Dictionary of philias and paraphilias all types and meanings

Dictionary of philias and paraphilias all types and meanings

From psychoactive a complete dictionary is offered to the reader with all the types and meanings of philias and paraphilias.

The philias are Normally exaggerated attractions to certain realities or situations. A paraphilia (from the Greek paraly: "apart from", and philia: "love") is a pattern of sexual behavior in which the predominant source of pleasure is not found in intercourse, but in some other thing or activity that Accompany.


  • Types and meanings of philias and paraphilias
    • List of filias that begin with
    • Paraphilias list
    • List of filias that begin with B
    • List of filias that begin with C
    • List of paraphilias that begin with C
    • List of filias that begin with D
    • List of paraphilias that begin with D
    • List of filias that begin with and
    • List of paraphilias that begin with and
    • List of filias that begin with f
    • List of paraphilias that begin with f
    • List of filias that begin with G
    • List of paraphilias that begin with G
    • List of filias that begin with H
    • List of paraphilias that begin with H
    • List of filias that begin with i
    • List of paraphilias that begin with i
    • Filias and paraphilias that begin with J
    • Filias and paraphilias that begin with K
    • Filias and paraphilias that begin with him
    • List of filias that begin with m
    • List of paraphilias that begin with m
    • Filias and paraphilias that begin with n
    • List of filias that begin with or
    • List of paraphilias that begin with or
    • List of filias that begin with p
    • List of paraphilias that begin with p
    • Filias and paraphilias that begin with q
    • List of filias that begin with r
    • List of paraphilias that begin with r
    • List of filias that begin with s
    • List of paraphilias that begin with s
    • List of filias that begin with t
    • List of paraphilias that begin with T
    • Filias and paraphilias that begin with U
    • List of paraphilias that begin with V
    • List of paraphilias that begin with x
    • List of filias that begin with z
    • List of paraphilias that start by z

Types and meanings of philias and paraphilias

Although not necessarily, they usually happen mainly because the person who practices them has already had a very high amount of sexual pleasure, that there comes a time when the little does not satisfy it and wants more and more of that activity to feel the orgasm or get excited. Sometimes we talk about perversion When it comes to depraved or corrupt behaviors.

List of filias that begin with

  • Meaning of acrophilia: Attraction for heights or by high people.
  • Meaning of media: Sexual excitement from exposure to sun rays or feeling the heat of the sun.
  • Meaning of acuchulphilia: Attraction for circumcised penises.
  • Meaning of adolescentism: Dress or act like a teenager. As you will know, a teenager's head is not simple to understand.
  • Meaning of aerophilia: Attraction for the flight and everything related to flying.
  • Meaning of agalmatophilia, galateism, monumentophilia or pigmalionism: The erotic stimulus occurs with naked statues or mannequins.
  • Meaning of agonophilia: Attraction for the fight with the couple. Excitement that arises in the couple after a physical fight.

  • Meaning of added: Attraction for the fact that sexual activity is heard by other people.
  • Meaning of albutophilia: Attraction for bathrooms, hot showers and in general for contact with water.
  • Meaning of algolagnia: It comes from Greek (algos: pain, lagneia: pleasure). Feeling of pleasure (non -sexual) that is obtained by inflicting pain to others.
  • Meaning of Alopeia: Experience orgasm just seeing other people having sex.
  • Meaning of alorgasmia: Excitation from fantasizing during the sexual act with another person other than the couple.
  • Meaning of alotrioastia: Excitation by sexual pairs of other races.
  • Meaning of alveophilia: Attraction for having sex in a bathtub.
  • Meaning of Alvinolagnia: Sexual pleasure is obtained only with the couple's stomach.
  • Meaning of Amaurophilia: Preference for sex with blind people or with bandaged eyes.
  • Meaning of Amelotasis or Amelotatist: Sexual attraction towards people with an amputated member.
  • Meaning of amiquesis: Excitation produced by scratching the couple during the sexual act.

