ENFJ are known to the nickname of "teachers" because they have a natural gift to understand people, inspire and guide them to develop their full potential, They are born communicators, empathic and motivating, with a deep desire to help others grow and develop. His ability to connect emotionally and transmit knowledge, along with his passion for making a positive difference in the lives of others, positions them as "teachers" in the broad sense of guiding, teaching and leading with empathy and vision.

The MBTI test analyzes 4 areas of personality and behavior, and each of the 4 acronym of acronym enfj refers to the personality profile in each of these areas, in this case: Extraverted (e), intuitive (n), emotional (f) and judicious (J). The combination of these four dichotomies determines the characteristics of the 16 possible personality types generated by the test:

  • ENCE (the activist)
  • INTP (the architect)
  • ESFP (the enthusiast)
  • UNCJ (the commander)
  • ESTP (the entrepreneur)
  • ISFP (the artist)
  • INFP (the healer)
  • ISTP (the virtuoso)
  • ISTJ (El Centinela)
  • INFJ (the counselor)
  • Intj (the genius)
  • ISFJ (the defender)
  • ESFJ (the protector)
  • Estj (the supervisor)
  • ENTP (the visionary)

In psychoactive, we put at your disposal a Free test to discover what your mbti profile is.

The psychological test that reveals your MBTI personality profile


  • The extraverted profile (E)
    •  Distinctive features
  • The intuitive profile (N)
    • Distinctive features of intuitive
  • The emotional profile (f)
    • Distinctive features of emotional
  • The judicious profile (J)
    • Distinctive features of the judicious
  • The cognitive functions of ENFJ
    • What is the ideal couple of an enfj
    • What are the most compatible profiles with the ENFJ
    • The greatest enemies of the ENFJ
    • The color that best represents the enfj
    • The animal that reflects the personality of the Enfj
  • How is the personality of the ENFJ
  • What image the Enfj projects on others
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the ENFJ
  • How are the Enfa in Love
  • How to conquer an enfj
  • Paternity in the enfj
  • Famous characters with the type of personality enfj
  • Biography

The extraverted profile (E)

The dimension of introversion (i) / extraversion (e), refers to how people interact with the world around them, how they focus their attention and how they get their vital energy.

Distinguishes two types of people, on the one hand, the profile Extraverted which corresponds to those individuals who obtain their vitality and motivation of social interactions, active or stimulating environments, and activities that involve other people, while people with the profile Introvert They recharge the batteries spending time alone, reflecting internally, and prefer quieter and less stimulating environments.

This dimension does not analyze whether someone is socially outgoing or shy, but analyzes the most effective source of energy and motivation of a person.

People with the profile Extraverted In the MBTI test they are defined, not because of their sociability, but for their natural approach to the outside world to form thoughts, make decisions and emit judgments, This cognitive extraversion differs from social extroversion, which is a behavior that can change depending on the situation or mood, people Extraverted They are based on the opinions and actions of others to form their own thoughts, and are constantly observing, evaluating and interacting with their environment.

Both extroversion and social introversion can be coping strategies and any healthy person learns to balance both, Extraverted They always observe first, they seek the perspective of others to form their own opinions and need the contribution of others to make decisions, sometimes, this can also make them seem social introverts, since they need time to process all the information they have collected.

The Extraverted They have a strong need for recognition due to their external approach, and may have difficulty defending their own beliefs due to their tendency to consider multiple points of view, although they can learn to do it over time.

People Extraverted They obtain their vitality and energy by interacting with other people and with the outside world, often enjoy social encounters, and can feel exhausted or discouraged if they spend too much time alone. They tend to think out loud, process their thoughts and solutions while talking, and feel more comfortable in situations where they can act or speak without too much prior reflection, they also tend to be more expressive and enthusiastic in interaction with others.

 Distinctive features

  • They can be described as speakers or outgoing.
  • They like to be in a fast rhythm atmosphere.
  • They tend to work ideas with others, they think out loud.
  • Enjoy being the center of attention.

Introversion or extroversion test

The intuitive profile (N)

The observer dimension (s) / intuitive (n), It refers to the way people have to process information and how they prefer to obtain and understand knowledge.

It is not a measure of intelligence or cognitive capacity, but that it refers to the favorite methods that people use to interact with information and understand the world around them. In general terms, it evaluates whether a person prefers to focus on tangible and concrete information, Observers, Or if you prefer to focus on abstract possibilities and information, Intuitive.

