THE INFP personality profile of the personality test Myers Briggs the Healer

THE INFP personality profile of the personality test Myers Briggs the Healer

The INFPs are known with the nickname of "the healers" due to their deep empathy and understanding towards others, They have an introspective and dreamy nature that is combined with a genuine desire to help and connect with people emotionally. They are intuitively tuned with the emotions and aspirations of others, often looking for ways to promote understanding and healing, in addition, their focus on inner harmony and impulse to make the world a more understanding and loving place.

The MBTI test analyzes 4 areas of personality and behavior, and each of the 4 acronym of the INFP acronym refers to the personality profile in each of these areas, in this case: Introverted (i), intuitive (n), emotional (f) and perceptual (p). The combination of these four dichotomies determines the characteristics of the 16 possible personality types generated by the test:

  • ENCE (the activist)
  • INTP (the architect)
  • ESFP (the enthusiast)
  • UNCJ (the commander)
  • ESTP (the entrepreneur)
  • ISFP (the artist)
  • INFP (the healer)
  • ISTP (the virtuoso)
  • ISTJ (El Centinela)
  • INFJ (the counselor)
  • Intj (the genius)
  • ISFJ (the defender)
  • ESFJ (the protector)
  • Estj (the supervisor)
  • ENTP (the visionary)

In psychoactive, we put at your disposal a Free test to discover what your mbti profile is.

The psychological test that reveals your MBTI personality profile


  • The introvert profile (i)
    • Distinctive features of introverts
  • The intuitive profile (N)
    • Distinctive features of intuitive
  • The emotional profile (f)
    • Distinctive features of emotional
  • The perceptual profile (P)
    • Distinctive features of the perceptual
  • The cognitive functions of the INFP
    • What is the ideal couple of an infp
    • What are the most compatible profiles with the INFP
    • The greatest enemies of the INFP
    • The color that best represents the INFP
    • The animal that reflects the personality of the INFP
  • How is the personality of the INFP
  • What image the INFP projects on the people around
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the INFP
    • Main virtues and strengths of the INFP
    • Main defects and weaknesses of the INFP
  • How are the infp in love
  • How to conquer an infp
  • How to face paternity the infp
  • Famous characters with the infp personality type
  • Biography

The introvert profile (i)

The dimension of introversion (i) / extraversion (e), refers to how people interact with the world around them, how they focus their attention and how they get their vital energy.

Distinguishes two types of people, on the one hand, the profile Extraverted which corresponds to those individuals who obtain their vitality and motivation of social interactions, active or stimulating environments, and activities that involve other people, while people with the profile Introvert They recharge the batteries spending time alone, reflecting internally, and prefer quieter and less stimulating environments.

This dimension does not analyze whether someone is socially outgoing or shy, but determines the most effective energy and motivation source of a person.

People with the profile Introvert In the MBTI test they are characterized by their internal approach and their tendency to process thoughts and decisions within their own mental space before interacting with the outside world. Unlike the Extraverted, that seek stimuli and energy in the environment, Introverted recharge their energy through moments of loneliness and reflection. This does not mean that they avoid social contact, but simply prefer more significant and deep interactions instead of extensive and superficial social interactions.

The Introverted They are usually detailed observers, with an ability to focus on subtleties that can go unnoticed by others, tend to be reflective and deliberate in their actions, preferring to have their thoughts and well -trained plans before presenting them to the outside world. This internal process often allows them to develop a deep understanding of their own emotions and motivations, and can also promote problem -solving skills.

Although Introverted They may seem reserved or distant at first glance, their introspection often results in deep and significant relationships with others, their tendency to reflection can make them look less open to social interactions, but also allows them to adapt to situations and connect with people to a deeper level.

The Introverted They must make conscious efforts to understand the views of others, since their internal approach makes them difficult to understand the motivations and perspectives of others, and although they have a preference for their inner world, they are also able to navigate the social world effectively and significantly.

The Introverted They are not necessarily antisocial, but they usually prefer interaction in small groups instead of large crowds and can feel exhausted by too much social interaction, tend to reflect before speaking, internally processing their thoughts before expressing them, and are usually more reserved and less open In social interactions, although they can be very deep and rich in their internal world.