  • Meaning of amomaxia: The excitation is achieved by having sex inside a parked car.
  • Meaning of androginophilia: Attraction for androgynous people, which simultaneously has male and female features.
  • Meaning of androidism: Excitation caused by dolls or robots with human appearance.
  • Meaning of Andromania: Male hypersexuality or desire unfortunate by the practice of sex. This is the male version of the nymphomania. Compulsive condition in a man to have relationships with different people, promiscuously and without being in love. It does not equals Gigoló (who receives a pay)
  • Meaning of Andromimetophilia: Attraction for women dressed as men or behave as such.
  • Meaning of Anglophilia: Admiration or sympathy for English or English.
  • Meaning of Anisonogamia: Attraction for a much younger or much older sexual couple.
  • Meaning of anofelorastia: Excitation that occurs when deepening objects considered sacred.
  • Meaning of anophilemia: Attraction for oral sex over anus and perineum.
  • Meaning of Antolagnia: Pleasure obtained when smelling flowers.
  • Meaning of apothemnophilia: Sexual excitement produced by the idea of ​​being amputated.
  • Meaning of arachnophilia: Spider attraction.
  • Meaning of asphyxiophilia: Asphixiophils find sexual pleasure for suffocation, either seeing it in their partner or self -producing it. Most asphyxiophops do not usually go from a first degree. Even so, it continues to be a very dangerous practice, since the lack of oxygen in the brain can cause irreversible damage. The belief that asphyxiation causes sexual pleasure comes from time immemorial, although the first sources that cite it refer to the seventeenth century, when doctors began to practice it in impotent patients before the belief that a little asphyxiation revived the virile member. This belief came from the fact that the lifeless bodies of the hanged inmates suffered a very frequent postmortem erection. Subsequently it would be discovered that this was simply due to the latest pieces of muscle activity.
  • Meaning of astrafilia: Attraction for thunder and lightning.
  • Meaning of Audiolagnia: The main stimulus comes from the listening of other people performing the sexual act.
  • Meaning of autagonistophilia: Sexual pleasure occurs when seen by other people during the sexual act or being filmed during the same.
  • Meaning of autoasasinophilia: Attraction for the fantasy of being killed or staging the death itself.
  • Meaning of autoasfixiophilia: It is a paraphilia in which sexual excitement is achieved by cutting its breath during masturbation or intercourse.
  • Meaning of self -court: The subject obtains pleasure through the introduction of probes or other objects by his own urethra.
  • Meaning of Autpedostia: It is a paraphilia that occurs in men who only find pleasure by introducing the penis into their own anus.
  • Meaning of autoungulaphilia: Pleasure is obtained by scratching the genitals themselves. In extreme cases it can produce bleeding.
  • Meaning of notodomy: Attraction for having sex with birds.
  • Meaning of axilism: Masturbation within the couple's armpit.

Dictionary of psychological terms

Paraphilias list

  • Meaning of abasiophilia: Sexual attraction by mutilated people, frequently lame or paralitic. So strange sexual taste seems to respond to a matter of customs. According to some experts, in those sites where the polio (causing many lamellae in the population) caused ravages in the middle of the century, the studies indicate that there is preponderance of abasiophiles among those who were adolescents or puberes at that time at that time.
  • Meaning of autoabasyophilia: Attraction for being lame for the idea of ​​becoming a lame.
  • Meaning of accompanying: Excitement for small or shaved genitals.
  • Meaning of acrotomophilia: Sexual excitement is produced by the couple's amputated members.
  • Meaning of agoraphilia: Attraction to open spaces. In the sexual field, it is understood as the excitation produced by sexual activity or exhibitionism in public places.
  • Meaning of something: Attraction for feeling pain. Differs from masochism by the absence of the erotic component.
  • Meaning of altocalcifilia: Attraction for high heel shoes like fetish.
  • Meaning of amokoscisia: Excitement for the desire to punish the sexual couple.
  • Meaning of anastimophilia: Attraction for obese people.
  • Meaning of asthenolagnia: Attraction for humility, humiliation or sexual weakness of the couple.
  • Meaning of autonepiphilia: Excitation is produced by using diapers and being treated as a baby.
  • Meaning of automisophilia: Attraction for being degraded, dirty or corrupted using dirty clothes, for example.

List of filias that begin with B

  • Meaning of Barosmia: Excitation through smell or by certain odors.
    • Meaning of Barosmia Basoexia: Excitation produced only by kisses.
    • Meaning of Barosmia Belonefilia: Attraction to click and needles.
    • Meaning of biastophilia or raptophilia biastophilia: Attraction for violently and by surprise someone against their will.
    • Meaning of Bayandria or Bivirismo Boosmia: Sexual relationship between a woman and two men.
    • Meaning of Blastolagnia Barosmia: Attraction for very young women.
    • Meaning of Bondage Bandage: From the English "to bind", Manatear. Sadomasochistic sexual practice in which one of the participants remains tied.
    • Meaning of Barosmia Botulinonia: Use of a sausage (sausage or sausage) as a dildo.
    • Meaning of barsmia brachioprosis (Brachioprotic eroticism): Sexual practice in which the whole arm penetrates the couple's anus.
    • Meaning of Barosmia Bundling: From the English "Bundle Up", shelter. Excitement for the couple that sleeps in the same bed dressed and without having sex.

