Einstein's riddle including the reasoned solution

Einstein's riddle including the reasoned solution

The riddle of the zebra, also known as Einstein's riddle, It is a famous logic problem that is popularly attributed to the famous physicist Albert Einstein, That, according to legend, he said that only 2% of the world's population would be able to solve it.

In spite of being widely known as the "riddle of Einstein", it does not really have a well -documented origin and there is no solid evidence that Albert Einstein has invented or proposed, in fact, this statement is considered a popular but very entrenched legend.

This riddle is also often attributed to the writer Lewis Carroll, the author of "Alicia in Wonderland", and a well -known logic games, however, there is no concrete evidence that supports the idea that Carroll was the creator of this particular riddle.

Lewis Carroll, whose real name was Charles Dodgson, was a mathematician and logical in addition to a writer, and certainly created many logic games, riddles and puzzles during his life, but there is no reliable source or record that shows that the riddle of zebra It was one of them.

Therefore, although it is possible that Carroll has created a similar riddle or that has influenced the creation of riddles of this type, the statement that specifically created the riddle of zebra is not supported by any historical or academic evidence.

There are numerous variants of the riddle over the years, but The first publication of this riddle that is recorded appeared in the December 1962 issue of Life International magazine, that in its March number 1963 he published the solution with the list of people who managed to solve it.

In this version of the riddle, reference is made to the Kools cigarette brand, which did not exist during Carroll's life or when Einstein was a child.

Despite the lack of clarity about its origin, the riddle of zebra is widely respected and enjoyed by their challenge to people's ability to use logic and deduction. It is an excellent example of a riddle that requires large dose of deductive reasoning and methodical and systematic thinking to solve it.

This type of riddle belongs to a class of logical problems known as riding logic riddles, since for its resolution it is useful to draw a table in which the information of the different tracks is placed until the solution.

There are different versions of this same problem, in which colors, nationalities, cigarette brands, drinks, pets, or the tracks are given in a different order with respect to those of the riddle published in the Life magazine, but this does not change in absolute the logic of the puzzle or the way to solve it.

How to solve the riddle of Einstein

It is considered that the best way to solve Einstein's riddle is to use a table that is used as a visual help and that allows writing the conclusions as they are reasoned or discovered.

There are a few tracks that are direct and whose information can be transcribed directly to the table, But from there, it is necessary to apply logical rules to complete and discover the answer to the question. Most tracks will help you complete boxes in the table while others exclude certain possibilities.

Much of the difficulty lies in discovering the order in which the clues are useful to provide information to the table.

Einstein Supervitaminado's riddle

In psychoactive we present the riddle of Einstein in the most popular version, but if you want to face a new challenge, you can also solve the version published by Life magazine in 1962 or Generate a completely random version of the problem With a multitude of original and fun data. Simply choose the one that suits you most by pressing one of the buttons that appear on the problem statement.

At the end of the statement you will find the solution that appears initially hidden to avoid "temptations". We encourage you to try to solve it for yourself and become part of that 2% privileged who are able to solve it.

Original Life 1962 random

In the hall of a shopping center there are five stores of five different types.
In each store a person who has a different nationality works,
Each person speaks a different language,
has a different feature,
and truthful in a different city.
They tell us the following:
1. The Argentine speaks Hungarian.
2. The person who works in the Greek Speech Store.
3. The clothing store is the left of the Bricolage store.
4. The person who has the big nose speaks Japanese.
5. The Frenchman works in the craft store.
6. The owner of the Polish Speech Store.
7. The American works in the first store.
8. The person who veranea in New York works with the one who has curly hair.
9. The owner of the shoe store has curly hair.
10. Japanese has six fingers.
eleven. The person who has a scar works with one who speaks Dutch.
12. The person who has small truthful ears in Budapest.
13. The Veranea Chino in Vienna.
14. The person who has a scar works with the one who Veranea in Rome.
fifteen. The American works next to the toy store.
Who veranea in Toronto? Solution
To solve the riddle, we will use the following table that we will complete with the tracks of the riddle.
Store 1Store 2Store 3Store 4Store 5
Store color

