The sphering personality profile Myers Briggs the Protector

The sphering personality profile Myers Briggs the Protector

The sphjs are known with the nickname of "the protectors" due to their deep sense of responsibility for others and their innate desire to take care and help, They are immensely tune in with the emotions and needs of people around them and strive to create harmonic environments and support those who need it. Their empathic nature, combined with their focus on the community and relationships, drives them to protect and guarantee the well -being of others.

The MBTI test analyzes 4 areas of personality and behavior, and each of the 4 acronym of acronym sphj refers to the personality profile in each of these areas, in this case: Extraverted (e), observer (s), emotional (f) and judicious (J). The combination of these four dichotomies determines the characteristics of the 16 possible personality types generated by the test:

  • ENCE (the activist)
  • INTP (the architect)
  • ESFP (the enthusiast)
  • UNCJ (the commander)
  • ESTP (the entrepreneur)
  • ISFP (the artist)
  • INFP (the healer)
  • ISTP (the virtuoso)
  • ISTJ (El Centinela)
  • INFJ (the counselor)
  • Intj (the genius)
  • ISFJ (the defender)
  • ESFJ (the protector)
  • Estj (the supervisor)
  • ENTP (the visionary)

In psychoactive, we put at your disposal a Free test to discover what your mbti profile is.

The psychological test that reveals your MBTI personality profile


  • The extraverted profile (E)
    •  Distinctive features
    • Distinctive features of observers
  • The emotional profile (f)
    • Distinctive features of emotional
  • The judicious profile (J)
    • Distinctive features of the judicious
  • The cognitive functions of sphjs
    • What is the ideal couple of a sphj
    • What are the most compatible profiles with the sphj
    • The greatest enemies of the sphj
    • The color that best represents the sphj
    • The animal that reflects the personality of the sphj
  • How is the personality of the sphj
  • What image the sphj projects in the people around
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the sphj
    • Main virtues and strengths of sphj
    • Main defects and weaknesses of the sphj
  • How are the sphs in love
  • How to conquer a sphj
  • Paternity in the sphj
  • Famous characters with the spher personality type
  • Biography

The extraverted profile (E)

The dimension of introversion (i) / extraversion (e), refers to how people interact with the world around them, how focus their attention and how they get their vital energy.

Distinguishes two types of people, on the one hand, the profile Extraverted which corresponds to those individuals who obtain their vitality and motivation of social interactions, active or stimulating environments, and activities that involve other people, while people with the profile Introvert They recharge the batteries spending time alone, reflecting internally, and prefer quieter and less stimulating environments.

This dimension does not analyze whether someone is socially outgoing or shy, but analyzes the most effective source of energy and motivation of a person.

People with the profile Extraverted In the MBTI test they are defined, not because of their sociability, but for their natural approach to the outside world to form thoughts, make decisions and emit judgments, This cognitive extraversion differs from social extroversion, which is a behavior that can change depending on the situation or mood, people Extraverted They are based on the opinions and actions of others to form their own thoughts, and are constantly observing, evaluating and interacting with their environment.

Both extroversion and social introversion can be coping strategies and any healthy person learns to balance both, Extraverted They always observe first, they seek the perspective of others to form their own opinions and need the contribution of others to make decisions, sometimes, this can also make them seem social introverts, since they need time to process all the information they have collected.

The Extraverted They have a strong need for recognition due to their external approach, and may have difficulty defending their own beliefs due to their tendency to consider multiple points of view, although they can learn to do it over time.

People Extraverted They obtain their vitality and energy by interacting with other people and with the outside world, They often enjoy social encounters, and they can feel exhausted or discouraged if they spend too much time. They tend to think out loud, process their thoughts and solutions while talking, and feel more comfortable in situations where they can act or speak without too much prior reflection, they also tend to be more expressive and enthusiastic in interaction with others.

 Distinctive features

  • They can be described as speakers or outgoing.
  • They like to be in a fast rhythm atmosphere.
  • They tend to work ideas with others, they think out loud.
  • Enjoy being the center of attention.

Introversion or extroversion test


The intuitive dimension (n) / observer (s), refers to the way people have to process information and how they prefer to obtain and understand knowledge.

It is not a measure of intelligence or cognitive capacity, but that it refers to the favorite methods that people use to interact with information and understand the world around them. In general terms, it evaluates whether a person prefers to focus on tangible and concrete information Observers, Or if you prefer to focus on abstract possibilities and information, Intuitive.