List of filias that begin with C

  • Meaning of Candalagnia, Candaulism or Trolism: Excitation produced to see the couple copulating with another person.
  • Meaning of catafilia: Sexual excitement of man when he undergoes his partner.
  • Meaning of catophilia: Sexual excitement is achieved with the use of some type of catheter.
  • Meaning of chezolagnia: The person only manages to excite themselves when masturbating during defecation.
  • Meaning of cinophilia or canophilia: Fond of dogs, canine exhibitions or breeding and care of them.
  • Meaning of Ciprieunia: The person gets excitement only by having relationships with prostitutes.
  • Meaning of claustrophilia: Tendency to remain in closed spaces, closing doors and windows.
  • Meaning of kleptophilia: See Kleptophilia.
  • Meaning of clinophilia: Taste for staying in bed many hours a day without a reason that justifies it.
  • Meaning of Coitolalia: Sexual excitement occurs when speaking during sexual act.
  • Meaning of colpophilia: Attraction towards genitals in general.
  • Meaning of consuerophilia: Sexual excitement produced by sewing areas of the skin with needle and thread.
  • Meaning of co -army: Pleasure obtained by saying obscenities in public.
  • Meaning of Coprolalia: Pathological tendency to utter obscenities.
  • Meaning of chorephaly: Sexual excitement occurs only by practicing anal sex with girls.
  • Meaning of choreophilia: Attraction for erotic dance and dance.
  • Meaning of Coulrophilia: Attraction to clowns, saltimbanquis or jester.
  • Meaning of Cratolagnia: Excitation caused by the strength of the couple, of the Greek Kratos: 'Power'.
  • Meaning of zipatophilia: Attraction produced by paying for sex or being stolen by the sexual couple during the relationship.
  • Meaning of crematic: Attraction for being burned or thinking about burning.
  • Meaning of cryptoscopophilia: Attraction for contemplating the behavior (not necessarily sexual) of other people in the privacy of their home.
  • Meaning of chronophilia: This is a paraphilia in which the subject's age is considered inappropriate with the age of the person subject to sexual attraction. The term was invented by psychiatrist John Money. There are several types: gerontophilia, paidophilia, ephebophilia, infantophilia or nepardia and teleiophilia
  • Meaning of crurophilia: Attraction to contemplate or caress the legs.

  • Meaning of Cunilalia: Excitation obtained by talking about female genitals.
  • Meaning of Cyesolagnia: Sexual excitement is achieved only with pregnant women.

List of paraphilias that begin with C

  • Meaning of Capnolagnia or Capnogalia: Excitation produced by seeing the way in which the other person smokes.
  • Meaning of class: Pathological trend to destroy objects as an abrupt way to externalize an impulse. It is also understood as the obsession for breaking the couple the clothes that are wearing.
  • Meaning of clismapilia: Erotic excitation caused by the injection of some substance in the rectum (such as an enema) while sexual games are held.
  • Meaning of coprophilia: Attraction to see defecate, ingest stool or spread with their own stool or couple.
  • Meaning of Coprolagnia: See coprophilia.

List of filias that begin with D

  • Meaning of deipnophilia: Attraction for desktop conversations.
  • Meaning of demophilia: Attraction towards crowds.
  • Meaning of dextropilia: Attraction to the objects found to the right of the body.
  • Meaning of Dipoldism: Excitation produced by propelling in the buttocks to children.
  • Meaning of dipsophilia: Drink attraction. It applies to any liquid, not only to alcoholic beverages.
  • Meaning of dysmorphophilia: Sexual or emotional attraction towards deformed people.
  • Meaning of Doogging: Sexual excitement when observed by practicing outdoor sex or in the car.
  • Meaning of Dorafilia: Attraction for human skin or animal skins, synthetic or any other type. It also applies to sexual excitement from touching hair.
  • Meaning of Dysmorphophilia: See dysmorphophilia.

