The intj personality profile of the personality test Myers Briggs the genius

The intj personality profile of the personality test Myers Briggs the genius

The intj are known with the nickname of "the geniuses" for their ability to think deeply, strategically and visionally, They show a great passion for knowledge and are usually pioneers to devise innovative solutions to complex problems. Their analytical mind, combined with a future -oriented vision, allows them long -term planning and innovation.

The MBTI test analyzes 4 areas of personality and behavior, and each of the 4 acronym of acronym intj refers to the personality profile in each of these areas, in this case: Introverted (i), intuitive (n), rational (t) and judicious (J). The combination of these four dichotomies determines the characteristics of the 16 possible personality types generated by the test:

  • ENCE (the activist)
  • INTP (the architect)
  • ESFP (the enthusiast)
  • UNCJ (the commander)
  • ESTP (the entrepreneur)
  • ISFP (the artist)
  • INFP (the healer)
  • ISTP (the virtuoso)
  • ISTJ (El Centinela)
  • INFJ (the counselor)
  • Intj (the genius)
  • ISFJ (the defender)
  • ESFJ (the protector)
  • Estj (the supervisor)
  • ENTP (the visionary)

In psychoactive, we put at your disposal a Free test to discover what your mbti profile is.

The psychological test that reveals your MBTI personality profile


  • The introvert profile (i)
    • Distinctive features of introverts
  • The intuitive profile (N)
    • Distinctive features of intuitive
  • The rational profile (t)
    •  Distinctive features of rational
  • The judicious profile (J)
    • Distinctive features of the judicious
  • The cognitive functions of intj
  • Characteristics of intj
    • What is the ideal couple of an intj
    • What are the most compatible profiles with the intj
    • The greatest enemies of the intj
    • The color that best represents the intj
    • The animal that reflects the personality of the intj
  • How is the personality of the intj
  • What image the intj project on others
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the intj
    • Main virtues and strengths of the intj
    • Main defects and weaknesses of intj
  • How are the intj in love
  • How to conquer an intj
  • Paternity in the intj
  • Famous characters with the type of personality intj
  • Biography

The introvert profile (i)

The dimension of introversion (i) / extraversion (e), refers to how people interact with the world around them, how they focus their attention and how they get their vital energy.

Distinguishes two types of people, on the one hand, the profile Extraverted which corresponds to those individuals who obtain their vitality and motivation of social interactions, active or stimulating environments, and activities that involve other people, while people with the profile Introvert They recharge the batteries spending time alone, reflecting internally, and prefer quieter and less stimulating environments.

This dimension does not analyze whether someone is socially outgoing or shy, but analyzes the most effective source of energy and motivation of a person.

People with the profile Introvert In the MBTI test they are characterized by their internal approach and their tendency to process thoughts and decisions within their own mental space before interacting with the outside world. Unlike the Extraverted, that seek stimuli and energy in the environment, Introverted recharge their energy through moments of loneliness and reflection. This does not mean that they avoid social contact, but simply prefer more significant and deep interactions instead of extensive and superficial social interactions.

The Introverted They are usually detailed observers, with an ability to focus on subtleties that can go unnoticed by others, tend to be reflective and deliberate in their actions, preferring to have their thoughts and well -trained plans before presenting them to the outside world. This internal process often allows them to develop a deep understanding of their own emotions and motivations, and can also promote problem -solving skills.

Although Introverted They may seem reserved or distant at first glance, their introspection often results in deep and significant relationships with others, their tendency to reflection can make them look less open to social interactions, but also allows them to adapt to situations and connect with people to a deeper level.

The Introverted They must make conscious efforts to understand the views of others, since their internal approach makes them difficult to understand the motivations and perspectives of others, and although they have a preference for their inner world, they are also able to navigate the social world effectively and significantly.

The Introverted They are not necessarily antisocial, but they usually prefer interaction in small groups instead of large crowds and can feel exhausted by too much social interaction, tend to reflect before speaking, internally processing their thoughts before expressing them, and are usually more reserved and less open In social interactions, although they can be very deep and rich in their internal world.

