Fobias Dictionary

Fobias Dictionary

From psychoactive we make available to the lesson a dictionary of phobias. The word phobia derived from Fobos (in ancient Greek 'panic', which was the personification of "being afraid" in Greek mythology, son of Ares and Aphrodite) and It is an emotional health disorder that is characterized by be afraid intense and disproportionate to specific objects or situations such as insects (entomophobia) or closed places (claustrophobia).

A feeling of hatred, disgust, disapproval, discrimination or rejection against something, which can be an attitude based on prejudices such as, for example, the specific case of xenophobia (the rejection of foreign people) is also usually catalog. It is possible that an individual develops a phobia on virtually anything. While it is not an emotional health disorder, it does generate many emotional, social and political problems.


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Fobias Dictionary


Ablutophobia: Be afraid to wash or bathe.

Careophobia: From the Greek Akari, mite; It is the irrational fear of mites, the bite of insects and the insects that bite.

Steelphobia: Be afraid of acids.

ACLUOPHOBIA: Be afraid of darkness.

Acrophobia: Be afraid of heights (not confusing with vertigo).

ACQUISTICO FOOD: Be afraid of noise.

Aeroacrophobia: Be afraid of open and high places.

Aerophobia or aviatophobia: Be afraid to fly with airplanes.

Ahenfosphobia or hafephobia: Be afraid to be touched, for the possible pollution or invasion of private space.

Agateophobia, Dementophobia or Maniaphobia: Be afraid of madness or to go crazy.

Agirophobia: Be afraid to cross the street for fear of being hit.

Agraphobia: Be afraid to experience some kind of pain.

Agoraphobia: Be afraid of open places, those closed with crowds and in general to any of which the person considers that it is not possible to flee from him immediately, to return to a "safe" place such as the home.

Agrafobia: Being possible sexual abuse.

Agrinoophobia: Be afraid of wild animals.

AICMOPHOBIA: Be afraid of pointed objects such as needles or other.

Ailurophobia: Be afraid to meet a cat.

Albuminurophobia: Be afraid of having some kidney disease.

Alectrophobia: Be afraid of roosters, chickens and poultry in general.

SOMEFOBO OR AGLIOPHOBIA: Be afraid to experience some kind of pain.

Alliumphobia: Be afraid of garlic.

Allodoxafobia: Be afraid to issue your own opinion.

Altophobia: Be afraid of heights.

Amathophobia: Be afraid of dust that accumulates.

Amaxophobia: Be afraid of vehicles, especially to drive them and circulate with them.

Ambulophobia or theseifobia: Be afraid of walking or standing.

Amicophobia: Be afraid to scratch, scratch or be scratched.

Amnesifobia: Be afraid of having amnesia or losing one's memory.

Anablephobia: Be afraid to look up.

Ancrophobia or anemophobia: Be afraid of wind.

Androphobia: Be afraid or aversion towards men.

Anginophobia: Be afraid of choking, drowning because of having inflamed angina.

Anglophobia: Be afraid or aversion to England, their culture, the English, or any English thing.

Angrophobia: Be afraid to get angry, get angry or be disturbed.

Anquilophobia: Be afraid of immobility of some part of the body, especially for being plaster.

Antlophobia: Be afraid of suffering a flood.

Antophobia or anthrophobia: Be afraid of flowers and have them close.

Anthropophobia: Be afraid of people and society in general.

Anuptophobia: Be afraid of never getting married and staying single.

Appeirophobia: Be afraid of infinity.

Apifobia: Be afraid of bees and/or wasps.

Apothemnophobia: Be afraid of people with amputations in the body.

Arachnophobia or aracnefobia: Be afraid of spiders.

Araquibutirophobia: Be afraid that peanut butter or a similar substance that sticks on the palate.

Aritmophobia: Be afraid of numbers and mathematics in general.

Arsonphobia: Be afraid of fire and fires.

Asymmetrophobia: Be afraid of asymmetric things.

Astenophobia: Be afraid of weakening and/or fainting.

Astrapophobia: Be afraid of storms, thunder and lightning.