List of paraphilias that begin with D

  • Meaning of Dacryfilia or Dacrilagnia: It is a psychosexual disorder that is triggered to see tears in the couple's eyes.
  • Meaning of dendrophilia or inside: Attraction produced when rubbing against trees or vegetables in general.

List of filias that begin with and

  • Meaning of edumolagnia: Desire to travel or be away from home.
  • Meaning of ecuteurism: Listen without consent to other people who have sex.
  • Meaning of ecdiosis: Excitation produced as you undress before strangers.
  • Meaning of emetophilia: Vomiting attraction or the act of vomiting.

  • Meaning of endithophilia or eduolagnia: Excitation produced by seeing the couple dressed.
  • Meaning of eonism: Desire to put on the opposite sex.
  • Meaning of eroto -philia: Attraction for making phone calls (usually anonymous) using erotic or obscene language.
  • Meaning of Eopareunia: Situation in which a very young person has sex.
  • Meaning of Erotomania or Clerambault syndrome: Illusory belief that another person, usually of a superior social status, is in love with her.
  • Meaning of scatophilia: Sexual attraction for feces. To its extreme degree, we talk about coprophagia.
  • Meaning of scathonophilia: See eroto -philia.
  • Meaning of Erotolalia: Sexually stimulate only talking about sex.
  • Meaning of gap: Instinct or compulsive movement towards the pleasant contemplation of other people, either in real life or in cinema.
  • Meaning of spectropilia: Attraction produced by the image reflected in the mirror.
  • Meaning of euphilia: Attraction for the good news.
  • Meaning of exhibitionism: Sexual pleasure is obtained by scaring or creating panic to others through the exposure by surprise of the naked body (or from any of its parts). In the films it is sometimes represented with the walker of the parks that when a victim spot. Exhibitionism is also considered the need to be seen in order to carry out intercourse.
  • Meaning of exophilia or neofilia: attraction to the unusual, bizarro or that leaves the norm.

List of paraphilias that begin with and

  • Meaning of ephebophilia: An adult person's sexual attraction to a teenager or young in the postpubertal stage.
  • Meaning of electrophy or electrocutophilia: Attraction for electricity and electric shocks.
  • Meaning of elephilia: Obsessive attraction by certain tissues.
  • Meaning of stigmatophilia: Attraction produced by the fact that the couple has tattoos, bumps (pyering), sacrifices or scars.

List of filias that begin with f

  • Meaning of fermininophilia: Attraction for people or ugly objects.
  • Meaning of fetishism, partialism or idolism: Need to use objects or talismans of the couple to get excited.
  • Meaning of flatophilia: Attraction for the smell of their own intestinal gases or the couple.
  • Meaning of phonophilia: This is the need to listen to these obscene words during the sexual act.
  • Meaning of Furtling: Excitation produced by introducing a finger through a hole cut in the genital area of ​​a photo or drawing.

List of paraphilias that begin with f

  • Meaning of Falophilia: It implies a great sexual attraction for an erect penis of extraordinary dimensions. The habit of making penis -shaped buns for Holy Week could not be eradicated by Christianity that allowed such buns to continue to make on condition that they carry a cross or called "Cruasán" that is, Cruz Santa.
  • Meaning of formicophilia: Attraction for the contempt of insects or small animals (snails, worms, etc.) On the genitals, the perineal area and the nipples.
  • Meaning of fratrilagnia: Attraction for incestuous sexual relations or by imagining sex with a brother or sister.
  • Meaning of rubbing, rubbing or baconism: The person obtains sexual pleasure by rubbing their genitals against unknown people in a crowd.

List of filias that begin with G

  • Meaning of galactophilia: Attraction for drinking milk from a woman's chest.
  • Meaning of ginonudomania: Compulsion for violently starting clothes to the couple.
  • Meaning of gymnophilia or nudomania: Excitation produced by nudity.
  • Meaning of gynemimetophilia: Sexual attraction for transvestites or by men who dress or behave like women.
  • Meaning of gomfipotism: Excitation caused by teeth.
  • Meaning of Grapholagnia, Iconolagnia or Pictophilia: The achievement of the sexual stimulus occurs only to photos, videos or erotic paintings. It can occur alone or in the presence of the couple.
  • Meaning of Graophilia, Matronolagnia or Anililagnia: sexual attraction of a young person for a much older woman.
  • Meaning of Gregomulcia: Excitement when handed by an unknown person in a crowd.

