THE PERSONALITY PROFILE ENCE of the personality test Myers Briggs the activist

THE PERSONALITY PROFILE ENCE of the personality test Myers Briggs the activist

ENCEs are known with the nickname of "activists" because they are driven by a deep conviction and passion for the causes they consider valuable, They have a contagious energy and an innate ability to inspire and motivate others. Their open and creative nature allows them to see multiple possibilities in situations, and often seek They align perfectly with the spirit of an "activist".

The MBTI test analyzes 4 areas of personality and behavior, and each of the 4 acronym of the acronym in reference to the personality profile in each of these areas, in this case: extraverted (e), intuitive (n), Emotional (f) and perceptual (p). The combination of these four dichotomies determines the characteristics of the 16 possible personality types generated by the test:

  • ENCE (the activist)
  • INTP (the architect)
  • ESFP (the enthusiast)
  • UNCJ (the commander)
  • ESTP (the entrepreneur)
  • ISFP (the artist)
  • INFP (the healer)
  • ISTP (the virtuoso)
  • ISTJ (El Centinela)
  • INFJ (the counselor)
  • Intj (the genius)
  • ISFJ (the defender)
  • ESFJ (the protector)
  • Estj (the supervisor)
  • ENTP (the visionary)

In psychoactive, we put at your disposal a Free test to discover what your mbti profile is.

The psychological test that reveals your MBTI personality profile


  • The extraverted profile (E)
    •  Distinctive features
  • The intuitive profile (N)
    • Distinctive features of intuitive
  • The emotional profile (f)
    • Distinctive features of emotional
  • The perceptual profile (P)
    • Distinctive features of the perceptual
  • The cognitive functions of ENCE
  • ENFP characteristics
    • What is the ideal couple of an over
    • What are the most compatible profiles with the enca
    • The greatest enemies of the ENCE
    • The color that best represents the over
    • The animal that reflects the personality of the enca
  • How is the personality of the ENCE
  • What image the encales project on the people around
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the ENCE
  • How are the in love
  • How to conquer an over
  • How to face paternity in
  • Famous characters with the type of personality over
  • Biography

The extraverted profile (E)

The dimension of introversion (i) / extraversion (e), refers to how people interact with the world around them, how they focus their attention and how they get their vital energy.

Distinguishes two types of people, on the one hand, the profile Extraverted which corresponds to those individuals who obtain their vitality and motivation of social interactions, active or stimulating environments, and activities that involve other people, while people with the profile Introvert They recharge the batteries spending time alone, reflecting internally, and prefer quieter and less stimulating environments.

This dimension does not analyze whether someone is socially outgoing or shy, but analyzes the most effective source of energy and motivation of a person.

People with the profile Extraverted In the MBTI test they are defined, not because of their sociability, but for their natural approach to the outside world to form thoughts, make decisions and emit judgments, This cognitive extraversion differs from social extroversion, which is a behavior that can change depending on the situation or mood, people Extraverted They are based on the opinions and actions of others to form their own thoughts, and are constantly observing, evaluating and interacting with their environment.

Both extroversion and social introversion can be coping strategies and any healthy person learns to balance both, Extraverted They always observe first, they seek the perspective of others to form their own opinions and need the contribution of others to make decisions, sometimes, this can also make them seem social introverts, since they need time to process all the information they have collected.

The Extraverted They have a strong need for recognition due to their external approach, and may have difficulty defending their own beliefs due to their tendency to consider multiple points of view, although they can learn to do it over time.

People Extraverted They obtain their vitality and energy by interacting with other people and with the outside world, often enjoy social encounters, and can feel exhausted or discouraged if they spend too much time alone. They tend to think out loud, process their thoughts and solutions while talking, and feel more comfortable in situations where they can act or speak without too much prior reflection, they also tend to be more expressive and enthusiastic in interaction with others.

 Distinctive features

  • They can be described as speakers or outgoing.
  • They like to be in a fast rhythm atmosphere.
  • They tend to work ideas with others, they think out loud.
  • Enjoy being the center of attention.

Introversion or extroversion test

The intuitive profile (N)

The observer dimension (s) / intuitive (n), It refers to the way people have to process information and how they prefer to obtain and understand knowledge.

It is not a measure of intelligence or cognitive capacity, but that it refers to the favorite methods that people use to interact with information and understand the world around them. In general terms, it evaluates whether a person prefers to focus on tangible and concrete information, Observers, Or if you prefer to focus on abstract possibilities and information, Intuitive.