Astrophobia: Be afraid of stars and space.

Ataxiophobia: Be afraid of ataxia or muscle uncoordination.

Ataxophobia: Be afraid of disorder.

Atazagoraphobia: Be afraid to forget, to be forgotten or to be ignored.

Atephobia: Be afraid of old ruins.

Atelophobia: Be afraid of imperfection, own or others.

Atiquifobia: Be afraid of failure, to make mistakes or make mistakes.

Atomosophobia: Be afraid of nuclear explosions and atomic weapons.

Aulophobia: Be afraid of flutes.

Aurophobia: Be afraid of gold.

Auroraphobia: Be afraid of northern lights.

Self -pobbia: Be afraid of someone who gives off an unpleasant smell.

Autophobia: Be afraid of loneliness, be alone or even be afraid of oneself.

Automatonophobia: Be afraid of ventrilocu dolls, mechanical animals, wax figures and in general everything that represents a living being artificially.

Automisophobia: Be afraid to be dirty or stained.


Bacillophobia: Be afraid of microbes and diseases that can transmit.

Bacteryophobia: Be afraid of bacteria and diseases that can be contracted with them.

Balistophobia: Be afraid of bullets, ammunition, missiles .. .

Barophobia: Be afraid of the force of land gravity.

Basophobia: Be afraid of falling when walking and the inability to stand up.

Bathophobia or Bathophobia: Be afraid of depths.

Batmophobia: Be afraid of stairs and/or steep slopes.

BatracioFobia: Be afraid of amphibians or batracios; like salamandras, frogs, toads, etc.

Belonephobia or aicmophobia: Be afraid of needles and pins.

Bibliophobia: Be afraid of books and reading.

Blenophobia: Be afraid of viscous things.

Bogifobia: Be afraid of the man of the sack (in English, "Bogeyman"), to the elves or spectra.

BOLSEFOBIA: Be afraid of communists and Bolsheviks.

Botanophobia: Be afraid of botanist as plants, trees or flowers.

Bromidrosifobia or Bromidrophobia: Be afraid of bad or foreign bodily smell.

BronTophobia: Be afraid of storms, with rays and thunder.

BUBOFOBIA: Be afraid of toads.


Cacophobia: Be afraid of ugly people and things in general.

Caetophobia: Be afraid of but and hairy beings.

Cainophobia: Be afraid of failing and/or being defeated.

Cainolophobia or Cainotophobia: Be afraid of news.

Caliginephobia: Be afraid of beautiful women.

Cancerphobia, carcinophobia, cancerphobia: Be afraid of cancer.

Cardiophobia: Be afraid of the heart and suffering from diseases.

Carnophobia: Be afraid of meat.

Carophobia: Be afraid of itching.

Catagelophobia: Be afraid to make a fool of.

Catopedophobia: Be afraid to jump.

Catisophobia: Be afraid of sitting.

Catoptrophobia: Be afraid of mirrors.

Cenophobia: Be afraid of large spaces, empty.

Centophobia: Be afraid to accept new ideas and that these change the ideas already established or the known environment.

Cheimaphobia: Be afraid of the cold.

Chemophobia: Be afraid of chemicals.

Chirophobia: Be afraid of hands.

Cyanophobia: Be blue alcolor.

Cyberphobia: Be afraid of the Oredenadores and/or Internet.

Cibophobia: Be afraid of food.

Cyclophobia: Be afraid of bicycles and driving them.

Mealophobia: Be afraid of waves and wave movements.

Cinophobia: Be afraid of dogs.

Cionophobia: Be afraid of snow.

Cipridophobia: Be afraid of prostitutes and venereal diseases that they may transmit.

Claustrophobia: Be afraid of closed places.

Cleinophobia or clitrophobia: Be afraid to be locked up.

Cleptophobia: Be afraid of stealing.

Climacophobia: Be afraid of the stairs.

Clinophobia: Be afraid to go to bed.

Chlorophyll: Be afraid of green color.

Cnidophobia: Be afraid of insect bites and their stingers.

CIMETROPHOBIA: Be afraid of cemeteries.