People with the trait Observer In the MBTI test they perceive the world mainly through your own experiences, as opposed to Intuitive, who see it in terms of concepts and ideas. The Observers They tend to consider each experience, situation and person as a unique piece in the great puzzle of life.

This approach to concrete experiences can make the opinions of the Observers They are strongly influenced by the context of their experiences and are less flexible when considering foreign experiences, however, understanding the concepts behind experiences can help them have a broader vision and accept different points of view.

The Observers They usually appreciate the good of their lives and the world, and strive to protect it, but they must be careful not to resist change or defend negative attitudes only for their familiarity.

They are usually practical, realistic and detailed people, prefer specific and tangible data, and focus on the present. Their approach to reality allows them to observe and remember the details precisely, they like to learn through practice, direct experience and facts, have their feet on the ground and work step by step, systematically.

Distinctive features of observers

  • They focus on the reality of how things are.
  • Pay attention to concrete facts and details.
  • Prefer ideas that have practical applications.
  • They like to describe things in a concrete and literal way.
Denter and derealization: When we disconnect from reality

The emotional profile (f)

The rational dimension (t) / emotional (f) Analyze the way people have to make decisions and their priorities in life.

PEOPLE WITH PROFILE Rational, They tend to make decisions impersonally, based on logic and objectivity, while people in profile Emotional they make decisions based on their personal values ​​and how they will affect others.

People with the profile Emotional In the MBTI test they focus on the meaning and inherent value of things rather than their practical utility, They pursue that ideas and people reach the meaning and value they see in them, and are disappointed when they do not achieve it.

They make decisions based more on their personal values ​​and how decisions will affect the people involved, they are empathic, they look for harmony and worry about maintaining positive relationships.

They consider emotions and feelings, both of them and others, as an integral part of the decision -making process, and instead of looking for a "correct" or "incorrect" solution in an impersonal way, they seek the option that is more consistent with their values ​​and values ​​and that has the best emotional impact on others.

Distinctive features of emotional

  • They base their decisions on personal values ​​and how actions affect others.
  • They value harmony and forgiveness.
  • They like to please others and highlight the best of people.
  • They could be described as warm and empathic.

The judicious profile (J)

The judicious dimension (J) / perceptive (p), Evaluate how people interact with the outside world, And particularly how they face life, work, and how they handle their decisions and actions.

On the one hand, people who prefer wisdom, tend to be organized and follow a plan are classified as Judicious, While people who prefer perception, are more spontaneous and prefer to maintain open options are classified as Perceptual.

People with the profile Judicious In the MBTI test they prefer to draw a path and follow it, obtaining satisfaction to see your will become reality, although this may mean not considering all possible routes to get there.

People with this profile prefer to plan their actions in advance, but they can have difficulty detecting alternative options that people with perceptual trait would see immediately and can be reluctant to try something new if their plans do not function as expected.

People with the trait Judicious They tend to be organized and structured, they feel comfortable establishing plans and following them, prefer predictable and orderly life, and are usually determined and resolutive in their tasks. These types of people often enjoy creating and following routines, and generally prefer to have firm control over their schedules and commitments.

Distinctive features of the judicious

  • Prefer that things are resolved.
  • They think that rules and deadlines must be respected.
  • Prefer to have detailed instructions, step by step.
  • They make plans, they want to know in advance what they are getting.

The cognitive functions of sphjs

Cognitive functions, describe the specific ways in which people process information and make decisions, There are eight cognitive functions in total that are divided into perception functions: [ne], [ni], [se], [yes] and judgment functions: [te], [ti], [faith], [fi] and Each can be directed towards the internal world (introverted) or towards the external world (extraverted).

Each MBTI profile has a unique combination of these functions, with a dominant one that is the most natural and preferred, followed by an auxiliary, tertiary and, finally, the lower function. This functions structure helps provide a more detailed and nuanced understanding of each personality type compared to simple MBTI dichotomies.

