The PSFP personality profile of myyers Briggs personality test the enthusiast

The PSFP personality profile of myyers Briggs personality test the enthusiast

ESFPs are known with the nick, And their tendency to search and enjoy stimulating experiences makes them the soul of the party. His focus on the present, combined with a genuine love for social interaction and a contagious enthusiasm for life, makes them stand out as vibrant and charismatic individuals, justifying their nickname of "enthusiasts" in any environment in which they are found.

The MBTI test analyzes 4 areas of personality and behavior, and each of the 4 acronym of the AFFS acronym refers to the personality profile in each of these areas, in this case: Extraverted (e), observer (s), emotional (f) and perceptual (p). The combination of these four dichotomies determines the characteristics of the 16 possible personality types generated by the test:

  • ENCE (the activist)
  • INTP (the architect)
  • ESFP (the enthusiast)
  • UNCJ (the commander)
  • ESTP (the entrepreneur)
  • ISFP (the artist)
  • INFP (the healer)
  • ISTP (the virtuoso)
  • ISTJ (El Centinela)
  • INFJ (the counselor)
  • Intj (the genius)
  • ISFJ (the defender)
  • ESFJ (the protector)
  • Estj (the supervisor)
  • ENTP (the visionary)

In psychoactive, we put at your disposal a Free test to discover what your mbti profile is.

The psychological test that reveals your MBTI personality profile


  • The extraverted profile (E)
    •  Distinctive features
    • Distinctive features of observers
  • The emotional profile (f)
    • Distinctive features of emotional
  • The perceptual profile (P)
    • Distinctive features of the perceptual
  • The cognitive functions of the ESFP
  • Characteristics of spphs
    • What is the ideal couple of a spffy
    • What are the most compatible profiles with the sphies
    • The greatest enemies of the ESFP
    • The color that best represents the sphies
    • The animal that reflects the personality of the spphs
  • How is the personality of the ESFP
  • What image the sphies project on the people around them
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the spphs
    • Main virtues and strengths of the spphs
    • Main defects and weaknesses of the sphies
  • How are spphs in love
  • How to conquer a spffy
  • How to face paternity the sphgs
  • The professional trajectory of the ESFP
  • Famous characters with the sphp personality type
  • Biography

The extraverted profile (E)

The dimension of introversion (i) / extraversion (e), refers to how people interact with the world around them, how they focus their attention and how they get their vital energy.

Distinguishes two types of people, on the one hand, the profile Extraverted which corresponds to those individuals who obtain their vitality and motivation of social interactions, active or stimulating environments, and activities that involve other people, while people with the profile Introvert They recharge the batteries spending time alone, reflecting internally, and prefer quieter and less stimulating environments.

This dimension does not analyze whether someone is socially outgoing or shy, but analyzes the most effective source of energy and motivation of a person.

People with the profile Extraverted In the MBTI test they are defined, not because of their sociability, but for their natural approach to the outside world to form thoughts, make decisions and emit judgments, This cognitive extraversion differs from social extroversion, which is a behavior that can change depending on the situation or mood, people Extraverted They are based on the opinions and actions of others to form their own thoughts, and are constantly observing, evaluating and interacting with their environment.

Both extroversion and social introversion can be coping strategies and any healthy person learns to balance both, Extraverted They always observe first, they seek the perspective of others to form their own opinions and need the contribution of others to make decisions, sometimes, this can also make them seem social introverts, since they need time to process all the information they have collected.

The Extraverted They have a strong need for recognition due to their external approach, and may have difficulty defending their own beliefs due to their tendency to consider multiple points of view, although they can learn to do it over time.

People Extraverted They obtain their vitality and energy by interacting with other people and with the outside world, often enjoy social encounters, and can feel exhausted or discouraged if they spend too much time alone. They tend to think out loud, process their thoughts and solutions while talking, and feel more comfortable in situations where they can act or speak without too much prior reflection, they also tend to be more expressive and enthusiastic in interaction with others.

 Distinctive features

  • They can be described as speakers or outgoing.
  • They like to be in a fast rhythm atmosphere.
  • They tend to work ideas with others, they think out loud.
  • Enjoy being the center of attention.

