The experiment of monkeys and bananas

The experiment of monkeys and bananas

On one occasion the following behavior experiment was carried out.

They were placed 6 monkeys in a cage, in the center of which was a ladder that allowed to reach a cluster of bananas that hung from the roof. As soon as one of the monkeys tried. This process was repeated as many times how attempts to reach the bananas made the monkeys. Finally, when any of the monkeys tried to reach bananas, it was their own companions who prevented him.

At this point, one of the monkeys from the cage is taken out and another one that obviously had not previously participated in the experiment is introduced. Shortly after entering the cage, the monkey tries to perch. The new monkey does not understand anything, but after several attempts he realizes that he cannot approach the bananas unless he wants to be beaten.

At this time, another of the monkeys that began the experiment and one that does not have any knowledge of its functioning is taken out of the cage. As in the previous case, the monkey tries. The curious note is that The monkey that was introduced in the middle of the experiment and that does not have the experience of having been sprayed with ice water, also participates in the aggression although without knowing why. For him, simply, it is not allowed to approach the ladder.

Little by little, all the monkeys that began the experiment are replaced by others who have not experienced at any time the fact of having been sprayed with ice water.

When the last monkey of the cage is replaced, the behavior of the apes remains the same, little by little that the new monkey tries been sprayed with ice water. A rule has been established: "It is prohibited.

Maybe it's true that Sometimes monkeys reflect an almost human behavior, or perhaps humans are those who sometimes behave like monkeys.

This experiment of monkeys and bananas is a story, a modern fable, was inspired in part by GR Stephenson's experiments, which is found in "Cultural acquisition of a certain response learned among the rhesus monkeys", as well as certain experiments with chimpanzees conducted by Wolfgang Köhler, In the 1920s. Through the years, which was assembled to form urban legend in its current state.