Reactive depression What is your symptoms?

Reactive depression What is your symptoms?

Depression is one of the most common and disabling psychological disorders that determines the lives of thousands of people every day. The work for their appropriate diagnosis and treatment is part of the objectives of many professionals and scientists today and the information is key for the affected people and their relatives to identify the symptoms and seek professional help. Today we talk about the reactive depression, a subtype of depression that can affect many people in key moments of their life and that can be treated effectively.


  • What is reactive depression?
  • Differences between reactive depression and endogenous depression
  • Symptoms of reactive depression
  • Treatment of reactive depression
    • Links of interest

What is reactive depression?

The depressieithern reactive, also known as "situational depression", appears in response to A situation that produces great anxiety and a deep state of hopelessness in a person. These traumatic events can be divorces, separations, losses of loved ones, labor or health problems, among many other episodes that may have caused pain in people.

Reactive depression is a form of depression that arises following the experimentation of Highly stressful events For the person and whose origin and development is connected to these changes. Unlike the endogenous depression, The one that arises without a fundamental stressful event, its development can be of shorter duration, however its acuity can become very problematic for those affected.

Its appearance and development also responds to these contextual situations, to personal characteristics based on the learning and genetics of each person, characteristics that make some people develop depression after some events, while others do not.

Differences between reactive depression and endogenous depression

Although depression is a general disorder with common symptoms, there are some factors that differentiate some depression subtypes from others.

As we have said previously, the endogenous depression It is the one that develops without the need for a stressful contextual event to occur. It is often said that endogenous depression has a strong genetic component and that its causes are more biological, due to certain cerebral chemical changes, than psychosocial.

The reactive depression On the contrary. Although personal characteristics are also important, this type of disorder is influenced by the events of the individual's life.

How our mood affects decision making

Symptoms of reactive depression

All forms of depression have common symptoms characterized by serious change in the mood that usually leads people to experience a State of helplessness, sadness, nervousness, irritation or inactivity, Among many other factors. While some people may experience great sadness and cries, others may experience a strong state of anxiety or affective blockade. The most common symptoms of depression, which can vary from one person to another are:

  • Feelings of hopelessness, sadness and/or anxiety
  • Weight changes and intake patterns
  • Energy loss or feeling of tiredness
  • Lack of interest in things that previously stimulated the person
  • Anhedonia, inability to feel pleasure
  • Slow movements
  • Isolation and lack of interest in social situations
  • Concentration and memory problems
  • Headaches
  • Digestive problems
  • Irritation and nervousness
  • Anxiety
  • Frequent cries
  • Changes in sleep quality, with loss of sleeping hours or excessive sleep
  • Behavioral problems, such as irrational behaviors such as drug intake and other negligent behaviors.
  • Death or suicide thoughts

Treatment of reactive depression

The most effective treatment for reactive depression is cognitive behavioral therapy. Through this therapy, distorted thought patterns that maintain disabling behaviors and ideas are worked. Behavioral cognitive psychologists identify and try to understand these thoughts and emotions that the patient has come to internalize and work on the replacement of these ideas with more realistic and beneficial ones for the patient. It is also common for mental health professionals to recommend a pharmacological treatment with antidepressants or anxiolytics that should always be prescribed by medical professionals. If you or any acquaintances believe to present symptoms of a reactive depression, do not hesitate to consult your problem with a health professional. It is very important to treatment of this type of disorders for the improvement of the patient's quality of life and with the help of a good professional will be able to work this difficulty in the most effective and beneficial way possible.

Links of interest

  • Depression, types, signs, symptoms and treatment. Marta Gueri. https: //
  • Reactive Depression: A Complete Guide to This Hidden Activator. Douglas Mackliff. https: //
  • Reactive Depression. https: //