Chronic pain and psychological factors

Chronic pain and psychological factors

What are some common psychological conditions associated with chronic pain? A large number of them can be associated, as it is regularly implicit emotional discomfort, however I will mention those on which it has been influenced in recent studies. The more frequent psychopathologies among patients who manifest chronic pain are depression and disorders of anxiety.

The researchers observed that the lack of information can generate hopelessness, confusion and frustration, thus increasing anguish, factors that directly affect the maintenance of chronic pain. The variable that correlates to a greater extent chronic pain with suicide is depression who experience some patients with chronic pain (Fisher, Haythornthwaite, Heinberg, Clark and Reed, 2002).


  • Pilgrimage of the patient with chronic pain looking for relief
  • Chronic pain psychopathology
    • Memories and chronicles of pain
  • What memories of pain do you keep in your mind and in your body?
  • Psychological factors in chronic pain maintenance
  • Indicators that can predict the chronicity of pain
    • Conclusion
    • Links

Pilgrimage of the patient with chronic pain looking for relief

The lack of instruction and Education in general about algic issues, The fact that many times the consultation time with the specialist is usually brief ... "Visit of doctor" say, doing allusion to them, at least certain patients perceive it, perhaps due to issues they have around their condition that will hardly be clear in the consultation, since sometimes the resource of time and not of will on the part of the doctors is so short, that the patient does not finish understanding well what he has to do to improve his quality of life.

In this way, the patient goes from one specialist to another, looking for relief for his pain, in many cases he can increase his fear, cause an excessive anticipatory anxiety, bewilderment, stress, sadness, frustration and a cluster of emotions and feelings that can amplify the Senso Perception of pain.

Chronic pain psychopathology

It is common for chronic pain to cause suffering, so, in certain cases, due to comorbidity with other conditions, life as it knew it can change, it is common for emotions to sometimes be "a flower of leather", the Psychopathologies with more presence among those who suffer chronic pain are anxiety disorders and depression.

Sometimes the voltage due to pain can be constant, resulting in exhausting and even exhausting for the individual, that fatigue, can also be chronified, in these patients there is an increase in the latency of sleep, many of them suffer from insomnia, thus creating a vicious circle, which in turn attracts other pathologies and complications.

At Warwick University, England discovered that cognitive-behavioral (CTC) therapy is effective in combating insomnia in patients with long-term pain. They also discovered that patients with chronic pain not only They benefited from a better dream but also experienced a positive impact on pain, fatigue and depression.

Memories and chronicles of pain

Through several investigations, it has been correlated to physical and sexual abuse in childhood with chronic pain (Lampe and Cols. 2003 and Green et al. 1999), found that Women who had lived a medical history marked by sexual abuse suffered greater degree anguish and pain.

Also the victims of post -traumatic stress (Victor May, 2011), Traumatic events are translated and keep as more painful memories, The brain also learns to associate these emotions with physical pain. Pain memories contain a representation of some nociceptive stimuli, this by the hand of the person's perceptions, beliefs, cognitions and emotions can cause pain. Emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, anguish and stress favor painful sensing.

Stress, concept, definitions and coping

What memories of pain do you keep in your mind and in your body?

When emotional discomfort does not work, it can be derived from physical pain, if you have any pain of pain that generates deep emotional suffering, it is recommended that you work with it, if it is very difficult for you, you can seek psychological assistance. Good result has been observed with neuromodulation techniques to try to reduce memories that conflict the person.

Chronic pain is usually accompanied by other conditions, due to its characteristics, It is common for the patient to have mood disorders, The lack of understanding of others and above all of itself and their sufferings, the degree of dependency to be able to carry out certain activities, ask why one day they can do everything they planned and even more, while the next day can result disabling to perform certain functions that "yesterday" seemed very simple, it is natural that this generates uncertainty and Anticipatory anxiety, Sometimes they can be more irritable and can even cause the individual to manifest aggressiveness (Fishbain, 2000).