The following cognitive functions of the ESFJ in order of the most dominant to the least relevant, define their particular way of perceiving the world and making decisions:

  1. Extraverted emotional [faith] - (dominant function): The spher with [faith] are tune in with the emotions and needs of others, seek harmony in their relationships and are naturally inclined to take care and support others. Decision making is based on shared values ​​and how they will affect the community or their loved ones.
  2. Introverted observer [yes] - (auxiliary function): This function provides them with a strong sense of continuity and tradition, the sphj use [yes] to remember details and are based on past experiences to guide their current decisions, they have acute memory for specific facts, especially those related to people and situations that Import.
  3. Extraverted intuitive [ne] - (tertiary function): As they mature and develop [NE], sphjs can become more open to new possibilities and be more willing to consider alternative perspectives. This function allows them to adapt and respond to changes and new ideas.
  4. Rational introverted [Ti] - (lower function): Being the less developed function, [TI] offers the spfjs an internal capacity for analysis and reflection, and although it is not its main decision -making tool, at certain times, especially under stress or when facing personal challenges, they can resort to this function to break down and understand situations logically and objectively.

Although the dominant and auxiliary function are the most relevant and used in the daily life of a sphj, all functions work together to form the full profile of their personality. With time and personal development, many people can learn to access and use their tertiary and lower functions more effectively.

The 4 types of human temperament


The sphjs are defined as friendly, outgoing, reliable, conscientious, organized and practical. They seek to be useful and please others, and enjoy being active and productive.

Together with the rest of the SJ profiles, they are part of the Guardians group. These groups are formed with the profiles that share two of the four dimensions of the test, in this case, it is the SJ dimensions that present the following characteristics:

  • They value experience, security, responsibility and authority
  • They have a strong sense of organization and thorough attention to detail,
  • They feel comfortable acquiring new responsibilities
  • They express themselves seriously and complicate traditions and norms
  • They prefer stable and known work patterns.
  • They are trusted people

What is the ideal couple of a sphj

The ideal spher couple has the profile ISFP.

In relationships, ESFJ value harmony, emotional connection and commitment, they are attracted to those who offer them stability, but they also provide space to grow and learn. The ISFP, with its introverted nature, provides a calm contrast to the outgoing sphj, and this balance allows the ESFJ to feel valued and supported, while the ISFP benefits from the warmth and care of the sphj. The ISFP are authentic, sensitive and appreciate the present moment, which can teach the sphies to value the here and now, in addition, while the sphj tends to be more structured and traditional, the ISFP has an adventurous and spontaneous side that You can introduce an element of surprise and fun in the relationship, together, the combination of these two personalities can result in an enriching relationship where they both learn, grow and complement each other.

What are the most compatible profiles with the sphj

The sphj, known to be sociable, affectionate and concerned with others, often find compatibility with the following personality profiles within the MBTI.

  • ISFP: ISFP offers a soothing contrast for sphjs, the combination of the ESFJ extraversion with the introversion of the ISFP can balance the relationship, both types value deep personal connections and genuinely care about the well -being of others.
  • ISFJ: This couple shares many similarities in terms of values ​​and approaches towards life, both value tradition, family and responsibilities. This common base can provide a solid and comprehensive connection.
  • ENCE: ENFP, with their enthusiastic and creative nature, can infuse energy and adventure in the life of the sphj, and although they both approach the world differently, they share a deep concern for people and the human connection.
  • Estp: ESTP, known for being adventurers and pragmatic.

The greatest enemies of the sphj

There are certain personality types that, in general terms, may present more significant challenges in their interaction with the sphj due to fundamental differences in the perception and focus of the world, this does not mean that they are intended for the conflict, but it does require an additional effort by both parties to relate to harmony.

The sphj value structures, traditions, harmony and deeply care about others, are oriented abroad, seek emotional connections and have a practical approach to life, so these profiles may present more challenges in their relationship with The sphj.

  • Intp: INTP are logical and analytical thinkers that value autonomy and innovation, you can see the sphjs as too emotional or restrictive, while the sphies can see INTP as too distant or critical.
  • Intj: Although both types are judicious and seek structure, intj tend to be more independent and oriented towards long -term vision, sphjs can perceive them as insensitive, while intj can see the sphjs as too concerned about the opinions of the the rest.
  • ENTP: ENTPs are innovative, flexible and challenging, their logical nature and their tendency to question traditions can collide with the values ​​of a sphj, which seeks harmony and appreciates the established norms.

The sphj in one word: Caregiver

Sphering personality in a single phrase: Sociable and compassionate people who value harmony and strive to meet the needs of others.

The color that best represents the sphj

The color emerald is the one that best represents the sphj. It is a vibrant and striking color, but at the same time it has a depth and a wealth that evokes feelings of stability and reliability, this particular hue of green reflects the passion of sphjs to take care and connect with others, while also highlights its integrity And commitment, it is a color that combines energy with balance, and this aligns well with the nature of sphjs, who seek to harmonize and unify people, but at the same time they are full of energy and dedication.

