Psychology has entered into law among the disciplines most followed by the population, also for its strong burden of fascination. It has been legitimized, first social and then legally, as a science capable of providing answers, solutions and change proposals. On the one hand, for social problems as for the issues related to the human soul, interpersonal relationships and everything that is hardly detectable by simple critical observation.

Thus, in this Psychology-online article, we will deepen the subject and THE OBJECT OF STUDY OF PSYCHOLOGY.

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  1. What studies psychology
  2. Object of study of clinical psychology
  3. What studies evolutionary psychology
  4. Object of study of social psychology
  5. What studies cognitive psychology
  6. Object of study of educational psychology

What studies psychology

Currently, psychology is configured as an extremely varied and extraordinarily complex discipline. Throughout the world, each psychologist is working on the study of different and multiple objects, is called to operate in different areas of application and is capable of using intervention methodologies of which the efficacy knows.

Today we tend more and more to talk about psychology, underlining the extremely complex nature of discipline, which is defined by an objective study of man and the context in which he lives. To summarize the numerous definitions present in the literature, psychology is the Study of mind, behavior and experience of human beings. In general terms, we can define psychology as a theoretical and operational information system that provides a knowledge and/or reading key to relate to the world.

Object of study of clinical psychology

Clinical psychology is one of the areas of research and professional intervention of psychology. The scope of clinical psychology refers to adaptation problems, behavioral disorders, states and conditions of discomfort and suffering, In order to evaluate and care for them with psychological means to facilitate and support well -being, and the cognitive, emotional and relational development of the people.

Clinical psychology is distinguished by the theories, methods and intervention instruments for prevention, evaluation, qualification-rehabilitation and psychological support activities, with special attention to the understanding of user's individual and collective demand (couple, family , groups, organizations and communities), to the psychological diagnosis and to the interventions of help and support, including the strictly psychotherapeutics.

The object of study of clinical psychology includes thematic nuclei of operational interest and clinical research such as:

  • The prevention primary and secondary of personal discomfort.
  • The ID and the early diagnosis of psychopathological risks;
  • The cognitive factors, Affective-emotional, Psychosocial, behavioral, personality, social and cultural that are at the origin of the disturbances that maintain the condition of discomfort.
  • Emotions and their regulation in relation to health and disease, with special attention to affective disruptions;
  • The Clinical management modalities Of the different types of individual, couple and group disorders.
  • The various forms of psychological counseling Individual, couple, family and group.
  • The improvement of the effectiveness of the Psychodiagnostic techniques.
  • The modalities of management of emotional, relational or decision -making situations that arise in various phases and contexts of life.
  • The promotion of Psychosocial well -being individual and in social environments (nurseries, schools, family and work).
  • The design of effective ways of Psychological rehabilitation and psychosocial.
  • The evaluation of the effectiveness of the aid interventions and the health prevention and promotion programs In different social contexts.

What studies evolutionary psychology

Evolutionary or Evolutionary Age Psychology is the discipline that deals with the development of the various Personality aspects and of the various forms of behavior In the period from birth to the end of adolescence. Indeed, in this period the personality is acquiring, through some evolutionary processes, greater autonomy and maturation in the understanding of affective participation and socialization.

The current perspectives of evolutionary psychology originate in the theory of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, which was the first to identify the successive phases of the intrapsychic development of the child: the oral, anal and phallic phase, to reach the characterized maturation characterized by the genital phase. Generally this process is divided into five conventional phases, which each individual can cross at different ages:

  • The Early childhood: 0 to 2 years.
  • The second childhood: 2 to 6 years.
  • The childhood: 6 to 10 years.
  • The preteen: 10 to 14 years.
  • The adolescence: 14 to 18-25 years.

Objectives of evolutionary psychology

All these phases involve the overcoming of certain evolutionary tasks that, in turn, determine periods of physiological crisis and aimed at achieving an adaptation between the world's own vision and the growing complexity of inner life. In reference to this vision, the object of study of evolutionary psychology is to measure dysfunction, identify the problem and focus the objective.