Distinctive features of introverts

  • They can be described as reserved or private.
  • Prefer a slower pace with time to observe and think.
  • They tend to reflect internally.
  • Prefer to observe instead of being the center of attention.

Introversion or extroversion test

The intuitive profile (N)

The observer dimension (s) / intuitive (n), It refers to the way people have to process information and how they prefer to obtain and understand knowledge.

It is not a measure of intelligence or cognitive capacity, but that it refers to the favorite methods that people use to interact with information and understand the world around them. In general terms, it evaluates whether a person prefers to focus on tangible and concrete information, Observers, Or if you prefer to focus on abstract possibilities and information, Intuitive.

People with the trait Intuitive In the MBTI test they see the world mainly in terms of concepts and ideas, instead of personal experiences as observers do. They perceive the world as an interconnected network of ideas and concepts, focusing their attention on the whole instead of individual parts.

This perspective leads to the formation of complex opinions, although these are not always precise, and can often get away from reality due to their emphasis on concepts instead of real experiences.

The Intuitive They tend to focus on future possibilities, but they must make conscious efforts to appreciate the present and protect what is already good. Fear of change can also be a challenge for intuitive. They are more attracted to future theories, patterns and possibilities, they are imaginative and insightful, and tend to trust their instincts or their "sixth sense".

Instead of focusing on the tangible and in the present, they feel comfortable with the abstractions, ideas and interpretations of situations, sometimes they may seem less practical or realistic than Observers, But its strength lies in its ability to imagine possible futures, recognize emerging trends and patterns, and explore new ideas.

Distinctive features of intuitive

  • Imagine the possibilities of how things could be.
  • They perceive things as a whole and see how everything connects.
  • They enjoy ideas and concepts for themselves.
  • They like to describe things in a figurative, poetic way.
Barthel scale, what is it for?

The rational profile (t)

The rational dimension (t) / emotional (f) refers to the way people have to make decisions and their priorities in life.

PEOPLE WITH PROFILE Rational, They tend to make decisions impersonally, based on logic and objectivity, while people in profile Emotional they make decisions based on their personal values ​​and how they will affect others.

People with the profile Rational In the MBTI test, they tend to focus first on the utility and functionality of things when making decisions, They have an innate ability to understand the necessary steps to achieve an objective and are aware of the possible advantages or disadvantages of any action, idea or attitude.

In general, they base their decisions on an objective and logical evaluation of situations, they seek truth and justice, and are generally emotionally detaches from the decisions they make.

Their main objective is to be impartial and value consistency, logic and precision, in their daily lives, tend to analyze the pros and cons of each situation before making a decision and can also be critical since they do not fear the conflict, who consider that it is an opportunity for an intellectual debate and to approach the truth.

 Distinctive features of rational

  • They make decisions in an impersonal way, using logical reasoning.
  • They value justice and equity.
  • Enjoy finding failures in an argument.
  • They could be described as reasonable, with the feet on the ground.

The judicious profile (J)

The judicious dimension (J) / perceptive (p), Evaluate how people interact with the outside world, And particularly how they face life, work, and how they handle their decisions and actions.

On the one hand, people who prefer wisdom, tend to be organized and follow a plan are classified as Judicious, While people who prefer perception, are more spontaneous and prefer to maintain open options are classified as Perceptual.

People with the profile Judicious In the MBTI test they prefer to draw a path and follow it, obtaining satisfaction to see your will become reality, although this may mean not considering all possible routes to get there.

People with this profile prefer to plan their actions in advance, but they can have difficulty detecting alternative options that people with perceptual trait would see immediately and can be reluctant to try something new if their plans do not function as expected.

People with the trait Judicious They tend to be organized and structured, they feel comfortable establishing plans and following them, prefer predictable and orderly life, and are usually determined and resolutive in their tasks. These types of people often enjoy creating and following routines, and generally prefer to have firm control over their schedules and commitments.

Distinctive features of the judicious

  • Prefer that things are resolved.
  • They think that rules and deadlines must be respected.
  • Prefer to have detailed instructions, step by step.
  • They make plans, they want to know in advance what they are getting.

