Doomscrolling and bad news addiction

Doomscrolling and bad news addiction

Doomscrolling is a new term with which reference is made to all those people who are constantly absorbing bad news.

To this term of recent origin, and that it is considered that it arose in 2018, It is also known as "Doom Scroll Till Dawn", which would translate as a "negative sliding to dawn", A practice that today many people are doing.

There are those who are reading negative news that affect their well -being, or just start the day too.

It is understandable to want to be informed, but there are also those who cross the line of normal and incur excess. Technology and social networks also make it easier today.


  • Doomscrolling
  • The media content and doomscrolling
  • Recommendations to avoid doomscrolling
    • Bibliography


Doomscrolling, or navigate the Internet following all the terrible news and how they advance, It could be a behavior whose explanation lies in the survival mechanism that all human beings have.

That is, the individual would seek to be informed of all the tragedies to prepare in advance and survive, however, this continuous state of alert, caused by the incessant amount of information could be fatal, since the person could end up suffering from stress, by example.

In fact, a study carried out by GAO social.

Among the problems found by the aforementioned author, anxiety and even depression were.

Some people seem to be addicted to fatal news in a followed way through their mobiles, but there are also those who could simply look for information to be attentive to any future situation, however, this must be done with balance.

The media content and doomscrolling

Some people are also more tempted to incur this doomscrolling practice because the media at certain times make it easier.

The content that is written in the news many times what it seeks is to become a trigger that appeals to the primary emotions of the human being, because, it is always tried that the reader will be reported, but also assumes a position with the editorial line of the editorial of the half.

Thus, People read the news and feel outrage or fear, which activates brain areas associated with survival.

Evidently, when only bad news is sought, search engine algorithms will show more content of that fatalistic that has been consumed, and thus starts a cycle that does not end.

"Click continuously ”is not healthy, since it can become an automatic practice, or a bad habit.

When Doomscroling has become a habit, the person no longer realizes what is being, but unconsciously continues to observe, reading and consuming fatal news.

The bad depression

Recommendations to avoid doomscrolling

Although a person feels tempted, if he has already noticed that he is very doomscrolling, then it is time to stop to reflect on his mental health.

To start, The devices can be programmed so that the Scroll endless end, So, this can be deactivated and preventing sites from becoming infinite.

Those who are very addicted can also resort to a simple, but effective trick: Place the screen on grays. With this option, many images and content will lose relevance.

Algorithms can also be modified when You start searching for new content, others healthier and that also include a series of attractive themes.

If necessary, You can also choose to install some application that helps manage the time in which you are in front of the screen, Thus the person can get out of that automatic circle.

In the place of "favorites" social media accounts or pages that encourage well -being can be placed.

Among the many applications that exist today, too those that are motivating can be installed, or subscribe to places where every day the person receives positive daily phrases.

Doomscrolling begins by being something that goes unnoticed, until it becomes a harmful addiction that deteriorates the mental health of those who suffer from it. Being aware, break the cycle and assume the behavior with responsibility, are crucial steps to avoid being dragged by this immense wave.

Finally, who fails to disconnect or manage his time in front of the mobile doing doomscrolling, You also have the option of completely disconnecting.

This means that you can leave the mobile in another area of ​​the house and start doing other healthier activities, such as painting, listening to happy songs, reading a good novel, among other options.

Laughter has a very effective power that brings benefits to our well -being. See comedies with a relative can be something so simple, but effective to take the first step and start living in a way that allows you to see the future with optimism.

100 positive phrases and thoughts to upload the mood


  • Feerrar, j., Dean, k., Hammer, k., & Griffin, K. (2020, November). Digital Wellness: Navigating the Messiness of Being A person online. In northeast media literacy conference 2020.
  • Gao, Junling & Zheng, Pinpin & Jia, Yingnan & Chen, Hao & Mao, Yimeng & Wang, Yi & Fu, Hua-Hua & Dai, Jun. (2020). Mental Health Problems and Social Media Exposure During Covid-19 Outbreak. Plos One. fifteen. E0231924. 10.1371/Journal.places.0231924.
  • Markham, a. N. (2020). Pattern Recognition: Using Rocks, Wind, Water, Anxiety, and Doom Scrolling in A Slow Apocalypse (To Learn More About Methods For Changing The World). Qualitative Inquiry.
  • Paulsen, p., & Fuller, D. (2020). Scrolling for Data Or Doom During Covid-19?. Canadian Journal of public Health111(4), 490-491.