The world of organizations

The world of organizations


  • The negotiation process in organizations
  • Power management
  • Motivation at work
  • Quality standards in the work environment
  • Human talent


The organizational context is a world linked to disappeared changes, due to workers' interactions, regardless, They forge personal character based on their own experiences, It can be for benefit, positive or on the contrary to transfer certain negative aspects that are reflected in the company, equivalent as they exercise in each human being, and to the organization, the situation of the country where they develop, such as economic, political, social, and cultural. As a professional of the subject, the knowledge and the correct use of the different topics to be treated below are necessary, which must be military in an organization seeking to obtain the highest quality standards.

An essential element that must exist in the work environment and in daily life is the virtue that implies being able to communicate and express ourselves freely, Being able to interact ideas, opinions and attitudes with others, communication is effective when two person or more.  They are preparing to do it, that is, so that a communication exists correctly the receiver must receive it and understand the information, simply the transmission of information is not communication, it must understand, understand and have the ability to use such information, in organizations there must be a harmonious communication and respect at all levels, so far what is said is simple, the degree of complexity comes effectively, when we try to take people's ideas and observe the plurality of information and opinions of each one, because We possess as a person an own cognitive system based on individual experiences, It is necessary that every opinion be valued to give it the respect that it deserves must be the most neutral possible and possess the ability to understand that the experience is particular is different from person to person, these is the time when we can observe the valuable one to be able to communicate, We can implement common aspects if we locate points of union and similarity to consolidate decisions.

But what happens when you cannot establish a decision between both parties?, conflicts flourish in organizations being this The negative result of poor communication, generating controversy in organizations, conceives anxiety, hostility, blocks other activities, To the contario when we have the necessary tools that allow the solution of problems, we can observe how in the organizations occur changes in growth and innovation, the cooperation to remedy difficulties allows the conflict to arise constructive forces allowing us to direct ourselves on the right path towards innovation, in Occasions it is necessary to draw challenges, exit the comfort zone, give solutions to those ideas that collide as a result of poor communications, we must be dynamic and forceful before certain factors that may establish predisposition to generate conflicts that we cannot control, the direct solution does not It is in our hands, for example the scarce that hits most organizations, when finding their main raw material for the elaboration of their products,That we must do so that conflict does not flourish, it may be difficult to solve in fact directly we do not do it, what we can do is invest to have a trained personnel so that the opportunity to strive, to adopt sense of relevance all fight for common objectives, the conflict will keep it alert towards the problem solution.

The negotiation process in organizations

We can also establish judgments towards conflicts in organizations, using a good negotiation methodology, thanks to its effective way of application which to offer the opportunity, that both parties involved seek a means of channeling the fractions that generate the conflict, In order for a negotiation to be effective, it is essential that the way both depart benefit from goods or services be examined, Trying to make an agreement by providing the right part that corresponds to each one, through communication thanks to the exchange of idea, in the search to obtain an effective negotiation it is necessary to take three important steps, first the planning since it allows us to establish which It is the diagnosis, second determine what will be the strategy that we will use to achieve a fair negotiation and at the end of feedback the analysis of the results generated by the experience of negotiating.

The negotiation must be executed under a complex process, we must not perceive it as a competition, it depends on a good preparation to achieve satisfactory results, highlighting that it is a strategy that has an incalculable power at the time of the conflict resolution because the art of Negotiar leads to the essence to protect the parties involved, so the writing of a business plan is vital taking into account the different types of negotiations that we must cover, first the amount of person they can be involved in a negotiation process, the more people are more complex involved will be the process. For example, the use of union unions in organizations provide a simpler approach methodology allowing the choice of a representative leader by workers, who will ensure their interests, directly that leader will negotiate with the managers of the organization, being being This important element because it is more feasible to negotiate with a single person than with an agglomeration of workers, in this same example we can also find the type of negotiation for participation of the interested parties, the union unions will work as direct mediators, thus fulfilling a dynamic process unlike this was indirect; Leadership plays a fundamental factor in the role of the person who wants to assert his ideas due to the ability to influence In groups, following the same lines of unions, a person who wants to opt for an important position in a union guild is essential that he has leadership because he must have the ability to influence people, but exactly what kind of?, informal leadership since its power is acquired through group acceptance, unlike formal leaders which are what was dedicated time in their academic training through years of studies and then being able to opt for a job of power of power And prestiges in organizations, which the same role of the post represents authority, for example the presidents of the organizations, I consider important at all times the positive influence exerted by the figure of the leaders in the organizations, the existence of several leaders in Companies because the absence of a leader at a certain time was not significant because another would take their place.

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Power management

As with leadership, we find another fundamental element for the benefit of the correct functionality of organizations, this is  Power management is frequently linked to person who possess a privilege job, Or simply a location where different essential resources are handled for the operation of the organization, these person can influence their power in the behavior of social groups, if this people have the attitudes of a participatory leader who cares about the well -being of people That they follow it, favorable results can be evidence Likewise, as the informal leaders who are in companies, they can have the capacity for the management of legitimate power that is recognized by the collective and canceled by the institutions. We must accept these decisions, because they have the ability to paralyze the production lines, so here it is necessary main objective of avoiding reaching these degrees of complexity.