List of paraphilias that begin with G

  • Meaning of gerontophilia: Sexual attraction of a young person for a much older age.

List of filias that begin with H

  • Meaning of hematophilia: Excitement for seeing or drinking blood.
  • Meaning of hemigolagnia: Sexual attraction for used tampons.
  • Meaning of hydrophilia: Attraction produced by water.
  • Meaning of hygrophilia: Attraction for body fluids in general.
  • Meaning of hypoxifilia: See asphyxiophilia.
  • Meaning of Hirsutophilia: From Latin Hirsutus "rough hair" and Greek philia "love". It is a paraphilia that refers to the attraction for body hair. In this fetishism, frequent both in women and men, the erotic excitation is focused on hairy men or their hairy areas of these.

  • Meaning of homiliophilia: Pleasure derived from preaching a certain creed or religion to weak, simple, credula or innocent people.
  • Meaning of homophilia: From the Greek homos (equal) and philia (attraction). Sexual attraction for people of the same sex.

List of paraphilias that begin with H

  • Meaning of harpaxophilia: Attraction produced to be assaulted or stolen with violence.

  • Meaning of Hebephilia: See ephebophilia.
  • Meaning of hybristophilia: Exorbitant sexual appetite for having relations with rapists, murderers or criminals.
  • Meaning of hierophilia: Sexual attraction for people or sacred objects, such as crosses.
  • Meaning of hifephilia: Sexual pleasure is obtained by touching, feeling or touching against the skin of others such as clothes, hair, skin, etc. Usually, these are objects used in the main erotic zones of the couple's body as intimate clothing.
  • Meaning of hypnophilia: Excitation produced by contemplating sleeping people.

List of filias that begin with i

  • Meaning of iatronudia: See Latronudia.
  • Meaning of infantism (anaclitism): The only excitement comes from imitating the behavior of a child or performing activities of childhood.

List of paraphilias that begin with i

  • Meaning of ipsophilia: Sexual attraction only for oneself.

Filias and paraphilias that begin with J

  • Meaning of Jactitafilia: Pleasure experienced by telling the sexual feats themselves.
  • Meaning of Juvenalism or Youthism: Excitation produced in adults by representing the youth stage of development and being treated as such by the couple.

Filias and paraphilias that begin with K

  • Meaning of keraunophilia: Excitation produced by rays and thunder.
  • Meaning of Knisosophilia: Paraphilia of who feels pleasure when smelling the incense that is usually used in masses.
  • Meaning of kleptophilia or kleptolagnia: It is the fact of having to steal to achieve erotic desire. Erotic excite.
  • Meaning of klismapilia: See clismapilia.
  • Meaning of knismolagnia: sexual excitement produced by tickles.

Mania Dictionary: 76 Manias

Filias and paraphilias that begin with him

  • Meaning of infection: Attraction for the breasts in the period of amazing. It also refers to the sexual excitement caused by looking at a woman breastfeeding or when breastfeeding
  • Meaning of Latronudia: Excitation for undressing before the doctor, generally pretending a ailment.
  • Meaning of lectolagnia: Excitation produced during reading texts of erotic content.
  • Meaning of leptosadism: It is a gentle form of sadism.
  • Meaning of levophilia: Attraction for the objects found to the left of the body.
  • Meaning of ligirophilia: Attraction for strong noises.
  • Meaning of lightness: It is said of people who need total darkness to get excited.
  • Meaning of logizomecanophilia or logisomecanophilia: Attraction to computers.

List of filias that begin with m

  • Meaning of macrogenitalism: Excitement linked to a macrophalo (very large penis).
  • Meaning of maieusiophilia: Attraction for pregnant women.
  • Meaning of maniaphilia: Attraction for madness.
  • Meaning of Martimaclia (Martymachlia): Excitement when observed by other people during sexual relationship.
  • Meaning of melagnia: Sexual excitement caused by music (it does not necessarily have to be music with erotic lyrics).
  • Meaning of menstream or menophilia: Attraction for women in the menstruation period.

  • Meaning of merinophilia: Sexual excitement produced by being tied.
  • Meaning of metalphilia: Attraction for metal and metal objects.
  • Meaning of miscegenation: See alotriorastia.
  • Meaning of microgenitalism: Excitation for small penises (less than 10 cm).
  • Meaning of Mixoscopy or Hirptolagnia: Excitation produced by openly observing other people performing the sexual act. It differs from voyeurism in that, in this case, people know each other observed.
  • Meaning of morphophilia: Attraction for people with certain prominent physical characteristics or prominent elements of the couple (only blond, only obese, women with great breasts, a lunar etc.)
  • Meaning of Moriaphilia: Excitation produced by counting or listening to jokes with sexual content.