Distinctive features of introverts

  • They can be described as reserved or private.
  • Prefer a slower pace with time to observe and think.
  • They tend to reflect internally.
  • Prefer to observe instead of being the center of attention.

Introversion or extroversion test

The intuitive profile (N)

The observer dimension (s) / intuitive (n), It refers to the way people have to process information and how they prefer to obtain and understand knowledge.

It is not a measure of intelligence or cognitive capacity, but that it refers to the favorite methods that people use to interact with information and understand the world around them. In general terms, it evaluates whether a person prefers to focus on tangible and concrete information, Observers, Or if you prefer to focus on abstract possibilities and information, Intuitive.

People with the trait Intuitive In the MBTI test they see the world mainly in terms of concepts and ideas, instead of personal experiences as observers do. They perceive the world as an interconnected network of ideas and concepts, focusing their attention on the whole instead of individual parts.

This perspective leads to the formation of complex opinions, although these are not always precise, and can often get away from reality due to their emphasis on concepts instead of real experiences.

The Intuitive They tend to focus on future possibilities, but they must make conscious efforts to appreciate the present and protect what is already good. Fear of change can also be a challenge for intuitive. They are more attracted to future theories, patterns and possibilities, they are imaginative and insightful, and tend to trust their instincts or their "sixth sense".

Instead of focusing on the tangible and in the present, they feel comfortable with the abstractions, ideas and interpretations of situations, sometimes they may seem less practical or realistic than Observers, But its strength lies in its ability to imagine possible futures, recognize emerging trends and patterns, and explore new ideas.

Distinctive features of intuitive

  • Imagine the possibilities of how things could be.
  • They perceive things as a whole and see how everything connects.
  • They enjoy ideas and concepts for themselves.
  • They like to describe things in a figurative, poetic way.
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The emotional profile (f)

The rational dimension (t) / emotional (f) Analyze the way people have to make decisions and their priorities in life.

PEOPLE WITH PROFILE Rational, They tend to make decisions impersonally, based on logic and objectivity, while people in profile Emotional they make decisions based on their personal values ​​and how they will affect others.

People with the profile Emotional In the MBTI test they focus on the meaning and inherent value of things rather than their practical utility, They pursue that ideas and people reach the meaning and value they see in them, and are disappointed when they do not achieve it.

They make decisions based more on their personal values ​​and how decisions will affect the people involved, they are empathic, they look for harmony and worry about maintaining positive relationships.

They consider emotions and feelings, both of them and others, as an integral part of the decision -making process, and instead of looking for a "correct" or "incorrect" solution in an impersonal way, they seek the option that is more consistent with their values ​​and values ​​and that has the best emotional impact on others.

Distinctive features of emotional

  • They base their decisions on personal values ​​and how actions affect others.
  • They value harmony and forgiveness.
  • They like to please others and highlight the best of people.
  • They could be described as warm and empathic.

The perceptual profile (P)

The judicious dimension (J) / perceptive (p) Evaluate how people interact with the outside world, And particularly how they face life, work, and how they handle their decisions and actions.

On the one hand, people who prefer sanity, tend to be organized and follow a plan are classified as Judicious, While people who prefer perception, are more spontaneous and prefer to maintain open options are classified as Perceptual.

People with the trait Perceptual In the MBTI test, they prefer to explore options before making decisions And they focus on learning how to do things better instead of simply doing them, see the world as a series of puzzles to solve and constantly seek better tools to solve them.

Its main objective is not to complete a task, but to learn and test new tools and methods; When exploring new methods, they become more efficient when they reach their goals, however, they must avoid "analysis paralysis", where they consider so many options that do not make any decision.

People with the trait Perceptual They are more flexible and spontaneous, they feel comfortable in situations in constant change and can easily adapt to new circumstances, do not feel the need to have a strict plan and often prefer to maintain open options instead of making definitive decisions.

These types of people can be more explorer, curious and open to new experiences.

Distinctive features of the perceptual

  • Prefer to leave their options open.
  • Come the rules and deadlines as flexible.
  • They like to improvise and do things as you advance.
  • They are spontaneous, enjoy surprises and new situations.