Tracks 2, 7 and 15 provide us with information that we can complete directly in the table, which would be like this:
Store 1Store 2Store 3Store 4Store 5
Store color Of toys
language Greek

From the 5 and 15 tracks, we deduce that store 1 is shoes, since it cannot be crafts (which belongs to the French), or bricolage or clothing that must be together.
Store 1Store 2Store 3Store 4Store 5
Store colorof shoesOf toys
language Greek

Knowing the latter, we can complete the table with the information on tracks 9 and 8.
Store 1Store 2Store 3Store 4Store 5
Store colorof shoesOf toys
language Greek
featurethe curly hair
summer NY

From track 3 we deduce that the clothing store cannot occupy position 5 and track 6 tells us that "the owner of the Polish -speaking store."So you can't occupy position 3, so the clothing store must occupy position 4. Therefore, according to track 3, the Bricolage store must occupy position 5 and therefore, store 3 has to be the crafts.
Store 1Store 2Store 3Store 4Store 5
Store colorof shoesOf toysof craftsof clothesof Bricolage
language Greek
featurethe curly hair
summer NY

Knowing all of the above, we can complete the table with tracks 5 and 6.
Store 1Store 2Store 3Store 4Store 5
Store colorof shoesOf toysof craftsof clothesof Bricolage
nationalityAmerican French
language GreekPolish
featurethe curly hair
summer NY

At this point, we have to on the one hand, track 1 tells us that "the Argentine speaks Hungarian.", What can only happen in the store of position 2 or 5, and on the other hand, track 4 tells us that" the person who has a large nose speaks Japanese."That again can only be given in positions 2 and 5, therefore, track 11 can only refer to positions 1 and 2, so we can complete these boxes.
Store 1Store 2Store 3Store 4Store 5
Store colorof shoesOf toysof craftsof clothesof Bricolage
nationalityAmerican French
languageDutch GreekPolish
featurethe curly haira scar
summer NY

Now, track 4, you can only refer to position 5, so we complete those boxes.
Store 1Store 2Store 3Store 4Store 5
Store colorof shoesOf toysof craftsof clothesof Bricolage
nationalityAmerican French
languageDutch GreekPolishJapanese
featurethe curly haira scar The big nose
summer NY

At this time, track 1 can only refer to position 5 and complete the corresponding boxes.
Store 1Store 2Store 3Store 4Store 5
Store colorof shoesOf toysof craftsof clothesof Bricolage
featurethe curly haira scar The big nose
summer NY

As we have the table, track 10 can only refer to position 4, so we write the values.
Store 1Store 2Store 3Store 4Store 5
Store colorof shoesOf toysof craftsof clothesof Bricolage
featurethe curly haira scar six fingersThe big nose
summer NY

Track 6 can only refer to position 5.
Store 1Store 2Store 3Store 4Store 5
Store colorof shoesOf toysof craftsof clothesof Bricolage
featurethe curly haira scar six fingersThe big nose
summer NY Vienna

At this point, track 12 can only fit in position 3.
Store 1Store 2Store 3Store 4Store 5
Store colorof shoesOf toysof craftsof clothesof Bricolage
featurethe curly haira scarthe little earssix fingersThe big nose
summer NYBudapest Vienna

And the last runway, 14 allows us to complete position 1.
Store 1Store 2Store 3Store 4Store 5
Store colorof shoesOf toysof craftsof clothesof Bricolage
featurethe curly haira scarthe little earssix fingersThe big nose
summerRomeNYBudapest Vienna

Therefore, the answer to the question is that the Japanese Veranea in Toronto
Store 1Store 2Store 3Store 4Store 5
Store colorof shoesOf toysof craftsof clothesof Bricolage
featurethe curly haira scarthe little earssix fingersThe big nose