The cognitive functions of intj

Cognitive functions, describe the specific ways in which people process information and make decisions, There are eight cognitive functions in total that are divided into perception functions: [ne], [ni], [se], [yes] and judgment functions: [te], [ti], [faith], [fi] and Each can be directed towards the internal world (introverted) or to the external world (extroverted).

Each MBTI profile has a unique combination of these functions, with a dominant one that is the most natural and preferred, followed by an auxiliary, tertiary and, finally, the lower function. This functions structure helps provide a more detailed and nuanced understanding of each personality type compared to simple MBTI dichotomies.

The following cognitive functions of the intj in order of the most dominant to the least relevant, define their particular way of perceiving the world and making decisions:

  1. Intuitive introverted [ni] - (dominant function): Intj use [neither] as their main means to process information, which allows them to see the general panorama, anticipate future trends and connect ideas in unique ways. They are visionaries, and often have a clear idea or vision of how things should be in the future, in addition, their thinking is abstract and is oriented towards patterns and possibilities.
  2. Extraverted rational [te] - (auxiliary function): With [te] as their auxiliary function, the intj are efficient in the planning and execution of their visions, they are logical, organized and objectives in their decision making. This function allows them to structure their environment and work systematically towards their goals.
  3. Emotional introverted [fi] - (tertiary function): As they mature and develop [fi], intj can become more in tune with their personal values ​​and emotions, and although it is not their main decision -making tool, [fi] provides them with a rich internal emotional life and a strong meaning Integrity and authenticity.
  4. Extraverted observer [se] - (lower function): Being the less dominant function, [is] refers to the immediate perception of the outside world and the ability to be in the present moment, and although it is not its strength, in certain circumstances, especially under stress or when they are relaxed sufficiently, the intj They can enjoy sensory pleasures or become more impulsive than usual.

Although the dominant and auxiliary function are the most relevant and used in the daily life of an intj, all functions work together to form the full profile of their personality. With time and personal development, many people can learn to access and use their tertiary and lower functions more effectively.

THE INFP personality profile of the personality test Myers Briggs: the healer

Characteristics of intj

Intj are defined as innovative, independent, strategic, logical, reserved and insicious. Are driven by their own original ideas to achieve improvements.

Together with the rest of NT profiles, they are part of the rational group. The groups are formed with the profiles that share two of the four dimensions of the test, in this case, it is the dimensions Intuitive and Rational that present the following characteristics:

  • They value knowledge, reason and achievements: They are people who seek to understand the world around them and are usually very curious, use logic and reasoning to solve problems and make decisions, and also feel motivated by achievements and competition, and aspire to be experts in their field of interest.
  • They have strategic talents: This means that they are good planning and thinking in the long term, they usually have a clear vision of where they want to go and how to get there, and they are able to anticipate obstacles and plan ways to overcome them.
  • They look for roles that allow them to investigate and improve systems: They are attracted to the idea of ​​understanding how things work and finding ways to make them more efficient, enjoy working in fields such as science, engineering, or computer programming, where they can use their ability to analyze and optimize systems.
  • They express themselves in a serene way and follow a logical approach: They prefer rational discussions based on facts to emotionally loaded, and when they face a problem, their first reaction is to analyze it and try to find a logical solution.
  • They need independence in their work: They prefer to have the freedom to make their own decisions and follow their own ideas, they do not like to tell them what to do and can be revealed to the rigid structures or the rules they consider unnecessary.
  • They have great creative thought: Rational are known for their ability to think creatively, they are innovative and imaginative in their thinking, and are not afraid to question established ideas or explore new ways of doing things. This ability to see beyond the obvious can lead to innovative discoveries and solutions.

What is the ideal couple of an intj

The ideal intj couple is the profile ENCE. The combination of these two personalities can create an intriguing and complementary balance, while the INTJ tends to be logical, analytical and systems -oriented, the enca contributes enthusiasm, creativity and a rich emotional perspective; Together, these two profiles can challenge each other in ways that make them grow individually and as a couple.