The cognitive functions of the INFP

Cognitive functions, describe the specific ways in which people process information and make decisions, There are eight cognitive functions in total that are divided into perception functions: [ne], [ni], [se], [yes] and judgment functions: [te], [ti], [faith], [fi] and Each can be directed towards the internal world (introverted) or to the external world (extroverted).

Each MBTI profile has a unique combination of these functions, with a dominant one that is the most natural and preferred, followed by an auxiliary, tertiary and, finally, the lower function. This functions structure helps provide a more detailed and nuanced understanding of each personality type compared to simple MBTI dichotomies.

The following cognitive functions of the INFP in order of the most dominant to the least relevant, define their particular way of perceiving the world and making decisions:

  1. Emotional introverted [fi] - (dominant function): INFPs use [fi] as their main tool for making decisions, this means that they are guided by a strong internal values ​​system and seek authenticity in everything they do. They are sensitive to their inner world, often feel things deeply, and make decisions based on what they feel is correct and in line with their personal values.
  2. Extraverted intuitive [NE] - (auxiliary function): This function allows the INFP seeing possibilities and potential in the world around them, they are able to connect apparently unrelated and are creative in their thinking. This function helps them to be open to new ideas and see different perspectives.
  3. Introverted observer [yes] - (tertiary function): [Yes] provides them with a sense of connection with the past, the INFP remember past details and experiences and can use these memories to inform present decisions or to understand your value system. This function also helps them create routines and value traditions.
  4. Extraverted rational [te] - (lower function): This is the least predominant function for the INFP, however, when activated, it can help them structure their environment and work towards goals efficiently. Under stress, INFPs can depend too much on this function and become critical or too focused on external organization and efficiency.

Although the dominant and auxiliary function are the most relevant and used in the daily life of an INFP, all functions work together to form the full profile of their personality. With time and personal development, many people can learn to access and use their tertiary and lower functions more effectively.

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INFPs are defined as sensitive, creative, idealistic, perceptive, affectionate and loyal. They value inner harmony and personal growth and focus on dreams and possibilities.

Together with the rest of the NF profiles, they are part of the group of idealists. The groups are formed with the profiles that share two of the four dimensions of the test, in this case, it is the dimensions Intuitive and Emotional that present the following characteristics:

  • They value the meaning, integrity and involvement: This means that they seek a purpose and depth in their actions and relationships, they are not content with the superficial, in addition, integrity is essential for them, they always try to be consistent with their principles and values, and they get deeply involved in what they do , they do not stay on the surface.
  • They have talent for diplomacy: They are good mediators, capable of seeing the different points of view in a dispute and helping the parties to reach an agreement, have communication and persuasion skills, and tend to be respectful and considered with the feelings of others.
  • They seek harmony, personal improvement and others: They aspire to live in an environment in which peace reigns and also, they are constantly searching for growth and personal development, and encouraging others to do the same.
  • They express themselves with enthusiasm: They are passionate with their ideas and projects, and that energy is reflected in the way they speak and act, their enthusiasm can be very contagious, inspiring others to join their cause.
  • They need significant job: They are not satisfied with simply winning a salary, they want their work to have a purpose, to be in line with their values ​​and that somehow contributes to the world a better place.
  • See each other: They are optimistic about human nature and always look for the good side of people, believe in the potential of others and encourage them to reach it. This positive vision can help them motivate and inspire others, but it can also lead them to feel disappointed if people do not meet their high expectations.

What is the ideal couple of an infp

ENFJ It is the ideal couple of the INFP.

Both profiles share a deep understanding of personal emotions and values, and while INFP is introverted and usually process its feelings internally, the ENFJ is outgoing and usually expresses its emotions outwards, which can help establish balanced communication Between both. In addition, orientation towards intuition (n) in both types facilitates mutual understanding at the level of ideas and dreams, so the combination of these characteristics results in a deep and harmonious relationship.

What are the most compatible profiles with the INFP

The INFPs are known by their introspective nature, their assessment of authenticity and their deep sense of values, and they often get along with types that complement and understand these qualities.