People with the trait Intuitive In the MBTI test they see the world mainly in terms of concepts and ideas, instead of personal experiences as observers do. They perceive the world as an interconnected network of ideas and concepts, focusing their attention on the whole instead of individual parts.

This perspective leads to the formation of complex opinions, although these are not always precise, and can often get away from reality due to their emphasis on concepts instead of real experiences.

The Intuitive They tend to focus on future possibilities, but they must make conscious efforts to appreciate the present and protect what is already good. Fear of change can also be a challenge for intuitive. They are more attracted to future theories, patterns and possibilities, they are imaginative and insightful, and tend to trust their instincts or their "sixth sense".

Instead of focusing on the tangible and in the present, they feel comfortable with the abstractions, ideas and interpretations of situations, sometimes they may seem less practical or realistic than Observers, But its strength lies in its ability to imagine possible futures, recognize emerging trends and patterns, and explore new ideas.

Distinctive features of intuitive

  • Imagine the possibilities of how things could be.
  • They perceive things as a whole and see how everything connects.
  • They enjoy ideas and concepts for themselves.
  • They like to describe things in a figurative, poetic way.
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The emotional profile (f)

The rational dimension (t) / emotional (f) Analyze the way people have to make decisions and their priorities in life.

PEOPLE WITH PROFILE Rational, They tend to make decisions impersonally, based on logic and objectivity, while people in profile Emotional they make decisions based on their personal values ​​and how they will affect others.

People with the profile Emotional In the MBTI test they focus on the meaning and inherent value of things rather than their practical utility, They pursue that ideas and people reach the meaning and value they see in them, and are disappointed when they do not achieve it.

They make decisions based more on their personal values ​​and how decisions will affect the people involved, they are empathic, they look for harmony and worry about maintaining positive relationships.

They consider emotions and feelings, both of them and others, as an integral part of the decision -making process, and instead of looking for a "correct" or "incorrect" solution in an impersonal way, they seek the option that is more consistent with their values ​​and values ​​and that has the best emotional impact on others.

Distinctive features of emotional

  • They base their decisions on personal values ​​and how actions affect others.
  • They value harmony and forgiveness.
  • They like to please others and highlight the best of people.
  • They could be described as warm and empathic.

The perceptual profile (P)

The judicious dimension (J) / perceptive (p) Evaluate how people interact with the outside world, And particularly how they face life, work, and how they handle their decisions and actions.

On the one hand, people who prefer sanity, tend to be organized and follow a plan are classified as Judicious, While people who prefer perception, are more spontaneous and prefer to maintain open options are classified as Perceptual.

People with the trait Perceptual In the MBTI test, they prefer to explore options before making decisions And they focus on learning how to do things better instead of simply doing them, see the world as a series of puzzles to solve and constantly seek better tools to solve them.

Its main objective is not to complete a task, but to learn and test new tools and methods; When exploring new methods, they become more efficient when they reach their goals, however, they must avoid "analysis paralysis", where they consider so many options that do not make any decision.

People with the trait Perceptual They are more flexible and spontaneous, they feel comfortable in situations in constant change and can easily adapt to new circumstances, do not feel the need to have a strict plan and often prefer to maintain open options instead of making definitive decisions.

These types of people can be more explorer, curious and open to new experiences.

Distinctive features of the perceptual

  • Prefer to leave their options open.
  • Come the rules and deadlines as flexible.
  • They like to improvise and do things as you advance.
  • They are spontaneous, enjoy surprises and new situations.

The cognitive functions of ENCE

Cognitive functions, describe the specific ways in which people process information and make decisions, There are eight cognitive functions in total that are divided into perception functions: [ne], [ni], [se], [yes] and judgment functions: [te], [ti], [faith], [fi] and Each can be directed towards the internal world (introverted) or to the external world (extroverted).

Each MBTI profile has a unique combination of these functions, with a dominant one that is the most natural and preferred, followed by an auxiliary, tertiary and, finally, the lower function. This functions structure helps provide a more detailed and nuanced understanding of each personality type compared to simple MBTI dichotomies.