Introversion or extroversion test


The intuitive dimension (n) / observer (s), refers to the way people have to process information and how they prefer to obtain and understand knowledge.

It is not a measure of intelligence or cognitive capacity, but that it refers to the favorite methods that people use to interact with information and understand the world around them. In general terms, it evaluates whether a person prefers to focus on tangible and concrete information Observers, Or if you prefer to focus on abstract possibilities and information, Intuitive.

People with the trait Observer In the MBTI test they perceive the world mainly through your own experiences, as opposed to Intuitive, who see it in terms of concepts and ideas. The Observers They tend to consider each experience, situation and person as a unique piece in the great puzzle of life.

This approach to concrete experiences can make the opinions of the Observers They are strongly influenced by the context of their experiences and are less flexible when considering foreign experiences, however, understanding the concepts behind experiences can help them have a broader vision and accept different points of view.

The Observers They usually appreciate the good of their lives and the world, and strive to protect it, but they must be careful not to resist change or defend negative attitudes only for their familiarity.

They are usually practical, realistic and detailed people, prefer specific and tangible data, and focus on the present. Their approach to reality allows them to observe and remember the details precisely, they like to learn through practice, direct experience and facts, have their feet on the ground and work step by step, systematically.

Distinctive features of observers

  • They focus on the reality of how things are.
  • Pay attention to concrete facts and details.
  • Prefer ideas that have practical applications.
  • They like to describe things in a concrete and literal way.
They find an area of ​​the brain in charge of pessimism

The emotional profile (f)

The rational dimension (t) / emotional (f) Analyze the way people have to make decisions and their priorities in life.

PEOPLE WITH PROFILE Rational, They tend to make decisions impersonally, based on logic and objectivity, while people in profile Emotional they make decisions based on their personal values ​​and how they will affect others.

People with the profile Emotional In the MBTI test they focus on the meaning and inherent value of things rather than their practical utility, They pursue that ideas and people reach the meaning and value they see in them, and are disappointed when they do not achieve it.

They make decisions based more on their personal values ​​and how decisions will affect the people involved, they are empathic, they look for harmony and worry about maintaining positive relationships.

They consider emotions and feelings, both of them and others, as an integral part of the decision -making process, and instead of looking for a "correct" or "incorrect" solution in an impersonal way, they seek the option that is more consistent with their values ​​and values ​​and that has the best emotional impact on others.

Distinctive features of emotional

  • They base their decisions on personal values ​​and how actions affect others.
  • They value harmony and forgiveness.
  • They like to please others and highlight the best of people.
  • They could be described as warm and empathic.

The perceptual profile (P)

The judicious dimension (J) / perceptive (p) Evaluate how people interact with the outside world, And particularly how they face life, work, and how they handle their decisions and actions.

On the one hand, people who prefer sanity, tend to be organized and follow a plan are classified as Judicious, While people who prefer perception, are more spontaneous and prefer to maintain open options are classified as Perceptual.

People with the trait Perceptual In the MBTI test, they prefer to explore options before making decisions And they focus on learning how to do things better instead of simply doing them, see the world as a series of puzzles to solve and constantly seek better tools to solve them.

Its main objective is not to complete a task, but to learn and test new tools and methods; When exploring new methods, they become more efficient when they reach their goals, however, they must avoid "analysis paralysis", where they consider so many options that do not make any decision.

People with the trait Perceptual They are more flexible and spontaneous, they feel comfortable in situations in constant change and can easily adapt to new circumstances, do not feel the need to have a strict plan and often prefer to maintain open options instead of making definitive decisions.

These types of people can be more explorer, curious and open to new experiences.

Distinctive features of the perceptual

  • Prefer to leave their options open.
  • Come the rules and deadlines as flexible.
  • They like to improvise and do things as you advance.
  • They are spontaneous, enjoy surprises and new situations.

