Atypical depression, a depression class

Atypical depression, a depression class

The term depression is usually mentioned normally in daily conversations. However, there is much misinformation about him.

This clinical picture is one among many and, in turn, There are different manifestations of it within depression. Atypical depression is one of the many types of depression that someone can suffer.

In this article we will give you information about this condition that paralyzes, anguish and prevents the normal course of everyday life. If you want to know what atypical depression is, its main signs, symptoms and how it can be overcome through a treatment, keep reading.


  • Depression is not sadness
  • Atypical depression: what does it imply
  • Main symptoms of atypical depression
  • Possible causes of atypical depression
  • How to treat atypical depression
    • Resources

Depression is not sadness

The confusion between sadness and depression is the most common. However, they are very different concepts that must know how to differentiate.

Sadness is one among the many emotions that human beings can experience throughout our lives. Events, some of them everyday, can become sad: losing a precious job, an object of value, disapproving an important exam, they are situations that can trigger sadness. An emotion is momentary and, sadness like all of them, usually happens with the minutes or hours.

However, Depression is not an emotion, but a clinical picture. If sadness in a person endures, or even worsens, with the passing of days, this could be a sign of depression and we should alert ourselves.

Someone depressive, feels immensely sad, loses interest in carrying out activities, in spending time with people who love, even getting out of bed. This feeling is sustained, it becomes lasting in time. Of course, the daily life of the depressive person is affected, moving away from everything he did for having lost his interest in life in general.

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It is not necessary to have a specific age to suffer from depression. It can take place in children, adolescents, adults and older adults. Of course, once diagnosed, the patient must take an indicated treatment, in order to overcome the picture.

Atypical depression: what does it imply

Depression is, without a doubt, a complex psychic phenomenon. And, as such, it can be expressed in various ways, with differences between particular cases.

Depression implies sadness, abandonment, unhappiness and melancholy. When it becomes a clinical picture, these feelings charge an important weight on the person who suffers from it. They They prevent the course of their daily life in harmony or as normally it would be, for a prolonged period of time.

Now, let's go to the issue of interest in our article: atypical depression. Although his name makes it associate with a rare or unusual issue, it is not really. Atypical depression is one among depression classes.

In atypical depression, symptoms of unipolar or greater depression are manifested, where more than one depressive episode characterized by the loss of the patient's interest in life and their activities in general occur.  Now, another symptomatology also develops, which makes it particular.

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Main symptoms of atypical depression

Like any clinical picture, atypical depression has certain symptoms that are characteristic, and differentiate it from the rest of the depression classes. While the symptoms, between patient and patient, we will tell you which are those characteristic:

  • Hypersensitivity, That is, people are more sensitive in general in any situation that they can go through, whether positive or negative,
  • Episodes of depression that occur, temporarily, in positive situations. For example, by giving good news such as the approval of an exam, or a job rise.
  • Notorious and sudden increase in appetite and, therefore, of body weight.
  • Exhausted, and a constant need to sleep, although they have already done. Patients with atypical depression are normally lying or resting due to their extreme fatigue.
  • Inability to perform daily tasks and, even suicidal thoughts.

While, as we advance, many of these symptoms coincide with those attributed to major depression, The atypical depression picture includes peculiarities such as reacting to objectively positive events in an exaggerated way, as if they were negative. That makes her particular.

Possible causes of atypical depression

It does not exist, as usually happens for this kind of clinical paintings, a single identifiable factor trigger for it. Atypical depression has a multicausal origin, so they participate in causing genetic, cultural and educational elements. So it cannot be said what was the main reason that it led to contracting it.

It is usually associated with this kind of depression to the period of adolescence, since it is during this when it commonly begins to demonstrate. Some parenting environments, such as abusive ones, can return to someone prone to atypical depression, as well as certain genetic conditions such as communication failures between nerve cells and have relatives who have suffered from some kind of depression.

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How to treat atypical depression

Depression, once identified and diagnosed, should be treated for the proper improvement of the patient with adequate psychotherapy, which allows patients re -acquire habits that improve their quality of life and return the well -being.

It is one of the most chosen for these paintings Cognitive behavioral therapy (TCC), which acts directly by intervening habits and beliefs. In addition, this kind of treatment is usually accompanied by medical treatments with the recipe for psychotropic.

Identifying the symptoms of depression is crucial to be able to arouse suspicion. Atypical depression is regular, however contradictory it sounds. Therefore, and especially if we live with teenagers, the ideal is to know about it to, in case of the presence of their signs, go to a professional.

Depression can be a serious picture, but it is not irremediable at all. With the correct treatment, will and accompaniment it is extremely possible.


  • Benazzi, f. (2006). VARIOUS FORM OF DEPRESSION. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 8 (2), 151.
  • Brown, g. W., & Harris, t. EITHER. (1989). Depression. New York: Guilford.
  • Johnson, c. M. Atypical depression.
  • Ojeda Figueroa, C. (1992). Atypical depression: conceptual history. Rev. Chil. Neuro-Psiquiat, 287-93.