraverted rational [te] - (auxiliary function): This function helps them organize the external world and work efficiently, the Istj with [te] developed are good for management and organization, carrying out things logically and systematic.
  3. Emotional introverted [fi] - (tertiary function): Although ISTJ decision -making is more guided by logic than for feelings, they still have an internal values ​​system to which they adhere, [fi] helps them tune in with their own emotions and beliefs.
  4. Extraverted intuitive [NE] - (lower function): This is the less developed function for ISTJ, however, when activated, they can help them see future possibilities and connections between apparently unrelated ideas. As they mature or in stress situations, ISTJ can be found exploring this function more frequently.

Although the dominant and auxiliary function are the most relevant and used in the daily life of an ISTJ, all functions work together to form the full profile of their personality. With time and personal development, many people can learn to access and use their tertiary and lower functions more effectively.

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ISTJ Characteristics: Sentinels

ISTJ are defined as Responsible, sincere, analytical, reserved, realistic and systematic. They position themselves as the protectors of the world as it is. Together with the rest of the SJ profiles, they are part of the Guardians group. These groups are formed with the profiles that share two of the four dimensions of the test, in this case, it is the SJ dimensions that present the following characteristics:

  • They value experience, security, responsibility and authority
  • They have a strong sense of organization and thorough attention to detail,
  • They feel comfortable acquiring new responsibilities
  • They express themselves seriously and complicate traditions and norms
  • They prefer stable and known work patterns.
  • They are trusted people

What is the ideal couple of an ISTJ

The ideal couple for an ISTJ is ESFP.

These are profiles that are complemented in many areas, while the ISTJ is logical, organized and detail -oriented, the sphic is spontaneous, lively and present to the present, and together, they can help each other to grow and balance. The ESFP can introduce the ISTJ to new experiences and help you enjoy the present moment, while the ISTJ can provide stability, structure and planning to the relationship, in addition, both value the concrete experience, even if they process it differently.

What are the most compatible profiles with the Istj

Some profiles are traditionally considered more compatible with the ISTJ due to their cognitive functions and how they interact with each other.

  • ESFP: ESFP and ISTJ complement each other in many areas, while the ISTJ is logical and detail oriented, the sphp is spontaneous and lively, and together, they can balance each other. The ESFP can help ISTJ to enjoy the present, while the ISTJ can offer structure and stability.
  • Estj: Having similar types can facilitate mutual understanding in the relationship, and like ISTJ, ESTJ is oriented to the task, it is responsible and values ​​tradition and structure, which can lead to a harmonious relationship based on shared values ​​and similar goals.
  • ISFJ: Although the ISTJ and the ISFJ have different functions of thought and feeling, both are introverted, retailers and focus on observation, the ISFJ can provide warmth and care to the relationship, while the ISTJ can offer logic and structure, together, together They can form an effective equipment that balances care with functionality.
  • Estp: Although in many ways they are opposite, this relationship can be beneficial for personal growth, ESTP is adventurous and lives at the time, while the ISTJ is more cautious and planned, so together, they can learn from each other and balance.

The greatest enemies of the ISTJ

There are some profiles that present greater challenges of communication and mutual understanding with the ISTJ due to certain fundamental differences in their cognitive functions and priorities, these challenges could especially arise with the types that have opposite or very different cognitive functions.

  • ENCE: While the ISTJ is practical, detailed and focuses on tradition and structure, the enca is creative, intuitive and focuses on future possibilities, these fundamental differences can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts if they are not properly managed.
  • ENFJ: Although both types are judicious (J) and, therefore, they value the structure, their ways of processing information and making decisions are quite different, the enf is extroverted, oriented to people and focuses on group harmony, While the ISTJ is introverted, oriented to the facts and focuses on logic.
  • INFP: Although both are introverted, their cognitive functions are quite different, the INFP is guided by its internal values ​​and future possibilities, while the ISTJ is rooted in concrete facts and traditions.
  • INFJ: As with the INFP, the differences in decision -making and perception can lead to misunderstandings between these two profiles, the INFJ is intuitive and focused on people, while the ISTJ is sensible and oriented to the facts.

Istj in a single word: Methodical

ISTJ personality in a single phrase: Dedicated Guardians of Tradition and Order.

The color that best represents the Istj

The color that Istj best represents is the grey. This color reflects its practical and disciplined nature, at the same time that it symbolizes stability and reliability, qualities that Istj possess in abundance. Gray is a color that transmits a sensation of calm, balance and solidity, very in line with the characteristics of the ISTJ. As are people who value the structure, organization and reliability, gray, a color that is neutral and balanced, they look very good.