The INPP has the ability to open the world of intj to new emotional experiences and perspectives, while Intj can offer a structure and direction to the expansive and dreamer of the ENCE, and although at first it may seem an unusual union, with communication and communication and Proper respect, this combination can result in a relationship in which both partners learn, grow and support each bridges that lead to deeper understanding and growth.

What are the most compatible profiles with the intj

The most compatible profiles with the intj are usually those that complement their natural characteristics and offer a balance in the relationship, whether romantic, friendly or professional.

  • ENCE: ENCE brings enthusiasm and emotionally rich world vision that can be intriguing for intj, together, can mutually challenge themselves in beneficial ways.
  • ENTP: ETPs share the love for the analysis and problem solving that intjs value, both types can enjoy deep debates and the exploration of complex ideas, and the main difference between the two is that while the Intj is more systematic and Organized, the ETP is more flexible and adaptable.
  • INFJ: Although introverted, both types share an intuitive vision of the world, while intjs focus on logic and reason, infjs tend to be more understanding and empathic, so this combination can result in deep and significant conversations.
  • Intp: Both Intjs and INTPS are deep thinkers who value logic and analysis, they can have rich discussions in content and mutually help to explore different perspectives of a problem.

The reason for these compatibilities is based on the idea that stronger relationships often involve a balance between similarities and differences, for example, sharing a dominant cognitive function (such as intuition) can allow more fluid communication and mutual understanding, However, differences in other areas (such as the rational versus emotional or perception versus judgment) can offer a healthy counterweight and provide opportunities for mutual growth.

The greatest enemies of the intj

In general terms, some of the MBTI types that could present more challenges in their interaction with the intj include those that are opposed in many of their cognitive functions.

  • ESFP: This guy is outgoing, sensitive, based on feelings and oriented to perceive the world in an open and adaptable way, spphs tend to live in the present moment and value sensory experiences, and their practical approach and their appreciation for spontaneity can collide with the intj approach, who are usually more planned, future -oriented and logic based.
  • Spher: The sphjs are extroverted, focused on people and the harmony of the group, value social traditions and norms and often seek.

The main reason for these challenges is that the intj and these types value and process information in a very different way, while the intj tend to be more introspective, analytical and oriented towards long -term objectives, types such as sphes and spfj can be more centered at the time, on emotions and interpersonal connections.

The intj in one word: Analytical

Intj personality in a single phrase: Visionaries with an insatiable hunger for knowledge.

The color that best represents the intj

The color that best represents the intj is the black. This is because black is often associated with seriousness, formality and mystery, intj tend to be introspective, value privacy and often prefer to maintain their thoughts and feelings for themselves, which can give them an air of Mystery, in addition, its logical and analytical approach towards life and its perfectionist nature can relate to the simplicity and elegance of black. It is a color that does not intend to attract attention, but that has an inherent depth and complexity, as well as the personality of the intj.

The animal that reflects the personality of the intj

The animal that best reflects the characteristics of the intj profile is the lynx. The lynx is known for its acute vision and its ability to detect what others cannot, which is an appropriate metaphor for insight and the ability of the intj to see beyond the obvious.

The lynx, being a lone predator, acts independently, drawing its hunting strategies with precision and patience, in the same way, the intj value their autonomy and tend to trust their own capabilities to draw plans and reach conclusions, they are individuals that usually work better for themselves or in small groups where their analytical capacity and long -term vision can be used to the maximum.

In addition, like the lynx, which often remains hidden and dodges the center of attention, the intj do not seek external recognition, but are more interested in authenticity and comply with their own standards and objectives, this reserved nature and The tendency to maintain their internal thoughts, as well as their focus on efficiency and efficacy, make the lynx an adequate representation for the intj personality type.

How is the personality of the intj

Individuals with intj personality type, They are known for their logical and analytical mind combined with a great vision and long -term planning capacity, They have a natural inclination towards structured and strategic thinking, which allows them to decompose complex ideas and see the hidden connections that others could overlook.