Coinonifobia: Be afraid of rooms.

COITOPHOBIA: Be afraid of intercourse or sexual relations.

Collerophobia: Be afraid to get angry.

Colpopophobia: Be afraid of genitals, especially female.

Commitophobia: Be afraid of comets.

Copophobia: Be afraid of getting tired or tiring.

Coprophobia: Be afraid of excrement or feces.

Chorophobia: Be afraid to dance.

Coulrophobia: Be afraid of clowns.

Counterphobia: When a phobic finds pleasure in finding in situations that frighten him.

Cremnophobia: Be afraid of cliffs and abysses.

Cropostasopobia: Be afraid of constipation.

Cryophobia: Be afraid of ice and frost.

Crisophobia: Be afraid of orange.

Criticopobia: Be afraid of crystals or glass.

Chromatophobia or chromophobia: Be afraid of colors in general.

CROMETOPHOBIA: Be afraid of money and touch it.

Cronophobia: Be afraid of time.

Crrronomentrophobia: Be afraid of clocks.


Decidephobia: Be afraid to make decisions.

Defaloesiophobia: Be afraid to having abdominal or gut pains.

DEMENTO FOBIA: Be afraid of madness or to go crazy.

Demophobia: Be afraid of crowds.

Demonophobia: Be afraid of demons.

Dendrophobia: Be afraid of trees.

Dentophobia: Be afraid of going to the dentist.

Dermatopathophobia: Be afraid of skin diseases.

Dermatosiophobia: Be afraid of skin, warts.

Uninhabilophobia: Be afraid to undress in front of someone.

Dextrophia: Be afraid of objects that are on the right side of the body.

Diabetophobia: Be afraid of diabetes.

Didascaleinophobia: Be afraid to go to school.

Dikephobia: Be afraid of justice.

Dinophobia: Be afraid to suffer dizziness.

Diploiaphobia: Be afraid to see double.

Dipsoophobia: Be afraid of drinking and getting drunk.

Dock: Be afraid of justice.

Dysmorphophobia: Be afraid of the deformities of the body itself, with excessive concern towards physical appearance and believing that they have something deformed.

Differentquifobia: Be afraid of accidents.

Doraphobia: Be afraid of the skin.

Dromophobia: Be afraid to cross a street or road.


Ecclesiphobia: Be afraid of churches.

Ecophobia, oecophobia, oikophobia: Be afraid of the home.

Efebifobia: Be afraid of teenagers.

Eicophobia: Be afraid of the surroundings of the home.

Eisoptrophobia: Be afraid of mirrors.

Electrophobia: Be afraid of electricity and possible electrocution.

Eleutophobia: Be afraid of freedom.

Emetophobia: Be afraid of vomiting.

Eneotophobia: Be afraid of pins.

Enosiophobia: Be afraid to commit a capital sin.

Entomophobia: Be afraid of insects.

Eosophobia : Be afraid of dawn, at the exit of the sun and the daytime light.

Epistaxiophobia: Be afraid of suffering nasal bleeding.

Epistemophobia: Be afraid to acquire new knowledge.

Equinophobia: Be afraid of horses.

Eremiophobia: Be afraid of being alone.

Ereutrophobia: Be afraid to blush in front of someone.

Ergophobia: Be afraid of work.

Erythrophobia: Be afraid of red color.

Ermitophobia: Be afraid of being alone.

Erotophobia: Be afraid of sex and eroticism in general.

Escatophobia: Be afraid of feces or fecal matter.

Sciophobia: Be afraid of shadows.

Escolequifobia: Be afraid of worms.

Escolionophobia: Be afraid of school.

Escopophobia, Halptophobia: Be afraid of being seen or staring at.

Histophobia: Be afraid of darkness.

Escotomophobia: Be afraid of blindness or not being able to see partially.

Escriptophobia: Be afraid of writing in public.

Hastophobia: Be afraid of wasps.

Mispectrophobia: Be afraid of ghosts or spectra.

Spermatophobia: Be afraid of semen.

Esqueleraphobia: Be afraid of evil people and thieves.