  • ENFJ: The combination of the extrovert and empathic sense of the ENFP with the introspection of the INFP can result in a deep and significant relationship, both value the emotional connection and share an intuitive orientation towards the world.
  • INFJ: These two types share many similarities, since both are intuitive and emotional, this similarity can provide mutual understanding and empathy, helping to create a support relationship.
  • ENCE: Like the INFPs, ENFPs value authenticity and have a passionate and idealistic nature, the main difference is that ENCEs are extroverted, which can contribute a good energy balance to the relationship.
  • ISFP: Although ISFPs are more oriented towards the present and act based on what they feel at the time, they share with the INFP a deep sense of values ​​and an aversion due to inauteality, this combination can provide a balance between long -term planning of the long -term INFP and the ISFP present approach.

The greatest enemies of the INFP

Fundamental differences in the way of processing and assessing information can lead to disagreements with individuals from some profiles, for the INFPs, tensions usually arise with profiles that have very different priorities and approaches towards life.

  • ESTJ: The ESTJ value tradition, logic and order, are usually direct and have strong opinions on how things should be done, these traits come into conflict with the idealistic nature and oriented to the values ​​of the INFP, the ESTJ can see the INFP as too dreamy or imprecise, while the INFPs can consider ESTJ as too authoritarian or insensitive.
  • ENTJ: Although both types are intuitive, the logical and objective -oriented approach of the EVJ can conflict with the sentimental and evaluative approach of the INFPs, the ECVs can perceive the INFPs as undecided or liabilities, while the INFPs may feel that the ENTJ are insensitive or too aggressive.
  • ISTJ: As with the ESTJ, the ISTJ value tradition and logic, although both profiles are introverted, the differences in how they process emotions and make decisions can generate conflicts, ISTJ can see the INFPs as inconsistent, while the INFP You can see Istj as too rigid.


INFP personality in a single phrase: Passionate dreamers guided by their internal values ​​in search of a greater purpose in life.

The color that best represents the INFP

The color that best represents the INFP is light blue or sky blue, This tone reflects the introspective, calm and dreamy nature of the INFP, evokes feelings of serenity, depth and exploration, as well as the disposition of the INFPs to reflect deeply on their thoughts, emotions and values, in addition, this color can symbolize loyalty and fidelity, qualities often associated with people of this type of personality, who value authentic and significant relationships.

The animal that reflects the personality of the INFP

The animal that best represents the infp profile is the Cisne, Since they are known by their grace and beauty, moving with a serene calm that can be evocative of the introspective and contemplative nature of the INFP, and although they may seem shy or reserved at first sight, the swans are strong and determined animals, characteristics that also also They can be found in the INFPs when they defend their values ​​or beliefs, in addition, swans are often associated with stories and myths, reflecting the inclination of the infp towards the mystical, the imaginative and the world of ideas. Also, swans form strong emotional ties, and are known for their loyalty to a couple, reflecting the deep value that the INFP gives to genuine and authentic relationships.

How is the personality of the INFP

The infp are deeply empathic, sensitive and passionate individual individuals, His internal world is rich and complex, full of nuances, dreams and aspirations, they are guided by a strong sense of morality and ethics, and they are usually very loyal to these principles, although they do not always express them openly, in addition, they prefer to act according to their convictions More than talking about them.

Often, the INFP are attracted to humanitarian and altruistic causes, wishing to make the world a better place, this inclination can make them involve in professions or activities that allow them to make a positive difference in the lives of others, since they possess A special gift to connect with people emotionally, understanding and validating their feelings.

Despite their open and comprehensive nature, they can be reserved about their own feelings and thoughts, unless they feel deep confidence with someone, this reserve can make them sometimes perceived as distant or enigmatic, but in reality, simply simply They value privacy and authenticity in interactions.

INFP also stand out for their creative nature, Either in art, writing or any other form of expression, they find unique ways to channel their emotions and perspectives, they are individuals who see possibilities where others do not see them, and this allows them to address problems and situations from innovative angles.

However, this sensitivity can also be their Achilles heel, INFPs can easily feel injured if they feel that their values ​​or emotions are not respected, they can also have difficulties when facing criticism or conflicts, and sometimes they can tend to avoid situations that They put them in an awkward position, also, their tendency to idealize situations or people can also lead them to feel disappointed when reality does not fit their expectations.