Motivation at work

We can be correctly fulfilling everything mentioned, but there is something that may miss in your organization and we do not perceive that situation, but we realize something, We evidenced personnel with apathy and negative predisposition towards work, We are in a maze of solutions and ideas but that really will not have the effect we want, we must see beyond the walls of the company, we must observe how our workers are in their family, social, affective and security life, It is evident that a person, who is not covering his basic needs, cannot be aware of executing a good job in the organization, our staff must be motivated by something in specific that generates the strength and thrust of getting ahead, to be able to Observe in this a better aptitude to work at work, this is called motivation, we must understand that the situation that most Venezuelans are going through the country situation, is not easy to be motivated, from our own experience "There are days that awake demotivated without winning the activities, then I analyze and look for other alternatives that wake up the greed of moving forward”, This is based on Motivation is the interaction between ourselves and the situation that is being lived at that time, The result that this throws is what allows us to be motivated or not, but it depends on you depends on me to be motivated, remember there is always a factor that will not give the necessary strength to get ahead, we have the opportunity to adapt to adapt to Unexpected situations that affect us, when there is no way to continue doing some activities and custom, we can modify our behavior despite the complexity that this results, but for this we must have a highly trained personnel, adapt often not easy is not easy because At first, it cannot be difficult to accept sudden changes and adapt to new work methodology, but when they are change that do not benefit at all, on the contrary it is carried out in search of needs solution and not of innovation, innovation,For example, the adaptation process that we can suffer when we receive a new, ergonomic chair is not the same, with hand support, with more comfort in general, that they do not order that we cannot be more sitting because it generates a bad impression on customers who visit us. This conceives an important shock in our comfort and work routine, the work routine vicia the position, a strategy that would help workers to avoid that impact is the use of staff rotation, staff learn to do new work and learn from Explore that skills that I did not know that they had taking out of the routine and the comfort zone of our work, allows people to improve interpersonal relationships we interact with whom we previously had no contact frequently, significantly helping an unexpected change that we can suffer in the future.

In the same way, he has disadvantages, for example, a person who does not feel good to receive orders from new leaders, although as I said previously everything is an adaptation process, I must highlight in my personal opinion, staff rotation is not a strategy that I In totality, I explain the reasons, for the position of supervisors and managerial or high -level hierarchical, I do not consider it feasible because each person has an academic training specialized in their area, for example, I do not consider pertinent that a lawyer can do the work of a Electrical Engineer, at this levels of the organization I do not consider it adequate, instead at the level of the sub -alternate if it is adequate, because having a worker that they can work in the different jobs is useful thanks to all the advantages specified above.

Quality standards in the work environment

There is a modality of great contribution that is used in some organizations, which refers to the specialization of roles, an intentional disposition is found. The main objective is to establish a system where all employees work together optimally reaching goals fixed on planning, which is intended with this strategy, achieve consolidation each job for the benefit of the organization structured perfectly by its functions, which the structure requires the disposition of supervisors in each function, is responsible for establishing what the duties, rights and activity of Each worker, the objectives must be verified, precise and realizable based on quantitative data due to their accuracy and qualitative to be verifiable, with the main objective of achieving quality standards in efficiency, effectiveness, effectiveness and productivity in the organization. As we can show, the existence of the different quality standards that demonstrate the correct functioning in the organization, As follows, they are effective as their results are based on work performance by making a certain product on a mass production scale, that the product is of quality, when quantity and quality is at a point of similarity we can say that We are effective, we must clarify that we can be effective, but efficient, Not in all cases we can meet quality and quantity standards and fail at the time of use of resources, In other words, we waste the organization's resources, to achieve the objectives, because we do not have control in the use of the same, for example I have a canned machine that packs the product correctly and fast and using fair resources, I have benefit, unlike From a second machine that makes me the same but I use more resource because it has a margin of error when sealing the cans, producing to the company the loss of some containers, the fault is evidenced.

When we are effective we will be mandatory to achieve the defined objectives, we include efficiency because the organization is optimized in the proper use of resources, a line is established that indicates that we are doing things well, and we say that we are productive when producing and producing and Evidence of a reduced cost cup compared to what has been achieved, for example, I prefer to hire a thick contexture person to exercise the heater function that keeps me 100 boxes per hour in the storage cellar, which hires two people Thin that has the same performance pattern of 100 boxes per hour but that you have to make a greater payment for being two workers, we must understand that despite all the techniques that can allegedly have an excellent organization, we will be failing if we forget The most important thing is that at all times our workers are motivated.

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Human talent

The human talent of the organization is essential for the functioning of the company, it depends on people to be able to develop and execute the fundamental work activities of companies, so it should not be allowed that anyone who enters our organization, must first Go through the different techniques of collection and selection of personnel in search of choosing the most appropriate human talent, the one who possesses no solos attributes based on skills and skill for work, you must also evaluate attitudes that impact the organization positively, responsibility, responsibility, companionship, honesty, understanding that you must have An organization must have optimal working conditions that allow healthy development of activities, It is important to have a trained human resource department, the concerns of the workers and the interests of the organization must be related, with the main objective of achieving benefit and balance for both parties, In addition, the human talent of organizations have a set of beliefs and important understanding that the members of the companies, because if we have an established culture we offer a collective thought, allowing decision -making and other activities of the people in the company, the Organizations that manage a well -planned and executed cultural system have the ability to attract, retain and reward people to perform the roles correctly, finally it must be understood that for each worker satisfied the level of the work climate of the organization will have high performance.

When someone is not happy in their work, this will result in low productivity, feeling of apathy, frustration, In general, a harsh work environment, where with difficulty the realization of mediocre work will be fulfilled, we must try as much as possible to follow the established lines that allow organizational rebirth despite all the difficulties that may arise, it is necessary to begin the process For the search for full job satisfaction and thus be able to really show extraordinary results, which allows us as industrial psychologists to say work is being done correctly.