Differences between love and crush

Differences between love and crush

Who has not ever dreamed of a love of fairy tales? Since childhood we learn an ideal of loved, since that perfect love idea is implanted in our society, where you love and love you at the same level.

However, we know that Love is much more complex than we think. It has a thousand ways to manifest and can be applied to inanimate beings or abstract ideas. However, when it comes to love between people, the differences between attraction, falling in love and love can be very relevant when configuring a healthy relationship.

Many times it is confused between being in love and really loving, So in this article, we will explain from the point of view of psychology what are the differences between both concepts.


  • Definition of love in psychology
  • Fake in Psychology: Definition
  • Fake and love: differences
    • Bibliography

Definition of love in psychology

As provided by the Dictionary by the American Psychology Association, the concept of love can be defined as a complex emotion that involves strong feelings of affection and tenderness For the object of love, pleasant sensations in its presence, devotion to your well -being and sensitivity to your reactions towards yourself.

Although love adopts different forms, including the concern of human beings, parental love, erotic love, self -love and identification with the totality of God's love, the triangular theory of love proposes three important components: passion , intimacy and commitment.

Fake in Psychology: Definition

As the neurologist and psychiatrist Mora (2007) points out, the concept of falling in love according to psychology defines it as the state of a person dominated by a living feeling towards another, to whom he considers his greatest good, with whom he would like to be united forever and for which he would sacrifice, if necessary his own life.

Falling is usually considered as The first phase of a love relationship, where people indicate felt attracted to a specific person and with whom they feel a series of physiological changes when they think or see that person.

During this phase, lovers do not really know the other person and, therefore, they see everything they do, say and surround them as perfect. Part of the base of an attraction which drives us almost involuntarily to focus all our attention on it. And this is due to the sensations generated by your presence.

The 5 Languages ​​of Love according to Gary Chapman

Fake and love: differences

Sometimes we usually think that love is associated with the romantic, but it is not always like that.  Below you will find the differences between both terms.

According to Erich fromm (1975), he indicates that falling in love with a attraction Towards a person and by which we drop the barriers that separate us from other people. While love is born Once you have met the other person really.

In love we have the feeling that we have created a Special connection With this person, so we share with her our most internal feelings and thoughts. In love, opening with the other person is as a result of the confidence created between the two.

In the process in which two people have some attraction, there is a chemical change in our biological body. And it is thanks to this change that the person in love feels happy.

How long does falling last? 3 stages

During this phase, the person in love has The feeling that the person from whom he is in love is perfect And that is the most wonderful in the world. You must know that to love it It requires time To meet the other person, both in good and in bad, as well as in defects and virtues.

Love starts from the base of reality, where Stop seeing your partner in an idealized way. While falling in love Born from real coexistence with her. Of sharing and receiving, of living interests and dreams in a shared way.

Falling may not be completely mutual, love must be. No You can love someone who does not love you. In love, idealization can make you accept that I don't love you as much as you. However, if you love someone and that person is not interested in you, you will experience a feeling of frustration.

In love, emotions are very intense and the neurochemistry waterfall is produced that affects the perception of individuals, it is also usually a more irrational phenomenon, in which the lover maximizes the attributes of his partner and minimizes his defects.

Love, tends to be more rational and the person does not feel that immense desire and obsession to be with the other person.

Falling can appear shortly after meeting the person, because they intercede hope and physical attraction. But in love it is a motivation that takes to emerge and has more to do with affection and communication.

When we know someone, we live in the fake stage it seems that we were in a cloud. It is similar to being in a mania phase and our perception of life we ​​always see it positive.

That person makes us feel as if time does not happen. But when we love someone, we feel a great love for that person, but we do not necessarily feel as if we were floating, since his presence no longer separated the intense reactions he triggered during training.


  • American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2002). Diagnostic and statistical manual of DSM-IV-TR mental disorders.Barcelona: Masson.
  • Araujo Gamarra, and. R. (2019). Friendship and falling. National university of Trujillo.
  • Fromm, e. (1957). The art of Loving. Mexico. Editorial: Paidós Ibérica Editions.
  • Mora Montes, J. M. (2007). Understanding of falling. Cauriensia, vol. II (2007) 363-388, ISSN: 1886-4945