Esquiophobia: Be afraid of shadows.

Theseopobia: Be afraid to stand.

Thisurophobia: Be afraid of crosses and/or crucifixes.

Stenophobia: Be afraid to be in narrow places.

Stigiophobia: Be afraid of hell.

Euphobia: Be afraid of receiving good news.

Eurotophobia: Be afraid of female genitals.


PHAGOPHOBIA: Be afraid to eat.

Fallacrophobia: Be afraid to stay bald.

Falophobia: Be afraid of having erections.

Pharmacophobia: Be afraid of medicines and/or drugs.

Fasmophobia: Be afraid of ghosts.

Febrifobia: Be afraid of fever.

Felinophobia: Be afraid of cats in general.

Phoengophobia: Be afraid of daylight.

Filemaphobia: Be afraid to give or receive kisses.

Philophobia: Be afraid of love.

Philosophy: Be afraid of philosophy.

Social phobia: Be afraid of being judged negatively in the social sphere.

Fobophobia: Be afraid of phobias and fear.

Phonophobia: Be afraid of noise.

Photophobia: Be afraid of light.

Photoaugliaphobia: Be afraid of bright lights.

Francophobia or Galophobia: Be afraid or rejection of France, the French and their society.

Brakeophobia: Be afraid to think.

Frigophobia: Be afraid of cold.


Galeophobia: Be afraid of sharks.

Gametophobia or Gamophobia: Be afraid of marriage.

Catophobia: Be afraid of cats.

Gefirophobia: Be afraid of crossing bridges.

Geliophobia: Be afraid of laughter.

Genophobia: Be afraid of sex.

Genufobia: Be afraid of knees.

Gerascophobia: Be afraid of old age

Germanophobia: Be afraid or rejection of Germany, the Germans and their culture.

Gerontophobia: Be afraid of the elderly.

Geumatophobia: Be afraid of flavor or taste.

Gymnophobia: Be afraid of nudity.

Gynefobia: Be afraid of women.

Glasophobia: Be afraid to speak.

Graphophobia: Be afraid, angusta to write.

Gringophobia: Be afraid of Americans.


Hadephobia or stigiophobia: Be afraid of hell.

Hafephobia or hefephobia: Fear of being touched.

Hagiophobia: Fear of the saints, to the sacred places.

Hamartophobia: Be afraid of sin.

Hapophobia: Be afraid to touch someone.

Harpaxophobia: Be afraid of thieves. Be afraid of being persecuted for a crime.

Hedonophobia: Be afraid of pleasure.

Hellenophobia: Fear of Greek terms.

Heliophobia: Be afraid of the sun.

Helmintofobia: Be afraid of worms.

Hematophobia or hemophobia: Be afraid of blood.

Herpetophobia: Be afraid of reptiles.

Heterophobia: Be afraid of the opposite sex.

Hexakosioihexekontahexafobia: Be afraid of number 666.

Hyalophobia: Be afraid the crystals.

Hydragiophobia: Be afraid of mercury base medicines.

Hydrophobia: Be afraid of water, drowning and swimming.

Hydrophobia or smooth: Be afraid of anger, hydrophobia.

Hierophobia: Be afraid of priests.

Hygrophobia: Be afraid of moisture, rain, water.

Hypengobia: Be afraid.

Hypnophobia: Be afraid to sleep and/or be hypnotized.

Hypopotomotrosesquipedaliophobia: Be afraid of long words.

Hobophobia: Be afraid of vagabundos.

Hodophobia: Be afraid of road trips.

Homiclophobia: Be afraid of fog.

Homilophobia: Be afraid of sermons.

Homophobia: Be afraid or aversion to homosexuality

Hormephobia: Be afraid of shock


Ibatrophobia: Be afraid of doctors.

ICTIOPHOBIA: Be afraid of fish.

Ideophobia: Be afraid of ideas or reason.

Ilingophobia: Be afraid of having vertigo.

Insectophobia: Be afraid of insects.

Iophobia: Be afraid of poisons.

Isolophobia: Be afraid of being alone.

