The best state of life is to be calm

The best state of life is to be calm

We frequently listen that the best state of life is to be calm, and today we reflect on it because there are those who still consider that it is best to feel love or accumulate money.

When asked what we need to feel peace of mind, Many respond that the key factor is money.

Certainly, the money allows the acquisition of goods, but, the studies indicate that Finance are not the main thing to feel peace of mind, So those who adhere to this thesis may end up chasing the wind.

In what sense? In which starting to pursue capital could lead to who tries to lose life, valuable time and good times.

In love, sometimes there is no peace of mind, Especially when there are anxious or avoidant attachments. Even the person can feel depression, as indicated by some investigations.

The best state of life, what is?

From the fourth century to.C already existed schools whose work was focused on the search for happiness.

For some of these schools, the happiness of life was not subject to fame, honor, love, or glory, but to the state of serenity, as philosophy studies leave records.

It should be noted that, today many have gone around the past and have begun to resume these conceptions, after having tried that when we have no peace of mind, life feels very agitated.

Modern authors comment that the best state of life is to be calm, that is, to have inner peace.

Surprisingly, Inner peace is not reached with belonging to a social or another class, nor with the salary that is won.

Being calm and experiencing serenity leads us to a higher state in which our emotions remain calm or controlled.

How can we achieve the best is in life?

Being that the best state of life is to be calm, it is possible to follow some steps to achieve it.

  1. Leave the idea that a couple will give you happiness. Actually, you have to be happy with what you have. You are already a complete person. Your happiness is not outside. Therefore…
  2. Neither tranquility nor happiness are found in pages to arrange appointments. When you think someone else will give you happiness, it can happen that the only objective in your life becomes that person and end up forgetting you.
  3. Practice mindfulness. This type of practice will help you feel a lot of serenity. Yoga and Pilates are also recommended to achieve it.
  4. Loose the past. This only prevents you from continuing your personal evolution path. Focus on your present and all the great things that you can achieve for you and for yourself, here and now.
  5. Detach yourself from some ideas. Above all, of those that cause you sadness or hurt you. Stop being so hard with yourself.
  6. Take care of your friends. This implies taking distance from those people who disturb your tranquility.
  7. Serve your space. In your home, or in your room, avoid overloading your spaces with many things. Do not become the people who get sick accumulating objects. Try that everything in your visual field is light.
  8. Go to your rhythm. Your work or your environment may live accelerated, but try to find your balance and not let yourself be dragged by the mood states of other people who live quickly.
  9. Do not isolate yourself. Being calm does not mean living far from everything, but surrounding you only the best, and this includes people.
  10. Do not take things personally. If something went wrong at work, if a friend failed, a friend disappointed you or things did not happen as you wanted, rHe rises that you only have control over you. You are not responsible for what happens with others.

Follow these guidelines and find the best state of life, that in which only feelings of tranquility and the feeling of well -being predominate.

You may also need to examine your relationships and observe if you are not living in forms of attachment that are harmful and peace subtracts you.

When you start seeing life in another way, you will realize that "finding the half orange", or fulfilling certain expectations that the medium imposes on you, are not the best formula to live calmly.