What are the effects of skin and body stress?

What are the effects of skin and body stress?

Did you know that stress can generate serious skin problems of your whole body? Discover what its main consequences are and how to control it.

One of the most frequent resistances through which we usually go to the moments of crisis is stress. Here enters the Covid-19 pandemic with its restricted measures and isolation, but also any other work or personal personal circumstance.

In fact, according to INE data, Spain is the European country that suffers the most stress for work causes, and a Study endorsed by Seas (Spanish Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress) states that 12 and a half million Spaniards suffer from it.

We certainly do not attribute to stress the importance that it truly has. We do not pay attention to the signals and continue to force ourselves above our possibilities. The Consequences of stress affect both physical and psychological health since they are increasingly extensive and much more frequent.

Today we will talk about how stress and anxiety can harm skin health.


  • Meaning of stress
  • Effects of stress on our health
    • 1. Depression and anxiety
    • 2. Skin conditions and hair loss
    • 3. Menstrual problems
    • 4. Digestive alterations
    • 5. Weight problems
    • 6. Sexuality and reproductive system
  • Tips for handling stress in your health
    • 1. Identify stress factors
    • 2. Perform exercise
    • 3. Meditate
      • References

Meaning of stress

Stress is a psychophysiological reaction that occurs in the body in the face of excessive environmental demand.

When it is perceived that the external demand exceeds our abilities to face, stress appears. It is at that time when a hormonal jump is launched that aim to help us take action.

The problem begins when this disorder is maintained in time and is chronified. If this happens, a mechanism designed to activate in the resolution of a specific problem, is placed unwaveringly in our lives. Acceleration intact, the continuous hormonal flow ends up wearing our energy, unbalancing our internal state and seriously affecting our health.

Effects of stress on our health

1. Depression and anxiety

Chronic long -lasting stress can generate states of depression anxiety. In addition to hormonal disorder and active wear that stress implies all the main spaces involved in a good state of health.

Alterations in sleep appear, food loses quality and social relationships suffer. All this It can contribute to the person to begin to experience anxious and depressive symptoms.

2. Skin conditions and hair loss

Among the conditions that stress and anxiety can cause are cutaneous eruptions such as acne or eczema They can be caused by continuous pressure states; others most common conditions would be atopic dermatitis or psoriasis they sharpen and worsen. In addition, hair loss can be prevented, which in some cases can converge in total baldness.

3. Menstrual problems

It is very common that, in states of stress, irregularities are generated in the menstrual period. They can appears intensely painful rules and sometimes menstruation is usually repeated in severe cases.

The explanation to this phenomenon is found in the hormonal imbalances that originates a state of prolonged stress.

4. Digestive alterations

Stress alters the functioning of the digestive system; makes heavy digestions lead us to feel something heavy. Besides, Dregulates intestinal transit and is closely related to the appearance of stomach ulcers, since the production of digestive acids that enhance this type of problem increases.

5. Weight problems

Sometimes sustained stress encourages us to eat compulsively, the so -called emotional food. In the absence of other more appropriate resources to manage the situation, we turn to food to emotionally balance. In addition to this situation the brain stops correctly perceiving satiety signals. For all this Stress frequently relates to overweight even with diabetes.

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6. Sexuality and reproductive system

If there is something that experts agree on, it is that stress is exhausting both for the body and the mind. That is why the American Institute of Stress says, no It is rare to lose sexual desire in moments of great stress. If stress is maintained for a long time, a man's testosterone levels can begin to decrease, affecting sperm production causing erectile or impotence dysfunction.

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Tips for handling stress in your health

When the impact of health stress is controlled, it can be reduced. That is why we recommend that you try these tips when you feel stressed.

1. Identify stress factors

Recognize the feelings of stress What is you eating you? Is work, money a relationship? Once you know the reason that your health is affecting, it begins to handle stress in a healthy way.

2. Perform exercise

Being more active is one of the easiest and best way to overcome stress. Walking, running, bicycle, pruning the garden, practicing yoga, are elements that can change your approach as well as the hormones of your brain.

When you You feel happier, You can keep stress under control. Daily exercise and movement are essential to balance the effects of stress.

3. Meditate

Meditating helps to lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety and tension. So, if you feel stressed, try this relaxation or awareness technique to help it.

If you are faced stress problem, you should know that there are different ways to handle it. Pedro Adrados points out some key issues such as reorganization and rethinking of the stressful situation, enhancing effective coping and an attitude focused on making changes in stressful contexts. In addition, recommends the practice of relaxation and physical exercise techniques as well as the help of specialists to help reduce physiological activation levels.

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  • Adams j. (2000). Stress: a friend for life. Buenos Aires. Kier Editorial
  • Orlandini a. (1999) The stress that is and how to overcome it. Mexico: science for all. 2nd. Edition.
  • Stora, b. (1991). What do I know about stress? Cross Publications 1° Mexico City. p.p. 3-37.
  • Ros Fuentes, J.TO. (2007). Physical activity + health. Towards an active lifestyle. Ministry of Health of the Region of Murcia.
  • Rosalba e., (nineteen ninety six). Traditional and popular medicine. Mexico First Edition.
  • Paracelsus, j. (nineteen ninety six). The magical plants. Hidden botany dictionary. Barcelona, ​​Spain). Editions 29.