List of paraphilias that begin with m

  • Meaning of macrophilia: Attraction for big people or rolls.
  • Meaning of masochism or duololagnia: Sexual pleasure is obtained linked to one's humiliation, torture, abuse or physical suffering (upon receiving cheeks, lashes, pinches, etc.) or moral. It differs from algomania by the presence of the erotic component.
  • Meaning of microphilia: Sexual attraction for small or dwarf people.
  • Meaning of misophilia: See automisophilia.

Dictionary of complexes

Filias and paraphilias that begin with n

  • Meaning of nafephilia: Excitement for touching or being touched by other people.
  • Meaning of nanophilia: Sexual attraction for small or dwarf people.
  • Meaning of narratophilia: Sexual excitement is achieved by telling or imagining erotic stories or using obscene vocabulary in the presence of the couple.
  • Meaning of necroclesis: Attraction for performing the sexual act with a female corpse.
  • Meaning of necrophilia: Attraction towards the dead or sexual perversion of those who obtain erotic pleasure with corpses.
  • Meaning of blackfilia: Attraction towards people of color.
  • Meaning of neofilia: Attraction for the new or exotic. It also refers to the individual who presents a compulsive attraction towards the latest technology objects.
  • Meaning of nepiolagnia or nepiolagnia: Sexual pleasure is obtained when the couple is a child of the opposite sex.
  • Meaning of nepirastia: Excitation produced by having a baby raised.
  • Meaning of nastophilia: Dark Attraction.
  • Meaning of nymphophilia or lolitism: Attraction that some men feel for adolescents or girls who are about to have their first rule. Its male equivalent is called ephebophilia.
  • Meaning of nymphomania: Female hypersexuality. In Latin also it was called furor uterinus. It is an exaggerated sexual appetite of women. The limit of normal is not clearly defined, but it can be said that there is sexual pathology if sexual concerns tend to dominate conscious thinking even after the sexual act has been executed or if sex has such an dominant influence that interferes with Other aspects of the individual's daily life
  • Meaning of nomatophilia: Attraction for names.
  • Meaning of Normophilia: Exclusive excitation for acts considered normal by religion itself or society.
  • Meaning of nosoagnia: Excitation from knowing that the couple suffers from a terminal disease.

List of filias that begin with or

  • Meaning of oclophilia: Excitement of a multitude of people gathered.
  • Meaning of octophilia: Attraction to the figure of 8.
  • Meaning of odophilia: Excitation produced by trips.
  • Meaning of ophidophity: Attraction towards snakes and reptiles in general.
  • Meaning of ophoagnia: Excitation produced by songs or erotic noises.
  • Meaning of olphophilia or olfactophilia: Attraction for the smell of different parts of the couple's body, especially that of erogenous zones.
  • Meaning of omolagnia: Excitation caused when contemplating nudity.
  • Meaning of ornithophilia or notodomy: Fondness for birds.
  • Meaning of orthophilia: Property attraction.
  • Meaning of autumn: Ear attraction.
  • Meaning of Ozolagnia: Excitation produced by strong odors.

List of paraphilias that begin with or

  • Meaning of odexelagnia: Excitation produced by biting or being bitten by the couple.
  • Meaning of osmolagnia: Excitation produced by smells.

List of filias that begin with p

  • Meaning of parthenophilia: Attraction for virgin people.
  • Meaning of partialism: Attraction on a concrete part of the couple's body that does not have explicit sexual connotations, such as feet, hands, etc.
  • Meaning of peodeictophilia or peodeiktophilia: Pleasure is obtained by causing surprise, fainting, shock or panic in a stranger after the illicit exhibition of the penis.
  • Meaning of pediotophilia: Doll attraction.
  • Meaning of itching: Sexual excitement When entering food into one of the cavities of the body so that the couple recovers them with their mouth.
  • Meaning of Pigophilia or Pigotrypsis: Pleasure produced by contact or rubbing with the buttocks.
  • Meaning of pigmalionism, agalmatophilia, galateism or monumentophilia: Sexual attraction by statues or naked mannequins. It comes from pigmalion, a Greek mythological character who fell in love with a statue of his own creation.
  • Meaning of pyrophy or pyrolagnia: Attraction for fire or fires.
  • Meaning of pruning: It is a variant of partialism in which the fetish stimulus are the feet (poto).
  • Meaning of polytyrophilia: Need to have a series of consecutive sexual couples before getting orgasm.
  • Meaning of Ponifilia: Ponies attraction.
  • Meaning of pornolagnia: Frequent the prostitutes company or preference for cohabiting with them.
  • Meaning of pornophilia (from the Greek "porn", harlot and "philos", lover): Attraction for everything related to prostitution and sympathy towards its professionals.
  • Meaning of psychrophilia: Excitation produced by the cold or seeing people with cold.
  • Meaning of pubephilia or gynelophilia: Excitation produced when contemplating or caressing pubic hair.
  • Meaning of pungophilia: Need to be punctured to obtain sexual pleasure.