People with the trait Intuitive In the MBTI test they see the world mainly in terms of concepts and ideas, instead of personal experiences as observers do. They perceive the world as an interconnected network of ideas and concepts, focusing their attention on the whole instead of individual parts.

This perspective leads to the formation of complex opinions, although these are not always precise, and can often get away from reality due to their emphasis on concepts instead of real experiences.

The Intuitive They tend to focus on future possibilities, but they must make conscious efforts to appreciate the present and protect what is already good. Fear of change can also be a challenge for intuitive. They are more attracted to future theories, patterns and possibilities, they are imaginative and insightful, and tend to trust their instincts or their "sixth sense".

Instead of focusing on the tangible and in the present, they feel comfortable with the abstractions, ideas and interpretations of situations, sometimes they may seem less practical or realistic than Observers, But its strength lies in its ability to imagine possible futures, recognize emerging trends and patterns, and explore new ideas.

Distinctive features of intuitive

  • Imagine the possibilities of how things could be.
  • They perceive things as a whole and see how everything connects.
  • They enjoy ideas and concepts for themselves.
  • They like to describe things in a figurative, poetic way.
The six characteristics of a psychopath

The emotional profile (f)

The rational dimension (t) / emotional (f) Analyze the way people have to make decisions and their priorities in life.

PEOPLE WITH PROFILE Rational, They tend to make decisions impersonally, based on logic and objectivity, while people in profile Emotional they make decisions based on their personal values ​​and how they will affect others.

People with the profile Emotional In the MBTI test they focus on the meaning and inherent value of things rather than their practical utility, They pursue that ideas and people reach the meaning and value they see in them, and are disappointed when they do not achieve it.

They make decisions based more on their personal values ​​and how decisions will affect the people involved, they are empathic, they look for harmony and worry about maintaining positive relationships.

They consider emotions and feelings, both of them and others, as an integral part of the decision -making process, and instead of looking for a "correct" or "incorrect" solution in an impersonal way, they seek the option that is more consistent with their values ​​and values ​​and that has the best emotional impact on others.

Distinctive features of emotional

  • They base their decisions on personal values ​​and how actions affect others.
  • They value harmony and forgiveness.
  • They like to please others and highlight the best of people.
  • They could be described as warm and empathic.

The judicious profile (J)

The judicious dimension (J) / perceptive (p), Evaluate how people interact with the outside world, And particularly how they face life, work, and how they handle their decisions and actions.

On the one hand, people who prefer wisdom, tend to be organized and follow a plan are classified as Judicious, While people who prefer perception, are more spontaneous and prefer to maintain open options are classified as Perceptual.

People with the profile Judicious In the MBTI test they prefer to draw a path and follow it, obtaining satisfaction to see your will become reality, although this may mean not considering all possible routes to get there.

People with this profile prefer to plan their actions in advance, but they can have difficulty detecting alternative options that people with perceptual trait would see immediately and can be reluctant to try something new if their plans do not function as expected.

People with the trait Judicious They tend to be organized and structured, they feel comfortable establishing plans and following them, prefer predictable and orderly life, and are usually determined and resolutive in their tasks. These types of people often enjoy creating and following routines, and generally prefer to have firm control over their schedules and commitments.

Distinctive features of the judicious

  • Prefer that things are resolved.
  • They think that rules and deadlines must be respected.
  • Prefer to have detailed instructions, step by step.
  • They make plans, they want to know in advance what they are getting.

The cognitive functions of ENFJ

Cognitive functions, describe the specific ways in which people process information and make decisions, There are eight cognitive functions in total that are divided into perception functions: [ne], [ni], [se], [yes] and judgment functions: [te], [ti], [faith], [fi] and Each can be directed towards the internal world (introverted) or to the external world (extroverted).

Each MBTI profile has a unique combination of these functions, with a dominant one that is the most natural and preferred, followed by an auxiliary, tertiary and, finally, the lower function. This functions structure helps provide a more detailed and nuanced understanding of each personality type compared to simple MBTI dichotomies.

