Stress and their relationship with diseases

Stress and their relationship with diseases

A cheerful heart is a good medicine, the dejected spirit dries the bones. Solomon proverb

The best method of fighting stress is to know it well. Sonia Lupien

Stress itself is not a problem, it is the reaction we have in front of him. Stress reaction is not necessarily bad. But the effects of chronic stress, but we do anything, can even lead us to death.


  • Relationship between stress and disease
  • What is stress?
    • Your grandparents can be responsible for knowing or not your stress
  • Intrauterine children are vulnerable beings to stress
  • Children are still vulnerable to the stress that surrounds them
  • The case of adolescents against stress
  • Relationship between diseases and stress: you knew what .. ?
  • What to do to balance your stress?
    • Bibliography

Relationship between stress and disease

The relationship between stress and disease has been intuited for many years. Already in the Old Testament there was a close relationship between the body and the psyche. However, the verification between this day is clearer. It has gone from the interoception or internal perception of our own body, to the use of avant -garde technology to verify The way our brain records each stimulus received from abroad or interpreted by himself.

Hence, new disciplines have also been created:

  • the Psychodermatology: which focuses on the study of the interaction between mind and skin, and
  • the PSYCHONEUREDOCRINOINMUNOLOGIA: represents the transdisciplinary science that investigates the interactions between the brain (mind behavior) and the immune system and its clinical consequences (, 2001).

Christian Schubert of the Medical University of Innsbruck, works in research in this field of health. Point out what under a short -term stress, the immune system is activated to protect the organism. But if turbulence extend over time (chronic stress), people are more likely to get sick. And, the body indicates that we have exceeded (von Hopffarten, 2013).

In the great dictionary of ailments and diseases, Jacques Martel points out: any situation that creates a bigger demand to my body leads me to live stress. Stress itself is in fact less important than my reaction to this. According to my reaction to situations, events, feelings and difficulties, the stressful effect will be beneficial or harmful to me. If my psychological stress is large enough, it will be translated into biological stress in the form of a disease. Today it is not about village but of knowledge. When it is known to decipher the ailments and diseases and when you know which emotions or which thoughts are linked, then it is easy to tell the person what they are living (Martel, s/a).

When a person experiences a State of tension and anxiety for a continuous period of time is living what is known as stress.

  • The person experiences changes:
    • Physical,
    • physiological,
    • psychological and
    • social.

It is any external stimulus that causes a change in the balance of the organism (RTE, 2012)

What is stress?

Sonia Lupien, with 30 years of research at the Center for Stress Studies in Humans in Canada, have come to the conclusion that ... Stress is a response from our body to a stressful stimulus. A stressful stimulus that meets at least one of the following conditions:

  1. Be novel.
  2. Be unpredictable.
  3. Leave us a feeling of lack of control.
  4. Be a threat to our personality or our ego (the recipe for stress, 2009).

The more characteristics they are fulfilled, the more stressed you will be

Your grandparents can be responsible for knowing or not your stress

The hard events of life generate stress, especially when they live from childhood: contempt, ill -treatment, heartbreak, lack of contact. And, they carry undesirable effects on adulthood. This can affect the people who receive them.

And, these effects can persist in the children of those affected, even in the grandchildren, particularly, in relation to Anguish and anxiety problems (Carrie, 2013). The good news that even when we could potentially have this genetic condition transmitted at the molecular level, inheritance of our grandparents, it can also be neutralized learning coping styles in the face of stress and jumping this condition as stated by the epigenetics.

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Intrauterine children are vulnerable beings to stress

From before birth and without being aware of it, Babies can already be subject to the stress chemicals produced by the mother. It generates concerns: having a dysfunctional partner for parenting, the conditions that await them at birth, being first or having had other complicated pregnancies, the same health condition of the baby and the tests before birth.

Having chronic stress before the baby's birth is related to strong doses of chemical messengers traveling in the bloodstream and pass through the umbilical cord such as: adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol, known as stress hormones.

This has been seen that High cortisol concentrations for a long time can cause alterations in the immune system, memory, blood pressure, circulating glucose or bone mass loss among other. If stress accumulates in the mother, perceives or reaches a high degree can have harmful effects on the future baby. They stand out among them; Premature delivery or low birth weight, spontaneous abortion, problems in intellectual and cognitive development (Zazo, s/f).

Children are still vulnerable to the stress that surrounds them

Once babies have been born and even children, they are still very vulnerable to stressful environments.

Through magnetic resonance studies, researchers at the University of Oregon, found that parents' discussions affect their children even when the little ones sleep. Areas of emotions and stress are activated. The hypothalamus and the cingulad cortex respond during sleep to angry voices. His study proves how the environment influences and configures the brain, and the brain can also influence the environment, this is the foundation of social neuroscience. Alice Graham, head of the project, points out that: "The little ones absorb information and learn incessantly, not only when we believe we are teaching them" (Chant, 2013).

Stress sources in children come from lack of contact with their parents and family fights. These do not leave external traces in the little ones, but internal traces.

The case of adolescents against stress

As an example, a study with adolescents carried out by Yale University, found through functional magnetic resonance, which heartbreak and emotional abuse in childhood reduce the posterior cell density of the brain regions that regulate emotions (Chant, 2013).

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Relationship between diseases and stress: you knew what .. ?