The animal that reflects the personality of the sphj

He dog Fits well with the spher profile. The sphjs are known for their desire to take care of others, their protective nature, and their ability to form and maintain solid and loving relationships, in a similar way, dogs are loyal, loving animals and often seek to please their owners and those His around, the friendly and affectionate disposition of a dog, combined with his desire to be part of the family, reflects the tendency of the sphjs to be sociable and to deeply value their relationships, in addition, as well as a dog can feel when something is wrong And seeks to comfort or protect, sphjs have an innate ability to perceive the emotions of others and act accordingly.

How is the personality of the sphj

The MBTI test profile is known as the protector, and there is a clear reason for it, People with sphj personality are eminently sociable, overflowing warmth and empathy in each interaction, have a genuine concern about the well -being of others and often place the needs of people who love themselves over their own.

With a strong inclination towards traditional values, the sphies tend to be very aware of social conventions and what is expected of them, this respect for traditions often translates into a deep loyalty towards the family, the community and the community and the established institutions.

One of the distinctive features of sphjs is their ability to detect the emotions and needs of people around them, their emotional intuition is refined, and they can often understand what someone feels before that person expresses him verbally, this becomes excellent directors and friends, always ready to provide support and encouragement.

Nevertheless, Their deep concern to maintain harmony and avoid conflicts can lead them to suppress their own feelings Or avoid necessary clashes, sometimes, they can feel overwhelmed by the need to please everyone and maintain a peace environment.

The sphj value the structure and organization in their daily lives, they like things to be in order and work as a clock, they are methodical and often take leadership roles, not for a desire for control, but for their ability to organize and care for people.

Finally, it is essential that, for an ESFJ, the recognition and validation of their efforts are crucial, they yearn to feel appreciated and, often, they seek the approval of others to make sure they are doing the right simple thanks or recognition can help strengthen your trust and motivation.

Personality test: Discover your character according to psychology

What image the sphj projects in the people around

The sphj often irradia a feeling of warmth, accessibility and reliability, Their ability to tune in with the emotions of others gives them a comforting presence, which means that many people see them as a shoulder on which to cry or a confidant with which to share secrets. This innate empathy also causes many to perceive them as the glue that keeps together with groups, whether families, circles of friends or work teams.

In the family environment, the sphjs are usually seen as caregivers, those who remember birthdays, organize meetings and make sure that everyone feels and treated, are often the center of family life, creating a homely environment and making sure of that everyone feels loved and valued.

Within a circle of friends, the sphies are usually seen as the organizers, those who plan the outputs, remember important details and They strive to maintain harmony within the group, Friends often value them for their loyalty and dedication, knowing that they can count on a sphj in difficult times.

In the work or school environment, the sphjs are perceived as diligent and reliable workers, they are known for their labor ethics and by putting the well -being of the team above their own needs, the co -workers and class often value the sphes for your ability to listen and provide emotional support, as well as for your methodical and organized contribution to teamwork.

However, it is possible that some individuals see the sphjs as too concerned about social conventions or as people who seek too much external approval, there may be times when their desire to maintain harmony is misunderstood as evasion or lack of sincerity, no However, mostly, the image that the sphj projects is that of affectionate, reliable and dedicated to the community and the people who love.

The habits of the self -destructive

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the sphj

ESFJs are complex individuals, who house a combination of virtues and strengths, as well as certain areas of challenge or weaknesses.

Main virtues and strengths of sphj

  • Deep empathy: The sphjs have an innate ability to tune in to the emotions and needs of those around them, this allows them to understand and relate to people to a very personal and deep level, making them excellent friends, classmates and caregivers.
  • Sense of duty: They are extremely responsible and tend to take their commitments seriously, whether in their personal or professional life, the sphjs will try to fulfill their obligations.
  • Organizational skills: ESFJ like things to be in order, this makes them excellent planners and organizers, capable of coordinating events or projects with multiple mobile pieces.
  • Defenders of harmony: They work hard to maintain peace and harmony in their relationships, they will not hesitate to intervene if they feel that there is discord or misunderstandings that could destabilize the harmony of the group.
  • Loyalty: They are deeply loyal to their loved ones and the institutions or causes that value.

