Anticipatory Duel 10 Physical and emotional symptoms

Anticipatory Duel 10 Physical and emotional symptoms

He anticipatory duel It is a process that many patients and family can live prior to real loss. In many cases, anticipatory duel occurs in those contexts in which there are palliative patients, in which the disease is advanced and is known in advance that there will be a fatal outcome.

There are many emotional responses that can be produced in these scenarios. For example, the loss of the family can be visualized, the concern is also exacerbated and the nerves are increasing. There are also those who go through an anticipatory duel and begin to glimpse what the future will be like when the real duel is presented.

Some experts consider that this type of grief helps to be aware of reality and is more relieved, while for others it is not so.


  • The anticipatory duel
  • Scenarios of anticipatory duels
  • The aspects that facilitate anticipatory duel
  • Factors that can hinder anticipatory duel
  • Physical and emotional symptoms associated with duel
  • What to do before an anticipatory duel?
    • Bibliography

The anticipatory duel

Some specialists consider that the anticipatory grief process can work for reconciliation, if necessary; apologize, resolve pending issues with the family, among others. However, each person can respond differently, because in the end, It is a situation of great vulnerability and that implies a loss, So the resources with which personality and life history are important are important.

It is also usually considered that the stages of the duel may be present, that is, negotiation, rage, depression and acceptance or resignation, but these do not always follow an order, so family members could pass from one to another or Repeat some.

It is important to understand that Anticipatory duel implies suffering for a loss that is inevitable and that has not yet taken place. Therefore, it is considered that anticipatory duel is not a state, but a task that in most cases requires a good accompaniment.

Unlike the positive effects that some specialists observe in these scenarios, there is also the possibility that family members experience an exaggerated concern and that suffer from depression, which would hinder the care that those who are in a vulnerable situation deserve.

This human experience assumes that before the death occurs, suffering already begins, because what will happen is expected. Some consider that in these cases "the blow is softer", that problems can be worked and the impact can be mitigated. But if the loss is sure, the truth is that there are not always exits for such situations, because the loss of the death of a loved one will generate a process of grieving and slow healing of emotional wounds.

Anticipatory duel as a task, supposes the experience of accompanying the person who will die, So it is not a passive, but active process, in which many choose to choose a certain attitude towards the adversity that is impossible to change. These scenarios are filled with pain, since the person is difficult.

Scenarios of anticipatory duels

The scenarios in which anticipatory duels are more common are those in which there is a patient suffering from a long -term disease. In these cases, the doctor usually has already informed family members of the outcome, so they are preparing the loss, before the death occurs.

Another scenario in which the anticipatory duel occurs is when a relative takes care of a sick relative and is observing how little by little his loved one deteriorates because of the disease, whether it is chronic or degenerative.

In other scenarios, An anticipatory duel can also occur if the disappearance of a loved one has occurred, In violent or strange circumstances, and relatives although they do not have certainty, they can anticipate that the relative has most likely died.

It can also occur in large accidents, especially if the balance of victims takes to make themselves known.

How to solve emotional pain

The aspects that facilitate anticipatory duel

Among the aspects that can facilitate anticipatory duel is the possibility that precisely, by anticipating, the impact of death itself is subtracted. Likewise, an environment is created so that the mourners can support the time that the disease lasts or until the facts about the disappearance are known, something that does not happen when the deaths are unforeseen.

Factors that can hinder anticipatory duel

Just as there are factors that can facilitate anticipatory duels, there are also factors that can hinder them. For example, the anticipatory duel must be added the deterioration or condition suffered by the loved one that accompanies. Also A agony can be produced in the companion or the caregiver Able to add a trauma to the process, in addition to the previous process in which it is not known what happens, but the fear, doubt and uncertainty prevail.

There are cases in which the death is delayed more than expected and hope is maintained, so the anticipatory duel cannot normally develop.

Among the first duel tasks, the reality of death must be accepted, but this phase cannot be completed, until the loved one dies. A duel, even if it is not equal to another, always produces pain and, even if they are categorized or defined, Everyone experiences it in a unique way, So in many cases this merits psychological accompaniment.

Physical and emotional symptoms associated with duel

Some physical and emotional symptoms, such as:

  1. Strain;
  2. Irritability;
  3. Loss of appetite;
  4. Fatigue;
  5. Insomnia;
  6. Unexpected cries;
  7. Tears;
  8. Indecision about what to do;
  9. Agitation;
  10. Guilt or anger.

In addition to these physical and emotional changes that are going through those who live an anticipatory duel, mood changes may also be present, even in relation to smaller things. It should be noted that, given the suffering of family members, Some patients choose to get away emotionally, or not express their feelings, which leads caregivers to observe a certain distancing.

When we suffer a loss: types of grief and how to solve them

What to do before an anticipatory duel?

Although the pain is inevitable, who suffers from an anticipatory duel can be surrounded by people or groups that sprout support and help. Also, they can go to therapists, rabbis, ministers or priests to seek comfort. If you have any spiritual belief and this gives it relief, it is normal for this mechanism to use. It can also be expressed through music, art, poetry, gardening or writing a newspaper, for example.

It is valid to identify the problems that can be solved before the loss; Remember to talk about your feelings instead of distance yourself. Analyze your future plans, as appropriate, as well as, if you are in the possibility, fix financial, legal or funeral problems as much as possible during this period of time.

William Worden's 4 duel tasks


  • Flórez, s. D. (2002). Duel. In Navarra Health System Annals(Vol. 25, pp. 77-85).
  • Pérez, g. (2008). The anticipatory duel and its manifestations in the family of the terminal patient. Venezuelan Journal of Community Clinical Psychology.
  • Sotomayor Luján, T. (2018). Anticipatory duel in relatives of cancer patients.
  • Velasco, a. M. EITHER. (1998). The anticipatory duel of the old man as a terminal patient. Social Work (National University of Colombia), (1), 89-99.