Liquid love and superficiality of human relationships

Liquid love and superficiality of human relationships

Current society is characterized by an accelerated rhythm of life, which does not allow us to enjoy small details of daily life. This has been extrapolated to the world of sentimental relations, which together with the constant change shown by social networks and the lack of commitment, have converted love into a superficial concept.

Therefore, in this note we will inform you about liquid love: what is, characteristics, causes. But yes, taking as reference the theory about Bauman Liquid Love, who develops this concept about Fragility of human ties.


  • What is liquid love?
  • The importance of self -love to combat liquid love
  • What are the characteristics of liquid love
  • Possible causes of liquid love
    • 1. Limiting beliefs
    • 2. Low self-esteem
    • 3. Lack of freedom
  • Consequences of liquid love
    • 1. Reification
    • 2. Abuse
    • 3. Emotional dissatisfaction
    • 4. Waste of time
    • 5. Self -esteem decreases
      • Bibliography

What is liquid love?

The liquid love concept was stated by the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. Liquid love refers to superficiality of sentimental relationships and the fragility of emotional roots that we tend to establish.

For Zygmunt, the objective of this type of love is power Stay constantly without having relationships that atten. This concept not only describes relationships with others, but also highlighted the liquidity of love with ourselves.

In today's society, we find the example liquid love in the search for a couple in order to have someone who serves as emotional support. However, we do not stop to think that it is necessary first Accept and love ourselves, to be able to love another person deeply.

Therefore, on many occasions, relationships end up becoming relationships characterized by emotional dependence, instead of being a source of emotional well -being.

Are you emotional dependent?

The importance of self -love to combat liquid love

People are not consumer goods, nor have we programmed obsolescence like any appliance. We think, feel and love. But we must always start by ourselves, seeing us as people deserving of being loved.

Sometimes, Behind a liquid love is personal insecurity. Not seeing ours.

Insecurity is a reflection of self -esteem that has not been properly developed. Where only punctual satisfaction is sought for later, fleeing. All commitment can show our lack of competition, our immaturity.

In this life nothing is safe and we all go to stores between the fog, if I begin to trust myself little by little I will advance with more security, betting on stability. For the real commitment with myself and the people around me.

Bauman tells us that to be happy, we must take into account Two essential values: freedom and security. Security without libertas is slavery, but freedom without security is a total chaos. We all need both dimensions to find balance in our lives.

Brummel's complex and our way of showing us the world

What are the characteristics of liquid love

To understand that liquid love is, you must first take into account what the links of liquid society are, whose main characteristics are the following:

  • Value of present experiences
  • Lack of compromise
  • Need for freedom
  • Punctual and little responsible consumption
  • Immediate satisfaction
  • Emotional disconnection
  • Fragility of relationships
  • Superficial links
  • Individualism
  • Physical attraction
  • Vacuum sensation
  • Relationship mercantilization

Possible causes of liquid love

According to the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, liquid love about the fragility of human ties has different causes, including the following:

1. Limiting beliefs

The negative thoughts that we are not deserving or capable of having a healthy and deep sentimental relationship limits us to find someone who accepts that bond.

2. Low self-esteem

Insecurities and low self -esteem determine that we do not have enough emotional maturity to be able to connect deeply with another person, thus giving liquid love. However, if we work on ourselves we will get evolve emotionally and understand well that it is commitment and what indicates.

3. Lack of freedom

The fear of feeling tied and having to make decisions taking into account another person, we generates the feeling of lack of freedom. This lack of freedom scares us and prevents us from establishing deeper sentimental ties.

Consequences of liquid love

The consequences that are generated from liquid love about the fragility of human ties, can be both emotional and behavioral, the following can be highlighted:

1. Reification

The fact of consider the other person as a product to consume, annuls human value and encourages the treatment of the person as a mere object to prove.

2. Abuse

This consequence is linked to reification. Since if we take away the human value, We think we have the right to do with that person what we want. From this type of beliefs sexual abuse and power arise.

3. Emotional dissatisfaction

If we maintain such superficial relationships We do not manage to create a real sentimental bond, Which, may imply the absence of emotional support.

4. Waste of time

When Love is characterized by the fragility of the link, The time we invest in building this relationship is lost time since we know in advance that has an expiration date.

5. Self -esteem decreases

The fact of not feeling important to the other person, generates insecurities that encourage the appearance of limiting beliefs about the lack of deserving.

If at some point in your life you feel that the romantic relationship in which you are a relationship characterized by liquid love, it is important that you put yourself in reflect on whether that is the type of relationship you want.

Similarly, if you have been able to identify this type of love and you do not know how to manage it, even generates discomfort, do not be afraid to ask for help from a psychology professional who gives you the necessary tools to make the best decisions about your relationship.


  • Avila spirit, to. R. (2021). Zygmunt Bauman's liquid love concept: a critical examination. Available at: https: // cybertesis.UNMSM.Edu.PE/HANDLE/20.500.12672/16805
  • Tamayo, j. J. (2017). Zygmunt Bauman: Postmodernity, liquid life, liquid love. Digital Digital counterpoint. Available at: https: // www.sanction,%20vid.PDF