They discover that anorexia is not alone in the brain

They discover that anorexia is not alone in the brain

For many years, it has been thinking that Anorexia nervosa It has its origin exclusively in a psychological disorder. However, recent studies argue that this is not entirely true.


  • They detect eight genetic mutations linked to the appearance of anorexia nervosa
  • What are the causes of anorexia nervosa?
  • Anorexia: a disease that can become chronic
    • References

They detect eight genetic mutations linked to the appearance of anorexia nervosa

According to an international study carried out just a few months ago, anorexia nervosa would not only have its roots in psychological causes, as it has always been thought, but there are others genetic alterations that affect metabolism.

These mutations would show that anorexia comes in part of a metabolic disorder, and it is not purely a psychiatric disorder, as said said International study carried out by more than 100 academics.

These findings were published in the scientific journal Nature Genetics. These conclusions also intend to shed some light for the treatment of a disease that every year the lives of thousands of people are charged every year, both men and women, although it is the latter who suffer from the greatest number.

People affected with anorexia are characterized by having severe body weight problems, this being abnormally low, as well as an excessive fear of fattening. Inevitably, these conditions will very negatively affect their health, causing nutritional deficiencies and hormonal mismatches.

Regarding Eight genetic mutations that have been found in relation to the appearance of nervous anorexia, these in turn are related to other psychiatric disorders, along with other metabolic alterations or endocrine nature.

Thanks to the data collected by the Anorexia nervosa genetics initiative and the psychiatric genomics consortium, Thousands of cases of anorexia nervosa at the international level have been analyzed.

Thus, there are certain metabolic and anthropometric features and conditions that affect the genetic basis of anorexia nervosa. In addition, there is also a close relationship with other disorders: anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

What are the causes of anorexia nervosa?

Therefore, and although until a few months ago it was thought that anorexia nervosa had its origin in purely psychological issues derived from psychiatric disorders, this recent international research has determined that genetic components can be equally important.

But, at the same time, we should not forget that other psychological alterations can give rise to anorexia nervosa, and not be merely other symptoms derived from it.

Therefore, patients with reduced self -esteem, anxiety problems or tendency to episodes of depression, They can be affected by food disorders and lead to anorexia.

Mainly in very young people, who have not yet been developed and present self -esteem problems or to relate to others. It is in these cases that special attention must be paid to any minimum change in behavior.

In Spain, the vast majority of people with anorexia nervosa (around 75 % of the affected population), are boys and girls of only 12 to 14 years of age. It is undoubtedly an already very problematic and conflicting stage, in which many young people are still very vulnerable to third -party opinions.

Unfortunately, the false but very widespread beliefs about perfection make too much dent at very deep levels about women and men, thus giving rise to psychological disorders, as a result of an obsession to always be perfect (something totally impossible).

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Anorexia: a disease that can become chronic

Similarly, statistics do nothing but confirm how difficult it is to leave a disease with psychiatric background such as anorexia nervosa. Many patients fall again and again despite continuing treatment.

Therefore, many of them continue to cohabit with the disease, which has already become a chronic disorder. There may be better or worse gusts, in which the patient has a better mood and health. But anorexia is still there.

The support of the family and loved ones thus becomes an indispensable basis to deal with each stage of the disease, which in most cases can extend for much longer from the expected.

After the latest conclusions extracted from the international study carried out this last year, new solutions or approaches can appear to help alleviate the effects of anorexia and achieve more effective treatments.

Only after a holistic approach, in which there is no random factor that can affect the success of the treatment, and always under the prism of understanding and attention at all times, we can provide all those people with anorexia of the entire help they need.


  • Hunna J. Watson, Zeynep Yilmaz, […] Cynthia M. Bulik. Association study of the entire genome identifies eight risk loci and implies metabo-psychiatric origins for anorexia nervosa. https: //
  • Keski-Rahkonen, a. and Mustelin, l. ANDasking of eating disorders in Europe: prevalence, incidence, comorbidity, course, consequences and risk factors. Curr. Opinion. Psychiatry 29, 340-345 (2016).