Galatea effect and its relationship with the pigmalion effect

Galatea effect and its relationship with the pigmalion effect

The Galatea effect is a phenomenon that derives from the pigmalion effect. Therefore, to explain the Galatea effect, we can make a brief review of what the Pygmalion effect is.

The Galatea effect and its relationship with Pygmalion

The pigmalion effect is an effect that occurs when a person is confident that we are able to achieve a certain performance objective and, in doing so, it conditions us so that, finally, let's reach that goal, giving a self -fulfilling prophecy.

For example, imagine a student who is in class and his teacher, without any apparent reason, considers that he is a student who will get better notes. When considering that, it begins to stimulate you more, it gives you more time when answering questions, etc.

Over time, that change in the teacher's attitude regarding the student makes the student, indeed, obtain higher results ... because he has received a different treatment! Without that different treatment, The results would have been similar to those of other students.

But, and then ... what is the Galatea effect? Because Galatea effect We understand the same phenomenon, but the person himself on himself, without the need for a third party who puts his expectations in us and affects us based on them.

What about the Galatea effect?

Attending to the above, we can understand quite easily that, if a person feels safe and capable of obtaining a certain result, will substantially increase its probability of achieving this objective.

This, which may seem speech Coach of the fourth division, the truth is that it is evident by itself: a person who considers himself capable of achieving a goal, naturally, will guide his behavior towards the achievement of that goal.

On the contrary, if you consider that a certain objective is out of your reach, you will not even try. And, if you try because circumstances force you (study for an exam, for example), You will do so as long as you will not be able to achieve the slightest result.

After all ... Have you stopped to think why Cristiano Ronaldo, regardless of the opinion you have of him as a person, behaves in such a superb way? Always saying that it is the best, that it is capable of everything, etc.

Surely there is some child superb, but let's not forget that he is an elite athlete, and an elite athlete not only has an exceptional physique and a great talent, but also a great mental strength.

When Cristiano Ronaldo is talking like that, what he is doing is self -stating. Tell himself that he is capable of anything. And, obviously, that helps him reach the top in his area of ​​specialization (football).

Psychological techniques to increase behaviors: reinforcement, modeling, chain and contingency contract

The Galatea effect on our relationship with others

From what we have explained, it might seem that the Galatea effect only affects oneself, and nothing to the others. However, the truth is that this is incomplete. The Galatea effect does have effects on others and, above all, in our relationship with others.

The self -confidence that we have in ourselves will be projected abroad, and, therefore, other people will base their image of us on that projection of the trust we have in ourselves.

Depending on how we treat ourselves, we will project an image or another, and other people will form an image or another of us. Consequently, They will treat us in one way or another, and that in turn will have an impact on us.

For example, a person who is very clear that he will improve his social position and, for example, will end up being rich, will project that image on others. This can make other people of a social class greater than yours are willing to make deals with it, Although, because of the objective characteristics that the person has, they would never.

As a consequence, that person will effectively be able to socially ascend, fulfilling the objective that had been previously set in a kind of self -fulfilling prophecy both by himself and for the collaboration of these other people.

The same can be said of studies, love and sexual relationships or any other area. That is why confidence in oneself is so important.

As you can see, the trust we have in ourselves and our capabilities to achieve certain goals, they end up conditioning the objectives that we finally achieve.

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