  • Life of adulthood without doing activities is stressful. Being active in old age is synonymous with having less cognitive deterioration and continuing to produce the prx6 cerebral antioxidant. Gro AMDAM states, from Arizona State University, and says that this antioxidant protects from neurodegenerative diseases and delays the aging clock (Peck, 2013).
  • Stress and heartbreak at home cause neural damage to children during their upbringing. In addition to generating physical and psychological consequences in adulthood, such as: depression and difficulty in maintaining emotional relationships. This is called: family imprint. (Chant, 2013).
  • The stress caused by the noise to which you are exposed (Mobile, conversations, background music, noise in the streets) It has multiple effects. Apart from interfering with communication, it can affect emotionally and physical: increases tension and causes long -term cardiovascular problems. Some psychological experiments also reveal that certain noises negatively influence intellectual performance and affect short -term memory (Hellbruck, Schlittmeier and Klatte, 2013).
  • In the stress phases sustained our immune resistance loses balance. In this way we are more vulnerable to infections and allergies. The children's immune system is especially sensitive to psychic overload. The consequences can be serious inflammatory diseases in adulthood. Also wounds are slower to stress situations (von Hopffarten, 2013).
  • In the great dictionary of ailments and diseases, Jacques Martel points out that: All diseases finished in "Itis" imply stress and internal conflict, and are usually related to anger or frustration since they are linked to inflammations. Here are some examples: tonsillitis, appendicitis, arthritis, bronchitis, bursitis, colitis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, diverticulitis, epicondylitis, epidermitis, gastro - enteritis, gingivitis, hepatitis, laryngitis, mastitis, nephritis, osteomyelitis, otitis, ovaritis, prostatitis, prostatitis, Tendinitis, urethritis and vaginitis (Martel, s/f).
  • Telomeres shorten as we age, but they also shorten when we are subject to chronic and sharp stress, that is, through the influence of stress hormones. And, this causes the cell reproduction cycle to be altered producing the birth of more deficient cells and diminishing our integral health. Telomeres are shortened naturally over time, since every time a cell is divided, a telomer portion is not replicated. However, the length of the telomer can suffer reductions due to stressful factors: depressions, physical or psychic trauma and even obesity. A recent work from Harvard University has included anxiety and agoraphobia in that list. In previous research, the shortening of telomeres in different pathologies had already been observed, including different types of cancer, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and arthritis. Telomeres, then, reveal exposure to stress accumulated by an individual and his ability to overcome that state (Rodríguez, 2013).
  • Psychological problems can make dermatological diseases. This has a negative impact on general well -being. Chronic stress favors the appearance of skin inflammations from the complex interaction between nerves and the immune system (Bauer-Delto, 2013).

What to do to balance your stress?

Although stressful situations occur from the early stages of life, when they become conscious, their effects can be attenuated or reversed with different strategies namely:

  • Have contact with the favorite pet or just think about it, reduces the stress of who owns a. People who take care of a cat or dog have a lower blood pressure on the middle
  • Optimism and good humor reinforce resistance; They protect from long -term diseases (von Hopffarten, 2013).
  • Bring a healthier diet, minimize exposure to air pollution, practice regularly, moderate alcohol consumption and face stressful situations as challenges, not as threats (Rodríguez, 2013).
  • Practice deep relaxation, Hypnosis applied to health or creative visualization.
  • Take low frequency pulsating electromagnetic field sessions. Completely natural therapy without side effects that among other things balances our immune system.
  • Having a positive attitude towards life reduces stress. The same as laughing, doing meditation, practicing walking or exercising.
  • Friends are therapeutic. Having healthy interpersonal relationships also drops stress levels (friends, family, co -workers or school, neighbors or friends from the club or a couple). In general, perform activities that generate the hormone contrary to that of stress: oxytocin, known as the hormone, peace, relationship, health and rest.


  • Bauer-Delto A (2013) Nerves to the Flower (psychological disorders can make some skin diseases in a virulent way), Magazine mind and brain (research and science), March-April 2013, number 59, page. 57, Barcelona.
  • Carrie m. (2013) Cognition: Youth is spread. Magazine mind and brain (research and science), March-April 2013, number 59, p. 9, Barcelona.
  • Chant i. (2013) Family imprint in the brain. Magazine mind and brain (research and science), March-April 2013, number 59, p. 8, Barcelona.
  • The stress recipe (2009) Networks for Science, Eduardo Punset interview with Sonia Lupien, consulted on January 7, 2019, in Red: http: //
  • Martel J. (s/a) The great dictionary of ailment and diseases, Editions Quintessence,
  • Hellbruck J., Schlittmeier s. and Klatte m. (2013) Noise, noise, noise (in the office, on the street, even in class. Today, noise is almost omnipresent. How to combat its harmful effects?). Magazine mind and brain (research and science), March-April 2013, number 59, pages. 32-37, Barcelona.
  • Peck m. (2013) Cognition: Youth is spread. Magazine mind and brain (research and science), March-April 2013, number 59, p. 4, Barcelona.
  • Rodríguez t. (2013) The stress shortens the telomeres, research and science (Spanish edition of Scientific American), consulted on January 7, 2019, in network: https: // www.Research
  • RTE (2012) The thematic night: "The sick mind", consulted on November 21, 2017, in Red: https: // = Buzyhhpgvxi
  • Von Hopffarten, to. (2013) Immunology: Mental protection (stress and hustle. 50, Barcelona.