The Bud Sex, when heterosexuals seek pleasure with other men

The Bud Sex, when heterosexuals seek pleasure with other men

He Bud sex defines the heterosexual men who practice sex with other men without establishing emotional or sentimental ties and therefore do not consider themselves as homosexuals. Its practitioners consider their meetings a simple game with their rules; No attachment, no caresses, or kisses. This practice has created controversy among members of the LGTBI+collective that considers that Bud Sex is a hypocritical attitude to live homosexuality "without leaving the closet". Men who practice it are not considered either bisexuals or homosexuals. Many are married and parents and the only thing they intend is sexual relief.

Research regarding Bud Sex

The doctor in Sociology Tony Silva in a study in the US. UU. and financed by the University of Oregon, analyzed the behavior of a group of heterosexual white men in the rural areas of some of the most conservative states. From this study Silva described the main characteristics of this type of meetings as well as the meaning that the actors themselves give.

According to Silva, Men who practice Bud Sex do not usually have identity crisis, since sex with other men only occurs sporadically, so beyond these sporadic meetings, They have a completely heterosexual life.

In occasional encounters men only seek to satisfy sex. Many of these meetings occur after a strong discussion with the couple or under the influence of alcohol and drugs. The meetings have no regularity, many are generally produced in Saunas or Cruising areas.

Jane Ward, a professor at the University of California and gender expert, highlights that a characteristic of this group is that they strongly reject gay behaviors, so there is no space for effeminate men and that these practices are considered more as a form of competition between males and not as love relationships.

The environments in which This practice is produced more frequently, they are usually highly conservative and patriarchal. In these contexts openly recognize that you like sex with men can be a reason for repulsion or exclusion, that can be a reason for these encounters to be secret and publicly express their rejection of homosexuals.

It is not a recent practice, hidden homosexual encounters have always existed in male environments as prisons, but now it is tried to make visible by certain groups that have been interested in this practice and the reasons that there is.

But is it possible that it can be heterosexual and have with other men?

The question of sexual identities in Western society is the protagonist of this debate. Behind are the norms of patriarchy. It was from the 60s, with the sexual revolution, when it began to show that sexual practices do not have to be linked to gender, they can be combined, overcoming more nomenclatures or eliminating these.

To these men the fact of being considered heterosexuals and having sex with men has earned them the qualifier of homosexuals homophogue by some members of the LGTB+ collective who see after this rejection of homosexuals who do not assume their true sexual tendency.

The truth is that this new sexual modality has created controversy among said group that consider that The Bud Sex is not accepting your true sexual orientation, it is to continue locked in the closet Although the men who practice it defend that it is something totally different since the sole purpose of sexual relations is that of relief.

There are also defenders, such as the followers of the Theories queer. According to thought queer If that It is possible to feel heterosexual and have relationships with people of the same sex. The queer It consists of a sociological theory that questions gender categorization. It is a set of ideas that defends that genres, sexual identities and sexual orientations are not necessarily inscribed in the nature of the human being, but that it is the result of a social construction and as such varies from one society to another.

The theory queer advocates that sexual identities as we know them, disappear. The fact that more and more people do not want.

Can the theory queer Explain the Bud Sex? Human sexuality is extremely complex and social and cultural factors must always be taken into account before judging any behavior.


  • Silva, T (2017) Bud-Sex: Constructing Normative: Male Among Rural Straight Men That Have Sex With Men. Gender and Society 31 (1) 51-73 https: // Retrieved on December 6, 2019
  • Ward, j. (2015). Not gay: sex Between Straight White Men . New York: New York University Press.
  • Talburt, S; Steinberg, s. R. (ed.). "Thinking queer: sexuality, culture and education". Graó, Barcelona, ​​2005