Despite these challenges, INFPs have an innate ability to inspire and encourage others, their vision of the world, full of hope and possibility, along with their genuine empathy, it makes them valuable allies and loyal friends.

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What image the INFP projects on the people around

The INFP, with their introspective and passionate nature, often They project an image of dreamy and deep people, For many, they may seem like individuals who are constantly lost in their own worlds, carried by currents of emotions and reflections. This reflexive nature can sometimes seem distant or disconnected from the outside world, but the reality is that they are simply wearing things in their rich and complex mind.

It is likely that those who surround them see them as calm, peaceful and, in many cases, a bit enigmatic, and although they are usually friendly and open, they also have a strong tendency to protect their deepest feelings, showing them only to those who trust Fully, precisely this reserve is what can make some perceive them as shy or withdrawn.

At a family level and among close friends, INFPs are seen as loyal individuals, That they are always willing to listen and understand, their ability to emotionally tune in to others makes them excellent confidants, and many are attracted to their authentic nature and without prejudice, they are those friends who, without the need to speak too much, offer a sincere comfort and a genuine empathy.

In the workplace or school, INFPs can be seen as dedicated and creative people, but sometimes a bit disorganized or prone to distraction, despite this, when they are truly passionate about a project or task, their concentration and delivery can Surprise many, colleagues and superiors can admire their ability to see innovative possibilities and solutions, although sometimes they want them to be a bit more practical or direct in their approach.

In general, the image that the INFP projects is that of sensitive, creative individuals and with strong personal integrity, although sometimes they can be misunderstood due to their reserved or dreamy nature, those who take the time to meet them thoroughly will discover people will discover people deeply affectionate, passionate and with an unwavering sense of what is fair and true.

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What are the strengths and weaknesses of the INFP

The INFPs are deep and complex individuals, with a series of distinctive characteristics that define both their virtues and their defects.

Main virtues and strengths of the INFP

  1. Empathy and sensitivity: The INFPs have an innate capacity to tune in with the feelings and emotions of others, which makes them excellent listeners and counselors, since they can provide comfort and understanding in difficult times, and often know how to make others feel good simply while being present.
  2. Creativity: Thanks to its introspective nature and their ability to dream awake, the INFPs are often sources of creativity, whether writing, painting, composing music or solving problems from unique angles, its innovative mind is one of its greatest strengths.
  3. Integrity: The INFPs are guided by an internal set of values ​​and principles, they are not prone to commit themselves if something goes against these values, and this makes them reliable and trustworthy, their authenticity is palpable.
  4. Future vision: Although they may seem that they are always in the clouds, the INFPs are able to visualize a better future and work towards it, they are idealistic and believe in the possibilities.
  5. Adaptability: Despite having firm values, the INFPs are also flexible in their life approach, if they understand that a change is necessary and is aligned with their principles, they can adapt relatively easily.

Main defects and weaknesses of the INFP

  1. Tendency to excessive introspection: Sometimes, INFPs can be trapped in their own minds, analyzing and resancing situations and feelings, this can lead to indecision or procrastination.
  2. Criticism sensitivity: Due to their emotional nature, INFPs can be taken very chest, even if they occur with good intentions, this can cause situations where they feel judged.
  3. Idealization: The INFP sometimes see the world through pink lenses, which can lead to disappointments when reality does not match their ideals.
  4. Difficulty in confrontation: They prefer harmonious environments, which sometimes makes it difficult for them to face conflicts directly, can avoid difficult discussions or delay them, which can complicate things in the long term.
  5. Disorganization: Although your mind can be a hotbed of ideas, INFPs are not always the most organized or practical, and may have difficulties with routine tasks or with long -term planning.

Despite these challenges, INFPs have a deep and positive impact on the lives of those around them, thanks to their affectionate nature, their unique vision of the world and their unwavering faith in the possibilities.

How are the infp in love

In the field of romantic love, The infp are passionate, dreamers and intensely emotional, They have an innate idealism that lead to their relationships, looking for a deep and significant connection with their partner, for them, a relationship is much more than a simple physical attraction or practical convenience; It is a union of souls, a true spiritual and emotional connection.

