P or prostate orgasm

P or prostate orgasm


  • What is the prostate?
  • The prostate massage
  • Steps to perform a prostate massage
  • Prostate massage benefits
  • It is still a sexual taboo
    • Bibliography

What is the prostate?

The prostate is a gland that is part of the male reproductive system and which is linked to the bladder and urethra. Its main function is to produce the whitish and viscous fluid where sperm floats known as semen. Its form is similar to a nut and With adequate stimulation you can provide orgasms That those who have tried them say that They are more intense than those that can be achieved with penis stimulation. In fact, there are those who consider the prostate the male g Because of its similarity to this female zone when giving pleasure.

The sexologist Roy Levin conducted a study at the University of Sheffield and published in the magazine "Clinical Anatomy" that aimed to know more carefully the prostate and its role in both human reproduction and in sexual satisfaction and came to the conclusion that stimulation of this gland can "Create exceptionally pleasant sensations, often overcoming those obtained with penile stimulation". Although the mechanisms by which this sensations are produced are not entirely clear, there is the hypothesis that the sensations are transmitted by the nerves that run through the outer surface of the area also called prostate plexus, therefore, it is suggested that this type of orgasm occurs by the innervation of the prostate in itself or that even a certain training is needed to achieve it. Socially we find many reluctance when studying this type of orgasm, so There is still much to discover about the prostate and its orgasm.

The prostate massage

It is a type of massage in which the male prostatic gland is stimulated. Prostate massage can be performed with a medical purpose, such as to discover a possible prostatitis (type of very common infection among men) or to obtain sexual pleasure.

This type of massage It allows to download fluids without the need for orgasms or ejaculation although with its stimulation The most common is that orgasm and ejaculation are triggered without any other genital stimulation. To perform the massage in the prostate, a finger or stimulator must be introduced through the wall of the rectum and this will cause exceptionally pleasant sensations to men. For many men, orgasm can be greater than the one obtained with penis stimulation

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Steps to perform a prostate massage

This type of stimulation contributes great benefits to those who receive it, but there are some basic steps to be able to do optimally. To make a prostate massage you can use the finger or a massage, the shape of these massagers is similar to a finger with a soft curvature to stimulate the gland.

The massage should be done gently rubbing with the index finger the sides of the lobes located on the sides of the prostate and being careful not to press the nerves of the center too much. Once the finger has been introduced, you must find an elongated structure that is the prostate, The technique is to perform a soft finger massage for a few minutes until the ejaculation occurs.

Knowing and following the correct technique is vital to adequately perform this type of massage, here we leave a few steps to perform it in the right way

  1. recommendable empty bladder and straight: If man can urinate and defecate before massage this can be done with more comfort
  2. Short nails, The walls of the rectum are very delicate and when introducing the finger you could produce injuries.
  3. Use of lubricant. If it is better anal since it usually has a relaxing effect.
  4. Get the most comfortable position. You have to be very comfortable and relaxed to be able to make the massage properly.

Prostate massage benefits

In addition to providing great pleasure this massage provides infinity of benefits

  • Allows the release of prostate fluid which prevents symptoms of inflammation of the prostate
  • Help the healthy functioning of the prostate
  • Avoid the accumulation of renal calculations, a stimulation of this gland will produce more urinary.
  • It contributes to improving fertility as it helps to manufacture sperm and increase the mobility of these.
  • Improves the orgasmic response of men, increasing erection time.

It is still a sexual taboo

Having orgasms through the prostate for many people is still a great taboo, since it seems that in man you can only have orgasms with penis stimulation. But this organ can add other experiences to sexual games and open the door to very pleasant but less known sensations.

A whole world to discover in which you just have to have an open mind and dare to try new things.


Levin, r.J, (2017) Prostate-Induced Orgams: A Concise Review Illustrated With A Highly Relay Case Study. Clinical Anatomy. Volume 31, ISSUE 1