Hypereotism everything you should know

Hypereotism everything you should know

Hypereotism It is a term unknown to many that, in addition, it is controversial and is subject to debate when making a diagnosis, since the spectrum of hypereterism is not yet well defined.

What is hypereterotism?

Hypereotism (or sexual hyperesthesia), according to Richard von Kraff Ebing (1840-1902), is characterized by “an abnormal vigor of sexual sensations and representations”, which is commonly known as a hypersexuality state.

As we said, The limits of the hypereterotism threshold are not yet defined. However, it is important to clarify that this concept of hypereterotism is the substitute for what we previously called nymphomania and satiriasis.

Nymphomania is a sexual disorder that only occurs in women, and that is characterized by the development of psychological problems that derive in an obsession with sex and excessively active libido.

On the other hand, satiriasis refers to the same disorder, only that its diagnosis is for men. Nowadays, the debate focuses on the ability to determine from what point could be diagnosed with security with security.

However, diagnosing hypereterotism is a complicated task, since sexual desire can vary both from one person to another that it is practically impossible to establish a point from which sexual desire is excessive for any person.

One of the curiosities of this disorder is that The causes of their appearance are unknown, although this may be caused, in some cases, by the consumption of certain medications or by different medical problems.

Thus, alcohol and drug use are factors that can influence the appearance of this disorder. Likewise, people with psychological disorders, such as bipolar disorder, can experience the appearance of hypereterotism.

In addition, hypereterotism appears more frequently in individuals in adulthood that experience a rejection of the loss of sexual activity And in people who, in some way, were sexually repressed during their adolescence.

Normally, hypersexuality is understood as an addiction, but recent studies in sexology show this disorder as a mere compulsive behavior, although a consensus has not yet been reached.

Finally, it is important to keep in mind that, together with hypereterotism, they often appear feelings of guilt as well as discomfort, So we must not forget that this is a psychological disorder that requires treatment.

Characteristics of people suffering from hypereterotism

Although, as we have already said, there is no agreement on the diagnosis of hypereterotism, it is considered that A person suffers from this disorder when he interferes with its normal social functioning.

For this reason, people with hypereterotismo can experience Family and work problems, since their excessive sexual desire makes them incurring practices such as attending brothels or seeking constant sexual contact with the use of the Internet.

Therefore, hypereterotism becomes sexual behavior that is outside the control of the individual that can lead to serious consequences, such as medical problems as well as legal type.

Likewise, the fact that people with hypereotism experience feelings of guilt, make these individuals try, without success, avoid this behavior. The consequence of this is that Hypersexuality is also linked to feelings of frustration.

Also, due to excessive sexual activity, people suffering from hypereterotismo suffer Drastic humor changes, going from euphoria to depression after each sexual relationship.

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Treatment of hypereterotism

The treatment of this disorder requires both psychological and pharmacological attention, varying these according to the intensity and duration of the disorder. In addition, its treatment is performed in the long term since, like any addiction, it requires maximum possible prevention and attention.

The objective of its treatment consists of Avoid relapses and reappearance of compulsive behaviors, as well as the development of behaviors that allow the patient a normal development in society.

In addition, as in the treatment of any addiction or disorder, a receptive attitude by the patient. For this, there are several help groups for people with hypereterotism.

On the other hand, today the Use of psychotherapy, with which we try to clarify the causes of the appearance of this disorder and control the sexual behavior of the individual with the development of cognitive-behavioral techniques.

However, as we have mentioned before, sometimes sexual hyperesthesia is derived from other more serious psychological disorders. In these cases, the ideal treatment requires the patient's entry into a health center where it receives help at all times.

In conclusion, HypereroTism is a sexual dysfunction, that can affect the daily, social and work life of the person who suffers from it, so it is important to understand its causes and treatment.