The following cognitive functions of ENCE in order of the most dominant to the least relevant, define their particular way of perceiving the world and making decisions:

  1. Extraverted intuitive [NE] - (dominant function): ENFPs are recognized for their ability to perceive possibilities in the environment, the [NE] function allows them to connect disparate ideas, be creative in their thinking and be open to multiple perspectives. They are curious and always look for new experiences and ideas.
  2. Emotional introverted [fi] - (auxiliary function): Accompanying their intuitive nature, the ENCEs use [fi] to make decisions based on an internal values ​​system, they are passionate, authentic and seek to align with what they feel that it is true for them. This function allows them to relate deeply to others and advocate for reasons that care.
  3. Extraverted rational [te] - (tertiary function): With development and maturity, ENCEs can use [te] to organize their environment, plan and carry out concrete actions to achieve their objectives. This function helps them to express their ideas effectively and work on projects more structured.
  4. Introverted observer [yes] - (lower function): Being the less dominant function in the ENCE, [yes] connects with the past and previous experiences, it allows them to remember details and references of past situations, which can influence their decision -making and current perspectives. Under stress, they can resort to family behaviors and routines or recall the past with unusual intensity.

Although the dominant and auxiliary function are the most relevant and used in the daily life of an over, all functions work together to form the full profile of their personality. With time and personal development, many people can learn to access and use their tertiary and lower functions more effectively.

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ENFP characteristics

ENFPs are defined as enthusiastic, creative, spontaneous, optimistic, supportive and playful. They value inspiration, enjoy starting new projects, and see potential in others ..

Together with the rest of the NF profiles, they are part of the group of idealists. The groups are formed with the profiles that share two of the four dimensions of the test, in this case, it is the dimensions Intuitive and Emotional that present the following characteristics:

  • They value the meaning, integrity and involvement: This means that they seek a purpose and depth in their actions and relationships, they are not content with the superficial, in addition, integrity is essential for them, they always try to be consistent with their principles and values, and they get deeply involved in what they do , they do not stay on the surface.
  • They have talent for diplomacy: They are good mediators, capable of seeing the different points of view in a dispute and helping the parties to reach an agreement, have communication and persuasion skills, and tend to be respectful and considered with the feelings of others.
  • They seek harmony, personal improvement and others: They aspire to live in an environment in which peace reigns and also, they are constantly searching for growth and personal development, and encouraging others to do the same.
  • They express themselves with enthusiasm: They are passionate with their ideas and projects, and that energy is reflected in the way they speak and act, their enthusiasm can be very contagious, inspiring others to join their cause.
  • They need significant job: They are not satisfied with simply winning a salary, they want their work to have a purpose, to be in line with their values ​​and that somehow contributes to the world a better place.
  • See each other: They are optimistic about human nature and always look for the good side of people, believe in the potential of others and encourage them to reach it. This positive vision can help them motivate and inspire others, but it can also lead them to feel disappointed if people do not meet their high expectations.

What is the ideal couple of an over

The ideal part of the enmp is the profile Intj.

This choice is based on the complementarity of its cognitive functions, which generates a balanced and stimulating relationship for both parties.

What are the most compatible profiles with the enca

ENCE are outgoing, intuitive, emotional and perceptive individuals, are passionate, creative and enjoy exploring the possibilities and potentials of life, so when talking about relationship compatibility, the MBTI model maintains that people are usually more Compatible with those who share their way of perception but have differences in the way of making decisions and their orientation to the world, so compatible types would be the following:

  • Intj: Intj and Enca are often seen as highly compatible because they complement each other. While the ENCE is outgoing, emotional and flexible, the intj is introverted, logical and organized, and both share intuition as their main function, which allows them to be understood and connected to a deeper level. The differences between these two types can enrich the relationship, since each one brings different perspectives and skills.
  • INFJ: INFJ and ENFP share intuitive function, which means that both are adept to see future possibilities and think abstractly, however, while the enmp man makes decisions based on their personal values ​​and emotions, infj tends to do so In a more logical and organized way, this combination can lead to deep and significant discussions and mutual understanding.
  • ENFJ: Although both are outgoing and emotional types, the EnFj tends to be more organized and focused on the goals that the in, both enjoy connecting with others and share a similar orientation towards the world, which can lead to an enriching relationship.
  • INFP: They share many similarities in terms of values, interests and ways of seeing the world, however, while the ENCE is more extroverted and energetic, INFP is more introverted and reflective.

The greatest enemies of the ENCE

There are some profiles that may have significant differences with the ENCE in terms of values, motivations and ways of processing information, and these differences are those that can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts if they are not properly handled.

  • ISTJ: They are introverted, sensitive, based on thought and judicious, they also value tradition, structure and logic, and you can see the ENCEs as unpredictable or unstructured, while the ENCEs could perceive ISTJ as too rigid or closed To new ideas.
  • Estj: Although they are extroverted, their focus on logic, structure and order can collide with the most flexible and emotional approach of the ENCE, the ESTJ can see the encars as inconsistent, while the ENFP could feel that the ESTs are too much authoritarian or inflexible.
  • Intj: Although they share intuition with the ENCE, the intj are more reserved and based on thought, they could consider the ENCEs as too emotional or not logical enough, while the ENCEs could feel that the intj are too critical or distant.

