The Kiva method an anti -alibrious program that works

The Kiva method an anti -alibrious program that works

He Kiva Method (Of the Finnish words "kiusaamist vastan", which means "against intimidation"), it is an innovative anti -int or anti-alibullying program for schools that has been developed and using for the first time in Finland, but which is being moving to other countries for their recognition and efficiency.


  • The Kiva method and its effectiveness
  • Theoretical basis of the program
  • How the Kiva method works
  • Information for the application of the Kiva program

The Kiva method and its effectiveness

There are more than 1.500 schools in Finland that are using the Kiva intimidation program systematically. In addition, other countries around the world also implement it, including Belgium, Italy, Greece and Luxembourg.

The efficacy of the program is based on the fact that each one is responsible for the well -being of the group. It focuses on a change in attitudes on the part of the students who are neither victims nor bullies, who give their support to the victim, instead of continuing to foster harassment. Therefore, resources focus on the promotion of everyone's participation, and not only on helping victims or educating the aggressors.

In the Netherlands, the number of aggressors and victims of intimidation has fallen up to 20% more in schools that have introduced the program to fight intimidation, than in control schools.

In addition, the Kiva program has also resulted in Notable changes in teachers' actions. Studies suggest that teachers now treat reports on intimidation with more seriousness and are better equipped to intervene.


Its main objective of the program is reduce bullying and victimization. To achieve this, the method is based on four key pillars:

  1. Increase the awareness On the role that the group plays in the maintenance of intimidation
  2. Increase empathy towards victims
  3. Promote support strategies to the victim and foster the self-efficacy of children to use these strategies
  4. Increase the skills of children to face when they are victims
The influence of television on children and adolescents

Theoretical basis of the program

Kiva developers used the social-cognitive theory as a frame of reference for the understanding of social behavior in schools. It was also based on an investigation that suggests that The intimidation behavior is due to the search for high status within a group of pairs, and that the maintenance of intimidation depends on the group's behavior.

Therefore, the Kiva method predicts that changes in group behaviors can reduce intimidation through Reduction of the benefits of intimidation.

How the Kiva method works

The program is based on students neither support or silence harassment or support the stalker, but on the contrary, they show their support for the victim and communicate the situation of harassment to teachers.

What is sought with the program is to break the silence of classmates who are not stalkers but cover the facts, either out of fear, for not knowing what to do, for not being aware of the damage that harassment causes or by the erroneous conception that the student who harasses is "guay".

A silence that isolates and leaves the victim alone, when the opposite should be. In fact, as experts point out, harassment can be defined as a group phenomenon. Hence the importance, and where lies the success of this method, to act with the witnesses, to avoid with their attitude to reinforce the stalker. The Kiva method brings tools to knowing how to detect bullyng and, above all, know how to act.

Some interventions are intended Increase positive participation in the situation of harassment of spectators or witnesses. In practice this is very effective in reducing intimidation, harassment, victimization, and increases the probability that a person present intervenes to stop harassment. What is sought is Increase observer's empathy Towards victims of intimidation. In addition, in this way a shared sense of responsibility is encouraged that helps change the rules of the group and not accept bullying.

Information for the application of the Kiva program

For the proper establishment of the Kiva method in a school, complete and detailed manuals have been developed, which consists of a general application manual and three specific with lessons and jobs according to the different school stages and ages of the students.

Specifically, the Kiva program includes about twenty classes in three stages of school life, at 7, 10 and 13 years to recognize the different forms of harassment and where they perform Exercises to improve coexistence.

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