Sport, psychological well -being, health and mindfulness good proposals to change our life

Sport, psychological well -being, health and mindfulness good proposals to change our life

He sport is being key in the current life of all. And today there are numbers the new sports and physical activities that have broken out exponentially into our lives. Skating, Triathlon, Ironman, Kit-Surf, Ultra Marathons, etc ..

And since not the introduction of sports psychology and physical activity is being very useful when providing added value to our physical activities and sports. It helps us maintain our motivation, meet our objectives, reduce our anxiety in competition, manage the sports careers of our elite athletes, manage the psychological exhaustion of our athletes, achieve sports successes, cohesive our groups-equipos, prevent and recover sports injuries of our athletes, etc ..

Various scientific studies have shown that physical exercise and sports have effects on the psychological and physical well -being of people who practice it.

At the physiological level:

  • Increase cerebral blood flow.
  • Changes in brain neurotransmitters (P. Ex: norepinephrine, endorphins and serotonin).
  • Increase in maximum oxygen consumption and its distribution to brain tissues).
  • Reduction of muscle tension.
  • Structural changes in the brain.

At a psychological level:

  • Physical exercise reduces anxiety and depression.
  • It produces emotional stability.
  • Produces positive changes in mood.
  • They increase self -esteem.
  • Positive social interactions are given.
  • Opportunities for fun and enjoyment.
  • Intensification of control feelings.
  • Feelings of competition and self -confidence are generated.

The exercises that are characterized by abdominal respiration and repetitive movements have shown that improving mood.

We must highlight the physical exercise decreases:

  • Labor absenteeism.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Confusion.
  • Depression.
  • Strain.
  • Stress.
  • Labor errors.

Physical exercise can improve well -being in special cases such as:

  • HIV.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Cancer.

In the last decade in Spain the practice of mindfulness has been introduced to improve our lives. To handle stress and difficult situations or as a practice to cultivate our well -being.

Through the use of meditation techniques, people are taught to reduce conflict and internal fighting levels in their lives, and learn to be in our lives more attentive to the present moment, to the here and now, even in times of pain and difficulties.

When a person practices Mindfulness While doing any sport, he learns to enjoy and savor with full attention much more the sensations of the body in motion.

One gets carried away by the experience of all the senses. Feeling the body in contact with the air or wind, feeling the touch of the hands or feet (as in golf or in football) when feeling the contact of the body sliding and flowing on the water in the swimming. We are going from the way of thinking to the way of feeling, and one begins to discover the incredible intelligence that the human body possesses to develop the different skills that each sport requires and to open and realize the immense field of the senses. One disconnects largely from thoughts, and gets carried away by body sensations. Practicing sports with full attention is connected to their own sensations and with breathing and converts the moments into much more lived.

Mindfulness's mental training helps us increase concentration and not let us distract from something other than game itself or physical exercise. But above all we will discover a new dimension of experience, and to get carried away by the enjoyment of our favorite sport.

The athlete's satori, in the sport of state of harmony between body, mind and emotions, in which the athletes capable of paying to the fullest, that is produced:

  • When the mind, released from internal distractions, is nothing more than pure attention to the present.
  • When emotions, freed from any uncomfortable tension, manifest as pure motivation.
  • When the body, completely relaxed and full of energy is sensitive and is open to life.

At that time when in that state, emotions are isolated from the body, which is attentive and dynamic, an optimal state to get the maximum performance any athlete.

With all these news introduced in the world of sport that are contributing a lot of benefits, we cannot stay motionless without entering the world of sports and physical exercise, we recommend it, your life will change.

Author: Ana Tostado Domingo
Personal superior coach. Sports and physical activity psychologist.