The cognitive functions of the ESFP

Cognitive functions, describe the specific ways in which people process information and make decisions, There are eight cognitive functions in total that are divided into perception functions: [ne], [ni], [se], [yes] and judgment functions: [te], [ti], [faith], [fi] and Each can be directed towards the internal world (introverted) or towards the external world (extraverted).

Each MBTI profile has a unique combination of these functions, with a dominant one that is the most natural and preferred, followed by an auxiliary, tertiary and, finally, the lower function. This functions structure helps provide a more detailed and nuanced understanding of each personality type compared to simple MBTI dichotomies.

The following cognitive functions of the ESFP in order of the most dominant to the least relevant, define their particular way of perceiving the world and making decisions:

  1. Extrover sensation [se] - (dominant function): The ESFP, with [be] dominant, are very connected with their immediate environment and with the present experience, they are observers, oriented to action and enjoy sensory experiences. This function allows them to quickly adapt to changing situations and live the moment to the maximum.
  2. Introverted feeling [fi] - (auxiliary function): The ESFPs use [fi] to make decisions based on their internal values ​​and feelings, they are genuine, they seek authenticity and tend to be loyal to what they believe is correct and true for them. This function helps them navigate social situations and connect with others on an emotional level.
  3. Extraverted rational [te] - (tertiary function): As spphs mature and develop this function, they can become more organized and efficient in their approach to the outside world. [Te] also allows them to structure their environment, plan and work towards concrete objectives.
  4. Intuitive introverted [ni] - (lower function): Being the least prominent function in their pile, [nor] allows the ESFP In unexpected ways.

Although the dominant and auxiliary function are the most relevant and used in the daily life of a ESFP, all functions work together to form the full profile of their personality. With time and personal development, many people can learn to access and use their tertiary and lower functions more effectively.

Adonis complex: 10 characteristics

Characteristics of spphs

The sphies are defined as enthusiastic, friendly, spontaneous, discreet, playful and flexible. They have a strong common sense and enjoy helping people.

Together with the rest of the SP profiles, they are part of the group of artisans. The groups are formed with the profiles that share two of the four dimensions of the test, in this case, it is the dimensions Observer and Perceptual that present the following characteristics:

  • Value power, generosity, creativity and adaptability: They understand power as the ability to influence their environment and achieve their objectives, generosity refers to their disposition to share their skills and resources with others, while creativity and adaptability are essential for them, since it allows them to respond to the challenges of innovative and improvised ways.
  • They have tactical talents: Which means that they are good to respond in a flexible and strategic way to immediate situations, they are able to quickly read and adapt to their environment, making decisions based on current circumstances instead of making long -term plans.
  • They seek variety, stimulation, adventure and perfect their skills: They enjoy novelty and change, and constantly seek new experiences that stimulate them, adventure is attractive to them, since it provides strong emotions and opportunities to try and improve their skills.
  • They express themselves with intensity, make deals and take risks: His approach to life is vibrant and enthusiastic, and they often seek emotion in action and commitment, they are natural negotiators, capable of doing treatment and agreements to get what they want, and are also willing to take risks, since they understand that the reward can be great.
  • They need freedom to act impulsively: They value their autonomy and the possibility of acting according to their own instincts and desires, they do not like to feel tied by rules or restrictions and may feel frustrated if they are prevented from acting as they want.
  • "Just do it": It is the motto for artisans, they have a practical and action -oriented attitude, instead of spending a lot of planning or theorizing, prefer to go into action and learn as they advance.

What is the ideal couple of a spffy

The ideal spphs couple is the profile ISTJ.

Although in theory the opposite personalities tend to attract, the ISTJ can complement the sphp in beneficial ways, while the sphick is spontaneous, sociable and focused on the present, the ISTJ is methodical, detailed and reliable, together, they can balance each other: the ESFP can help ISTJ to let go and enjoy the moment, while the ISTJ can provide stability and structure to the sphp, so this combination can lead to a dynamic and balanced relationship, where both learn and grow together.

What are the most compatible profiles with the sphies

ESFP, known for their spontaneity, love for life and ability to be at the time, find compatibility preferably with certain MBTI profiles.