The animal that reflects the personality of the Istj

The animal that improves represents the ISTJ profile is the owl. Owls are methodical creatures, observer and with a penetrating perspective, they are known for their ability to see in the dark, which symbolizes the attention to detail and the ability of the ISTJ to see beyond distractions and focus on what is essential In addition, the owls are usually lonely, what is aligned with the introverted nature of the ISTJ. In the same way, they are creatures of habits and routines, similar to how Istj value the structure and order.

How is Istj's personality

The ISTJ profile is a type of personality that is characterized by being introverted, observer, rational and judicious, People with this type of personality are usually reserved but firm, and have a rational vision of life, They plan their actions carefully and execute them with a methodical purpose.

Istj value their integrity a lot, they are people who strive to fulfill their word and, when they commit to doing something, they make sure they carry it out, it is a fairly common type of personality in the general population and, although they can Do not highlight and do not seek to get attention, they usually do more than they are expected to keep society on a solid and stable basis.

In their families and communities, they usually gain respect for their reliability, practicality and ability to remain firm and logical, even in situations of great stress. In a world where many people evade their responsibilities or simply say what others want to listen, people with ISTJ profile stand out for being dedicated, responsible and honest.

The ISTJ's self -esteem core comes from a sense of personal integrity, they believe that there is a correct way to proceed in any situation and that those who pretend otherwise are probably trying to break the rules to satisfy their own purposes, they have a deep Respect for structure and tradition, and are often attracted to organizations, workplaces and educational environments that offer clear hierarchies and expectations.

People with ISTJ profile rarely hesitate to assume responsibility for their actions and elections, In general terms, they rush to recognize their own mistakes, admitting the truth even if it does not make them well, for them, honesty is much more important than the talent for the show, and prefer to satisfy their own conscience than to lie to impress someone else.

Because they strive to fulfill their obligations, whatever happens, ISTJ's personalities often feel baffled by people who fail to maintain the same standard, and sometimes, they can misunderstand people misunderstanding people who cannot match their rigorous self -control, suspecting that someone is being lazy or dishonest when that person could actually be facing other challenges. Even if they do not express these judgments out loud, their disdain can manifest anyway, which gives them a reputation of being somewhat strict or not empathic.

The dedication of ISTJ is an admirable quality and drives many of their achievements, but it can also become a weakness of which other people take advantage. With their strong work ethics and their sense of duty, they can be routinely assuming the responsibilities of other people, and even if they do not complain about the situation, they can end exhausted or discouraged if they take care of themselves, to take over their colleagues , friends or loved ones.

Istj are not known for expressing their emotions easily, but that does not mean that people with this type of personality do not feel frustration or resentment when they strive more than they due, and unless they make sure that their relationships are balanced and sustainable , they can end up compromising the stability they feel called to protect.

The good news is that, learning to establish appropriate limits and speak when they are overloaded, they can offer the world the complete benefit of their many gifts, including their clarity, their loyalty and reliability.

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What image the Istj project on the people around

The Istj They project an image of seriousness, firmness and commitment towards others, They are seen as pillars of reliability in their respective environments, either at work, in the family or among friends, and in many situations, people go to them in search of guidance or simply because they know that an ISTJ will maintain their word, not They are usually impulsive or capricious; On the other hand, they are deliberate in their actions and decisions, which gives them a stability reputation.

The introverted nature of the ISTJ can make them look reserved or distant for those who do not know them well, however, once they establish a connection, they show a loyalty and a depth of character that surprises many, may not be the most expressive at the emotional level, but their constancy and dedication speak volumes about how much the relationships and commitments that have established.

At work, colleagues see Istj as people who can be trusted to perform tasks with meticulousness and precision, They do not seek to be the center of attention, but their work speaks for itself, and their bosses and superiors often value them for their dedication and their ability to follow procedures and maintain a high work standard.

Friends and family, meanwhile, can see the ISTJ as someone who can always trust, and although they are not always externalized their emotions, ISTJ have a unique way of showing their love and care: through acts of service, being consistent and being present at crucial moments. It is common for people around them to feel a deep gratitude towards them, recognizing that, although the Istj do not always talk about their feelings, they are always there, firm as a rock, at the time when they are most needed.

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What are the strengths and weaknesses of the ISTJ

Istj, like all personality types of the MBTI test, present a unique set of virtues and strengths, as well as certain weaknesses and areas of challenge that vary in intensity and manifestation between individuals within the same type of personality.