Isopterophobia: Be afraid of termites.

Itifalophobia: Be afraid to see, think or have an erect penis.


Japanophobia: Be afraid or aversion to Japan, Japanese and their society

Judeophobia: Be afraid or aversion to Jews and their culture


Kakorrhafiophobia: Be afraid of failure.

Katagelophobia: Be afraid of ridicule.

Kenophobia: Be afraid of empty spaces.

Konophobia : Be afraid of dust.

Kopophobia: Be afraid of fatigue.


Lacanophobia: Be afraid to eat fruits, vegetables and/or vegetables.

Lalophobia: Be afraid to speak, especially in public.

Leprophobia: Be afraid of leprosy.

Leukophobia: Be afraid of white.

Levophobia: Be afraid of things on the left side of the body.

Lilapsophobia: Be afraid of hurricanes and tornadoes.

Limnophobia: Be afraid of lakes.

Linonophobia: Be afraid of strings, threads and/or chains.

Liticaphobia or litigo: Be afraid the lawsuits or legal problems.

Smooth: Be afraid of madness.

Locquiophobia Be afraid.

Logophobia Be afraid of words, to pronounce certain phonemes.

Luifobia Be afraid of contracting syphilis.

Lutrafobia Be afraid.


Macrophobia: Be afraid of long waiting.

Maguerirocophobia: Be afraid of cooking or preparing food.

Maieusiophobia: Be afraid of pregnancy.

Malaxophobia: Be afraid of love games.

Maniaphobia: Be afraid of dementia or go crazy.

Mastigophobia or Ponifobia: Be afraid of punishments.

Mecanophobia: Be afraid of machines and/or machinery.

Megalophobia: Be afraid of great things.

Melanoophobia: Be afraid of black.

Melisophobia: Be afraid of bees.

Melophobia: Be afraid or aversion towards music.

Meningitophobia: Be afraid of meningitis and brain diseases.

Menophobia: Be afraid of menstruation.

Merintophobia: Be afraid of being tied or forced.

Metallophobia: Be afraid of metals.

Metatesiophobia: Be afraid of changes.

Meteorophobia: Be afraid of meteors or meteorites.

Metifobia or Potophobia: Be afraid of alcohol.

Metrophobia: Be afraid or aversion towards poetry.

Mycophobia: Be afraid of mushrooms.

Microbiophobia: Be afraid of microbes.

Microphobia: Be afraid of germs, small things.

Mirmecophobia: Be afraid of ants.

Misophobia: Be afraid of dust or pollution.

Mythophobia: Be afraid of lies.

Mixophobia or xenophobia: Be afraid or aversion to mix with other races or cultures.

Mnemophobia: Be afraid of memories.

Monophobia: Be afraid of one particular thing.

Monopatophobia: Be afraid to get drone or terminal diseases.

Motephobia: Be afraid of moths.

Motorphobia: Be afraid of cars.

Musicophobia: Be afraid of music.

Musophobia: Be afraid of mice.


Nebulaphobia: Be afraid of fog.

Necrophobia: Be afraid of death, to the bodies.

Nefophobia: Be afraid of clouds.

Black Fobia: Be afraid of black people, African Americans.

Nelophobia: Be afraid of glasses or crystals.

Nemophobia: Be afraid of anemia.

Neoframacophobia: Be afraid of new medications and/or new drugs.

Neophobia: Be afraid of novelty, new things, new experiences.

Pneumatifobia: Be afraid of spirits.

NICTOFOBIA: Be afraid of night or darkness.

NICTOHILOFOBIA: Be afraid of dark forests.

Noctifobia: Be afraid of the night.

Nomatophobia: Be afraid of names.

Nomophobia: It is an abbreviation of "No - Mobilis" Telephone and "Phobia". Are the anxiety symptoms suffered by mobile phone users

Nosophobia: Be afraid of diseases.

Nostophobia: Be afraid to return home.

Nucleomitufia: Be afraid of nuclear weapons.

Nudophobia: Be afraid of nudity.

NUMBER: Be afraid of numbers.