  • ISTJ: Although it may seem a surprising combination, the relationship between an ESFP and ISTJ is complementary, while the ESFP lives in the present and enjoys spontaneity, the ISTJ offers structure and predictability, together, can find a balance between planning and Spontaneous enjoyment, the spphs contributes fun and lightness to the often serious world of the ISTJ, while the ISTJ offers a solid base on which the spphs can trust.
  • ISFJ: ISFJ are affectionate and oriented to people, which can resonate with the friendly and outgoing nature of the spphs. Both value personal connections, and together they can build deeply satisfactory relationships based on mutual trust and support.
  • Spher: Both, sphp and sphj, are outgoing and oriented towards people. They share a similar energy and a desire to connect with others. These similarities can make their relationship harmonious, since both value social interactions and seek to create significant memories with their loved ones.
  • Estp: Being both types of personality oriented towards action and the present, a ESFP and a ESTP can have a dynamic and exciting relationship. They enjoy new and exciting experiences, and together they can embark on many adventures.

These compatibilities do not mean that the ESFPs cannot have successful relationships with other types of MBTI, since personal chemistry, shared experiences, communication and other factors also play a crucial role in the formation and maintenance of significant relationships, however, From a personality type perspective, these types mentioned tend to have points in common or complementarities that can facilitate a fluid relationship with the sphies.

The greatest enemies of the ESFP

There are certain profiles that due to their natural preferences and differences in decision -making or perception, they can hit more easily with the ESPP.

ESFPs are people oriented towards action, who live in the present and enjoy tangible and exciting experiences, value freedom and spontaneity and can feel limited by rigid structures or repetitive routines.

  • Intj: Intj are natural planners that value structure, forecast and logic, you can see the ESFPs as too impulsive or lacking long -term vision, in addition, the ESFPs can see the intj as too reserved, critical or limiting.
  • INFJ: Although INFJ is an emotional profile such as spS, its introversion and guidance towards the future can cause disagreements, infj can perceive spphs as superficial or without consideration, while sphies may feel that INFJ are too serious or complicated.
  • Intp: INTP value logical precision and deep reflection, you can see the spphs as inconsistent or volatile, and the sphp, in turn, may feel that INTPs are too theoretical or disconnected from tangible reality.
  • ENC: The EVCs are natural leaders who value efficiency and structure, and can collide with the ESFPs if they feel that their spontaneity interferes with a plan or objective, on the other hand, the sphies, may feel limited or undervalued by the understands by the understands.

The sphgs in a single word: ENTHUSIASTIC.

The sphing personality in a single phrase: lovers of fun, sociable and passionate about experiencing life fully.

The color that best represents the sphies

The color that best represents the spphs is the fuchsia. It is a vibrant and cheerful color that symbolizes a mixture of passion and fun, reflects the living and enthusiastic nature of the spphs, who are often seen as free souls who love to express themselves and live life with intensity. This color can capture the exuberance and desire of the spphs to make every moment count, as well as their ability to infect their joy to those around them.

The animal that reflects the personality of the spphs

The animal that best represents the spph profile is the Dolphin. Dolphins are known for being sociable, playful and full of energy, characteristics that are common in spphs. These marine mammals are very communicative to each other and are usually the center of attention in any place where they are due to their stoots and friendly behaviors.

Like the sphies, dolphins enjoy social interaction and adapt well to different situations, they are curious by nature and often interact with other animals and humans, demonstrating a genuine desire to connect and share experiences. They are also very perceptive and can tune the emotions and needs of others, as well as a typical sphp, which tends to be empathic and observer of the feelings of those around them.

How is the personality of the ESFP

The sphies are vibrant and enthusiastic individuals that radiate energy and joy, They have a palpable passion for life and an insatiable curiosity for everything around them.

Innate observers of the world, spphs have a unique ability to perceive and appreciate beauty in the surrounding environment; Either a sunset, a work of art or simply a friendly gesture, they are experts in capturing the essence of the moment and enjoying the little things that life has to offer.