The internal world of the intj is rich and complex, full of ideas, plans and theories that wish to explore and perfect, they are passionately curious, always seeking to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. This curiosity is not frivolous; Intj seek depth and clarity in their investigations.

Although they are often perceived as reserved or even distant, the intj are simply focused internally, immersed in their thoughts and reflections, prefer quality about quantity in their interactions, Opting to deepen significant discussions instead of superficial talks, its ability to maintain objectives and dispassionate in their analysis can make them look critical or insensitive, but their intention is rarely to hurt; They simply seek truth and efficiency.

In their nucleus, the intj value autonomy and self -determination, resisting the authority that has no merit in their perspective and distrusting traditions simply because they are traditions, they are not easily carried out by emotions, which can be a strength when taking rational decisions, but it can also be a challenge in situations that require empathy and emotional connection.

One of the distinctive characteristics of the intj is its high standard of excellence, not only for themselves, but also for others, this can be motivating for those around them, but it can also create tensions if they are perceived as too demanding or critical.

Finally, although they may seem logical beings, intj also have an innate vision and sense of future possibilities, which allows them to plan and act today based on their predictions and visions tomorrow, this combination of logic and intuition is part of what does the unique and capable of achieving great things.

Personality test: Discover your character according to psychology

What image the intj project on others

The intj, with their characteristic logical and planning approach, are often perceived as serious and reserved individuals For those who surround them, their tendency to be immersed in their thoughts can make them look distant or inaccessible, which leads some to interpret them as cold or indifferent, however, this reserve is more a manifestation of their concentration and depth of thought that of a lack of interest or empathy.

In the workplace, colleagues often see the intj as extremely competent and reliable people, are valued for their ability to address complex problems and find innovative solutions. Since they tend to be perfectionists and have high standards for their work, they are often considered as references of excellence and efficiency, however, this same trend can make them perceived as too critical or demanding, especially when they wait for the same level of perfection and commitment of others.

Friends and family, on the other hand, can have a more nuanced vision of intj, although they can admire their intelligence and determination, they can also feel frustrated by their reluctance to express emotions or for their apparent inability to participate in trivial conversations or activities or activities conventional social. Nonetheless, Those who know an intj well are aware of their loyalty, integrity and deep sense of commitment towards the people and causes that value.

In academic environments, Intj are seen as meticulous and passionate students, and also slightly introverted or reserved, but their ability to understand complex concepts and see connections that others could overlook them converts them into valuable taxpayers to discussions and debates.

Although intj may seem difficult to approach initially, those who invest time in knowing them discover loyal, passionate and with a rich inner life, their desire for understanding and constant improvement can be inspiring for many, although their direct approach and their aversion In inefficiency they can be shocking for some, however, regardless of the first impressions, the depth and complexity that the intj contribute to their relationships and environments cannot be denied.

Introspection and its importance

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the intj

Intj are people who combine a deep capacity for introspection with a logical and analytical mind; This type of personality is famous for its ability to plan and execute their visions with precision and determination.

Main virtues and strengths of the intj

  1. Strategic vision: Intj are exceptionally good to see the overview and plan in the long term, they have a natural ability to identify patterns and use this knowledge to draw routes towards their goals.
  2. Intellectual independence: They value their own opinions and beliefs above what is popular or accepted, this independence allows them to innovate and think out of the box.
  3. Dedication: Once they commit themselves to a project or cause, the intj are incredibly dedicated and persistent, they do not give up easily and can overcome significant obstacles.
  4. Deep analysis: They have a critical mind that analyzes and evaluates the information exhaustively before reaching conclusions.
  5. Integrity: Intj value honesty and integrity, they are loyal and are usually direct in their communication, avoiding manipulation or falsehood.

