76 mania dictionary

76 mania dictionary

Psychoactive offers the reader a complete mania dictionary. The word mania comes from ancient Greek mania which means "madness, dementia or rage state". It is a mental disorder consisting of an anomalous elevation of the mood. Is part of mood disorders, constituting one of the phases of the call Bipolar disorder.

Mania is also called the habit or rare behavior or unjustified concern. For example, big passion or exaggerated hobby towards a thing. Also antipathy or aversion that is experienced against a person or a thing and that drives to treat it in a negative or unfair way or to depart from it. Let's look at the 76 hobbies of this mania dictionary. Forward!


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Mania Dictionary


Ablutomania: Excessive interest in the bathroom or personal cleaning (it is usually observed in obsessive-compulsive disorders)).

Ailuromania: Excessive enthusiasm and love.

Antomania: Interest exacerbated by flowers.

Aritmomania: Compulsive and invincible desire to perform arithmetic operations such as counting and for numbers.

Automation: Excessive desire towards loneliness and always be alone.


Bibliomania: Excessive interest in having and acquiring books.


CACODEMONOMANIA: Obsessive interest in demonic possession.

Citomania: I want to exacerbated by food and eat.

Kleptomania: Uncontrollable impulse for stealing.

Choreomania: Obsession to dance or dance.

Crematomania: Obsessive desire to accumulate money and wealth.

Coprolalomania: Uncontrollable impulse to say obscenities.

Cinomania: Intense enthusiasm and love for dogs.


Dipsomania: Uncontrollable obsession with eating alcoholic beverages

Dromomania: Excessive and intense desire to travel.


Egomania: Excessive and abnormal obsession for oneself.

Eleuteromania: Irresistible impulse for freedom.

Enteromania: I want to exacerbated by religion.

Entomomania: Intense enthusiasm and love for insects.

Eremiomania: Fascination and Irresistible desire for calm.

Ergomania: Obsessive desire to work.

EROTOGRAPHOMANCY: Passion for erotic drawings, writings or love letters.

Erotomania: Uncontrollable obsession with sexual desire.

Escribomanania: Abnormal fascination for writing without stopping.


Phagomania: Irresistible desire for food and eat.

Faneromania: Impulse and constant concern for some body defect or on an external part of this.

Pharmacomania: Excessive interest with medicines.

Florimanía: Excessive fascination for plants

Fonomania: Uncontrollable obsession with noise or sound.

Photomania: Irresistible desire for light.


Gefiromania: Excessive interest in bridges.

Glazomania: Obsessive desire to make lists.

Gimnomania: Irresistible passion for being naked or seeing bare bodies.

Gynecomanía: In men, obsessive and uncontrollable desire for sex: satiromania.


Hedonomania: Need and irresistible desire to obtain pleasure.

Heliomania: Abnormal fascination by the sun.

Hypomania: Intense and excessive enthusiasm for horses.

Homicidiomania: Obsessive impulse for committing homicide.

Hydromania: Abnormal fascination for water.

Hypnomania: Uncontrollable desire to sleep.


Ictiomania: Enthusiasm and intense fascination with fish.


Katisomania: Uncontrollable compulsion for sitting.


Leteomania: Excessive interest in narcotics.

Logomania: Compulsive obsession for speaking.


Mastoagnia: Passion for female breasts.

Megalomania: Obsessive fantasies of omnipotence and delusions of greatness.

Melomania: Excessive fascination with music.

Monomania: Uncontrollable obsession in thinking about an idea or type of ideas.

Mitomania: From the Greek Mythos (lie) and mania (idiom). It is defined as the uncontrollable obsession to lie continuously, falsifying reality, exaggerating it and making it more desirable.


Necromania: Excessive fascination with the dead.

Nesomania: Fascination exacerbated by the islands.

Noctimania: Intense passion at night.

Nymphomania: In women, obsession and uncontrollable desire for sex


OCLOMANÍA: Obsessive fascination with crowds.

Oikomania: Irresistible desire to be at home.

Oinomania: Intense fascination with wine.

Oniomania: Uncontrollable compulsion for buying

Ophidiomania: Excessive interest in reptiles.

Ornitomania: Enthusiasm and fascination exaggerated by birds


Paramanía: Irresistible impulse to make complaints of everything.

Partialism: Exclusive passion for a body area: legs, feet, hands, lips, nose, etc.

Parusiamanía: Obsession with the second coming of Jesus Christ, according to the Christian tradition.

Plutomania: Uncontrollable desire to obtain great wealth.

Pyromania: Irrational compulsion for lighting fire or causing fires.


Queromania: Obsessive compulsion towards joy.


Satiromania: Excessive and uncontrollable desire of male.

Siderodromomania: Intense fascination with railway trips.

Sofomanía: Excessive obsession for one's own knowledge or wisdom.


Tasalomania: Intense fascination by the sea.

Tanatomania: Abnormal obsession with death.

Timbromanía: Enthusiasm exacerbated by mail seals.

Tomomania: Extraordinary interest in surgeries.

Tricomania: Excessive passion for hair, hair or hairy.

Tricotylomania: The compulsion of tear your hair.


Xenomania: Intense fascination by foreigners.


Zoomania: Extraordinary passion for animals.