While some could see the INFPs as reserved or even shy at the beginning, those who are fortunate to approach an INFP in an intimate relationship will discover a depth of passion and a genuine desire for mutual understanding, they are usually extremely loyal and dedicated to your partner, putting a lot of effort to ensure that your relationship flourish and grow over time.

However, their idealism can also be a double -edged sword, INFPs often have very specific visions of what true love means, and if a relationship does not meet those ideals, they can feel disappointed or dissatisfied, they also usually take Things very to chest, and a criticism or a misunderstanding can hurt them.

INFPs value authenticity in their relationships, They are not interested in superficial or passengers relationships, If not that they are looking for couples who are willing to share their true self, open and to be vulnerable, this search for authenticity means that the INFPs are usually very honest and open about their own feelings and expectations, although sometimes they can fight to communicate these things directly.

Another notable feature of the INFP in love is their incredible capacity for empathy, they are adept to tune in with the feelings and needs of their partner, often putting the needs of others before their own, this can lead to sometimes They forget themselves or sacrifice in excess, so it is important that they have couples who recognize and value this trait, making sure that the INFPs also receive the care and attention they deserve.

In short, being in a relationship with an INFP can be a deeply rewarding and transformative experience, since they provide a depth of emotion, a passion and an idealism that can make love with them truly special, however, they also require understanding and patience, especially when it comes to navigating its complex maraña of emotions and expectations.

How to conquer an infp

Conquering an infp is a delicate and significant trip, since value authenticity, emotional connection and mutual understanding above all, It is essential to remember that, although they may seem reserved or distant at the beginning, they have a rich inner life full of emotions, ideals and dreams.

In the first place, you have to be authentic, the INFPs have an almost innate ability to detect falsehood, do not try to be someone you are not or present yourself in a way that is not genuine, instead, show your true self, with all Your peculiarities, passions and vulnerabilities, the INFP appreciate people who are honest with themselves and with others.

When communicating with an INFP, it is vital that you practice active listening, they often have much to share with their rich inner life, and they will value someone who can listen to them without judging, do not interrupt or try to give quick solutions to their issues; Instead, show empathy and understanding, and offers a safe space where they can express themselves freely.

Since the INFPs are dreamy and idealists, it shows interest in their dreams and aspirations, ask them about their passions and encouragement to continue with what makes them happy. Often, they feel misunderstood by a society that can value practicality about idealism, so encourage and support them in their goals can significantly strengthen your connection.

Another essential aspect is respect your need for personal space, Although they want deep connections, they also need time alone to recharge and reflect, do not press an infp to share everything with you or to be constantly available, understand and respect their limits will show them that you worry genuinely about their well -being.

In addition, it is crucial to be patient, the INFPs can take to open and fully trust someone, do not expect to rush in a relationship or reveal all their secrets from the beginning, as trust develops over time, it is likely that they share more of themselves and their inner world.

The little gestures of affection also appreciate, great demonstrations of love are not necessary; Often, a sincere message, a genuine fulfill.

Conquering an infp is a journey of authenticity, patience and mutual understanding, offering them a safe space, encouraging their dreams and connecting with them on an emotionally deep level, you can win a special place in their heart.

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How to face paternity the infp

The infp see paternity as a deep responsibility and an opportunity to guide and connect with another human being at an emotionally significant level, in many ways, Being a father or mother offers INFP the opportunity to apply his natural idealism and his deep sense of morality in a tangible and direct way.

In general, the INFP seek to establish an open, comprehensive and empathic relationship with their children, these individuals value authenticity and often seek to understand and respect the unique emotions and thoughts of their children, which can manifest themselves in the way they try to provide an environment where their children feel free to express their feelings and concerns without fear of being judged.

It is not uncommon for the INFP, with their reflexive and dreamy nature, to instill in their children an appreciation for creativity, art and beauty of the world around them, through stories, music and activities, an infp can share with their children a world of possibilities.

However, his paternity approach is not exempt from challenges, Since the INFPs tend to be very sensitive and can be easily injured, they can fight against the need to establish clear limits or face conflicts, Sometimes, they may have difficulty imposing discipline, since they can fear bothering or hurting the feelings of their children, it is a delicate balance for the INFP that is discussed between being comprehensive and establishing the necessary structures for the well -being and development of their children.