Obesophobia: Be afraid of obesity or be fat.

Ocophobia: Be afraid of cars.

Oclophobia: Be afraid of mafia, gangsters.

Octophobia: Be afraid of number 8.

Odinophobia: Be afraid of suffering from pain.

Odontophobia: Be afraid of going to the dentist.

Oenophobia: Be afraid of wine.

Opidophobia: Be afraid of snakes.

Ophthalophobia: Be afraid of smells.

Ongophobia: Be afraid of eyes.

Ombrophobia: Be afraid of rain.

Onirophobia: Be afraid of dreams and dream ..

Onomatophobia Be afraid of a name or a particular word.

Opiophobia: Be afraid of medical experiments.

Optophobia: Be afraid to open your eyes.

Ornithophobia: Be afraid of birds.

Orthophobia: Be afraid of property.

Ostraconophobia: Be afraid of seafood and oysters.


Pagaphobia: Be afraid of frost and frosts.

Panphobia, Pantophobia, Polifobia, Omnifobia: Being afraid of everything, it is a nonspecific fear and even towards fear itself.

PANZOPHOBIA: Be afraid of suffering and getting sick.

Papaphobia: Be afraid of potatoes.

Papyrophobia: Be afraid of papers.

Paraphobia: Be afraid of sexual perversions.

Parascevedecatriaphobia: Be afraid of the days "Friday 13" or "Tuesday 13".

Parasitophobia: Be afraid of parasites.

Parthenophobia: Be afraid of virgin or public girls.

Patophobia: Fear of diseases.

Patriotophobia, Patroiophobia: Be afraid of inheritance.

Pecatophobia: Be afraid to commit sins of some kind.

Pedicleophobia: Be afraid of lice.

Pedophobia: Be afraid of children.

Peladophobia: Be afraid of bald people.

Pelagraph: Be afraid of pelagra, disease characterized by dermatitis, gastrointestinal disorders, central nerve symptoms and associated with a poor diet in vitamins and proteins.

Peniaphobia: Fear of poverty.

PENTERAFOBIA: Be afraid of the mother -in -law.

Pyretophobia: Be afraid of high fever.

Pyrophobia: Be afraid of fire.

Traphobia: Fear of trusting again.

Placophobia: Be afraid of funeral tombstones.

Plutophobia: Be afraid of wealth and opulence.

Pluviophobia: Be afraid of rain.

Pneumatophobia: Be afraid of spirits.

Pnigophobia, pnigerophobia: Be afraid to be strangled or suffocation.

Pogonophobia: Be afraid of beards.

Poinephobia: Be afraid of punishment.

Polyphobia: Be afraid of many things, have many phobias.

Polyophobia: Be afraid of suffering from polyomelitis.

Politicophobia: Be afraid of politics.

Ponophobia: Be afraid of pain.

Potamophobia: Be afraid of rivers.

Potophobia: Be afraid of drinking alcohol

Prothophobia: Be afraid of feces.

Psychoismophobia: Be afraid of stuttering.

Psychophobia: Be afraid of the mind.

Psychopathophobia: Be afraid to go crazy

Ptisiophobia, tuberculophobia: Be afraid of tuberculosis.

Pternophobia: Be afraid of feathers.

Pupaphobia: Be afraid of puppets and/or dolls.


Querophobia: Be afraid of joy.

Quiphophobia: Be afraid to bend down.

Quimifobia: Be afraid of chemicals.

Chiraptophobia: Be afraid to be touched.

Querophobia or Chirophobia: Be afraid of hands.


Rabdophobia: Be afraid of magic.

Radiophobia: Be afraid of radiation.

Ranidophobia: Be afraid of frogs.

Rectophobia: Be afraid of rectum, or their diseases.

Ripophobia: Be afraid of defecation.

Ritifobia: Be afraid of having wrinkles.

RUPOFOBIA: Be afraid or aversion to dirt.

Russophobia: Being afraid or aversion of the Russians, their society and culture.


Sarmasofobia: Be afraid of flirting and sexual games.

Satanophobia: Be afraid of Satan.