The following cognitive functions of ENFJ in order of the most dominant to the least relevant, define their particular way of perceiving the world and making decisions:

  1. Extraverted emotional [faith] - (dominant function): Enfj, with [faith] dominant, are highly tune in with the emotions and needs of others, seek to create harmony in their environments and are naturally empathic. They often act as mediators and are excellent to coordinate and motivate the groups, on the other hand, decision making focuses on collective values ​​and how they will affect the people involved.
  2. Intuitive introverted [ni] - (auxiliary function): The ENFJ use [ni] to see beyond the surface and understand the long -term implications and the underlying connections in situations, also allow them oriented to a purpose.
  3. Extraverted observer [se] - (tertiary function): With the development of [SE], ENFJs can become more aware and connected to their immediate environment, it also allows them to enjoy the present, adapt quickly to changing situations and respond with agility to the demands of the environment.
  4. Rational introverted [Ti] - (lower function): Being the least dominant function in its configuration, [TI] offers the ENFJ an internal capacity to analyze situations and understand them in a logical and objective way, and even if it is not their main approach to decision making, in times of introspection or under certain certain circumstances, they can resort to this function to obtain clarity.

Although the dominant and auxiliary function are the most relevant and used in the daily life of an ENFJ, all functions work together to form the full profile of their personality. With time and personal development, many people can learn to access and use their tertiary and lower functions more effectively.

Düss fable test: 10 fables


ENFJ are defined as solidarity, enthusiastic, idealistic, organized, diplomats and responsible. They are skilled communicators who value the connection with people.

Together with the rest of the NF profiles, they are part of the group of idealists. The groups are formed with the profiles that share two of the four dimensions of the test, in this case, these are the profiles Intuitive and Emotional that present the following characteristics:

  • They value the meaning, integrity and involvement: This means that they seek a purpose and depth in their actions and relationships, they are not content with the superficial, in addition, integrity is essential for them, they always try to be consistent with their principles and values, and they get deeply involved in what they do , they do not stay on the surface.
  • They have talent for diplomacy: They are good mediators, capable of seeing the different points of view in a dispute and helping the parties to reach an agreement, have communication and persuasion skills, and tend to be respectful and considered with the feelings of others.
  • They seek harmony, personal improvement and others: They aspire to live in an environment in which peace reigns and also, they are constantly searching for growth and personal development, and encouraging others to do the same.
  • They express themselves with enthusiasm: They are passionate with their ideas and projects, and that energy is reflected in the way they speak and act, their enthusiasm can be very contagious, inspiring others to join their cause.
  • They need significant job: They are not satisfied with simply winning a salary, they want their work to have a purpose, to be in line with their values ​​and that somehow contributes to the world a better place.
  • See each other: They are optimistic about human nature and always look for the good side of people, believe in the potential of others and encourage them to reach it. This positive vision can help them motivate and inspire others, but it can also lead them to feel disappointed if people do not meet their high expectations.

What is the ideal couple of an enfj

The ideal couple of the enfj is the profile INFP. ENFJs are natural leaders, passionate about helping others and creating deep and significant connections, they are extroverted, but they also have an emotional depth and an intuitive understanding of emotions and human motivations. For their part, the INFPs are introverted, idealists, with a rich inner life and a deep values ​​system, and together, they form a harmonious and complementary combination. While the ENFJ strives to take care and guide, the INFP provides an introspective perspective and a quiet understanding, the INFP, with its dreamy nature and its dedication to the ideals, can inspire the ENFJ, while the enfj, with its energy and its energy and Determination To make a difference, you can motivate the INFP to act based on their values, both types value authenticity and depth in their relationships, and this shared connection can lead to an intimate and enriching relationship.

What are the most compatible profiles with the ENFJ

ENFJ, known for their empathy and leadership skills, and highlights in terms of compatibility with several personality types of the MBTI due to its complementary characteristics:

  • INFP: The combination of ENFP and INFP is harmonious, INFPs have an introspective nature and a deep system of values, which can complement the passion and desire of the Enfa to help and connect with others, both value authenticity in their relationships, what which can result in a deep mutual understanding.
  • ISFP: Like the INFP, the ISFPs value authenticity and live according to their internal values, although they are more practical and present to the present than the INFPs, ISFPs can provide a sense of calm and realism to the relationship, balancing the visionary approach of enfj.
  • ENTP: The inventive and analytical nature of the ETP can complement the passion and idealism of the ENFJ, both types are extraverted and enjoy the discussion and exploration of ideas, which can result in a dynamic and stimulating relationship.
  • INFJ: Although they share many characteristics with the ENFJ, infj are introverted, both types have a deep understanding of human emotions and motivations, and their intuitive nature allows them to connect at a deep and significant level, which can result in a rich and rich relationship Comprehensive.

