Schrödinger's cat

Schrödinger's cat

Schrödinger's cat It is a paradox that emerged from a mental experiment proposed by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935.

But, this was not only one more paradox of those that exist, but also put many and there are still those who reason in their solution, because their response can have practical implications with a very high reach in reality.

Initially, It is important that Schrödinger's cat experiment belongs to quantum physics, which is very different from the traditional one, since, in the first, what prevails are the probabilities, while in the second what prevails is the deterministic.


  • Schrödinger's cat
  • The implications of Schrödinger's cat experiment
  • Why is this experiment important?
  • Without entanglements
    • Bibliography:

Schrödinger's cat

Now, what is the Schrödinger cat experiment? In this paradoxical experiment there is a cat inside a sealed box.

Within this same box, and next to the cat, there is a container that contains a lethal gas -hydrogenciaur -in addition to a hammer that connects to a radioactive source.

In this scenario, two things can happen. It is likely that, after a period of time, the hammer is activated by the disintegration of an atom. If this happens, he container containing cyanide would break, the poison would be free and kill the cat.

However, something different can also happen: that the one raised simply does not happen and the cat is still alive.

What does this all mean? It is an illustration through which we are introduced a very important concept in quantum physics, the overlap.

For us, It is almost impossible to think that two different things happen at the same time, But, it can happen.

As Luis Masoti indicates, in his article: "The notion of consciousness, Schrödinger's cat, phenomenology, ontology and psychoanalysis," photons are a differential of energy, because, they can act dually, either be it As particles or as waves, and this is something that we do not notice, but, when said duality was evidenced, the traditional laws of movement, raised by Newton, were question.

That is to say, There is mechanism that occur at the subatomic level that traditional physics fails to explain, But that takes place and that, in addition, also places in check that traditional premise according to which the viewer's gaze does not alter the results that are executed in a certain process.

The implications of Schrödinger's cat experiment

The Schrödinger cat paradox comes from telling us that There is no certainty that allows us to know where a particle is located or in what state it is, Until we start interacting with her.

This means that the viewer's gaze is important -something dismissed in traditional physics, as we have mentioned -since, only at the time of interaction is that the multiplicity of overlapping states disappears.

In other words, Until a person does not open the box and observe whether the cat is alive or not, the two possibilities exist, which is defined as overlap of states.

Schrödinger's cat
Source: Wikipedia

Thus, we have on the one hand the overlap, or the possibility that two states take place at the same time, even if they are opposite or opposites, and we also have another factor: unpredictability.

In this experiment or paradox of Schrödinger, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933, there are two real states that happen at the same time: The cat is alive and is dead, and none of these states can anticipate them.

The experiment of monkeys and bananas

Why is this experiment important?

There are still those who might ask for what it is important to know about Schrödinger's cat, but the truth is that their relevance is not only valuable for logical philosophers, physical and mathematics, but even for the same engineers today.

A case that exemplifies the latter is that we also have a traditional computing in which a unit of information, or bit, can only acquire a value, the 0 or that of 1.

But, in quantum computing these bits -or cubits, as they are called -are based on subatomic particles. Then, they could be able to get to take the value of 0, 1, or 0 and 1 at the same time.

If so, A computer that is not designed based on bits but in cubits, would be much more powerful and would make calculations at a much higher speed than traditional computers.

But, in these quantum computer designs, engineers have to face errors that occur in calculations, which are called "quantum jumps", and can happen every time a cubit measurement is made.

Without entanglements

There are many ways to understand this Schrödinger experiment, as well as variants that have then arisen, but, it should also be taken into account that all this experiment is to explain quantum laws, and perhaps that is not the nature of the cat, then, the quantum scales are subatomic.

This means that interaction occurs at the particle level, but it would not make much sense to apply it to something of large size, like the cat.

If we open the box and observe, we would also be "polluting" the experiment, something very commented on quantum physics. Therefore, if we open it, we will find the cat in one state or another, but not in both states.

This process, to see the reality of one way and not of another, is known as 'decoherence', and therefore, we see the world as we believe to see it.

Finally, It should be noted that these quantum, or random and not continuous jumps, may not be as random, or as steep as you think.

In any case, the experiment on Schrödinger's cat continues to be very discussed today, and is still looking for an answer.

The Polgár experiment


  • Contín Aylón, G. C. (2012). Schrödinger's cat paradox and the interpretation problems of quantum mechanics.
  • Hundyan, s. (2000). Schrödinger's cat (Vol. 2). UNAM.
  • Gumbrecht, h. OR., Harrison, r. P., & Hendrickson, M. R. (2010). Mind and matter: What is life?: On the validity of Erwin Schrödinger (Vol. 3069). Katz Editores.
  • Masotti, Alfonso Luis. (2020). The notion of consciousness, Schrodinger's cat, phenomenology, ontology and psychoanalysis.
  • Rosas-Ortiz, or. Coherent states and cats of Schrödinger.
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