Differences between female and masculine brain, do they exist?

Differences between female and masculine brain, do they exist?

Beyond gender ideologies, genitality is a factor that has contributed to delimiting the fundamental difference between men and women. From this premise, we could say that there are certain anatomical differences between men and women. So, Society has determined to find these same disparities in the psychological field. Assuming that people who are assumed as feminine or masculine should behave in a specific way.

On countless occasions, They have found the morphological differences of male and female brain as a means to support these theories. However, such a way of thinking can become quite dangerous for the development of contemporary society.


  • Differences between the male and female brain
  • Behavior differences
  • The danger of neurosexism
    • References

Differences between the male and female brain

Currently, it is possible to observe the human brain through neurological techniques such as magnetic resonances or tomography. Thanks to these studies, scientists specialized in the area have innumerable times the brains of men and women. In these studies, lowercase and little relevant differences have been found between each other.

The similarities in the brain mass between men and women are much more outstanding. But, If any difference must be pointed out, it is possible to say that the female brain is 11% smaller than that of men. Now, this does not necessarily involve less intelligence. It is important to emphasize that smaller brains have a slightly higher proportion of gray matter and a greater connection between cerebral hemispheres. This translates into a more efficient transmission of brain information in women. However, this minimal disparity in any way is able to explain the behavior of one sex or other.

The previous statement about the size of the brain refers to a morphological characteristic of the same. On the other hand, if we focus on neurochemical particularities, We find that women have a greater concentration of estradiol and estrogen at the cephalic level. Estradiol is a substance that can influence cognitive function, improving memory and learning. However, excess estrogen can have negative effects on the execution of daily tasks. From the male perspective, men have greater testosterone, allowing organizational effects on the brain.

Behavior differences

It is easy to realize that, the differences between the brain of men and women are not significant. Even so, many people claim that the behavior between the two genres is usually totally different. For example, a group of Spanish researchers from the University of Valencia conducted adolescents to evaluate empathy levels in boys and girls from 13 to 16 years old. As a result, there was an important difference between female and male participants, demonstrating that women are more empathic than men.

Empathy: Differences between men and women

Following this thread of ideas, another group of scientists, from the University of Pennsylvania, conducted a study of the brain with men and women between 9 and 22 years old. In this research they discovered that, man has greater connections in the front of the brain, which is the Coordination Center of the Actions. Therefore, It is suggested that in the male brain there is greater ease of exchanges between the perception and action center. This could explain the reason why men have greater viso-spatial skills.

However, these characteristics do not necessarily respond to a purely biological factor. Well, these differences were noticeable in adults, but in children under 13 the disparities were almost imperceptible. So, if we focus on viso-spatial skills and ability to develop empathy; We can assume that both men and women have the same biological potential. But, It seems that the factors that generate a difference in empathy have to do with the environment and education. 

Also, gender roles for men play an important role. Well, In the case of empathy, men are required to be strong, brave who do not show their feelings. Therefore, this type of parenting surely do not give them so many opportunities for the development of social and emotional skills.

Sexual behavior in men and women: neurological bases

The danger of neurosexism

Assuming significant differences in the brain of men or women is called neurosexism. Since, such asunción could put one of the genres in a position of power or weakness against the other. Thanks to the demands of the environment, girls and boys usually adopt skills and characteristic behaviors of their kind in society in which they develop. Despite this, it is essential to always take into account individuality, tastes and personal abilities beyond gender.

Currently, we can see in our society men and women developing in professions in which years were unimaginable. Thus, It is not necessary to limit ourselves in the belief that sex marks the pattern in the capacities of each one.


  • Eliot, l. (2009). Pink Brain, Blue Brain: How Small Differences Grow into Troublesome Gaps - and What Can We do About It. Rosalind Franklin University
  • Holgado, f., Delgado, b. Carrasco, m., Del Barrio, M. (2013). Interpersonal Reactivity Index: Analysis of Invariance and Gender Differences in Spanish Youths. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. DOI 10.1007/S10578-012-0327-9.
  • The voice of Galicia. (2013). Why men have better spatial perception and women more memory. A Coruña, Spain.
  • Mestre, m. V., Samper, p. Frías, m. D., And Tur, to. M. (2009). Are Women More Empathetic Than Men? A longitudinal Study in adolescence. The Spanish Journal of PSHYCHOLOGY, 12, 1, 76-63.
  • Sánchez, s. The 4 differences between male and female brain. Medicoplus magazine.