The female orgasm knows all its secrets

The female orgasm knows all its secrets

Although getting orgasm both in women and men should not be the end of sexual intercourse, since the important thing is to enjoy the sexual game itself, the reality is that it is a chimera sought by a large number of people.


  • What is orgasm?
  • Stages of female orgasm
    • Excitation phase
    • Plateau phase
    • Orgasm phase
    • Resolution phase
  • Female orgasm characteristics
  • Vaginal Orgasm Versus Orgasmo Clitorian
  • How to increase female orgasm

What is orgasm?

Is a Intense and pleasant sensation of discharge of the accumulated tension from the moment the excitation phase begins, From a series of intense muscle spasms in the pelvic region that are highly pleasant. Often, they are associated with other involuntary actions such as muscle contractions in other bodily areas and a sensation of general euphoria. The period after orgasm is known as refractory period And it is usually a relaxing experience thanks to the release of oxytocin, prolactin and endorphins.

Female orgasm is characterized by the acceleration of heart rate; While blood pressure and breathing reaches its highest level and vagina, uterus, anus and pelvic muscles contract between five and ten times in intervals of less than a second. Some women may feel orgasm throughout their body and even have multiple orgasms.

Stages of female orgasm

The two types of orgasms have a fairly similar sequence. As in female orgasm, in the masculine one there is talk of four stages; excitation, plateau, orgasm and resolution.

Excitation phase

  1. Vaginal lubrication By dilation of blood vessels.
  2. Distension of the two internal thirds of the vagina.
  3. Elevation of the uterus pulling the vagina and making it more bulky.
  4. The vaginal walls become Dark red color for the accumulation of blood.
  5. The minor lips They congest and increase in size.
  6. Thinning, crushing and retraction in major lips To allow penis access.
  7. Clitoris dilates.
  8. The muscles tense.
  9. Dilatation of the mammary glands.
  10. Sexual blush in face and breasts.
  11. Nipples erection By accumulation of blood serum.

Plateau phase

  1. He first third of the vagina vesodilata and decreases its opening due to blood congestion. What is called a Orgasmic platform. The walls swell and become more sensitive.
  2. The minor lips They congest, they They obscure (red red) and swell.
  3. He Clitoris retracts, placing in an inaccessible position under the clitoris cap.
  4. He uterus reaches greater height due to vaginal expansion and ligament extension.
  5. The Breasts They continue increasing.
  6. He Sexual blush It spreads to the chest, abdomen, etc.

Orgasm phase

  1. The Breathing increases three times further.
  2. The cardiac pulsations duplicate.
  3. The blood pressure increases.
  4. HE They tension the muscles of the body.
  5. Are produced rhythmic contractions of the vagina, that begin on the orgasmic platform and then move on to Clitoris and uterus. These contractions follow a interval of 0.8 seconds and in a number of three to fifteen.
  6. He uterus contracts at the same time as vaginal contractions.
  7. There may be rectal sphincter contraction.

Resolution phase

  1. Disappearance wave of blush and swelling nipples.
  2. Sweat generalized.
  3. He clitoris Go back to its normal position.
  4. The orgasmic platform disappears, expanding vaginal entrance.
  5. The cervix descends and the two internal thirds of the vagina return to its position.

A myth that is not true is the one that defends that the man is always able to reach orgasm and that it is the woman who has more difficulties to reach the climax. Although on many occasions it is, it cannot be generalized. Men also appreciate the previous games and nothing better than a female that knows how to explore the male body to the fullest.

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Female orgasm characteristics

There are very few women who reach orgasm only with intercourse, this is because in Most of the postures of the intercourse are not stimulated the clitoris, which is that part of the key female anatomy for women to reach ecstasy.

For many women, preliminaries are often key to reach orgasm since many women need more stimulation than men to get to climax.

In fact, Most women, Between 70 and 80 percent, according to several studies, they need Direct clitia stimulation that can be both manual and oral to reach orgasm. Although its indirect stimulation through penetration can also cause it. This is because the clitoris glans has thousands of nerve endings, in fact it is the most sensitive area of ​​the human body. He Clitoris is a peak counterpart, So both organs house similar capacity to produce pleasure.

According to the studies of the sexologists Masters and Johnson all women are potentially multiorgásmica, they affirmed that “the woman is able to return to orgasm immediately after an orgasmic experience, if it is stimulated before the tensions fall off the plateau phase of the response levels ". This is because the refractory period works different from men; In a classic way this period is related to sexuality and male orgasm, it would be the time needed to ejaculate again after a previous ejaculation. Women before entering this period can link an orgasm with another.

Also, although it is usually more difficult for a woman to reach orgasm, but when she arrives, ecstasy is longer. According to several studies, women usually fold men's time.

Anatomy of the reproductive system and sexual organs

Vaginal Orgasm Versus Orgasmo Clitorian

Although much of the researchers believe that it makes no sense to differentiate between different types of orgasms, this is usually divided into two categories, the Clotorian orgasm and vaginal orgasm. The distinction comes from Freud and his psychoanalytic theory; It was he who began to refer to vaginal orgasm, separated from the Clonian orgasm. The Clitorian orgasm defined it as a purely adolescent phenomenon and that the mature woman had to overcome and tend towards vaginal orgasms, that is, without any stimulation of the clitoris. Freud did not contribute any scientific evidence to this statement but its repercussions last until today

Until Kinsey's study, a criticism of this statement was not made. Through interviewing a large number of women, he discovered that Most of them did not experience vaginal orgasms, This discovering was supported by subsequent studies of Masters and Johnson and Shere Hite.

In 2005, Urologist Helen O'Conell suggested that the Clitorian tissue extended along the anterior wall of the vagina, demonstrating that vaginal and closed orgasms have a common origin.

It has also been proven that Some women are able to reach orgasm through caresses in breasts and nipples, With nipples stimulation. This stimulation activates an area of ​​the brain known as genital sensitive cortex, which is the same region that is activated when touching the clitoris, vagina and cervix, which means that women's brain seems to process the stimulation of the nipples and of the female genital area in the same way.

How to increase female orgasm

To increase the intensity of female orgasm, some techniques such as Multiple stimulations (for example, of the clitoris and the breasts at the same time). A staging of the sexual act as a game can also be very effective, for example role -playing games in which participants assume active, liabilities or imaginary roles.

One way to increase the intensity of climax is with the use of Tantra -based practices, it consists of techniques for interruption of intercourse and general stimulation when an advanced level of excitation combined with breathing techniques has already been achieved. In this way, orgasm will become an experience of another level.

Male orgasm, techniques to enhance it