Main defects and weaknesses of intj

  1. Emotional difficulty: Often, Intj fight to understand or express emotions, which can make them look cold or distant, they can have difficulty interacting with people who make more decisions on feelings than logic.
  2. Perfectionism: Its high standard can be your perdition, since sometimes they can be too critical of themselves or with others, which can generate tensions in labor or personal relationships.
  3. They can be too critical: Its ability to see failures and errors can make them quick to point out deficiencies, which can hurt feelings or cause conflict.
  4. RESTICENCE TO CHANGE: Although they are visionaries, once they have drawn a plan or method, they can be reluctant to deviate from it, even if there is a new information that justifies a change of direction.
  5. Difficulty in socialization: Intj do not always feel comfortable in social situations, especially if they perceive interactions as superficial, this can make them retract or avoid social situations.

In short, intj are complex individuals who combine a deep ability to think with a passion for efficient execution, although their strengths make them visionaries and capable leaders, their weaknesses can sometimes isolate them or create frictions in relationships.

How are the intj in love

In the romantic sphere, the intj are complex beings, guided by a combination of logic and deep dedication, which makes them often perceived as reserved or distant, but in reality, in the appropriate context, they can be deeply passionate and loyal.

Love for an intj is a serious issue, they do not usually surrender to meaningless lights or adventures; Instead, they look for genuine and significant connections, this approach often leads them to be cautious at the beginning of a relationship, taking the necessary time to evaluate compatibility and make sure that both parties share similar values ​​and objectives.

Once an intj undertakes, he does it with all sincerity, loyalty and honesty are essential for them, and expect the same of their partners, they are not prone to mental games or manipulations; They value open and direct communication, although sometimes they can have difficulty expressing their emotions in words, however, in actions, their dedication and commitment are evident.

Intj value personal growth and this extends to their relationships, They expect both them and their partners to evolve and grow together, And they can encourage or even challenge their partners to overcome, always looking for joint improvement.

Due to their introspective and sometimes critical nature, Intj can have high standards for their partners, this is not a sign of discontent, but rather a reflection of their constant desire for excellence in all aspects of life, and while the Intj may not be the most effusive or conventionally romantic, when they find someone with whom they truly connect, they are capable of a depth and intensity of love that is genuine and lasting, for them, love is both a mental and emotional connection, and value To couples who can challenge them and complement them at both levels.

How to conquer an intj

Conquering an intj is a task that requires authenticity, patience and a genuine understanding of their internal complexity, these people deeply value sincerity and logic, so that Superficial or approximations based solely on charm are not usually effective.

The first and most essential is to show authenticity, the intj have a sharp sense of perception and can immediately detect when someone is being dishonest, so showing themselves as one is, with transparency, it is essential to gain their trust.

Intellectual respect is fundamental, the intj value intelligence and enjoy deep and significant conversations, hook them in debates or discussions that challenge them intellectually can be an effective way to attract their interest, however, it is vital that these conversations come from a place of genuine interest and curiosity, and not simply as a tactic.

Patience is essential, At first, an intj may seem reserved or distant, but this is generally due to its cautious nature, They make decisions based on careful analysis, including their romantic choices, so giving them space and time to process their feelings and thoughts can be beneficial.

Appreciating their independence is key, the intj value their autonomy and personal space, it is not uncommon for them to have times where they prefer to be alone to reflect or work on their projects, so understanding and respecting this aspect of their personality is crucial.

Although the intj value logic, this does not mean that they do not have deep emotions, in reality, they can be very passionate and loyal once they commit themselves, however, they may not always express their emotions in conventional way, so in Place of waiting constant statements of love, it is useful to learn to read their actions and subtleties in their behavior as indicators of their feelings.

Finally, being direct and clear in communication is essential, games, insinuations or uncommunched expectations can be confusing or frustrating for an intj, prefer clarity and honesty, even if the truth is uncomfortable.

101 best love phrases to dedicate and fall in love (images with love message)

We are the arithmetic mean of the 5 people with whom we spend more time

Paternity in the intj

Paternity, through the eyes of an intj, is often seen as a serious responsibility and an opportunity to guide and mold a new generation, for intj, the raising of children is not based only on emotional intuition, but that also involves a logical and structured approach.