These people tend to be practical and realistic, strongly trusting their senses to collect information, they do not feel particularly inclined to theorize or analyze in excess; Instead, they prefer to be immersed in action and experience the world first -hand, this inclination to live in the present gives them spontaneous and adaptive quality.

The emotional component of his personality makes them warm and empathic individuals, They are genuinely interested in people and have an innate talent to connect with others. The natural empathy of the ESFP and their desire for harmony allow them to establish significant relationships, in addition, their affable character and their extroverted nature often turn them into the soul of the party.

However, this orientation towards people and action can have an inconvenience: they can tend to disperse and avoid facing deeper conflicts or problems, opting instead of more immediate distractions or activities.

A distinctive feature of the ESFP is their love for fun and their sense of humor, they are often the center of attention, not because they seek to be, but because their enthusiasm is contagious and naturally attracts people towards them, they have a gift for performance and improvisation, and enjoy being the center of attention, sharing stories and making people laugh.

Freedom is another fundamental value for spphs, they do not like to feel confined or limited by rigid rules or structures, they prefer to have the flexibility of moving as their mood or curiosity dictates.

Personality test: Discover your character according to psychology

What image the sphies project on the people around them

The sphies, with their overflowing energy and their passion for living the moment, often They are perceived by others as individuals full of life, contagious in their enthusiasm and always ready for a new adventure, Its spontaneity and openness to new experiences can give the impression that they are constantly moving, looking for the next great emotion or experience.

Many people are refreshing the ability of the spphs to find joy in small things and their inclination to celebrate every moment, their extroverted nature and their genuine interest in people make them often seen surrounded by friends or being The Center for Attention to Social Meetings. It is not uncommon for the ESFPs to be labeled as the "soul of the party" due to their innate ability to animate any environment.

Family and friends close to the sphies They deeply value their loyalty and their willingness to be present at times of need, And although they can be seen as free spirits, when it comes to the people who love, the ESFPs are usually incredibly loyal and affectionate, their ability to connect emotionally with others and offer support in a practical and tangible way is something that their loved ones appreciate enormously.

In work or school environments, colleagues can see the ESFPs as action -oriented individuals who provide a touch of energy and creativity to any project, their practical approach and their ability to adapt to changing situations are valuable, especially in dynamic environments. However, given their desire for flexibility and aversion to rigid structures, some colleagues or superiors can see them as inconsistent or lacking long -term focus.

In spite of its many positive qualities, the perception that the spphs avoid facing deeper emotional conflicts or problems can also arise, opting for distractions or looking for the positive side instead of directly addressing the difficult issues.

The personality profile of the personality test Myers Briggs: the architect

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the spphs

The ESFPs have a distinctive set of virtues and strengths that make them special, as well as certain areas of challenge that may require attention and reflection.

Main virtues and strengths of the spphs

  1. Contagious enthusiasm: One of the defining characteristics of the spphs is their passion for life, they immerse themselves in each experience with a fervor that often infects those around them, and this positive energy makes them excellent motivators and animators.
  2. Emotional connection: They have an innate capacity to connect with others at an emotional level, this empathy allows them to be great listeners and understand the needs and feelings of others, which makes them friends and compassionate companions.
  3. Pragmatism: Although they feel comfortable in the emotional kingdom, they are also very practical, they find realistic and tangible solutions to problems and have the ability to act decisively.
  4. Adaptability: The ESFPs prosper in changing situations, they can quickly adjust to new scenarios, which makes them valuable in dynamic environments.
  5. Acute observers: With their dominant cognitive function [SE], the ESFPs are very observers, they notice details that others could ignore and this can be especially useful in professions that require detail attention.

Main defects and weaknesses of the sphies

  1. Conflict avoidance: Although their ability to maintain the light environment is admirable, sometimes it can lead them to avoid facing deep emotional conflicts or problems, this can result in unresolved problems that accumulate over time.
  2. Impulsiveness: His love for living the moment can lead them to act without thinking about the long -term consequences, this tendency to impulsivity can lead to hasty decisions.
  3. Difficulty with long -term planning: While the ESFPs are teachers of the present moment, they often find it challenging to look to the future and plan in advance.
  4. Criticism sensitivity: Taking things personally is common for spphs, who can interpret constructive criticisms such as personal attacks, which can hinder their personal or professional growth.
  5. Trend to boredom: Since they constantly seek new experiences and emotions, they can feel trapped or boring in monotonous situations or works.