People with ISTJ profile, They are individuals of honesty and unwavering righteousness, For them, the reality of situations must face a simple and flat truth, without leaving room for emotional manipulation, mental games or comforting lies. Its integrity is manifested in their actions, working hard and focusing on their objectives with a strong will and unwavering obedience, they are patient and determined, and when they commit to an obligation, they fulfill it without hesitation.

Responsibility is a pillar in the life of Istj , His word is a promise and a promise for them means everything, they are loyal and fulfill their duties towards the people and organizations with which they have committed.

In their world, tranquility and pragmatism are essential, they keep their feet on the ground and make clear and rational decisions, always looking for effectiveness over empathy.

ISTJ are the architects of order, They believe that the effectiveness is achieved when everyone knows exactly what is happening and why, do not tolerate the unclear guidelines or the people who break the rules, and are proud depositories of knowledge, focusing on facts and statistics, which allows them to apply to a variety of situations, collecting and applying new data.

However, like any other, they also have their weaknesses, Your obstinacy can be an obstacle, since they can resist new ideas that are not backed by facts, which can make it difficult to accept that they have been wrong.

Although they are not intentionally rude, His honesty can sometimes hurt the feelings of the most sensitive people, They are firm believers that things work better with clearly defined rules, which makes them reluctant to break those rules or try new things.

ISTJ may have difficulty respecting people who do not agree with the facts or that deliberately ignore them, and often, they are charging work and responsibilities, believing that they are the only ones who can carry out the projects reliably , and when they cannot fulfill, they blame themselves for failure, although the responsibility may not be only yours.

How are Istj in love

ISTJ are reliable people and this is clearly reflected in their romantic relationships, they are the best exponent of family values ​​and They feel comfortable with traditional domestic and gender roles, They look for a family structure guided by clear expectations and honesty, and although their reserved nature can make the appointments a challenge, they are truly dedicated partners, willing to dedicate a lot of time and energy to guarantee stable and mutually satisfactory relationships.

They are not supporters of blind appointments or random connections, They prefer more responsible and conservative appointment methods, such as a dinner with a co -worker or an organized appointment through a common friend. They address relationships from a rational perspective, seeking compatibility and mutual satisfaction of daily and long -term needs and once the commitments are established, they adhere to their promises until the end.

As their relationships advance, Istj are in charge of the daily tasks necessary in the house, applying the same sense of duty to their home life that they do in the workplace, and although this may not be translated into intimate lives particularly exotic, they are reliable lovers who want their partners to remain satisfied.

However, emotional satisfaction may be another matter, although ISTJ can provide surprisingly good emotional support, this only happens when they realize that it is necessary, since they are not naturally receptive to the emotions of others, at least that they express them clearly.

People with this personality profile can be so trapped in the belief of their sense, and in their "winning" arguments when dealing with any subject, but they often do not realize that their partner may have seen things from a perspective of consideration and sensitivity.

This can be a great challenge for the relationship especially with more sensitive couples than them, however, ultimately, the senses of responsibility and dedication of ISTJ are imposed, and they do not spare efforts to empathize with the couple.

While ISTJ's rational approach may seem boring for some, it has an undeniable attraction, although it may be more for respect and admiration than by emotional passion. Istj hide a strong and quiet determination and reliability.

How to conquer an Istj

Conquering the heart of an ISTJ can be a fascinating trip, although it often requires patience and understanding, ISTJ are individuals who value honesty and transparency, so the key to gaining its affection is to be direct and sincere. If you are in a situation in which you feel attracted to an ISTJ, instead of playing riddles or sending indirect signals, it would be more effective to express your feelings clearly and directly.

Istj are like firm rocks in a stormy sea, they value reliability and consistency, so if you want Doing doing this type of consistent and reliable actions will show you that you are someone you can trust.

In addition, ISTJ are introverted so they need time to recharge energies. If you respect this aspect of your personality, you will gain your trust and affection, for example, if your ISTJ needs a quiet night at home after an agitated week, respect that desire and not insist to leave.

Istj usually have specific interests and hobbies to those who spend a lot of time and energy, if you show interest in these activities, you could find a way to connect with them to a deeper level, For example, if your ISTJ likes astronomy, you could suggest a night observation night or could read a book on the subject to talk about it.

Istj do not usually hurry in relationships, prefer to take their time to meet the other person and make sure that the relationship is correct before committing, therefore, it is important that you are patient and do not try to hurry things things.

Finally, ISTJ are workers and dedicated, and appreciate when their efforts are recognized, show your appreciation for them and what they do can help you win their affection, for example, if your ISTJ has been working hard on a project, recognizes its effort and dedication or congratulate it for your results.

