Digital dementia Does Internet make us dumb?

Digital dementia Does Internet make us dumb?

The brain is a unique and beautifully complex system, it is also a tremendously adaptable organ, in constant learning and reconstruction.

When we go in front of a computer for a long time, for example, playing action video games, brain knows how to optimize to deal with this challenge. Among other things, It is able to improve in fine motor skills, receptivity and decision -making capacity: One learns in the true meaning of the word. On the other hand, it has been observed that spending many hours on the Internet, worsens our cognitive and memorial skills.


  • What is digital dementia
  • How does the use of intensive means to the brain of children and adolescents affect?
  • Are new technologies so dangerous?
    • Conclusions
    • References

What is digital dementia

The Digital dementia It is the new diagnostic concept popularized by the Dr. Manfred Spitzer, German psychiatrist and neuroscientist, who has focused his career on the study of the brain and has been warning of new technologies for years. It's about a disorder caused by the addictive use of digital media.

According to Spitzer, the continued use of these devices causes that "cognitive performance and memory decrease". You are convinced that digital media, including educational applications and programs, reduce the level of effort and mental work.

He speaks of "Dementia and Spiritual Decadence". Apparently, doctors from South Korea recognized the existence of a connection between modern media and spiritual decline in young adults in their country, although there are no serious studies on the subject.

Manfred Spitzer

Spitzer is convinced that spending a lot of time with digital media puts us at some way at risk, since it leads us to think less, and if we think less, we also store less.

And as we know, Google makes life easier, but this wonderful ease that we like so much, entails a lower level storage of knowledge in our brain due, precisely, to the lack of effort that requires locating any information we are looking for, among other things.

Apparently, the little need for mental work provided by new technologies, reduces our consultation capabilities, reducing our level of analysis and general reasoning, which in turn generates other unwanted secondary physical effects such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, etc.

This is especially important for our mental health. As Spitzer states, "we are intellectually efficient through a brain that works", but when we do not enhance this capacity, The amount of nerve cells is reduced, and then we feel incompetent and also more depressed.

Spitzer puts daily examples such as the use of GPS in the car. Explain the case of a man who usually used this device to guide himself and reach his destination. When they stole it and had to face or conduct themselves in driving without him, he realized the great effort that represented him to reach his destiny. Apparently I only had a pretty vague idea of ​​the journeys to places where I had been several times. He did nothing but miss again and again, causing him a great frustration.

The use of the brain generates a growth of the brain areas that are most used. Therefore, Our brain works similarly to a muscle: if used it grows; If not used, atrophy.

How does the use of intensive means to the brain of children and adolescents affect?

For this German doctor: "Our brain performance capacity depends on the mental effort we are submitted to". If we stop memorizing, it is because we do not need it anymore, so we relax and our memoirs cease to be active, atrophy.

Neurologists are realizing that younger and more young people between 20 and 30 are affected by what they believe is a memory problem and it is nothing other than the Lack of mental exercise that has been replaced by new technologies. Surely this is why, although his book has been number one in sales in his country, he is hated by many teenagers.

Everything we do, we think, etc. Change our brain. That is why The intensive use of the media affects the structure of our brain. In most cases, however, these changes are so subtle and individually different, that they cannot be analyzed with current brain research methods. This is only possible when they exist with very large or important effects. It is visible, for example, in large mobile phone users, as areas of the brain that are involved in thumb movements are extended.

In adolescents, it should be taken into account that Puberty is a special phase brain transformation. However, brain research related to these issues is just beginning, so we know relatively little about the structural changes in the brain of adolescents who massively use the media.

Neuronal pruning: what is it and what is it for us

Spitzer also shows little sympathy for the mass implantation of computers in classrooms. According to him, "A computer at school does not change the student's performance Not at all and one in the classrooms for young people even worsen it, "he says. This is based on the data analysis of a PISA study of 250,000 15 -year -old students. The conclusion was that computers interfere with learning.

Overcorrection in behavior modification, how it works

Are new technologies so dangerous?

It is not his intention to demonize digital media, but explains that when there is a great brain impact, there are also risks and side effects. It even goes further by saying that "if the total population is observed, you can see how mental performance has already been affected by digital media today".

But let's not be scared, remember that in the past it was already feared with the invention of the printing press that books and excess reading could be harmful to health, which has been shown to be totally false. Similar reactions also occurred with the introduction of radio and television.

It is also interesting to comment in this context that The number of dementia cases has increased dramatically in recent years, especially in the case of the elderly, but they have not yet had the opportunity to modify their brains through the massive consumption of digital devices.


Various research has studied the possible harmful consequences of the abuse of new technologies on the human brain, although these studies are still in a very initial phase, since they are relatively new tools in our society. Even science has already suggested ways to prevent negative cognitive effects from occurring. However, There are no guidelines that help young adults to live with technology, and there is also no guide to prevent them from becoming addicted to their electronic products.


  • https: // _-_ an_investigation_into_young_adults%27_challenge_to_prevent_digital_dementia
  • https: // www.Droemer-Knaur.DE/LIVERBOE.PDF
  • Spitzer, m. "Digital dementia". 2013 No fiction. Zeta Group