While each ESFP individual is unique and not all will exhibit all these strengths and weaknesses to the same extent, these characteristics are typical of the spphp profile in the MBTI system.

How are spphs in love

ESFPs take a special spark to the world of romantic love, Their naturally enthusiastic energy and their inclination to live in the present moment makes them passionate and attentive colleagues.

In love relationships, a ESFP tends to be extremely affectionate and demonstrative, valuing the authentic connection, this type of personality strives to maintain a relationship full of sincerity and fun, they like to surprise their partners and do things that make them feel special to His loved ones, from spontaneous gestures to emotional plans for quotations, the spffy is always looking for ways to keep the flame alive.

Love for ESFPs is not an abstract entity; It is tangible and is lived in the here and now, this means that they tend to address their relationships with direct intensity, looking for deep and significant connections, this search for authenticity can make them feel particularly injured if they feel that their partner is not sincere or It does not correspond to your feelings with the same intensity.

Emotional communication is vital for spphs, Although they are good listening and providing support, they can also be sensitive to criticism, They need to feel that their partner values ​​them and appreciates their efforts. While sometimes they can take criticism too much to chest, they also have a remarkable ability to adapt and change, provided they feel that criticism comes from a place of love and care.

On the other hand, your focus on the present can lead to challenges when it comes to planning a future together., The ESFPs can be difficult to think in the long -term terms, since they are more oriented towards the immediacy of now, which can cause tensions in a relationship, especially if their partner is the type that values ​​planning and forecast.

How to conquer a spffy

Conquering a spS.

First, it is essential to be authentic, the ESFPs are attracted to genuine people who are not afraid to show themselves as they are, there is no need to try to be someone you are not; ESFPs love to know people in their purest and most authentic essence, if you are sincere in your intentions and you show yourself vulnerable, it is likely that a sphes appreciates you for it.

ESFPs live at the time and enjoy new and exciting experiences, Accompanying them in their adventures and being willing to try new things is a safe way to approach them, be it an improvised trip, a new restaurant in the city or simply an outdoor walk, show interest in sharing experiences together is key is.

Communication is fundamental. Talk to them, listen to their stories and share yours, the ESFP value the emotional connection and are attracted to those who are willing to open and share their feelings. It is also essential to be a good listener, since the ESFPs like to feel that they are valued and paid attention.

Since they are often passionate and enthusiastic people, show appreciation for their energy and enthusiasm can strengthen the link between the two, Value your ideas, support your passions and muds that you care what they have to say.

The sphies, although outgoing and social And, most importantly, authentic connection.

Finally, it must be remembered that, although the ESFPs can be spontaneous and focused on the present, they also have a deep need to feel safe and loved in a relationship, so to offer them that emotional security, combined with the freedom to be themselves, It is essential to conquer your heart.

101 best love phrases to dedicate and fall in love (images with love message)

How are people who prefer to live alone and don't care about singleness

How to face paternity the sphgs

For a ESFP, paternity is often seen as a new and exciting adventure full of opportunities to connect, learn and grow with their children, they are enthusiastic parents who immerse themselves in parental experience with an inexhaustible energy and a genuine interest in the world that surrounds their children.

ESFPs tend to be very present parents, that value the here and now, this means that they are usually very involved in their children's daily activities, from playing in the park to helping with school duties. It is not uncommon for a sphes to be that father who throws himself to the ground to play with his children or disguises himself to make a rainy day more fun.

Spontaneity is one of the main characteristics of the ESFPs, and this is reflected in their parental style, they can decide, out of nowhere, make a small excursion or invent a new game, and this unpredictable nature can be a source of joy for their Children, since they never know what to expect, but they can always count on that it will be something fun and exciting.

Although they are usually happy and playful, they are also very sensitive and emotional, this allows them to tune in to their children's emotions and offer support when necessary, if a child feels sad or frustrated, the sphtle will be there to comfort him, listen and help him to process your feelings.