Selacophobia: Be afraid of sharks.

Selaphobia: Be afraid of sudden lightning or flashes.

Seleenophobia: Be afraid of the moon.

SEPLOFOBIA: Be afraid of rotten substances.

Aidaphobia: Be afraid of AIDS.

Siderodromophobia: Be afraid of trains.

Siderophobia: Be afraid of stars.

Syphilophobia: Be afraid of syphilis.

Symbolophobia: Be afraid of suffering from symbolisms and symbolic machines, such as riverbad or other.

Symmetrophobia: Be afraid of symmetry.

Without aphobia: Be afraid of relatives or relatives.

Sinistrophobia: Be afraid of the things on the left and left -handed.

Syophobia: Be afraid of China, the Chinese and their society.

Fobia site: Be afraid of food.

Sociophobia: Be afraid of society.

Sofophobia: Be afraid to learn.

Somnifobia: Be afraid of sleeping.

Sotteryophobia: Be afraid to depend on others.


Tacophobia: Be afraid of speed.

Taeniaphobia: Be afraid to have the Ten or Lonely.

Tafophobia or tapephobia: Be afraid to be buried alive.

Talasophobia: Be afraid of the sea.

Tanatophobia: Be afraid of death.

Tapinophobia: Be afraid to infect some disease to others.

Tasophobia: Be afraid of leisure.

Teratophobia: Be afraid of monsters.

Taurophobia: Be afraid of bulls.

Theaterphobia: Be afraid of theaters.

Tecnophobia: Be afraid of technological advances.

Telephone: Be afraid of phones.

Theophobia: Be afraid of God and/or religions.

Theological: Be afraid of theology.

Teratophobia: Be afraid of people with deformations.

Thermophobia: Be afraid of heat.

Testophobia: Be afraid of the tests and questionnaires.

Tetanophobia: Be afraid of tetanus.

Tetraphobia: Be afraid of number 4.

Teutonophobia: Being fear or aversion to Germany, the Germans, their society and culture.

TEXFOBIA: Be afraid of certain fabrics or tissues.

Tyranophobia: Be afraid the tyrants.

Tocophobia: Be afraid of pregnancy and childbirth.

Tomophobia: Be afraid of surgery.

Tonitrophobia: Be afraid of thunder; to the storms.

Topophobia: Be afraid of a particular place, or certain places.

Toxifobia, toxophobia, toxicophobia: Fear of being poisoned, to toxins.

Traumatophobia: Be afraid when suffering from accidents, injuring or wounds

Tredecaphobia: Be afraid of the thirteen number, to bad luck.

Tremophobia: Be afraid of earthquakes.

Tricophobia: Be afraid of hair.

Tricopathophobia: Be afraid of hair diseases and pathologies.

Tripanophobia : Be afraid of inoculation by injections.

Tripophobia : Irrational fear towards irregular patterns of groups of small holes or bumps.

Trichinophobia: Be afraid of trichinosis and food possibly poisoned

TRISKAIDEKAFOBIA, TRISCADECAFOBIA: Be irrational to the thirteen number.


Uranophobia: Be afraid of heaven and paradise.

Urophobia: Be afraid of urine.


Vaccinephobia: Be afraid of vaccines.

Venereophobia: Be afraid of venereal diseases.

Venustraphobia: Be afraid of beautiful women.

Verbophobia: Be afraid of words.

Vermifobia: Be afraid of worms.

Clothing: Be afraid of dressing.

VICAFOBIA: Be afraid of witches.

Virginitifobia: Be afraid of rape.

Vitricophobia: Be afraid of the stepfather.


Xantophobia: Be afraid of yellow color.

Xenophobia: Be afraid or aversion towards foreigners.

Xenoglosophobia: Be afraid or aversion to foreign languages.

Xerophobia: Be afraid of dry places, especially deserts and dryness.

Xilophobia: Be afraid of wood and forests.


Zelophobia: Be afraid of jealousy.

Zemifobia: Be afraid of moles.

Zeusophobia: Be afraid of God or the gods.

Zoophobia: Be afraid of animals.