Coaching wingwave, what is and how works?

Coaching wingwave, what is and how works?

In recent years the world of coaching has experienced great expansion. More and more people trust this type of professionals, and that gives rise to that they arise New currents such as Coaching Wingwave, which is causing furor in many countries.


  • What is coaching wingwave
  • How is the Coaching Wingwave method
  • Areas in which you can use the coaching wingwave
    • Stress regulation
    • Coaching for success
    • Belief coaching

What is coaching wingwave

First of all, it should be made clear what sigifies this term. In coaching, confusing concepts are often used or confused with others, so it is a good idea to make a definition to begin.

In this case, we can say that coaching wingwave is A method, developed by German psychologists, who seeks to stimulate both cerebral hemispheres through different stimuli.

His name ("wing" means "wing" and "wave" means "wave") already refers to the idea that is intended to convey with this concept.

The intention is to Find reactions to created stimuli, In the same way that the famous theory that a butterfly wings milkshake.

The wingwave coaching is A very delimited and localized method. Therefore, it is convenient to carry it out only with professionals who have enough training to give you guarantees as their customers.

How is the Coaching Wingwave method

This method Combine three elements. On the one hand, the simulation of the MOR phases (these are rapid eye movements), on the other hand, tactile and auditory bilateral stimuli. Finally, neuro linguistic programming.

All this It is complemented with an O-Ring Bi-Digital Test. It consists of a muscle reaction test whose main mission is to evaluate whether the process that has been followed has meant an improvement in the patient or not.

With all this, We obtain a scientific method, developed by professional psychologists, which makes it logical to feel safe and calm. It is a good way to flee other coaching methods without any scientific or empirical basis.

The lack of emotional regulation

Areas in which you can use the coaching wingwave

Once we know what this wingwave coaching is, another big question comes: “What is it for?". The truth is that this type of coaching It is mainly used for three distinct areas, So its effectiveness is very delimited.

These areas are as follows:

Stress regulation

Stress situations are really difficult to manage by whoever suffers them. Pressure at work, children, economic problems, motifs or unforeseen changes in life ... There are a lot of reasons that can cause stress.

Although entering such a state is easy, getting out of it is not so simple. Therefore, it has a lot of value to have a method like coaching Wignwave, which has demonstrated its effectiveness to treat this type of situations.

Whether it is a timely stress, as if this is sustained in time, The techniques of this method are a good way to end it, naturally and without having to resort to medicines containing side effects.

Coaching for success

Another important aspect of life is success. To a greater or lesser extent, everyone seeks, although it is true that the concept of success is subjective. In any case, If you think your life is not successful and you would like it to be, this method can be the solution for you.

It gives you optimal mental preparation to have maximum performance. For example, you can deal with Coaching Wingwave the scenic fear, panic to exams or work interviews.

It is about strengthening your self -esteem, visualizing your goals and having an increase in creativity that leads you to get those goals that you have marked. Have the right mentality that prepares you for success is possible with this method.

Belief coaching

In this case it is break all your mental barriers. If you have thoughts like "I do not serve anything", "I am not able" or "what will they think of me", this method can help you. What is done is to move from that point to a more balanced one.

The opposite point is also avoided, entering a state of euphoria that leads you to think that you can with more than you can actually. This other point can also lead to many problems, so it should end.

In short, as you can see with all this information, coaching wingwave is a Very complete method, which is used to achieve different types of objectives. It has a scientific basis, and is one of the few proven methods whose results never disappoint.

Inform more about this method is a good idea if you are in one of the previous cases, or if you think you can get to be at some point.