However, this same sensitivity can present challenges, ESFPs can be taken personally, and if they feel that their children are rejecting them or do not value their efforts, they can easily hurt, It is important for them to remember that the raising of children is full of ups and downs and that each child is an individual with their own needs and feelings.

Another aspect to consider is that, due to their tendency to live the moment, the ESFPs can fight with long -term planning or consistency in the discipline, however, their ability to adapt and learn allows them to adjust and find ways to be effective while maintaining their authentic essence.

In general, the ESFP see paternity as one of the most enriching experiences of life, strive to be present, connect emotionally and offer their children fun and meaningful experiences, with their energy and unconditional love, they often create a family environment full of laughter, love and mutual learning.

The professional trajectory of the ESFP

The sphies, known for their charisma, enthusiasm and ability to connect with others, often They are attracted to races that allow them to interact with people and having a direct impact on their lives, are people oriented to the action that prefer practical and tangible work instead of abstract or theoretical tasks.

During their school years, spphs often enjoy subjects that offer a practical or interactive learning experience, art, music, theater or physical education classes are usually liked, since these fields allow them to express themselves and use their skills natural, they can also highlight in matters that involve interpersonal communication, such as languages ​​or social studies, where they can interact and understand different cultures or ways of thinking.

As they advance towards higher education, it is likely that the ESFPs feel attracted to studies that offer them the possibility of working closely with people or who have an obvious practical component, this may include fields such as nursing, education, education, Hospitality or even marketing, especially if it focuses on public relations or event management.

In the professional field, the ESFPs prosper in environments where they can be themselves, interact with others and see tangible results of their work, and some of the professional trajectories that usually attract the spphs are the following:

  • Health & Wellness: As nurses, physical therapists or personal trainers, spphs can combine their interest in helping others with their practical approach.
  • Arts and entertainment: Either as actors, musicians, photographers or dancers, the ESFPs have the ability to captivate the public and express their emotions.
  • Education: As educators, especially at the younger levels, spphs can use their fun and comprehensive nature to make learning a fun and significant experience.
  • Customer Support: Either managing a restaurant, working at a hotel or sales, spphs have a natural skill to connect with customers and ensure that they have a positive experience.

The main engine of the ESFP in their professional career is to find a job that not only allows them opportunity to promote a palpable difference in the lives of people or in their immediate environment.

Famous characters with the sphp personality type

Freddie Mercury: He was the charismatic leader and vocalist of the iconic rock band Queen. With successes such as "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "We Will Rock You", Mercury is remembered for his incredible vocal rank and his energy presence on stage, his passion, his ability to connect with the public and his love for life are characteristics that are characteristic that They echo the lively spirit and enthusiast of the spSr profile.

Cristiano Ronaldo: Portuguese footballer acclaimed worldwide for his talent and dedication to sport, throughout his career, has played for clubs such as Manchester United, Real Madrid and Juventus, establishing records and winning multiple titles. Ronaldo is known not only for his ability in the field, but also for his charisma and personality, reflecting sociable nature and aimed at the AFP profile action.

Miley Cyrus: American singer, composer and actress who jumped to fame with her role in the Disney series "Hannah Montana", since then, has cultivated a diverse musical career, with successes such as "Party in the USA" and "Wrecking Ball". Cyrus is known for his indomitable spirit and his willingness to reinvent himself, which reflects the adaptability and passion for living the present moment associated with the SPHISH profile.

Leonardo Dicaprio: American actor known for his papers in films acclaimed as "Titanic", "The Revenant" and "The Wolf of Wall Street". Throughout his career, DiCaprio has demonstrated an incredible versatility as an actor, winning an academy prize and many other awards. Outside the screen, he is a passionate activist of the environment, his ability to completely dive into his roles and passion for larger causes that reflect the living and committed nature of the spisc profile.

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  • Characteristics of MBTI profiles.
  • Compatibility guide between MBTI profiles.
  • List of fictitious or real characters according to their MBTI personality.