Onirismo, what is it

Onirismo, what is it

Onirismo could be considered as a state of "abnormal" consciousness, or an activity in which the person feels confused.

In addition to confusion, One of the factors that most identify onirismo is the presence of hallucinations, which are mostly visual, although it can be given with auditory hallucinations or that imply touch. Well, some hallucinations with complex and involve several senses.


  • The origin of the term onirismo
  • Dreams, great enigmas
  • Onirism in art
    • Bibliography

The origin of the term onirismo

This state of abnormal consciousness, as is known in psychiatry, is called in such a way because its etymological origin comes from the ancient Greek ὄνειρος, whose meaning is 'Oneiros', and which translates as 'dream'. That is, all those images that the person visualizes while sleeping.

In ancient times, since the time of Plato and other Greek thinkers, A dream was considered a message sent by the god Zeus, As can be seen in the literary text the Iliad, of Homer.

This alteration in perception was also called Onirismo to refer to a state of transience, unreality and imprecision or vagueness.

Not surprisingly, there is a plant that is known as 'olery' or 'poppy', whose scientific name is Papaver somniferum, because, this plant was known this way by the Romans because those who consumed it fell into a superficial state of drowsiness.

The theme of the dreamlike was very important in ancient Greece, then, they even had a God called ονειρος, or 'the god of sleep'. Dreams were so disturbing that oniromancy was a practice used to try to predict the future, From the dream content.

All this has achieved that the issue of dreams is also transferred to the field of psychology and psychiatry and that, in turn, various technicalities have emerged, such as 'onirodynia,' or dreams with terror content; Nightmares, 'Onirology', or study of dreams; 'Oniroscopy', or interpretation or analysis of dreams, among others.

Likewise, the world of dreams has been so catchy that There are those who believe that their dreams are contained that were part of some previous life.

In any case, today it is known that the dream is an essential fact for the human being, a biological need that allows him to restore the functions, both psychological and physical and that it is ideal to have a good performance in everyday life.

Dreams, great enigmas

In scientific research the world of dreams continues to be enigmatic. However, if before it was taken as something unimportant, or a time when nothing relevant happened, today the opposite happens.

As the psychologist Esmeralda Gómez emphasizes in her study entitled Dream and Oritic Activity, it is currently considered, based on the techniques for measuring brain electrical activity, as a state of consciousness that is dynamic and in which you can have a brain activity as active as in vigil.

In addition, in dreams it has also been proven that some changes in the operation of the organism take place, such as alterations in blood pressure, respiratory and cardiac rate, hormonal secretion, body temperature, among others.

Likewise, Onirismo is considered to be caused by certain pathophysiopathological agents, such as physical or mental tiredness, indigestions, the use and abuse of narcotics, hallucinogens, antidepressants, anxiolytics, barbiturates and alcohol, as well as very high fever pictures or chronic diseases or chronic diseases.

Control, smell, erased ... things you didn't know about your dreams

Onirism in art

It is important to emphasize that Onirismo, in addition to being captivating, for example, for psychoanalytic current, is also an interesting point in the artistic world.

In fact, some artists use their dreamlike content to make their great creations, thus mixing the everyday with the abstract.

That is why, great artists, as Remedios Varo, for example, have been considered within this aspect of virtuous that start from the dream world to do their works.

Artists also take the content of their dreams to create literary compositions full of metaphors or symbols. For this reason, Sometimes we talk about literary onirism, pictorial or plastic onirismo onirismo.

Finally, dreams, or Onirism.

The procrusted bed: when we do not accept different ideas than ours


  • Barrera García, C. (1997). Time, memory, memory and onirismo in "The strange thing is to live". Huarte de San Juan. Philology and Didactics of Language N. 2-3/Philology ET Hizkuntzaren Didaktika 2-3 Z. Pamplona: Public University of Navarra/Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 1996-1997. P. 5-17.
  • Bruno, p. Hallucinated ethnographies. Onirismo and epistemology.
  • Gómez, psychologist & Barbabosa, Rafael. (2020). Dream and dream activity (reveries).
  • Rilke, r. M. Onirismo in Spain's painting according to Homero Aridjis: a comparative perspective. "Light remains in the air" International Studies around Homero Aridjis, 217.