The greatest enemies of the ENFJ

In terms of potential differences in communication and values, some profiles could find more challenges when interacting with the enfj:

  • ISTP: ISTP are analytical, practical and tend to live at the time, they often prefer tangible data on intuitions or feelings, and can see the ENFJ as too emotional or idealistic, on the other hand, the ENFJ could find that Istp are not what they are not what enough open or communicative about their feelings.
  • INTP: Although both types share a preference for intuition, INTPs focus more on abstract logic and theory, while ENFJs focus on people and emotions. ENFJ may feel that INTPs are too distant or do not consider the emotions of others, while INTPs may feel that ENFJs are too effusive or intrusive.
  • ESTP: The ESTP are energetic, impulsive and focus on the present, they can find that the ENFJs are too planning or concerned about the future, the enfj, in turn, may feel that the ESTPs do not reflect enough before acting or that they do not consider The long -term implications of your actions.
  • ENTJ: Although both types are outgoing and objective -oriented, the EVIs tend to be more direct and less focused on emotions than the enfj, this could result in communication challenges, where the ENFJs may feel that the EPVs are too hard or insensitive, while that the EVJ can see the EnFa as too sentimental.


Personality Enfj in a single phrase: Charismatic and passionate leaders looking for deep personal connections.

The color that best represents the enfj

The color that could better represent the ENFJ is the violet, It is a color associated with understanding, compassion, creativity and inspiration, ENFJs are known for their empathy, their desire to connect with others at a deep level and their ability to inspire and lead people towards a positive change. Like the violet, which is between blue (calm, reliability) and red (passion, energy), enfj can balance emotion with understanding, being both passionate and reflective, so the violet represents Many of the unique and balanced qualities of the Enfj.

The animal that reflects the personality of the Enfj

He elephant It is the animal that best represents the ENFJ profile, since they are social creatures, recognized for their deep emotional capacity, strong family ties and their role as protectors and leaders within their herds, they are known for comforting each other, demonstrating empathy and having a memory surprising, remembering both affections and grievances.

The Enfj, in their nucleus, are people passionate about the well -being of others, and strive to create significant and deep connections, similar to how the elephants connect with their pack, in addition, the EnFJs are usually seen as pillars of their community o Group, like the matriarchy in a herd of elephants, this affectionate, empathic nature and leader of the ENFJ is well reflected in the behavior and characteristics of the elephant, therefore, this majestic animal encapsulates the warm, protective and leader essence of the enfj.

How is the personality of the ENFJ

ENFJ are individuals warm, empathic and passionate to help others reach their potential and grow, Given an innate intuition about people's emotions and needs, they are often attracted to roles that allow them to guide, advise or teach, they are natural communicators and have the ability to inspire and motivate those around them, often using this ability to mediate conflicts and foster a harmonious atmosphere.

They have a high sense of duty and are deeply committed to their ideals and values, constantly looking politics.

His genuine interest in others can sometimes lead them to invest too much of themselves in relationships, running the risk of neglecting their own needs, They can also tend to be too critical with themselves, especially if they feel that they are not meeting the expectations they have established.

Although they are usually extroverted and enjoy social interaction, ENCAs also value depth in their relationships, do not conform with superficial connections and yearn to truly understand others and be understood in turn. It is this combination of empathy, passion and depth that makes the ENFJs so invaluable in their relationships and roles where understanding and guide are essential.

Personality test: Discover your character according to psychology

What image the Enfj projects on others

The enfj, with their natural charism and deep interest in the well -being of others, often They project an image of affectionate and committed leaders, Their ability to tune in with the emotions and needs of people gives them a kind of magnetism, and many are attracted to their positive energy and encouraging approach. It is not uncommon for those around them to see them as the "glue" that keeps groups or communities together, since they usually play a central role in the mediation of conflicts and in the promotion of harmony.

The relatives and friends of the Enfa often consider them as their main support, they see in them someone who can go in search of advice, understanding or simply a shoulder on which to cry, the enfj are seen as reliable and consisting of their concern for others, and this reliability strengthens the ties they maintain with their loved ones.

In the work or school environment, the co -workers They usually value their collaborative approach and their ability to inspire and motivate the team, They can be perceived as natural leaders, even if they do not occupy an official leadership position, their commitment to collective vision and their ability to understand and value individual contributions make them respected and loved figures in many professional environments.