ENCE in a single word: Visionaries.

Personality in a single phrase: Innovative enthusiasts, always inspired by possibilities and motivated by their passion to bring positive change to the world.

The color that best represents the over

The color that best represents the over turquoise. It is a vibrant and energetic color, as is the enthusiastic and lively spirit of the ENCE, symbolizes creativity, openness and communication.

ENCE are usually individuals inspired by possibilities and often have an innate desire to make the world a better place, turquoise, being a color that combines the blue calm with green energizing, reflects this duality of being reflective and contemplative, but to the same time to be ready to act and bring positive changes.

The animal that reflects the personality of the enca

The animal that best represents the entp profile is the Colibrí. These little and vibrant birds are known for their incessant energy, curiosity and adaptability, characteristics that fit the qualities of an over.

The hummingbird moves quickly from flower, looking for nectar, similar to how an in an idea in idea, always anxious to explore something new and exciting, these birds are also adaptive and can maneuver precisely, reflecting flexibility and adaptability and adaptability that encane usually show in different situations.

In addition, the hummingbird, with its bright and colorful feathers, often attracts attention, something that many over do naturally due to its charism and contagious enthusiasm.

How is the personality of the ENCE

These individuals They have a contagious energy and a passion for life that often motivates and inspires those around them, They are known for their enthusiasm, creativity and free spirit, and although they are outgoing and enjoy interacting with other people, they also have a deep introspection that allows them to connect significantly with others.

One of the most distinctive features of ENCE is its ability to see infinite possibilities, they do not feel limited by "what it is", but they feel excited by "what could be". This vision oriented towards the future allows them to be innovative and often they are able to connect seemingly different ideas to create something new and exciting.

ENCE authentically value personal relationships and seek a deep connection with the people around them, enjoy knowing others at an intimate level and easily understand the emotions and motivations of others. This ability to tune in with the feelings of others can make the ENCEs extremely empathic and compassionate.

However, this same emotional opening can also be a double -edged sword, ENCEs can feel overwhelmed by intensely emotional or conflictive situations And they can have difficulty establishing healthy limits, sometimes, they can excessively spread, trying to do too much for too much people at the same time.

A distinctive feature of the APP is its aversion to routine and monotony, yearn You can also hinder concentration in repetitive or detailed tasks.

ENCE value authenticity and want to be seen and accepted by who they really are, this desire can lead them to fight external expectations or conventional standards, especially if they feel that these rules are restrictive or not very authentic.

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What image the encales project on the people around

The over, with their natural enthusiasm and passion for possibilities, often They project an image of vibrant people and full of life, Their contagious energy and spontaneity make them stand out in many environments, and it is common for others to see them as charismatic and charming individuals.

In the eyes of many, over the soul of the party, their ability to connect with others, along with their genuine interest in people and their stories, allows them to establish significant and enjoyable conversations. They are seen as open and without prejudice, which allows them to establish friendships with a wide variety of people. This opening and curiosity make them seem accessible and easy to address.

Besides, Its creative and innovative nature is often evident in the way they address problems or challenges, Companies and school coworkers can see the APP as a solutions of creative problems that are not afraid of thinking creatively and their willingness to explore new ideas and their resistance to getting trapped in the routine make them seen as renovators and visionaries.

However, this same spontaneity and routine aversion can sometimes make the encars be seen as inconsistent or unpredictable, they can be perceived as people who are easily distracted or who jump from a task or interest to another without completing what they started. Their passionate nature can also lead them to get involved deeply in debates or discussions, which could make some see them as too intense or emotional in certain situations.

In the family, they are often seen as the glue that keeps the group together, their natural empathy and their ability to tune in with the emotions of others make them excellent mediators and advisors, however, this same sensitivity can make them take to take chest family conflicts, and it is possible that relatives care that the encars overload emotionally.

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What are the strengths and weaknesses of the ENCE

ENCE are passionate and enthusiastic individuals who have a series of virtues and strengths, but also face certain challenges and weaknesses inherent to their personality type.