They often strive to teach their children such as empathy, goodness and the importance of being oneself, they may avoid adopting an authoritarian approach and, on the other hand, try to guide their children through the example, showing instead of say, and explaining the reasons behind your decisions and expectations.

The emotional connection is vital for the INFP, and it is likely to look for special moments with their children where they can share thoughts and feelings, these quality moments can be simple, such as reading a book together before sleeping or walking through nature, but they are essential to strengthen the link between the INFP and his son.


INFPs are passionate, sensitive and values ​​-oriented individuals, and in their professional life, they tend to seek occupations that allow them to express these essential aspects of their personality and make a significant difference in the world.

Since childhood, the infp They are particularly attracted to the subjects that allow them to explore and express their interiority and understanding of the world, Matteries related to arts and humanities, such as literature, art history, philosophy or psychology, are usually liked by many infp, since they give them the opportunity to immerse themselves in rich and complex worlds, exploring the depths of human experience.

As for higher studies, INFPs could be attracted to careers that allow a deepening of the understanding of humanity and a commitment to the improvement of the world, this could include fields such as psychology, advice, arts, writing, writing, Social work, anthropology or even some branches of medicine or therapy.

The intrinsic motivation of an INFP to find purpose and meaning in their work takes them to professions where they can contribute with a tangible difference, As a result, they may find satisfaction in roles that allow them to directly help others, such as counselors, therapists or social workers, their creative and reflective nature can also make excellent writers, artists or musicians. In any profession they choose, it is vital for them to feel that their work has a purpose and is aligned with their values.

In the workplace, the INFP seek environments that are comprehensive and that give them the freedom to work autonomously, they are better in environments where they are given space to be creative and where their individualistic approach is valued, they do not usually enjoy jobs That they are too routine or that they lack a clear purpose, so that the bureaucracy, the office tasks or any environment where they feel that they cannot be authentic can be challenging for them.

In short, the INFP seek authenticity and purpose in their professional life, they feel more done when their work is in tune with their values ​​and allows them to contribute something positive to the world, either through the arts, helping others directly or through any other means that allows them to express their passion and their unique vision in the world.

Famous characters with the infp personality type

  • Audrey Hepburn: She was a British actress born in Belgium, acclaimed by her grace and elegance, throughout her career, received recognition for films such as "Vacation in Rome", "Breakfast with Diamonds" and "My Fair Lady", achieving an Óscar to the Best actress. Beyond his film career, Hepburn was also known for his humanitarian work with UNICEF. In his personality, Audrey reflected INFP qualities such as passion, authenticity and a strong commitment to causes that cared, showing deep empathy and an idealistic character.
  • Kurt Cobain: Leader of the Nirvana band, he was an American musician and singer who became the representative voice of a generation through the grunge movement in the 90s, with successes such as "Smells Like Teen Spirit" of the album "Nevermind", Cobain left An indelible brand in the music scene. In his character, Cobain was introspective, sensitive and deeply emotional, his music, often reflection of his internal struggles and visions of the world, is indicative of introspection and the desire for authenticity typical of the INFP.
  • David Bowie: British musician, singer and actor who stood out as an essential figure in popular music for more than five decades, their successes, which include "Space Oddy", "Heroes" and "Let's dance", as well as the creation of his alter ego Ziggy Stardust shows their constant reinvention and originality. Bowie, in its essence, was an innovative, always looking for ways to express its individuality and creativity. Its constant metamorphosis and exploration of different characters and styles reflect the love of the INFP for authenticity and individual expression.
  • Johnny Depp: American actor known for his versatility, he has interpreted a series of memorable and often eccentric characters in films such as "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Eduardo Handijeras". Deeply immersed in their roles, Depp always seeks the authenticity and inner truth of its characters, this search for authenticity and its ability to emotionally connect with its characters indicate an introspective nature and a desire to explore the depth of the human spirit, features associated with the INFP.
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  • Characteristics of MBTI profiles.
  • Compatibility guide between MBTI profiles.
  • List of fictitious or real characters according to their MBTI personality.