Exercises to change limiting beliefs

Exercises to change limiting beliefs

The name limiting beliefs may not identify it as your own, however, if you stop to think about all thoughts that limit your daily life, you may feel more identified with these beliefs so common today.

For example, thinking that we are not able to achieve something, or simply that we do not deserve it, is part of the limiting beliefs. Therefore, in this online psychology article, we bring you 8 exercises to change limiting beliefs. Techniques such as the Association of Beliefs Limiting Emotions, the creation of alternative beliefs, managing insecurities, working self -esteem or contrasting limiting beliefs with your loved ones. ¡Keep reading to know how to apply them!

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  1. What are limiting beliefs
  2. Limiting belief identification
  3. Association of Beliefs Limiting Emotions
  4. Creation of alternatives
  5. Association of Alternative Beliefs to Emotions
  6. Put into practice
  7. Insecurities management
  8. Work self -esteem
  9. Information contrast

What are limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs are negative thoughts, that they do not have to be real, but that people consider them as such and They block the achievement of objectives. Limiting beliefs can affect an area of ​​life or everyone at once, since they generate insecurities and prevent personal growth. These beliefs can arise from a harmful event or comment towards the person who suffers them.

Types of limiting beliefs and examples

Three types of limiting beliefs can be distinguished:

  • Belief beliefs: They refer to the impossibility of achieving something concrete. For example: "My colleagues surely the race end in time, but I will not be able to get it".
  • Capacity beliefs: they focus on highlighting the abilities of others, undervalued their own. For example: "My sister is able to take work and her family life at the same time, and I am unable to do my job only".
  • Deserving beliefs: They are based on thinking that we do not deserve the achievements that we are getting for the mere fact of not feeling that it has sacrificed enough. For example: "I don't deserve the ascent because I have not worked enough this year".

Limiting belief identification

One of the exercises to change limiting beliefs is to make a guided breathing through self -instructions, that is, indications that we are giving ourselves. Next, we show you how to do it:

  1. We tell ourselves that we are going to breathe slowly taking air through the nose for 5 seconds.
  2. We feel how the air happens to our throat and expel in 7 seconds.
  3. When we have relaxed we can focus on our thoughts. At that time is when we have to reflect on what kind of thoughts are limiting us.
  4. The fact of being able to identify the limiting beliefs is the first step to work them.

Association of Beliefs Limiting Emotions

This second exercise to identify limiting beliefs is based on write them down and stop in each of them to be able to detect that they make us feel. There are two different options to carry out the exercise:

  1. Write all limiting beliefs and then analyze them one by one.
  2. Analyze each belief that is written down, and work them one by.

Both options are equally valid, since the ultimate goal of this exercise is to be able to Associate an emotion to each of the limiting beliefs. For example, associate the limiting belief "I am not able to get a job" with frustration or impotence.

If it is difficult for you to identify your emotions, you can consult this article about the types of emotions and their meaning.

Creation of alternatives

If you wonder how to change the limiting beliefs, this exercise focuses on create an alternative thought for each of limiting beliefs. For example, go from "I have not enough abilities to get a university career" (limiting belief) to "surely if I am constant in the studies I will get my career" (alternative belief).

This exercise is usually more complicated, since people who gather many limiting beliefs often have the mental flexibility poorly developed. The ultimate goal is for the person to learn focus attention on positive aspects.

Association of Alternative Beliefs to Emotions

The main objective of this exercise to change the limiting beliefs is that the person who associates emotions realizes that when thinking through alternative beliefs, The emotions they perceive are positive and more rewarding. For example, associate "if you work hard, I will get the car I need" with personal satisfaction or pride.

Put into practice

¿How can limit beliefs be modified? It's about taking the step to do what our limiting beliefs try to block us, That is, face the situation we think we are not able and take care of that feeling of disability. The objective is to show ourselves that we are capable and that everything is possible with effort and practice.

This exercise to change limiting beliefs is usually carried out in fifth place, since, we must first work on limiting beliefs as such and to produce alternatives that facilitate the implementation.

Insecurities management

Limiting beliefs are usually related to insecurities and/or lack of self -esteem. Therefore, it is also very important to work insecurities. This can be done through a Capacity identification exercise, That is, the person would have to make a table with three columns and sign up in each of them the qualities and abilities that he has, the good things he does in their day to day and that successes or achievements have achieved so far.

One of the exercises to change fundamental limiting beliefs so that the person can have a visual image of all the positive aspects that surround him in his daily life. If you need other tools to achieve it, in this article, we tell you how to overcome insecurity.

Work self -esteem

As mentioned in the previous section, self -esteem is a factor that is directly related to the formation of limiting beliefs. Therefore, one of the exercises to change the most important limiting beliefs is based on Create a routine calendar in which pleasant and interest activities are added that foster the leisure and distraction of the person. The activities to be added can be cultural, leisure or relaxing, among others, but above all they must satisfy the person.

In this article you will find other techniques and exercises to improve self -esteem.

Information contrast

To finish working the limiting beliefs, it is important to perform this exercise. Specifically, it focuses on social relations and on the development of communication with the people we want And what do they know more.

Basically, it consists in having a conversation with the people we most appreciate to contrast the limiting beliefs. This exercise allows to disassemble these beliefs and generate more adaptive alternative beliefs.

Limiting beliefs can negatively affect the development of our daily lives. If you try to work these beliefs without success, and continue to cause you discomfort and limit the achievement of objectives, Do not hesitate to go to a psychology professional that can accompany you in this process and give you the necessary tools and strategies to improve your day to day.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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