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Paternity in the Istj

People with the Istj personality type often find themselves very comfortable in their role as parents, their sense of responsibility and honor aligns well with the tradition of raising children to be respected and contribute to society. Istj take their role as parents very seriously and strive to maintain this tradition at the highest level.

However, this approach may not always be easy for their children, since ISTJ tend to be strict and have high expectations, They create stable and clearly structured environments for their children, with the aim of helping them develop a sense of belonging in society and performing useful functions.

Part of this development of identity implies a clear sense of the hierarchy, ISTJ work to ensure appropriate respect for authority, as well as by the family and social structure, however, all this loyalty, devotion and structure can be of little Utility when Istj's children need the heat of emotional support, and although ISTJ can be sensitive (in their own way) towards those who care, it can be difficult for younger children and especially for adolescents to recognize this love "cold ". Often, ISTJ need to trust a more sensitive couple to play this role and mediate between the rational purpose and the most ethereal sensation of emotional well -being.

ISTJ have strong principles and value patience and hard work, qualities against which children often fight, however, ISTJ children are expected to meet these standards and share these values, for their own good. This approach often pays for their fruits in the long term, but Istj must take into account that their approach creates natural barriers and distances that often leave their children asking if they are in the same team.

If it takes too far, or with mutual stubbornness, this can even be established as a permanent state in the relationship, something that both Istj and their children will finally regret. The best thing for ISTJ is to hug and hold on to their own values, but also recognize that each person has their own objectives and find their children halfway to achieve their own. The combination of his natural devotion and purpose with this flexibility in support of his children's own vision leads to a sense of mutual respect and achieve that any father Istj would be proud.


People with the ISTJ personality type often prefer stable and long -term careers instead of flexible jobs such as consultants or entrepreneurs, since, although they are able to do this type of work, what they really seek is reliability, and this is reflected In your career choice more than anywhere else of their lives.

The most common careers among people with ISTJ personality type usually revolve around institutions of respected tradition, Authority, security and consistency established, as military officers, lawyers, judges, police and detectives are very popular among ISTJ. These types of work not only offer the stability that ISTJ seeks, but they are also in line with their principles and conservatism, establishing clear social roles.

However, ISTJ are not limited to these institutions, there are many other roles that take advantage of their reliability, objectivity and acute vision. When the facts and logic are out of place, ISTJ are pounced as counters, auditors, data analysts, financial managers, business administrators and even doctors who identify, inform and correct the problems in question.

In most of these jobs, ISTJ work alone, which is usually their preference, but when teams are needed, they prefer clearly defined roles, responsibilities and work environments.

ISTJ have firm opinions about how things should be done, and if things change too often, they can surprisingly express their opposition. It is important that ISTJ remember that even the most traditional and stable professional trajectories can and should change over time, it is much better to accept this with sportsmanship than to develop the reputation of being enemies of the new ideas.

Istj may also have difficulties with the increasing More sensitive personality types. This applies not only to co -workers, but also to customers: jobs for the public such as sellers, waiters, as well as emotionally more demanding jobs such as psychiatry are, in general terms, a terrible combination.

Famous characters with the Istj personality type

  • Sigmund Freud: Austrian neurologist who became the father of psychoanalysis. Throughout his life, he developed revolutionary theories about the human mind, the nature of dreams and the concept of the unconscious, his dedication to research and his meticulous focus on the development of their theories reflect detailed nature and task oriented of the ISTJ profile.
  • Jeff Bezos: Founder of Amazon, the gigantic online store and technology services company. Under his leadership, Amazon became one of the most valuable and powerful companies in the world. Bezos is known for its systematic approach and its long -term vision, characteristics that are emblematic of the ISTJ profile.
  • Robert de Niro: American actor acclaimed for his intense and detailed interpretations in films such as "Taxi Driver" and "The Godfather II". His dedication to his trade and his ability to completely immerse themselves in his roles highlight the commitment and attention to detail typical of an ISTJ.
  • Sean Connery: He was a Scottish actor known for his interpretation of James Bond in seven franchise films. Throughout his career, he also highlighted in films such as "The Hunt for Red October", "Indiana Jones and the last crusade" and "La Roca". Connery was known for his work ethics and his practical and direct approach both in his personal life and in his career, reflecting the central characteristics of the ISTJ profile.
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  • Characteristics of MBTI profiles.
  • Compatibility guide between MBTI profiles.
  • List of fictitious or real characters according to their MBTI personality.