Effects of living in a messy house

Effects of living in a messy house

Live in A messy house negatively impacts humor. The home reflects the relationship that people keep with objects and how people or things of their life let or leave.

Raising in a messy house is a predisposing to start the day, according to some experts in home organization. And it is that the ordered houses are the reflection of the people who make life there. Upon entering these environments, he feels good mood and everything is observed in place.

It is true that it does not always reach the time to order everything, but, as the author Marie Kondo points out, "it only takes one day for your home to be ordered forever".


  • Order vs disorder
  • Negative effects of living in a messy house
  • Ideas to live in an orderly house
    • Bibliography

Order vs disorder

Japanese Hideko Yamashita devised the concept Dan-Sha-ri as a way of "putting order in the junk of the house and recovering the good humor of life". This concept is summarized in Reject unnecessary things (Dan), get rid of useless things that are possessed (Sha) and identify desire for unnecessary things (RI).

It is used as a technique to select objects and denotes the relationship with things. It's not about "this can be used yet, so I keep it", but "I use it, it is necessary".

The proposal is get rid of everything unnecessary, According to Yamashita in his book Order your life, in which he points out that “when a person has his disorderly house, he transmits to himself a negative energy and even, in a sense, he suffers a form of humiliation. He is ashamed of herself, she despises himself by abandoning ".

A fact that goes against well -being is living in disorganization, which also constitutes a source of stress, which can become muscle pains, psychic conditions, tiredness, among others.

The stressors that are generally taken into account are the high demands of social and work life, but the physical environment goes unnoticed. Nevertheless, Stimuli such as heat, cold and disorder, are sources of stress.

The longer the disorder will last, the more difficult it will become to organize the space and, in the long run, the person will feel guilt that he cannot maintain certain things under his control.

Living in a messy house predisposes to start a bad day, as commented, and this is evidenced when waking and choosing clothes or having breakfast in a kitchen in which there is nothing categorized or ordered. All this increases bad mood and waste of time. Thus, the return home, after a long working day, far from being a relief, becomes a burden.

Accumulation disorder

It has been commented that disorder causes nervousness, while The order allows time and money savings. The person feels more motivation when dressing, fixing, inviting friends home or enjoying their space.

When you live in an ordered house, you feel more serenity. Few experiences are as cozy as returning from work and finding clean sheets, an orderly room and with a good aroma. This is relaxing.

Negative effects of living in a messy house

Among the negative effects of living in a messy house, are the following:

  • Stress;
  • lack of concentration;
  • bad mood;
  • discussions and anger;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • allergy and infections;
  • little clarity in ideas, among others.

If the environment is ordered, the person could place a notebook next to their bed and take advantage of the moments in which good ideas appear to aim them, for example. If the house is messy, this will not be easy, since the mind will concentrate on the disorder.

Living in an orderly house also has the benefit of the Sleep and wake up with pleasant sensations, peace, tranquility and motivation To start the day, which will allow a good handling of chores, time and earrings.

San Juan grass, benefits and contraindications

Ideas to live in an orderly house

It is not about living in a house full of luxuries, but with an order that prevents the delay of tasks. Some ideas to achieve this are the following:

  • Avoid leaving objects anywhere;
  • have a place for each object;
  • save things again on the destined site;
  • Avoid saving or accumulating objects that are known to be used;
  • Do not leave the bed without doing before leaving;
  • wash the dishes instantly and not leave it for later;
  • bend the clothes before saving it;
  • Do not buy things that are not needed;
  • Do not keep papers that can be digitized;
  • get rid of the devices that do not work, or repair them, but never keep them if they do not work.

One of the most important spaces of the house is the room, because it is an intimate place in which it rests and the idea is to avoid feeling overwhelmed in the place of relaxing.

Have surfaces clear, change the curtains when appropriate or clean bedding promotes order. This brings a pleasant aesthetic to the room, a place where rest and quality time will be passed.

Clean environments are healthy. Keeping things in place, cleaning will be a daily habit and not just a task for weekend.

Boxes, drawers and containers can be labeled. An orderly dressingman will offer more clarity when selecting clothes, doing the fastest task and predisposing to start a good day.

Feng Shui, in search of inner balance and peace


  • Kondo, m. (2013). Magic Cleaning. WIE RICHGES AUFRäumen Ihr Leben Veränder. Rowohlt, Reinbek Bei Hamburg.
  • Kondo, m. (2016). Happiness after order (the magic of order 2): an illustrated master class on the art of organizing home and life. Aguilar.
  • Li, and. Dan/Sha/Ri: Get Rid of Your Bother and Free Up Your Life (Dissertation Doctoral).
  • Simon-Oikawa, m. (2020). Danshari!.