However, this same intensity and commitment can sometimes lead to the ENCAs are seen as too protective or even invasive, some people may feel that the enfj, in their desire to help, end up more than they should, to Despite this, most recognize that their heart is in the right place and that their main motivation is always the well -being and growth of others.

Simulation, when the lie wants to be true

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the ENFJ

THE ENFJ They are passionate, charismatic and deeply committed individuals to the well -being and growth of those around them, One of their greatest strengths lies in their innate ability to connect with others emotionally, this emotional connection allows them to tune in to the needs and feelings of others, which makes them excellent mediators, counselors and leaders.

Another great virtue of ENFJ is their inspiring nature, they can not only see the potential in others, but they have the ability to motivate people to reach that potential, this translates into effective leaders who can guide a group or Individual towards a shared vision, in addition, are determined and oriented towards the future, which means that they not only have a vision, but also have the determination to carry out that vision.

However, like all personality types, ENCAs also have their weak points, sometimes, Their strong desire for harmony can lead them to avoid conflicts, Even when these are necessary, this may result in not facing problems until they become crisis. On the other hand, their ability to absorb the emotions of others can leave them exhausted and overwhelmed, especially if they do not establish clear limits.

In addition, ENFJs can fight with self -criticism, tend to put others in the first place, which sometimes leads them to neglect their own needs and feelings, in their eagerness to help and care, they can lose sight of the importance of taking care of themselves themselves, they can also tend to take things personally, which can lead to misunderstandings or feel injured when it was not the intention.

Finally, due to their passionate nature and their strong desire to do good, they can fall into the trap of wanting to "save" or "rescue" people, even when they are not asked for help, this can be seen by some as Entromped or dominant, although the intention of the ENFJ is genuinely altruistic. It is essential for them to learn to balance their desire to help with the need to allow others to continue their own path.

How are the Enfa in Love

Enfj in romantic love are passionate and delivered beings, always looking to establish deep and significant connections with their partners, one could say that love for them is an opportunity to experience a fusion of souls, where not only sought own well -being but, fervently, the well -being of the loved one.

As lovers of the emotional connection, the ENFJ value open communication and intimacy, they are usually in tune with the needs and desires of their partner, and do everything possible to be attentive and considered, this ability to tune in with the feelings of the others means that they can often anticipate what your partner needs or wants before they even express it.

However, its tendency to surrender completely can be a double -edged sword, although they look for emotional reciprocity, also They run the risk of losing themselves in the relationship, constantly putting their partner's needs at his own, This, over time, can lead to emotional exhaustion or feel that they are giving more than they receive.

Loyalty is a fundamental pillar for the Enfa in love, when they commit them disinterest by your partner.

On the other hand, EnFJs are usually idealistic in love, this means that they often have a vision of how a perfect relationship should be and can work tirelessly to achieve that ideal, however, this can also lead them to ignore red flags or put to put to your partner in a pedestal, which can result in disappointment when they face the reality that no relationship, or person is perfect.

How to conquer an enfj

Conquering an EnFJ is a trip that is based on authenticity, emotional connection and genuine appreciation, the enfj are intuitive and emotional, which means that they are able to quickly perceive the sincerity and intentions of others, therefore, The first step to approach them is to be genuine in all interactions.

Open communication is essential, ENFJ value significant and deep conversations that transcend superficial talks, want to know your dreams, your fears, your hopes and your stories, when you interact with them, actively listen and show genuine interest in what they have to Say, respond with empathy and understanding, and you will find yourself creating a special bond with them.

One of the distinctive characteristics of ENFJ is their ability to take care of others, however, also They greatly appreciate when someone makes an effort to take care of them, small gestures, how to prepare a meal, write a loving note or simply ask how their day was, they can have a significant impact.

ENFJ are passionate people and are attracted to those who show passion in what they do, either in their work, hobbies or in any other activity, sharing your passions and showing enthusiasm can be a way to connect with them at a deeper level.

It is also essential to be patient and consistent, ENFJ are usually cautious at the beginning, especially because they value relationships deeply and do not want to be hurt, if you show consistency in your affection and your actions, over time you will gain their trust.

Regarding the commitment, if you feel that you are ready to take the next step with an Enfj, make sure that your intentions are serious, since they value loyalty and commitment, waiting for the same in return.

ENFJs have a strong sense of duty to others and often put the needs of others before their own, we must ensure that they feel that they are also being careful and valued in the relationship, and not only as someone who always gives, Recognize and appreciate their efforts and, more importantly, show them that you are also willing to be there for them when they need it.

