El Chemsex, a dangerous way of practicing sex

El Chemsex, a dangerous way of practicing sex

Chemsex is a Sexual game that has its origin in England. However, this game has important health risks of those who practice it, so here we explain in depth what it consists of.


  • What is Chemsex?
  • Psychological effects of Chemsex
  • Physiological effects of Chemsex
  • Can it be prevented?

What is Chemsex?

The Chemsex It originated in culture Underground from England and, little by little, its use was extended through central Europe, finally arriving in our country, where it is an increasingly known practice.

According to a study carried out in England, the 'The Chemsex Study', In the last five years, a fifth of the British young people had participated in this practice, and a tenth in recent weeks, which suggests the rapid extension of this phenomenon.

This cultural phenomenon involves important health risks of young people who practice it since, as its name indicates, Chemsex (Chemical + Sex) Consists of the Mixture of promiscuous sex with drug use.

The drugs used in Chemsex are synthetic drugs, with which their effects greatly modify the behavior of those who consume them, making sex often sex without any protection.

The objective that is sought with the consumption of these drugs is that those involved in the practice of Chemsex can have sex for up to 76 hours in a row due to the effects of ecstasy they experience thanks to drugs consumed.

This entails a High risk of appearance of sexually transmitted diseases Since, in addition, Chemsex is practiced with large groups of people, giving way to practices such as orgies in which young people do not have any inhibition due to drug use.

As for the causes of this phenomenon, various psychological studies have shown that Chemsex is mostly practiced by young people with low self -esteem, that go to large events like this so as not to feel self -conscious when relating sexual forms with other people.

Also, many young people who have already practiced this game ensure that drug use helps them, in addition to handling low self -esteem, dealing with fear of AIDS infection and even homophobia.

In addition, the practice of this game is generally associated with the group known as Gay or LGTB, although its practice is also given between heterosexuals. Therefore, it is a phenomenon that It extends between young people from any sexual orientation.

Psychological effects of Chemsex

Between The most used drugs for Chemsex We find hydroxibutirate (GHB), butirolactiona (GBL), mefedrona and crystal methamphetamine, sometimes combining all of them to cause an extreme effect of extreme ecstasy.

According to British Medical Journal, A prestigious medium of the English health sector, Chemsex's practice entails various psychological consequences For its practitioners, due mostly to the consumption of drugs that we have already mentioned.

Among the most devastating effects of these drugs, the feeling of euphoria and sexual attraction that their consumers experience due to the increase in heart rate that cause.

Likewise, their Uninhibiting effects in addition to analgesics, which causes the practice of sex irresponsibly due to the behavioral changes suffered by those who consume them.

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Physiological effects of Chemsex

The consumption of synthetic drugs used in Chemsex has demolving effects for the body, since these have the ability to keep the individual awake up to 76 hours in a row without eating food or water.

As a consequence, these drugs create a physiological dependence that makes those who consume them base their relationships on mere sexual desire, which leads to a deterioration of sentimental relationships.

In addition, as we have already mentioned, Chemsex entails a High risk of sexual disease transmission, such as AIDS or hepatitis C, since the exchange of couples during the night is constant and sex is usually practiced without any protection.

Can it be prevented?

The prevention of this type of macro events is very important but, precisely because of the form of call for this game and the large number of people wrapped in it, It is a very difficult phenomenon to control.

On the other hand, the places where chemsex is carried out are usually private houses, so The call is not public, but is done through social networks that the authorities do not have access.

However, they are currently being carried out prevention and awareness programs about the dangers of this phenomenon as well as help programs for those affected by this phenomenon.

Chemsex is a new sexual practice that is done with drug use, which has important physical, psychological and even emotional consequences for those who practice it.