Main defects and weaknesses of the sphj

  • Avoid conflicts: Although their desire for harmony is admirable, sometimes it can lead them to avoid necessary conflicts, this may mean that they delay difficult discussions or that do not face problems directly.
  • Search for approval: The sphj often seek external validation to feel that they are on the right path, this can make them too dependent on the opinion of others and that they feel injured or disoriented if they feel that they are not receiving the approval they are looking for.
  • Conservatives in your views: Given their respect for tradition and social conventions, sometimes they can be reluctant to change or have difficulty accepting perspectives and lifestyles that deviate from what they see as "normal" or "correct".
  • Criticism sensitivity: Due to their desire to please and be seen positively, sphjs can take criticism very personal, even if they occur with good intentions.
  • Tendency to overextension: Their desire to take care of everyone and be useful can lead them to spread too much, trying to do too much for too many people, which can sometimes exhaust their own emotional and physical reserves.

How are the sphs in love

In the field of romantic love, sphjs are passionate and delivered individuals, for them, commitment and dedication to a relationship are of the utmost importance, they usually address love with the same seriousness and responsibility that other aspects of their lives face, constantly looking for ways to nurture and strengthen the link with your partner.

The sphj tend to be highly affectionate and expressive in their feelings, it is not uncommon for them to say "I love you" or in demonstrating their love through gestures and actions, they are very attentive to the needs and desires of their partner, Often putting the needs of your loved being above your own, this is due to your deep desire to take care and make those who love feel special.

Due to their nature oriented towards people and their ability to tune in with the emotions of others, the spheries They are highly sensitive to the humor and feelings of their partner, This can cause them to be very tune in with the relationship and strive to solve any problem or conflict that may arise, however, this same sensitivity can also make them feel injured or bewildered if they feel that their partner is not being equally open or affectionate.

For sphjs, trust is a fundamental pillar in any love relationship, once they gain their trust, they offer it unwaveringly, however, if that trust is betrayed, they can fight intensely with the feeling of betrayal and may need A long time to recover.

A romantic relationship with a sphj is, in many ways, a relationship based on reciprocity, they expect the same devotion and care they offer, and value couples that recognize and appreciate their efforts, often they feel more attracted to those than those than those than those than those than those than those than those than those than those than those than those than those than those than those than those than those than those than those than those They share their fundamental values ​​and show a genuine interest in building a future together.

How to conquer a sphj

Conquering a sphj requires a combination of sincerity, patience and a genuine approach in the construction of a solid emotional connection, the sphjs deeply value relationships and, as such, They look for couples who share their values ​​and commitments.

In the first place, it is essential to be genuine, the sphjs do not like games or false claims, they appreciate authenticity in their interactions, so it is important to be oneself and be honest about your intentions from the beginning, this does not It means that you should open completely from the beginning, but you should be transparent and faithful to your words and actions.

Since the sphjs are highly sensitive to the emotions and needs of others, show genuine interest in them and their lives will be crucial, listen carefully to their stories, remember small details and show interest in what they are passionate about, they will feel valued and understood If you spend time knowing your interests, concerns and ambitions.

In addition, the sphjs are usually family individuals, if you show respect and affection for your own family, or you show yourself as a comprehensive person and considered with yours, it is likely that this speaks very well of you in their eyes, integrate yourself into their nearby circle and connect with their loved ones can considerably strengthen the relationship.

On the other hand, due to their caregiver nature, they may sometimes forget themselves while taking care of others, A way to conquer the heart of a sphj is to show them the same level of care and consideration that they constantly offer, Small gestures, how to prepare their favorite food after a long day or surprise them with something that they mentally mentioned that they like, they can have a deep impact on their perception of the relationship.

ESFJs also like to feel in need and valued, will appreciate a couple who not only recognizes their efforts, but also express gratitude and appreciation for everything they do.

Finally, patience is key, although they are friendly and open, the sphj can also be cautious when open their hearts completely. With time, authenticity and constant effort, you can earn your trust and affection, building a relationship based on mutual reciprocity and respect.

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Paternity in the sphj

For a sphj, paternity is not only a phase of life or responsibility, but rather a deep vocation, they see it as a natural extension of its innate desire to care for, protect and nourish, they are family -centered individuals, by What, often, the idea of ​​raising and guiding a new generation has a special meaning for them.