Main virtues and strengths of the ENCE:

  1. Deep empathy: ENFPs have an innate ability to tune in with the emotions and needs of others, this empathy allows them to significantly connect with people and deeply understand their perspectives.
  2. Creativity: They are original and creative thinkers, which allows them to address problems and challenges from unique angles, this capacity makes them solve of innovative problems.
  3. Opening to new ideas: ENCE are curious by nature and are open to explore various perspectives and possibilities, this opening helps them adapt and learn in changing environments.
  4. Passion: They get deeply involved in what matters to them, and when they feel inspired, they can move mountains with their enthusiasm and energy.
  5. Communication skills: Thanks to their genuine interest in people and their ability to express their ideas with enthusiasm, ENFPs are natural communicators and can often inspire and motivate others with their words.

Defects and weaknesses of ENCE:

  1. Tendency to get distracted: Given its curious nature and interest in so many possibilities, the enmp.
  2. Sensitivity: Their empathy and emotional connection with others can make them particularly vulnerable to criticisms or conflicts, they can take things very to chest, even if it was not intended to hurt them.
  3. Impulsiveness: Their desire to follow their enthusiasm can lead them to act without thinking about the long -term consequences, which can lead to precipitated decisions.
  4. Difficulty with routine: ENCEs tend to be discouraged or bored with repetitive or routine tasks, this can make it difficult to adapt to strict structures and schedules.
  5. Avoid conflicts: Although they are empathic and understanding, they can sometimes avoid direct confrontations or difficult discussions, which can complicate problem solving.

How are the in love

ENCE in romantic love They are passionate, dedicated and always look for a deep and significant connection with their partner. Attracted by the possibility of a true romance, the ENCE dream of finding someone with whom to share an authentic bond, and when they find it, they are given fully.

The romance for an enca is not simply a series of dating or casual meetings; It is an emotional and mental exploration in which they seek to understand and be understood, their empathic nature and their desire to connect deeply with others makes them look for relationships in which they can completely be and where their partner also feels free to do what same.

Given its enthusiastic and optimistic nature, An over usually approaches love with a mixture of idealism and excitation, They see the potential in their partner, often focusing on their best qualities and believing in their ability to grow and evolve together, however, this idealistic approach can sometimes lead them to ignore the warning signs or to ignore problems in the relationship.

ENCE value communication and authenticity in their romantic relationships, not only want to feel loved and appreciated, but also want to have deep conversations, discuss ideas and dreams and share their most intimate hopes and fears with their partner, this desire for open communication Often it makes them attentive listeners, always willing to offer comfort and understanding.

Since the ENCEs are very sensitive, they can also be easily injured, criticism or rejection can affect them deeply, and may need time to process and heal these wounds, however, when they fully trust someone, they are incredibly loyal and will do everything THE POSSIBLE TO MAINTAIN THE RELATIONSHIP FLOWDING.

How to conquer an over

Conquering an over requires understanding, patience and authenticity, This type of personality is characterized by its emotional openness, Your desire for connection and its assessment of significant relationships, so addressing the relationship with sincerity and disposition to build a genuine bond is essential.

To begin with, the ENCE value authenticity above all, appear to be someone you are not or attempt See through the facades and value honesty.

Communication is fundamental, ENFP worship deep and intellectual conversations, those that transcend the simple exchange of courtesies and penetrate the territories of dreams, aspirations, fears and passions. Being willing to open and share your most intimate thoughts and feelings can help establish a deep connection with an over.

Another aspect to consider is the support to its dreamy and enthusiastic nature, the over are full of ideas, projects and dreams, encourage them, show genuine interest in their passions and, from time to time, join their adventures can solidify the link, and that appreciate those who not only understand them, but also share their enthusiasm.

However, care with criticism must assign guilt.

Respecting your need for freedom and independence is also essential, despite its sociable and loving nature, the ENCE value their space and time to reflect, dream and recharge, so understanding and allowing these moments will show them that you value their individual needs.

Although the ENCEs can take completely committed due to their fear of losing their freedom or not finding the perfect connection, once they feel they have found someone who truly understands and appreciates them, their loyalty and devotion will not have limits. Win that trust and show that you are there in the long term is the last and most crucial step to conquer the heart of an enca.

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How to face paternity in

The ENCE addresses paternity with the same enthusiasm, passion and energy that apply to many other areas of their lives, for them, being parents is an opportunity to explore a deep and significant link, full of emotional adventures, mutual learning and personal growth.

The vision of fatherhood is based on a deep respect for their children. They see them as unique beings with their own dreams, desires and personalities from an early age, this means that, Instead of imposing a series of predefined expectations, ENFPs tend to raise their children in an opening and stimulus environment, encouraging them to discover and follow their own passions.