When the person does not understand what is happening to him, he can generate feelings of guilt, shame and autocastigo, affecting their own assessment and their self -esteem, which contributes to the person perceiving more intensity the pain. To avoid this, many resort to isolation, limiting the activities they used to enjoy.  While it is true, that indications, be prudent and care must be followed, the investigation has shown that the Affective isolation, It is an avoidative type of strategy that in the long term in patients with chronic pain contributes to its discomfort.

Social interaction is an important protection factor, it is common for these events to be experienced before these events, It is not convenient or adaptive allowing fear to dominate and end, As far as possible it is good to try to continue carrying out pleasant activities.

Psychological factors in chronic pain maintenance

Psychosocial aspects have an impact on persistent pain, the American Pain Association (2004) affirmed that the psychological aspects of persistent pain, providing evidence of the relationship of these factors with the adjustment to pain that lasts after a long time. (Keefe, F.J., Rumble, m.AND., Scipio, c.D, Giordano, L.TO. And Perri, L.M., 2004).

What psychological factors intervene in the maintenance of chronic pain? His research approached psychological factors linked to an increase in pain and poor adaptation o Adjustment to pain, mention the following:

  • Catastrophism of pain.
  • Anxiety associated with pain.
  • Fear of pain.
  • Impotence

Some factors associated with a good adaptation before it were:

  • Acceptance.
  • Self -efficiency
  • Conscious cognitive coping.
  • Disposition to change.
  • Optimistic cognitions
  • Mental self -control.
  • Reinterpretation of pain sensations.
  • Information search.
  • Social support.

The investigations showed that it is necessary to pay more attention and thoroughly study the Social context of pain, Evaluate the link of psychological factors with brain activation related to it and identify behavior patterns that intervene with the perception of pain.

Indicators that can predict the chronicity of pain

  • Neuroticism features.
  • Hysterical manifestations.
  • Excessive or distress stress.
  • Anticipatory anxiety.
  • Catastrophism
  • Rumiation of desiderative thoughts.
  • Excessive anguish and anxiety.
  • Denial.

Certain personality features can make pain intensify, maintain or last, people who manifest features of neurotism and hysteria, have greater anxiety and the latter has been directly associated with pain with the pain.

Catastrophism can be very pernicious, refers to the valuations made by patients with respect to the feeling of self -efficacy and their ability to deal with the adversities that presuppose chronic pain, implies Rumiation of thoughts, that increase the Anticipatory anxiety, When so, they are generally desiderative, rather than focusing on making adaptations and activities aimed at solving the problems and challenges that are presented in everyday life, they are not associated with behaviors and strategies of coping in the face of adaptive pain and consistent to seek greater well -being. Grisart and Vanderlinden (2001), found that Catastrophism can affect certain cognitive processes such as memory and attention,

“The greater catastrophism there may be greater disability and not only that, but also an increase in pain intensity". Bishop et al. (2001)

The denial of the condition, usually brings with it a poor adaptation, perhaps the person due to their illness, their level of activity must be somehow impacted, but this can also be only one more change for a better adjustment and adaptation to Its new conditions, when there is acceptance and let the denial go, can begin change.


Patients with chronic pain who have other serious conditions and are limited in some aspect, but despite this they exceed feelings of helplessness, they find it easier change the rhythm and tune in to the sound that life presents them.

Decrease stress and anxiety levels for pain mechanisms to function properly. Accept that conditions have made you different, move according to your faculties and think on other opportunities to develop your talents, perhaps get out of your comfort zone and risk doing something you had never done before, it is a good opportunity to explore new qualities, other capacities and talents that you had not given the opportunity to develop.


  • https: // www.NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV/Pubmed/15162342
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  • https: // www.JPain.ORG/ARTICLE/S1526-5900 (04) 00665-0/FULLTEXT
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  • DOI: 10.1038/SREP19615
  • DOI: 10.5665/Sleep.5158