Intj have high expectations, not only for themselves but also for their children, however, it is not only about academic achievements or external success; It is rather instilling values, ethics and a deep understanding of the world, They will want their children to be independent thinkers, people who question the status quo and that they do not accept information without critical analysis.

While some can see the intj as distant or reserved, in the family, they are usually protective and deeply loyal, and although they may not be the most effusive parents in terms of open emotional expression, they show their love through actions, providing A stable environment, instilling a quality education and preparing their children to face future challenges.

Given its perfectionist nature, Intj can be prone to being too critical, They may be frustrated if they feel that their children are not reaching their maximum potential or are not being self -directed enough, however, behind this criticism often lies a genuine desire to see their children prosper and succeed in a complex world.

Give For personal growth.

Despite their logical approach, Intj are fully capable of forming deep and significant links with their children, for them, paternity is not only a responsibility, but also an opportunity to learn and grow, and they will often find themselves reflecting on their own Actions and looking for ways to improve as parents, always with the aim of providing the best for their children. Paternity is, in many ways, an intellectual and emotional journey for the Intj, one that address seriously, dedication and a deep sense of purpose.


The intj stand out for their innate ability to analyze complex situations and design innovative solutions, this planning and strategic nature is reflected in the professional career they usually follow and in the areas in which they stand out.

From an early age, many intj show a strong interest in academic areas that require analytical skills and critical thinking, The subjects that imply logic, such as mathematics or physics, can be especially attractive, Likewise, any subject that allows them to immerse themselves deeply in complex theories, such as philosophy or certain branches of psychology, can capture their attention. However, its passion is not limited only to exact sciences; Many intj are also attracted to humanities, especially if they are presented in a way that intellectually challenges them.

As for higher studies, Intj is likely to lean towards careers that allow them It is also possible that some intj feel attracted to the arts, especially if they can incorporate their love for structure and theory, as can be the case in areas such as classical music or architecture.

Professionally, Intj seek jobs that offer them intellectual challenges and the opportunity to work autonomously, They are not especially aged to management and prefer environments in which they are entrusted to them and give them space to devise and implement their solutions. They are particularly trained for roles that require strategic vision, such as consultants or business strategists. His ability to see the general panorama, along with their meticulousness in details, also makes excellent researchers or analysts.

What really drives an intj in his career is not necessarily a high salary or a prestigious title, but the opportunity to apply his mind, solve complex problems and make significant contributions in his chosen field, require a job that is consistent with his values And that allows them to feel that they are moving and learning constantly.

Famous characters with the type of personality intj

  • Friedrich Nietzsche: German philosopher of the nineteenth century whose ideas and criticisms about morals, religion and culture have left an indelible brand in Western thought. His works, as "thus spoke Zarathustra" and "beyond good and evil", challenged traditional conceptions and presented novel perspectives about existence and meaning. Its analytical and visionary approach, combined with an unwavering capacity to question and review the established structures, is characteristic of the intj profile.
  • Nicholas Tesla: Serbian-American inventor and engineer whose innovations in the field of electricity and electromagnetic have formed the basis of many modern technologies, is known for their work in the alternating current (CA) and by numerous revolutionary inventions. His meticulous mind, oriented to details and their ability to visualize and develop innovative solutions reflect the strategic nature and oriented to the systems of an intj.
  • Isaac Newton: XVII English mathematician and physical, is one of the most influential scientists of all time, their laws of movement and their law of universal gravitation laid the foundations for classical physics. Newton was someone who always sought patterns and systems, and their ability to synthesize information and formulate transformative theories is representative of logical and structured thinking typical of the intj.
  • Stephen Hawking: He was a British physical theorist known for his work on black holes and the theory of Big Bang, author of the best-seller "Brief history of time", Hawking combined a brilliant mind with an unwavering determination, continuing his research despite his diagnosis With amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ELA). Its ability to analyze and understand the deepest mysteries of the universe, together with its pragmatic and objective -oriented approach, aligns it with the essential characteristics of the intj profile.


  • Characteristics of MBTI profiles.
  • Compatibility guide between MBTI profiles.
  • List of fictitious or real characters according to their MBTI personality.