The pain and management of emotions

The pain and management of emotions

Different investigations show that the  repression of emotions in patients with chronic pain correlates with greater degree of disability, like anger, sadness, fear and excess anguish, among others. Therefore, neuroscientific, based on recent studies, they recommend multidisciplinary intervention for Álg treatment, taking into account biopsychosocial factors, the lack of emotional regulation intervenes the perception of pain and maintenance of pain and maintenance of.


  • Emotions and chronic pain expression
  • Health professionals and patient with chronic pain
  • Mental and physical flexibility: potential antiálgic
  • Emotional intelligence and chronic pain
    • Conclusion
    • Links

Emotions and chronic pain expression

Feelings and emotions are universal language, which must be honored, are the authentic expression of who we are

The pain is important, because it alerts the organism to a threat, then then insane it is to reject it, deny it, project it or repress it Somehow, instead, sublimar it through the arts can be cathartic, useful and edifying. When there is a feeling where the person does not feel the ability to deal with different situations of life, he presents him in his daily living, he can invade despair and require psychological help, mood disorders, depression and Anxiety often prevails among those who suffer from chronic pain.

Some doctrines support the belief that these emotions must be repressed, however, function as an exhaust valve, their proper management, on the contrary, contributes to well -being,  The accumulation of repressed emotions can intensify pain, this has been associated with greater degree of disability in the patient.

"What tells about the pain you have?" The doctor. Jordi Montero, a specialist in neurology and author of the book "Permission to complain" (2017), affirms: "Any acute pain creates a complex emotional situation that generates a memory memory. That pain is recorded forever even if there is no harm ”.

The patient really experiences pain, in many cases due to central awareness (SC), it has not invented it, it is perceived in that way. Today, thanks to very specialized neuroimaging studies it can be detected when pain is experienced even if there is no apparent damage, it has been observed that people who have acute pain have similar brain activity to that of patients suffering from chronic pain.

Due to the pains of pain that the body keeps the above happens, the brain likes Psychoeducation, the strategies used in hypnosis, suggestions at deeper levels of consciousness: alpha, beta, gamma, delta and Theta, logotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (TCC) and others can greatly benefit the patient the patient.

Health professionals and patient with chronic pain

“Fostering the changes in their behavior, with emotional psychotherapy, working the Emotional regulation... all that can be positive. If we offer more medicine or more aggressive methods we will worsen your pain. There is no cure in chronic pain, but we know what we should do ”. Jordi Montero

As health professionals, we have to be more respectful in the way we address the user, because with our words we can contribute to their state of confusion, that their anguish and fears increase, the patient can increase with this, certain certain Psychosocial factors in pain maintenance such as anxiety and excess stress, On the other hand, we can make the patient feel content and motivated to take their health in their hands and follow the recommendations to seek greater quality of life.

Remember that as a patient you have the right to ask for another opinion when you do not feel satisfied with the care received, Your health is your responsibility; In many cases, the characteristics of certain chronic diseases with which chronic pain be, The search for information and education concerning your condition can give you greater peace of mind.

Its convenient that The attending physician warns to the patient who can benefit from adherence to psychotherapeutic treatment. Jordi Montero advises to deal with the issue with the patient with respect, he said at the Cartagena Festival (2018) that by cataloging them only of "simulators or hysterical", when they really experience the pain it can be insulting. Health is a right, but her responsibility lies in the individual.

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Mental and physical flexibility: potential antiálgic

"The movement is antialgic and chronic pain decreases. People who move and move their brain, obviously, are busy in other issues, can improve their acute pain". Jordi Montero

Three substantial elements for pain management would be:

  1. The basic education and the search for information regarding your condition.
  2. Keep the Mental flexibility as much as the physical as far as possible. Avoiding limiting the movement more than necessary by fear.
  3. Emotions management.

The above, represent strategies to face adaptive pain, Take into account biopsychosocial aspects in ngeho treatment can make a big difference, As neurosciences have shown us. Shlomo Breznitz neuroscientist states that to stay fit, our brain needs demand, challenge, change, and mobility:

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Emotional intelligence and chronic pain

Different research shows us how the repression of emotions in patients with chronic pain correlates with greater degree of disability, it is the case of the expression of anger, sadness and fear, which does not mean that these people have to remain in the middle of Emotional discomfort or justify certain behaviors on your part.

“Who has said that people are as we are and that we cannot change?"" Do we have to resign ourselves with what we have "touched to live"?”Marta Guerri Pons (2014), clinical psychologist, nurse and specialist in the management of anxiety disorders he wrote: "Emotional Intelligence: A useful guide to improve your life", As the name implies, the book can be a lighthouse that guides you towards greater well -being, as well as providing you with tools to get a better management of your emotions in a practical and simple way.


People with chronic pain do not have to remain between Emotional discomfort, when the person by their own means, although despite their will there is a lack of Emotional regulation To continue developing as a person in some aspect, it is necessary to seek psychotherapeutic support, psychologists can teach strategies for proper management of emotions according to the specific needs of the patient.


  • DOI: 10.1038/SREP19615
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  • https: // www.NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV/Pubmed/15162342
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