The sphj often address paternity with the same level of dedication and commitment that apply to other areas of their lives, They strive to be present at every moment and important event in the lives of their children, from his first steps to his graduations and beyond. It is not uncommon for a ESFJ to do everything possible to attend each recital, sports party or school meeting, since those moments value a lot and the connection they can establish with their children through them.

Communication is essential for sphjs, they strive to maintain an open and honest dialogue with their children, encouraging them to share their thoughts, feelings and concerns, this opening often leads to very close and trusted relationships between parents and children, where the Child knows that he can go to his father or mother sphj with any problem or concern.

However, this intense dedication and focus on the well -being of their children can sometimes make the sphj be perceived as an overprotective or even enthrieve, They can fight against the idea of ​​letting their children make mistakes and learn from them, because their primary instinct is to protect and keep their loved ones safe.

In addition, sphj often have strong values ​​and principles, and work hard to instill them in their children, this can be a blessing, since children raised by a sphj often grow with a strong sense of duty, responsibility and empathy Towards others, however, it can also be a challenge, especially if the child develops values ​​or beliefs that differ from those of their parents.

In general, a sphj sees paternity as one of the most important and rewarding roles of their life, they strive to be the best possible parents and, although sometimes they can be a bit intense in their approach, their love, dedication and commitment to The well -being of his children is unwavering, it is this unconditional love and constant support that often leaves a lasting impression in their children, who grow up knowing that they always have a safe refuge in their father or mother sphj.


ESFJs are usually individuals focused on people, with a strong desire to help and please others, this natural inclination towards human service and interaction often influences the choice of their professional career, as well as in the subjects and studies that are more attractive and in which they stand out.

From an early age, it is possible that the sphies show an affinity for subjects involving human interaction and understanding, For example, psychology, sociology or communication can be fields that call them attention because they allow them to better understand people and group dynamics.

In terms of higher studies, many sphs are attracted to careers in the field of health, education or social work, these areas offer them the opportunity to make a tangible difference in people's lives, either taking care of their health, educating them or providing support in difficult times. Nursing, for example, can be especially attractive to an ESFJ because it combines technical skills with personal care and empathy.

The works in which they can interact directly with people are usually ideal for sphjes, Posts in customer service, human resources or leadership roles in which they can motivate and guide a team often align well with their natural skills, since they feel a deep satisfaction in solving people's problems and making sure that everyone are happy and well cared for.

In addition, sphjs have a inclination towards structure and order, they like when things are well organized and flow efficiently, this characteristic can lead to roles in which planning and organization are key, they can be excellent administrators or Event coordinators, where their attention to detail and their desire to take care of all aspects of a situation are revealed.

However, it is important to note that, as with any type of personality, individual interests and abilities vary, while many sphies may be attracted to people -centered careers, others can find satisfaction in completely different fields, which is constant, However, it is his desire to make a positive difference and to have an impact on people's lives, regardless of the professional path they choose.

Famous characters with the spher personality type

  • Taylor Swift: American singer, composer and actress who has dominated the lists of successes since her debut in the world of country music to her transition to pop. Known for their deeply personal letters and their ability to connect with their fans, Swift has also been an active defender of the rights of artists and various social causes, their ability to connect with people and their innate desire to take care of and protect Your community are characteristic features of a sphj.
  • Joe Biden: 46th President of the United States, has had a long career in public service, including being the vice president under the administration of Barack Obama. Known for its empathy and its commitment to the unity and well -being of people, Biden has faced personal adversities that have shaped their compassionate character. These qualities of care and responsibility are characteristic of the spher profile.
  • Paul MCCARTNEY: British musician, singer and composer mainly for being one of The Beatles members, his influence on music is incomparable and has been a constant force in the industry for decades. Beyond his music, McCartney is known for his kind character and his involvement in beneficial causes, reflecting the careful nature of a sphj.
  • Chris Evans: American actor widely recognized for his role as Captain America in the Marvel Cinematographic Universe. His genuine concern for others and his desire to make the world a better place are features that coincide with a sph.
  • Margot Robbie: Australian actress acclaimed by his talent in films such as "The Wolf of Wall Street" and "Barbie". With a rapid ancestry in Hollywood, Robbie has proven to be not only a force on the screen, but also a successful producer with her company, Luckychap Entertainment. Its warmth, authenticity and commitment to representation in the cinema stand out typical characteristics of a sphj.
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  • Characteristics of MBTI profiles.
  • Compatibility guide between MBTI profiles.
  • List of fictitious or real characters according to their MBTI personality.