The burnout in nurses and its relationship with self -esteem 8 signs

The burnout in nurses and its relationship with self -esteem 8 signs

Self -esteem and burnout in nurses seem to be two factors that are closely related. First of all, Burnout syndrome arises as a form of response when the work stress is chronic is chronic, a category within which nursing staff fits perfectly.

Second, it is remarkable that, during that process of wear, or burnout, it is possible that The health professional experiences frustration and deterioration of their self -esteem. In fact, it is known that nursing staff corresponds to one of the professions in which wear or tiredness is extreme, so it is relevant to analyze the relationship that this fact keeps with self -esteem.

Burnout syndrome

As noted, Burnout syndrome can be defined as an response that arises from the work stress that, chronicly, suffers a professional. This syndrome occurs, mainly, in professionals who provide health services, since the attention they supply is prolonged and by way of intense days. In addition, they provide their services to people who are in an accentuated agency.

Said syndrome can start after the first six months of labor and strengthens after the age of ten, in cases where the worker can bear it,. This syndrome has also been classified as a syndrome of 'Professional wear', And it was a term coined in 1974 by Freudenberger and later developed by Maslach, who, in addition, in 1980 designed an assessment instrument known as Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI).

With the instrument devised by Maslach, three dimensions are measured: emotional exhaustion (AE), depersonalization (DP) and personal fulfillment (RP). This last aspect that is measured is of great importance, since it could be the key to the relationship between self -esteem and burnout in nurses.

The main feature in Burnout syndrome is the emotional exhaustion, as well as the experience of feeling sunk, both physical and emotional. When this remains in time, then depersonalization occurs, another interesting phenomenon through which work performance is affected by a negative attitude by the nursing staff.

Finally, after this physical and emotional exhaustion, in addition to the Intersonalization, What is produced is a feeling that a professional and personal realization is lacking. At this point the negative self -assessments begin, the discontent with itself and with the work environment, the experience of unhappiness, among others. It is in this course that the incidence between self -esteem and burnout appears in nurses.

Self -esteem and burnout in nurses

Self -esteem and nurses are related because the first is affected by the second.

That is, the worker feels little job satisfaction, a frustration in her expectations and considers the idea of ​​abandoning her work, or she can even fall on the idea of ​​abandoning the profession completely. Besides, In cognitive, physiological and behavioral measurements, indices in stress levels are usually high, And this is another feature that allows self -esteem and burnout to relate nurses.

It should be noted that this concept of self -esteem, in relation to professional performance, was a term that Hallsten introduced in 1983, and saw it precisely as a factor that could be influential in workers vulnerable to emotional wear. So, self -esteem being made up of thoughts, perception, feelings, and evaluations that the person of himself does, is affected when he lives under high levels of stress. It is for these reasons that Self -esteem and burnout in nurses are two variables that are related, Well, the nursing is made up of professionals whose work is focused on providing help and maintaining contact with others.

Indeed, according to the author Joaquín Tomás Saturday, in his study on burnout and suicidal risk in primary care nurses, he points out that when personal fulfillment is reduced, there is a decrease in feelings of self -efficiency and professional competence.

Likewise, Saturday, it emphasizes that, among the answers that arise, the negative ones predominate, such as:

  1. Low moral;
  2. Depression;
  3. Avoidance of professional relationships;
  4. Irritability;
  5. Voltage intolerance;
  6. Low productivity;
  7. Loss of interest at work and,
  8. Low self-esteem.

These signs appear because Nursing is a profession in which care for others and a high level of responsibility is involved, So self -esteem and burnout are two constants linked in said exercise. Coupled with this, Nursing staff are continually exposed to experiencing the pain and suffering of others, which also has an impact on its self -esteem, so that, it is often. In addition, nursing workers must also deal with the demands made by the institution, as well as they must deal with the rest of the situations inherent in their profession.

It is for all this that, lately, the need to analyze self -esteem and burnout has emerged in nurses, because they are two variables that affect not only professionals, but also patients and relatives of these.

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