101 best love phrases to dedicate and fall in love (images with love message)

Clock drawing (projective test) test

Paternity in the enfj

For the ENFJ, paternity is seen as one of the most enriching and significant experiences of life, they approach this role with a deep sense of responsibility and commitment, wishing to provide a love and safe environment for their children, the relationship between a Enfj and his son is characterized by a strong emotional connection, open communication and constant dedication.

ENCAs are usually very involved parents, always looking for ways to support and promote their children's growth, They feel naturally inclined to guide and teach, and often strive to instill positive values ​​and skills that will benefit their children throughout their lives, appreciate the special moments, from academic achievements to the small daily victories, and take pride in be the main animator of your children.

Empathy is one of the main strengths of the ENFJ, and apply it widely in their role as parents, they are experts in tune in with the emotions and needs of their children, which allows them to offer comfort, advice or simply an attentive ear when You need, this ability to understand and connect allows you to address problems or conflicts with sensitivity and understanding.

Given their altruistic nature, the Enfa can sometimes run the risk of putting the needs of their children above their own to the point of neglecting, however, they also understand the importance of taking care of themselves to be able to be in the best conditions to take care of others.

It is also important to mention that ENFJs have high expectations, both for themselves and for their children, although this can be beneficial in terms of motivation and achievement, it can also be a source of pressure. However, despite these expectations, unconditional love and support are the basis of your parental approach.


Enfj, endowed with innate ability to connect with others, are often attracted to careers that allow them to make a significant difference in people's lives, their professional career tends to be fluid and is often based on the evolution of His passion for helping others and in the search for purpose.

Since their school days, ENFJ can highlight in subjects involving human interaction and understanding, As psychology, sociology or literature, likewise, their interest in the arts can be remarkable, since these disciplines allow them to express their emotions and understand those of others. The subjects that require empathy, communication and understanding of human contexts are those in which the enfj usually shine.

As they advance in their education and begin to consider the university or specialized formations, many enfj opt for careers in the field of social sciences, education or health, psychology, social work, occupational therapy or teaching are teaching are fields in which they can excel, since these professions require deep understanding and connection with people.

In the professional world, the enfj They thrive in roles that allow them to act as facilitators of positive change, They are often found in leadership roles, especially in sectors where they can directly influence the welfare and development of people, for example, they can be directors of non -profit organizations, school counselors, leaders of community groups or even centered politicians In social justice.

The ideal work environment for an ENFJ is one that values ​​collaboration, integrity and positive impact, they want a space where their efforts generate tangible changes and benefit the community. Professions that focus only on material gain without an underlying purpose are usually less attractive to them.

Famous characters with the type of personality enfj

  • Harry Styles: British musician and actor who achieved fame as a member of the Boy Band One Direction. Since the band entered recess, Styles has forged a successful solo career with albums acclaimed as "Fine Line". Known for his charisma, leadership skills and inclusive attitude, Harry is a defender of equality and acceptance, these attributes, along with his natural ability to connect and inspire people, are representative of the personality Enfj.
  • Anya Taylor-Joy: Argentine-British actress that has caused a sensation in the film industry with roles in films such as "The Witch" and the series "The Queen's Gambit", with a magnetic presence on screen and an innate ability to immerse yourself in complex characters, Taylor-Joy He has consolidated as one of the most promising actresses of his generation. His empathy, passion and ability to inspire through his art reflect characteristics of the ENFJ profile.
  • Luis Inacio da Silva: Better known as Lula, he was president of Brazil twice and played a key role in the progress of progressive policies in his country. Before his presidency, Lula was a union leader and fought for workers' rights, his ability to mobilize and unite the masses, as well as his deep desire to improve the living conditions of the least fortunate, are testimony of the typical qualities of an enfj.
  • Meryl Streep: One of the most acclaimed and awarded actresses of all time, known for its impressive ability to transform into a wide variety of characters. With a race that covers several decades, it has received numerous awards, including several Oscar. Streep, in addition to its undeniable talent, is known for its leadership and defense on issues related to women's rights and equality in Hollywood, their empathy, integrity and ability to influence and mobilize others towards fair causes are distinctive features of the profile ENFJ.
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  • Characteristics of MBTI profiles.
  • Compatibility guide between MBTI profiles.
  • List of fictitious or real characters according to their MBTI personality.