U-47700 pink drug, a powerful opioid

U-47700 pink drug, a powerful opioid

There is a drug that in recent years has especially called attention to its danger. Its about opioid known as 'Pink' (pink in English), or U-47700 drugs. Let's look better what it is.

An opioid seven times more powerful than morphine

Although its pink color may seem innocent and harmless, nothing is further from reality. Behind his appearance a synthetic opioid is hidden that has already caused dozens of deaths in recent years in the US. It is the call Pink hero, that has just been prohibited in this country. The problem that has led to the alarms on this substance is that they suppose very high poisoning levels in those who consume it.

Another problem that this drug has is that it has been proven that is naloxone resistant. What does this suppose? To understand it, let's see what this substance is and what is used for.

Naloxone is an opioid receptor antagonist. This substance is used to treat and cure acute opioid poisoning. In other words, it is one of the most effective treatments to end an opioid poisoning.

The most common is that with a single dose a poisoning can be reversed and save the life of the person. However, in the case of this new Drugs It is necessary to administer several doses, sometimes even up to six or eight doses.

As we said, in the US it is where the alarms have jumped when there are about a hundred deaths related to the consumption of this drug. After performing relevant toxicological analyzes, researchers have discovered that this substance is composed of several opioids.

Among the mixture are fentanyl, car fentanyl and fentanyl. However, the synthetic substance that predominates in The compound is the so-called U-47700, A substance that was not illegalized in the US until just a few years ago.

That is, to elaborate this drug it was possible to acquire this substance legally. In fact, it is even possible to buy it online easily and receive it in your own home. This simple and that simple.

Pink drug effects

The effects of this substance are similar to those of other opiates. They are analgesics, but they also cause euphoria. Its power is calculated that it is up to seven times more powerful than morphine, although a little less than fentanyl, one of the most powerful opiates used in medicine.

This substance known as 'Pink' causes euphoria, relaxation, but also respiratory difficulties and addiction. It is estimated that it is even seven and a half times more powerful than morphine. This makes the treatment before an poisoning picture very complicated.

The fact is that this drug has been placed among the most demanded in the countries in which it is being consumed, such as the US. This is due to the high power that it has and the effects it causes, since it is an authentic chemical impact that takes place in the consumer brain.

Synthetic opiocement called U-47700 or Pink is consumed in various ways. Some consumers directly inject it, although it can also be ingested, smoking or sniffing, as well as heroin.

In fact, it is heroin addicts who have found in this drug a substitute or complement to achieve new effects. However, this drug is much more dangerous because of how powerful it is, in addition to being more unknown in the field of medicine and scientific research.

The compound reaches such high toxicity that researchers conclude that It is so dangerous that it can even damage it just to touch it, because the skin has the ability to even absorb it. This data helps us to get an idea of ​​the magnitude of the situation and how it can affect the organism.

The appearance of this substance, along with others such as the so -called gray death, has unleashed alarms in the US. This country in the last five years is experiencing what Many experts agree to call "opiate cocktail".

That is, the combination of various opioid substances commonly used in the field of psychiatry and mental health as a drug to hook consumers eager for new experiences.

This also generates strong addiction among people that consume them, in addition to exposing themselves to immediate death, since they are new and little known drugs for those that there is still no shock remedy in case of poisoning.

In summary, all drugs are dangerous because of their condition as an addictive substance that can cause us damage to our health. In this case, the danger is even greater, because being so powerful, A high dose can become lethal.

Bibliographic references

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  • Jiménez Murillo, L. M., & García-Salido, to. (2018). Basic Toxicology Manual. Madrid: Panamerican Medical.
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