List of paraphilias that begin with p

  • Meaning of pedophilia: Sexual attraction for children.

Filias and paraphilias that begin with q

  • Meaning of Quinunolagnia: Sexual excitement produced by putting in danger situations.

List of filias that begin with r

  • Meaning of ripophilia: Attraction for dirt.

List of paraphilias that begin with r

  • Meaning of Rabdophilia: Attraction for being flagellated.
  • Meaning of renifleurism: Sexual deviation in which the excitation is due to the smell of urine.
  • Meaning of retifism: Shoes attraction.

List of filias that begin with s

  • Meaning of satiriasis (Donjuanismo): See Andromania.
  • Meaning of exiting: Desire to dirty or damage the body or clothes of the couple.
  • Meaning of somnophilia: Attraction to caress and perform oral sex with a sleeping person until they wake her up. Without using violence.
  • Meaning of Sudorophilia: Sweat attraction.

Fobias Dictionary

List of paraphilias that begin with s

  • Meaning of sadism: The experimentation of erotic pleasure occurs by causing physical pain or humiliation in the couple.
  • Meaning of exit fromopily: Excitation produced by ingesting the saliva or sweat of the couple.
  • Meaning of synphorophilia or simphorophilia: Sexual excitement for organizing, witnessing or imagining a disaster or accident.

List of filias that begin with t

  • Meaning of thesauromania: Fond of collecting objects belonging to the loved one.
  • Meaning of thlipsis or zlipsosis: Excitation from the pinches.
  • Meaning of touchrism: Stimulus that occurs when touching unknown people.
  • Meaning of tragolimia: Compulsive sexual desire without taking into account the attractiveness of the couple.
  • Meaning of transvestophilia: Sexual stimulation depends on the fact of dressing garments, especially interior garments, the other sex.
  • Meaning of traumatophilia: This is a psychological state in which the individual feels pleasure with surgical injuries or interventions.
  • Meaning of Triposophyll or Tripsolagnia: Excitement produced when massaging or making hair washed.

List of paraphilias that begin with T

  • Meaning of taphaphilia: Excitation from being buried alive.
  • Meaning of telephone: Exaggerated hobby for telephone conversations.
  • Meaning of triolism: The excitation depends on openly observing the couple itself having relations with a third person.
  • Meaning of troilism (from French trois): See triolism.

Filias and paraphilias that begin with U

  • Meaning of Undinism: Sexual excitement produced by the swing of the sea.
  • Meaning of urethralism: Introduction of objects in the urethra. It can be autosxual, heterosexual or homosexual.
  • Meaning of uroophilia, urolagnia or undinism: Attraction to see urinating or eating urine.

List of paraphilias that begin with V

  • Meaning of vampirism: Sexual excitement produced by blood extraction.
  • Meaning of Vincilagnia: Excitement for binding.
  • Meaning of voyeurism: Excitation produced when seeing other people performing the sexual act in a surreptitious way, that is, who are observed do not know. The possibility of being discovered can be excited a lot. Some people take it to their limits and risk being discovered because in that way their excitement increases.

List of paraphilias that begin with x

  • Meaning of xenophilia: Attraction for foreigners.
  • Meaning of xenoglysophilia: Preference for foreign languages.

List of filias that begin with z

  • Meaning of Zemifilia: Los Topos Atraction.

List of paraphilias that start by z

  • Meaning of Zelophilia: Attraction produced by the feeling of envy.
  • Meaning of zoophilia (bestialism): Fondness for animals, produced by various causes. It also refers to the sexual pleasure that is obtained by having sexual relations with animals.