Kegel Exercises for men, benefits and commeraalize them

Kegel Exercises for men, benefits and commeraalize them

The continuous practice of Kegel exercises allows the strengthening of pelvic soil both in men and women. In the case of men, A weakened pelvic soil can cause symptoms such as early ejaculation, pain in sexual intercourse or incontinence. For this reason, Kegel exercises will be of great help if what you want is to enjoy comprehensive sexual health.

Unfortunately, there are studies that demonstrate a trend in men to set aside their health and self -care. Thus, it is essential to boost the male population to support good sexual health habits.


  • Sexual health in men
  • The pelvic floor in men
  • Kegel exercises for men
    • Bibliography

Sexual health in men

Sexual health not only refers to care and well -being regarding reproduction and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Also, it covers physical, psychological and social aspects in relation to the way an individual carries their sexuality. Thus, both men and women should have the possibility of enjoying a free and healthy sex life.

There are several factors that hinder well -being in such an area; For example, not being able to have comprehensive sexual education, or little access to protection methods and medical services. In addition, Taboos and social prejudices are variables that negatively affect free and healthy sexuality.

According to various studies on the importance of sexual and reproductive health, In the male population there is a tendency to a lack of commitment to health, self -care and sexuality. This means that there is greater predisposition to live the consequences of an irresponsible link with health. Among the negative effects of not attending regular medical consultations, we can mention the pathologies in the prostate and the weakness of the pelvic soil.

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The pelvic floor in men

The pelvis area is made up of three muscles: the bladder, the sphincter and the pelvic floor. Thus, the bladder is a muscle that has a balloon shape and contains urine, the sphincter works with opening and closing movements of the urethra; containing or draining urine. The pelvic floor, which is responsible for Hold the bladder and rectum, its function is to maintain urine flow control.

Unfortunately, pelvic soil muscles can be weakened by various factors, such as prostate cancer treatment. But, Overweight, constipation, chronic cough or constant lifting of loads also influence the weakness of the pelvic floor.

As a consequence, men can end up suffering from urinary, gase or fecal incontinence, very uncomfortable symptoms that affect individual well -being. Besides, Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and pain in sexual relations may be associated with little strength in the pelvic floor. For these reasons, there are exercises that can help improve muscle tone in this area and, in the long term, enjoy good sexual health.

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Kegel exercises for men

As we have mentioned, Weakening in the pelvic floor can be reversed through training in this area. In this way, you can strengthen to improve your tone and achieve total urine flow control; Through Kegel exercises. These consist of constantly contracting the pelvic floor muscles, so it is necessary to know how to identify how the movement of this area feels.

To start contracting the pelvic floor muscles, you can try to stop and then continue the urine flow when it is in the bathroom. When you have begun to master this practice, you can recognize how to open and close the sphincter at will. Now that he has already found the muscles of the pelvic floor, he can train them without the need to be in the bathroom at that time.

Image: Wikihow

The realization of the Kegel exercise will consist of pressing the pelvic floor muscles for five seconds, and then relaxed by five others. So, you can repeat this sequence of ten to twenty times, for several moments of the day. Therefore, it would be advisable to do this practice three to four times a day.

Subsequently, You can try posture variations when performing the exercise. For example, it could be put in a supine position, with your knees flexed and make the sphincter contraction. Or, when you acquire enough practice, you can lift a knee while making the contraction.

However, if your back or stomach hurts after doing Kegel exercises, you may be using the stomach or back muscles instead of pelvic soil muscles. Besides, If you feel head pain after Kegel exercises, you may be contracting the chest muscles and contain your breathing. For this reason, it is necessary to learn to identify the pelvic floor muscles before starting this practice continuously.

Anatomy of the reproductive system and sexual organs


  • California Prostate Cancer Treatment. Kegel exercises for men. Extracted from: https: //
  • United Nations Population Fund. Reproductive sexual health of adult men. Extracted from: https: //
  • Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. (2023). Exercises for pelvic floor muscles (Kegel) for men. Extracted from: https: //
  • Ochoa-Marín, s., Vásquez-Salazar, e. (2012). Sexual and reproductive health in men. Public health vol.14 no.1, Bogotá. Extracted from: http: // = sci_arttext & pid = s0124-006420120001002