Outing an attack on intimacy

Outing an attack on intimacy

In full 2018, homosexuality should be fully standardized. However, it is not so, and many people are still afraid to leave the closet. Some consider that taking them out is positive. But ... is it really? Today we tell you everything you should know about outing.


  • What is outing?
  • What happens after outing?
  • What does the LGBT collective think?
  • Who practices outing?

What is outing?

Outing consists of Remove a person from the closet without giving prior consent And without considering what are the social conditions in your environment or how the knowledge of that new reality will affect your life.

In addition, doing this implies, to some extent, to speak, affirm and decide for those who have not yet taken the step of saying that they are gays, lesbians, transsexuals or bisexuals. Therefore, implies an unjustifiable power and superiority.

On the other hand, the fact that Many recognized personalities have suffered outing without their sexual orientation really amount. For example, Pep Guardiola, Cristiano Ronaldo or Ricky Martin have suffered outing at some point, when in reality, only the last was homosexual.

Logically, in the field of recognized characters, this is done because it allows to fill pages and pages of magazines (or can also be used to discredit them or, simply, as an insult).

It must be said that, in general, Outing is used as a term to designate the forced exit of the famous people's closet, and not anyone (Generally, to highlight some hypocrisy or to strengthen LGBT struggle).

However, in recent times, the use of the term for any person has begun to be generalized, including common people and not just famous people.

What happens after outing?

When a person is taken by force from the closet, there are several ways to respond: You can deny and deny, you can pass the subject, or homosexuality can be recognized.

Any of the three cases is harmful, including the last one, because, although it might seem that leaving the closet being gay is always a release, the truth is that, without knowing what is the socioeconomic environment of that person, It is impossible to determine it.

For example, we could meet a young man in an ultraconservative family who could throw him out of the house if his homosexuality was discovered. Obviously, getting that young man from the closet would be An irresponsibility and something totally harmful to him.

In the event that outing is made to a famous person, The problems that can be derived from it are more serious. For example, a singer could lose part of his followers or a brand could be affected by the sexual orientation of his CEO.

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What does the LGBT collective think?

The LGBT collective is divided by commenting on this practice. And, on many occasions, the group itself has used outing to affect electoral campaigns. In addition, many members of this group consider that there is no reason to hide their own sexual orientation and, therefore, do not see a problem to get someone out of the closet.

However, The majority of the group is aware that homosexuality is a process of self -discovery and is affected by socioeconomic conditions. Therefore, they usually oppose the practice of outing, both in cases of public characters and in cases of people without public transcendencies.

Who practices outing?

We need to know who practices outing. That is, who is dedicated to taking people out of their consent from the closet, and what is their motivation to do so. And, in this case, as you can assume, we must also differentiate between public characters and common people.

In the first case, Motivation can be strictly political or economic, and present in multiple ways. For example, a presidential candidate could consider that revealing the homosexuality of an adversary will help him win the elections.

It also can extort To the famous person to try to obtain an economic benefit. Or, as we have already said, could be done to enhance LGBT rights Because getting that person from the closet will make homosexuality look better.

Anyway, We could say that outing with famous characters is nothing personal, but a matter of business.

In the case of outing that is done to a person who is not famous, There may be a lot of motivations: From jealousy, envy, the interest of prospering in work in front of a partner ... or, also, thinking that you are doing a favor helping you to take that step.

As you can see, Outing is a practice that not only attempts against the intimacy of third parties, but It can assume serious problems to the person who suffers it.