In his daily interaction, a father or mother in an in is usually very affectionate and playful, they love to immerse themselves in the imaginative world of their children, actively participating in creative games and promoting an environment where imagination blooms freely, this quality allows them to connect deeply with your children on an emotional level and understand their internal worlds.

Given its empathic character They are also very sensitive to the emotions and needs of their children, They are fast to detect when something is wrong and are usually excellent listeners. They often act as confidants, offering a safe space where their children can express their feelings and concerns without fear of being judged.

However, with their passionate and energetic nature, ENFPs can also face challenges in paternity, they may have difficulties establishing consistent limits, since they want to avoid conflicts and maintain a harmonious environment, and this tendency to avoid confrontation can make it in occasions delay problem solving or avoid establishing clear standards.

Despite their challenges, their main objective is to ensure that their children grow up feeling loved, understood and valued as individuals, they want them to have the confidence to explore the world by themselves, armed with a solid base of love and support.


The over, with their open, enthusiastic and creative personality, often have a professional career that reflects their desire to explore different fields and find ways to positively impact the world around them, are individuals who seek meaning and purpose in what they do , and this translates into the professional elections that they do throughout their lives.

Many over start their working life exploring professions that allow them to express their creativity and connect with people, This can lead them to work in fields such as arts, theater, writing or journalism, they love to tell stories, either through words, images or performances, and have the innate ability to connect with an audience emotionally.

However, the desire for an over to make a tangible difference in the world can also guide them towards professions focused on helping others, it is common to find EnFP working as psychologists, counselors, social workers or even in roles of activism where they seek to promote the social or environmental change.

ENFPs are also known for their entrepreneurial spirit, And it is not strange that they decide to start their own projects or companies, especially if they feel they can fill a vacuum in the market or provide an innovative solution to a common problem.

In the academic field, the encars tend to be attracted to subjects that allow them to explore and understand the human nature and the world around them, psychology, sociology, philosophy and literature are usually subjects in which they stand out. These matters provide them with the space to reflect, discuss and understand human motivations and desires, something that is fundamental to the curious nature of the enca.

Communication, art and design studies can also be attractive to them, since they are offered a platform to express their ideas and connect with others through creative means.

Given their extroverted, intuitive, sentimental and perceptual nature, the ENCE are attracted to works that allow them to be flexible, creative and connect with people; Roles in public relations, marketing, event management or even in human resources areas, where they can help cultivate a positive organizational culture, are usually suitable for them.

They can also be attracted to professions that allow them to make a positive change in the world, such as work at NGOs, teaching or therapy.

In short, the ENCEs look for professions that not only allow them to contribute creativity and enthusiasm, but also provide them with a sense of purpose and meaning, they want to feel that what they do has an impact and makes a difference in people's lives or in The world in general.

Famous characters with the type of personality over

  • Kanye West: Multifaceted artist, musical producer and American fashion designer, known for his innovative music work, has released albums acclaimed as "The College Dropout" and "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy". Kanye has also caused a stir with his bold opinions and actions, often polarizing, in the public sphere, his impulsive nature and his ability to think creatively, as well as his enthusiasm for new ideas and adventures, they are typical features of an overfrite profile.
  • John Lennon: He was a musician, singer -songwriter and activist for British peace, known as the founding member of The Beatles, the most influential band in the history of pop music. Throughout his career, he produced iconic successes as "Imagine" and "Give Peace A Chance". John was known for his free spirit, his passion for social justice and his creativity without limits, his insatiable curiosity and his desire to make a difference in the world are clear reflexes of personality in over.
  • Tom Holland: British actor acclaimed internationally for his interpretation of Peter Parker / Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematographic Universe, with a contagious energy and an innate ability to connect with the public, Tom has managed to consolidate himself as one of the most promising young actors of his generation , his enthusiasm, adaptability and ability to live at the time, along with his genuine interest in people, are typical characteristics of ENCE.
  • Jennifer Lawrence: American actress known for her talent and her authentic spirit, winner of an Oscar for her role in "Silver Linings Playbook", has also stood out in popular franchises such as "The Games of Hunger" and "X-Men". Jennifer is known for his spontaneity, his contagious sense of humor and his ability to speak openly on important issues. His open nature, his genuine curiosity and his desire to live to the fullest fit to the ENCE profile.
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  • Characteristics of MBTI profiles.
  • Compatibility guide between MBTI profiles.
  • List of fictitious or real characters according to their MBTI personality.