The Florida effect, how to influence others by changing our language

The Florida effect, how to influence others by changing our language

Let's talk about Florida effect And of the investigation that showed that the type of language we use to communicate has an unexpected influence, much larger than we thought, in the behavior from an automatic and unconscious point of view.


  • The Florida effect experiment
  • The result of the experiment
  • Conclusions of the experiment
  • How to apply the Florida effect
  • Why receive the name of Florida effect
    • Bibliography

The Florida effect experiment

The psychologist and Nobel Prize in Economics in 2002 Daniel Kahneman, He already referred to this phenomenon in his book: Think quickly, think slowly. This investigation turned out to be of the utmost importance to understand How does the way we talk influence us, how we express ourselves and even how we dialogue with ourselves internally, so that The concrete words we use directly influence people's behavior.

In this research, 19 -year -old students were separated into two groups. The first group showed a series of words with which they had to form phrases. Although they did not know, those words were related in one way or another to the concept of youth, in a way that was not evident to the participants.

The other group, on the other hand, was provided in some way words to the concept of old age, so that there was no obvious relationship of the words with this concept that could influence the members of the group. Similarly, each participant had to form different phrases using these words.

This determined the effect Priming Daniel Kahneman speaks, where we are simply generating a primacy of words of a specific concept, In a case of youth in another of old age.

When they had just read the words and develop the phrases, they were asked to move to another room where they should continue with the experiment. What they did not know is that the real experiment was to calculate the time it took to move from the first room to the second.

The result of the experiment

The result of the experiment was amazing, since not even the researchers themselves expected such clear and obvious results. It turned out that the group that was influenced by the primacy of words linked to youth, moved substantially faster and therefore arrived in much less time to the second room, that the group that should form phrases with the words that were related to old age.

At the end of the experiment, both groups were revealed what had happened, and none of them had been aware that the words were related to any concept of old age or youth. They had not even realized that they had walked at greater or lesser speed of what they did.

What is ethnomethodology?: Definition, history and importance

Conclusions of the experiment

This incredible and revealing result allowed to link the flowering effect with the effect Priming Statement by Daniel Kahneman. The experiment demonstrated how Our language triggers certain behaviors and actions or movements that we do without realizing.

And then? What conclusions do we get all this? Are we not owned by our behavior and we can't do anything to avoid it? We can think that we are not owners of our actions if we see that they are so influenced by external agents, but in reality, the conclusion we obtain is exactly the opposite, since It depends on us to manage our language And choose very well, and consciously, the words we use to communicate, since reality is really what we interpret from reality.

How to apply the Florida effect

It's about being very careful with the words we use and use, as far as possible, POSITIVE CONNOTATION WORDS When communicating. It is not about showing optimism, since like pessimism, it is a distortion of reality towards a perspective that is not necessarily true, but to reflect positivity with our words, with which we simply express the true reality by choosing the part that enhances us most, that gives us the most, and describe it thus.

Power your life automatically and unconsciously through the Florida effect and the effect Priming of primacy of our language in behavior. It's amazing, but our mind is free, our mind chooses, but you can choose how to manage your mind. Advance and play with advantage

Why receive the name of Florida effect

The original study that we have explained to you had a little sensationalist name. It was something like: Automaticity of social behavior: direct effects on the construction of features and activation of stereotypes in action. The Florida effect name arose later as a result of one of the terms of the group that received the words with primacy linked to old age. The words of the study for this group were: worried, florid, old, lonely, gray, selfish, careful, sentimental, wise, stubborn, courteous, bingo, retired, forgotten, retired, wrinkled, rigid, traditional, bitter, bitter, obedient, conservative , Fabric, dependent, ancient, helpless, credulous, cautious and only.

The Florida word is linked to old age in the United States because it is the state to which many retirees are withdrawn when reaching the end of their working life and from there finally took this curious effect.


Automaticity of Social Behavior: Direct Effects of Trait Construct and Stereotype Activation on Action