More specifically, I know investigate Emotional and behavioral manifestation of the boy or girl, who assumes meaning within that particular attachment-care relationship, inserted in a specific family, social and cultural context.

Evolutionary psychology was not constituted as an independent discipline of both general psychology and pedagogy until the end of the last century. Research carried out in evolutionary psychology is grouped around some major issues of which they have constituted a progressive deepening:

  • The areas of development and its interdependence.
  • The development phases.
  • The Development factors.

Object of study of social psychology

Social psychology is the branch of psychology that studies the interaction between people: manifestations, causes, consequences and psychological processes involved. Gordon Allport (1954) provides a broadly disseminated and more technical definition: "Social psychology is scientific research on how individuals, feelings and behaviors of individuals are influenced by the objective, imagined or implicit presence of others.

Social psychology is not the only science that deals with interactions between individuals. It differs from sociology and anthropology in at least two aspects:

  1. The methodology in social psychology puts more emphasis on the quantification of descriptions and Experimentation in controlled situations, contrary to the usual practice in sociology or social anthropology.
  2. Research on human interaction carried out in the field of social psychology has a more than social or cultural psychological orientation. The object of our interest is the role of processes and psychological variables in interaction Among individuals and not the explanation and understanding of the broader culture in which they live.

In this article, you will find more information the difference between social psychology and sociology.

Perhaps, more than any other science, social psychology It deals with human behavior On a common level, everyday, observable, of which all of us, by definition, we are "experts". Most of us have an implicit knowledge and understanding of how, for example, nonverbal communication is seen in everyday interactions. The task of social psychology is to make this implicit knowledge explicit. Describe in controlled situations exactly what each nonverbal signal communicates in several circumstances.

What studies cognitive psychology

Cognitive psychology, also called cognitivism, is a branch of psychology applied to the study of cognitive processes, theorized around 1967 by the American psychologist Ulric Neisser. The object of study of cognitive psychology is the Study of mental processes through which the information is obtained from the cognitive system, it is processed, stored and recovered.

Study the mind as an intermediate element between purely neurophysiological behavior and activity. The operating model is assimilated, metaphorically, to that of software that processes information from abroad (INPUT), in turn returning information (output) in the form of knowledge representation, Organized in semantic and cognitive networks.

The main theme that cognitivism takes into account is precisely how the subject changes with interaction with the outside world. Cognitive psychology wants Help the subject to modify their way of processing data and stimuli, acting at the base of the problem. Changing the elaboration mode is possible to help people find adequate behaviors to each situation, to eliminate those that can be considered counterproductive and in some cases self -destructive. Makes them free to have a healthy and balanced life.

Cognitive psychology is today a strongly multidisciplinary science, which uses methods, theoretical devices and empirical data of many other disciplines, including:

  • Linguistics.
  • Neurosciences.
  • Social and Communication Sciences.
  • Biology.
  • Artificial intelligence and computer science.
  • The maths.
  • The philosophy.
  • Physics.

Object of study of educational psychology

The psychology of education, born at the beginning of the 20th century, is a branch of psychology that studies Learning processes that involve the individual and their development. On the other hand, it also studies the teaching processes in schools, that is, the educational institutions in which knowledge, behaviors, habits, values ​​and norms of social interest are transmitted, through instruments and methodologies for evaluation, teaching, training classes, etc.

It is about identifying the factors of the learning environment that can facilitate or hinder learning, motivation, well -being of students and, in general, of apprentices. For example, the way in which the teacher conducts the class, the characteristics of the explanation, the use of material such as education, etc. In this article, you will see what is the psychology of learning: history, books and authors.

In essence, it can be said that while development psychology focuses on the evolution (change, growth, maturation) of the individual, not forgetting the environmental, family and cultural factors that can affect such development, the psychology of education is interested in the way in which education , Even if it is not strictly school, can improve behavior, knowledge and skills, the way of thinking and attitudes of the individual.

Educational psychology is a science that studies and intervenes on the psychological conditions that characterize the educational process of the person within their ecosystem, to favor their well -being of development. In this sense, it can be defined as psychology of prevention and development promotion.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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